How to Make a Vision Board Online in Under 15 Minutes

Has overwhelm stopped you from creating vision boards? Perhaps you tried to make vision boards in the past and they were a fail.

I have got you covered. In this post, learn how to make a vision board online in less than 15 minutes.

What exactly is a vision board?

A vision board is where we put pictures that we want to use to visualize changes in our life. You can use them for goals, for targets, different aspects of your life. If you tried to make a vision board in the past and it just didn’t work, most likely you just threw a lot of images on one board and thought it was going to be magic and it would work.

Online vision boards are vision boards that we make online. The biggest plus for having an online vision board is that you can access it anywhere you are in the world. Your online vision boards go where you go.

Vision boards aren’t necessarily all magic.

If we use vision boards properly, it can really help speed up the manifestation process. What helps do that? When we’re focused, when we have a vision board with something that we want to align to that’s focused.

Use no more than one or at the most two items on that vision board that you want to attract into your life with a corresponding statement that you will think about and say when you look at your vision board. Plus if you want to supercharge that vision board, you want to combine it with some energetic statements as well.

Vision boards only work if you look at them.

Visualize and feel how you’d feel if you attracted your desires into your life. To supercharge your vision board, feel the gratitude in your life now for what you’re attracting.

Since online vision boards go where you go, you can easily look at them on your phone while you are waiting in line at the supermarket etc.

No more putting off making vision boards any longer.

I will show you the exact step-by-step process how to create a vision board online that works! Let’s get started.

We are going to start our vision board process in Trello, my favorite organizing platform. Get Trello here! It’s FREE! Once you have your account, click on the plus sign and say create board.

You can name your board vision board and then pick your team. If you’re just starting out in Trello, you won’t have any teams.

After you’ve created your board, you have the option to change your background which I would suggest changing it to something that you would like.

Now, I’ve already created my Trello board here so I have our cards set up and you can have as many cards as you want. My vision board cards are labeled health, biz, love, wealth, social. You can label your vision board cards with whatever topics you wish.

Start with only two or three goals.

To start, just put two or three goals right now in one of these cards. It is a good idea to set a timer for only three minutes as you complete this step. Remember for now, only pick two or three goals that you know you have in one of these categories.

For example on your health card, you want to have daily movement, add it to the card. On the backside, you can create a checklist by clicking checklist. Click add and then write in what specifically you are talking about. The more specific you can be the better. So I have 20 minutes of yoga, 30 minutes fast walk. Then the next step is to find images for these for your vision board.

Declare biz targets.

In this demonstration, I’m going to use my goals and targets for biz. One of my targets is to have ten thousand heart-centered women in my tribe, on my email list, my Facebook group and my second target is a more sleek home office. I am pretty happy with my home office but we can always have upgrades so I have my checklist of upgrades.

After you have decided on your goals, then head on over to Pinterest and you want to find images that represent what you’re looking for. Take a screenshot of that image (as long as you are only using the image for personal use and not publishing to your website you are not breaking copyright laws.)

Now that you have your images collected, head on over to to Canva. You can get Canva here. This is the free version of Canva. Once you’re in Canva, just click create a design and it could be a poster. Head on over to uploads and upload your media. You can just do this by clicking upload. I have the images here already and then you just start to drag and drop them in.

Download your vision board.

Once you’ve created your vision board in Canva, you want to export it as a png and not as a PDF. The reason why, is because we want to get that on your phone as a wallpaper. Save it to your vision board folder titled the topic of your vision board, in my case, biz.

Be sure to put a date on it so you know when you created it. After that, then you’re ready to export it to your phone.

Save your vision board to your phone.

It was super easy for me to get my vision board on my phone because I use Dropbox. If you use dropbox and saved your vision board in dropbox, you can open it from your dropbox app on your phone and click the image to save to your photos.

Otherwise, you can email yourself the photo. Most importantly you get the image to your phone in some way or another.

Once you have your vision board saved to the photos in your phone, open the photo and click lower left hand corner you and then click on use as wallpaper. Click set. You want to put it as your lock screen. That way you can easily see your vision board every single time you go to your phone.

Look at your vision board multiple times a day.

Vision boards don’t work if you don’t look at them. This is why online vision boards are super convenient. You always have it with you.

Those seconds that you see the vision board, say out loud the statement that you have on the vision board.

For instance, feel yourself in that moment. Feel how would you feel if you completed what you have on your vision board.

Your go to vision board formula

Know that this is a formula to make online vision boards that you can repeat over and over for different topics.

The most important thing is that you just get one vision board done and you stay super focused.

Go ahead and let me know in the comments below that you have completed your first vision board.

If you need more help in creating your vision boards, I know you would absolutely love my vision board workshop. In the workshop you get even more support to help you see those targets that you want to reach on a daily basis, practice visualization and achieve your dreams.

Need more ideas on how you can use vision boards to help you reach your goals? Check out my blog post, “Five Ways to Use Visual Boards to reach your goals.”

I’ll see you there.

In all things high vibe,

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  1. […] Need some help? I have got you covered in my post “How to Create a Digital Vision Board in Under 15 Minutes.” […]

  2. […] Canva has a free option and a paid option. I use the free option and get along just fine. It’s a great place to create a collage with the photos that you have collected. I talk more in detail how to use Canva to create your online digital vision board in my post, How to Create an Online Digital Vision Board in under 15 minutes. […]

  3. […] and your energetic statements you’re ready to take it to Canva. Be sure to check out my post how to create a vision board online in 15 minutes for more […]

  4. […] and your energetic statements you’re ready to take it to Canva. Be sure to check out my post how to create a vision board online in 15 minutes for more […]

  5. […] If you want to make a vision board online that you can have on your phone at all times, definitely check out my post, how to make a vision board online in less than 15 minutes. […]

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