5 Ways Vision Boards Help You Reach Your Goals

Do you have a goal-setting practice? Ever thought about incorporating vision boards into a goal-setting practice?

When was the last time you allowed yourself to daydream about the life that you want? Let’s have some fun and align our goals with our dreams. In this post, I will talk about 5 ways you can use vision boards to help you reach your goals.

A lot of people have a distinct fear of failure when it comes to goals. If you don’t set any goals, it’s a lot easier not to fail. Maybe you’re like me and you cringe a little bit when you hear the word goal or run away.

Discover how to use vision boards for goal-setting in such a fun way that you never, never will ever feel like a failure you didn’t get to your goal, because you know what? When you set those goals, the closer you get to them is progress. It doesn’t matter if you achieve it or not, the fact that you are on the journey is proof of progress and growth.

Creating vision boards has been a real popular topic over these last few years. Especially around the time of the end of the year and the new year. In January, February people start thinking about what they want to accomplish in the new year.

Any time of the year is a great time to get started on a vision board. Don’t put off making your vision board. Your time is now.

Let’s explore the different ways to incorporate vision boards into your goal-setting practice to help you achieve those goals in a fun creative way.

Vision boards for goal setting makes you focus on what is important to you.

Whether you use one visual board for everything or divide it up into segments is a personal choice on how you want to use vision boards for goal-setting.

Check out my blog post, “Five Ways to Use Vision Boards” where I talk about how to actually break your vision boards down into different categories. This makes the entire process a lot easier and less overwhelming, plus more focused and effective.

No matter your system that you use, you want to think about what you want in your life and to prioritize what is important.

As creatives, we have all these different ideas and desires but if we don’t focus our energy in an aligned direction, nothing will get accomplished.

Use vision boards to change your location

Do you want to buy a house or move to a warmer climate? Putting a picture of yourself working on the beach or a house on the beach will allow you to stay focused on your happy end result. This way, you will be open to more opportunities to align you to your happy end result.

If you want to move, you alone can make that happen. You’ll make better business decisions based on that desire to move. If you want to move to Spain, gather pictures of Spain and put that on your vision board so you can really envision yourself moving to Spain.

Visualization stimulates the creative side of our brain

Placing your vision board beside your computer or desk, serves as a daily reminder of what you want to achieve. Some believe keeping it open on your nightstand while you sleep, helps stimulate the subconscious before you go to bed which motivates you upon waking.

With your creativity soaring because of your vision board for goal setting practice, keep a notebook nearby to jot down ideas. You may come up with a new course or coaching program that will get you closer to your happy end result.

Focusing on your goals help create new opportunities

Visualizing yourself living in a warmer climate or whatever your primary goal is, will motivate you to work towards that goal. As a result, you’ll also notice new opportunities or resources leading you closer to reaching your goal.

These resources may have always been present but now that you’ve focused on your goal, you’ll see them in a new light. Most likely you will release resistance when you have a deep embedded why.

Vision boards for goal setting helps you break out of your comfort zone.

Vision boards help you break out of your comfort zone. You may be stuck in a rut because it’s comfortable in that rut. Acknowledging your goals and your desire, as scary as they may be, are great motivators to help you get out of that rut.

If your goal is to reach a hundred thousand people online then you’ll start to see opportunities. Break down your larger goals into smaller achievable goals. For instance,  how many people you can reach via your youtube channel, emails, or your Facebook page. You can break down those big scary goals into smaller segments. These smaller opportunities will give your name recognition. People will start sharing your content and products with others that also need your guidance.

How you can break this down on your vision board is by putting numbers specific to your goals. If you want 10,000 people on your email list put that on your vision board. Perhaps you want 5,000 people to like your Facebook page. Put that on your vision board.

As a result, if your final goal is to reach 100,000 people, you can find different ways on how you can reach them in different mediums online

Seeing that big goal forces you out of daydream and into action.

Nothing happens without action on your part. Vision boards are not magic tricks. They are a tool that inspires us to get into action. Visualize your ideal life then approach each day with action steps to get you there.

Aside from these reasons, vision boards can be a lot of fun to make, super relaxing and help you get closer to your goals visually.

Are you ready to create those vision boards but you just don’t know how to start? Check out my online vision board workshop.

Kiss the ordinary goodbye and step into your dream life.

My vision board workshop is specifically designed for creatives, coaches and entrepreneurs who are wanting some guidance on how to get a vision board going that’s going to actually be effective in achieving your desired goals.

I can’t promise that you’re going to make million dollars and move to Bali with my vision board workshop but I can promise you this, with your vision board close at hand you’ll be on your way for your best year ever in biz and life.

How much is that worth to you?

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  1. […] Need more ideas on how you can use vision boards to help you reach your goals? Check out my blog post, “Five Ways to Use Visual Boards to reach your goals.” […]

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