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5 Step Goal System Process

Are you ready to achieve your goals? The 5 Step Goal Setting Process can help you gain clarity and structure, allowing you to stay focused and motivated as you work towards your dreams.

1.Present Moment Check

What is in your reality right now? There are probably some things that you like and some things that you don’t like. Are you taking the most out of the things that you do like?

Are you grateful for what you currently have in your present moment? Gratitude is the fuel for moving toward what you desire. If we’re not currently grateful for what we have, we aren’t truly embodying the feeling of being grateful for what we wish to have. Like energy attracts like energy. This principle is especially important when following the 5 Step Goal Setting Process, as it lays the foundation for attracting the right circumstances and mindset.

If you want to make changes in your life, be grateful for what you have now and for what is yet to come. Like all dreams and goals, there’s always a starting point, and that starting point is where you currently are right now. Take a moment to look around and get familiar with your present moment on a deeper level. Reality can sometimes be tough to face, but there’s no need to fear. The way forward is to be completely present and accepting of the now. With this awareness, your next steps will become clearer, opening up pathways. Understanding your present moment is essential in the 5 Step Goal Setting Process to create a clearer path toward your dreams.

2. Get Writing

All goals can fall into three categories: be, do, and have. A great journaling exercise is to sit down and write what you would like to have, do, and be. What characteristics would you like to embody? Once you’ve written that down, the next question is: why? How will this benefit your life or those around you?

Finally, jot down any fears that arise when you think about these goals. It’s important to clear that energy. We tend to protect ourselves, and everyone has a defense mechanism that kicks in. It’s like, “Oh, you can’t do that because this might happen.” However, if we clear out the fear, your goal can naturally bubble up to the surface. Maybe one of your blocks is the fear of visibility—perhaps you fear being seen, that others will judge you, or that you’ll lose friends. Write it all down, no matter how outlandish it seems.

3. Time Blocking

Here comes the system! Having a system in place is crucial. You can have all the goals and desires in the world, but if you’re not addressing them daily, they won’t happen. For example, if you want to get your books in order or manage your accounting, but you haven’t hired an accountant or bookkeeper, you need to schedule 20 minutes a day to handle that yourself. No one will do it for you unless you hire them.

Those goals that aren’t getting done? Put them on your calendar. I love Google Calendar—it’s free, accessible anywhere as long as you have internet, and it helps you organize everything. Therefore, schedule your goals and set reminders. If you use Google Calendar, you can set up reminders to notify you 30 minutes before, or even 5, 10, or 15 minutes before. Seeing these notifications will help you take action. At first, you might not do it, but by the second or third day, you’ll start to feel the push to get it done. Taking those small, daily steps with a system in place makes achieving your goals easier and more consistent. Eventually, this momentum will push you forward.

4. Proper Mindset

In today’s fast-paced society, we often want instant results. We may believe that change should come easily—and it can. The key to making it happen easily is to be the instigator of that energy. It might be tough at first, but once it starts, the momentum will take over, and change will flow more easily.

Our resistance to change is what usually blocks it. That’s why mindset is so important. You can take your goals and turn them into affirmations, reframing them in the present moment as though they’re already happening. If you use Trello, for example, you can create a daily board for your tasks and goals, with affirmations attached. This way, you’ll be constantly reminded of what you’re aligning with, what needs to be done, and how to proceed.

Remember, you are the leader of your own journey. So, set up those small steps and reminders to help you stay on track. Impatience or feeling undeserving may cloud your path, but the time you invest in your projects will bring the results you desire.

5. Create a Triggered System

Think about what you do every day without thinking—waking up, brushing your teeth, washing your face, getting dressed. These activities are automatic, so we want to make your goal-related tasks just as seamless—something you do without hesitation. By creating triggers, you can skip procrastination and overwhelm and just get things done.

For example, perhaps your trigger is to sit down after your morning workout or walk and check your schedule for the day. With your time blocks already written out in your calendar, you’ll know exactly what you need to work on at specific times. In my case, I stack my activities in such a way that they flow smoothly before I meet with clients, creating a nice rhythm to my day.

Think about what activities can flow naturally from one to the other. Fill in gaps in your day with goal-related tasks and projects. Keep in mind that goals are constantly evolving, and progress may not always be linear. If you hit a detour, don’t get discouraged. Sometimes, we need to take a roundabout path to figure out how to move forward. The key, however, is keeping your energy focused on the direction you want to go. Without constant reminders, it’s easy to fall into a fog. So, what action steps will you take today to create that supportive system for your goals? Let me know in the comments below.

Happy aligning!

If you’d like to learn more about selling digital products while you sleep, check out this insightful article: How to Sell Digital Products While You Are Sleeping.

The post 5 Step Goal Setting Process: Achieve Success appeared first on High Vibe Biz & Life.

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How to Write Goals Into Reality Mon, 11 Jul 2022 11:39:07 +0000 The post How to Write Goals Into Reality appeared first on High Vibe Biz & Life.


How to Write Goals Into Reality

Are you ready to write your goals into reality? Do you think it could be honestly that simple?

In this post, discover how to write your goals into reality. It’s a pretty simple process.

Do you have this emotional dread when you think about goals. I know I have. I’m not a very big fan of goals or even writing them down. More often than not, I have them more in my head than writing them down but what I have found is, when I do write down what I want to attract into my life….it happens.

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1. Take Stock in the Present Moment

The first step to writing goals into reality is to take stock in the present moment. Be grateful all that got you to this present moment and then clear the energetic slate to invite in the future present moments.

Ask yourself, how would you feel on the other side of this goal?

If you think about it, if you actually have what you are wanting to achieve already, you would be in a state of peace, bliss, and relaxation. You wouldn’t be stressed out about achieving your goals. We want to clear the energy and live in the vibration of our desired end result.

Clearing the Energy with EFT for Goal Setting

How can we do this? A great place to start to clear the slate is called Emotional Freedom Technique, EFT and it’s basically a pattern interrupter. It is a process that’s used by many athletes, musicians, performers that are needing to clear out some negative programming and performance anxiety.

I personally used EFT before performances and within anything that I feel like I’m being blocked energetically. Just to put it out there, I am definitely not an EFT expert, I’m just one to guide you in that direction, to open up the door for you to experience EFT if you haven’t already.

I would recommend Brad Yates for EFT videos. Basically, EFT is the tapping while you are saying specific statements to help clear that energy out. For example, if you have a sense of dread with the idea of setting goals, we want to clear that so that we can move forward with our goal-setting process.

Using EFT to Clear Energy Blocks and Achieve Your Goals

You can do a round of  EFT with me in the video above or on your own using the following statements below:

  • Even though I hate setting goals, I completely and deeply love and accept myself.
  • Even though I will never reach or attain my goals, I deeply completely love and accept myself.
  • Even though I feel my goals are too big and who am I to achieve them, I deeply, completely love and accept myself.
  • Even though I feel that I’m not enough, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
  • Even though I feel I can’t do this all by myself, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
  • Even though I feel I don’t have the answers or I don’t know what to do or I don’t know where to start to accomplish my goals, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
  • Even though I don’t trust myself, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
  • Even though I’m afraid of making mistakes, I deeply completely love and accept myself.
  • Even though I’m a perfectionist, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
  • Even though I feel I don’t have what it takes to achieve {insert your goal here} I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
  • Even though I may fail, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

It is possible that when you start practicing EFT, you may go deeper and discover that what you thought you were anxious about is actually rooted in something else. Then do a round of EFT on that.

2. Start Writing

Step two to writing goals into reality is get writing!

Instead of complaining or thinking about things that you don’t like about your life, sit down and write how you want it to be, how you want it to happen.

We have our thoughts that create reality and when we write it down, it’s even a stronger way of getting that into our reality.

Only four percent of people write down their goals and only one percent write down and reference them regularly. That’s a pretty small percentage. These one percent are the highest achievers. That’s pretty inspiring to write some goals down.

It is not productive to keep goals swirling in the head because they can just keep swirling for years. Simply and quickly write in a journal or google doc. This is the one that I love because I’m always next to my computer. I just open up a google doc and I start writing.

Write out everything that’s swimming around in your head. This helps clear your head get focused and start to get these things moving to give them the energy to come into your reality.

3. Choose Three

Step three to writing goals into reality is to focus your energy!

You may have many goals but let’s focus only on three.

All other goals, put them in the column called for the Universe to do and you may find that magically enough, those goals will also get traction. Just by writing them down and releasing them to the Universe, they will begin to manifest.

Release the energy of not knowing what to do and believe the answers are going to come to you.

You may also ask the question (I love this question from Christie Marie Sheldon): What would it take? What would it take to achieve this goal? This question relieves the responsibility off of your shoulders for the time being. All you have to do is allow the answers to come forth.

When you understand how to write goals into reality, you shift your focus and energy, making space for your dreams to materialize.

4. Feel As If

Step four to writing goals into reality is to feel as if it has already happened!

Feel the emotions you would feel after the goal has been accomplished. Now we want to basically vibrationally attune our energy to that existence that we were wanting to attract because if we are not vibrating at the vibrational frequency of what we’re wanting to attract, it’s not going to happen.

Negative thoughts, worry, concern and anxiousness repels are desired end result. Think of it like Raid to cockroaches….that will give you the powerful visual to not spray raid on your dreams.

Our lower vibration repels our goals. Our desired end result It’s actually going to get repelled away if we’re not the same vibrational frequency. You want to be vibrating at the same vibrational frequency of that of which you want to achieve.

This is where I like to throw in a little sparkle of gratitude to say, “I’m so grateful and thankful for {insert achieved goal here.}”

Think about how you would feel when that would occur and vibe at that. Wake up each day in the energy of your achieved goal.

Keep your three focused goals on your bedside table written down or in your phone. This way before you go to bed you can re-visit your focus goals and even images of those accomplished goals to inspire you to dream about the goals that you want to achieve.

This helps you to wake up with focused energy.

5. Break It Down

Step five to writing goals into reality is to break it down into small actionable steps!

Overwhelm can set in at this point. You might feel unsure about the next step. You may get overwhelmed by the question, “What is this next step?” This feeling of uncertainty can stop progress altogether.

How can you overcome this phase of frozen indecision?

Tell yourself there’s no right or wrong step. The key is simply to keep moving forward. Set aside time in your day to focus on your specific goal, keeping the happy end result in mind.

What do you need to achieve that result? How can you break it down into daily steps?

For example, if you’re learning a violin concerto, set a deadline. Let’s say you want to be able to play this piece after three months. (Don’t worry about perfection.)

Now, make sure you set aside daily practice time within that three-month period. After three months, check your progress and see how much you’ve improved.

No matter what the goal is, it is a lot easier to achieve when you have set the system in place.

1. Block out time in your calendar dedicated to the goal.

2. Break the goal down to bits.

3. Follow through with your daily system.

With this formula you don’t have to wonder what am I doing today.

See the Vision

As creatives, the goal-setting process can be really not too exciting, and I know when I take the written and make it visual, magic happens.

It took me a long time to realize that taking the time to write and visualize goals is crucial. In some ways, it’s even more important than the actual doing part. It was super easy for me to fool myself into thinking that the actual time spent on writing or visualizing goals was taking time away from achieving them.

It took me years to even make a vision board, and then when I did, I really didn’t understand how just slapping a few images together could bring them into reality. Learning how to write goals into reality was the key that helped me see the bigger picture and made everything click.

I knew many others and perhaps even you suffer from this same place of indecision and lack of clarity. Because of this, I created a wonderful step by step vision board workshop that helps you actually get your vision board created in a form that supports your lifestyle including how to make a vision board online in order for you to access it at any time as long as you have your phone with you. Discover more here.

Be sure to set aside time to write your goals down, create your vision board and turn your goals into reality. I’ll see you in the workshop.

The post How to Write Goals Into Reality appeared first on High Vibe Biz & Life.

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How to Attract Love Sat, 05 Jun 2021 11:09:58 +0000 The post How to Attract Love appeared first on High Vibe Biz & Life.

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How to Attract Love in 5 Steps with Vision Boards

Not too happy with your love life? Wanting something completely different than what you’re experiencing right now? In this post, I’m going to show you how to attract love with vision boards in a five-step process.

This is the exact process that I used to get out of a very unhealthy relationship and manifest a very healthy one.

Step 1 – Clarity

Attract love with clarity. Let’s get you super clear on what you desire in a relationship. First place to start is to journal aspects of what you want in your relationship. You can easily do this the old-fashioned way and write down what you want to have in your relationship or you can do it online.

My favorite place to go to online is It’s completely free and this is a great way to get you organized.

Here are some questions to get you started.

  1. How do you want to feel emotionally in the relationship?
    ex. happy, safe, secure, valued and appreciated.
  2. How do you want to feel spiritually/energetically in your relationship?
    ex. connection, same belief system, family traditions, awakened, enlightened
  3.  How do you want to physically feel in the relationship?
    ex. fit, exercise together, share fitness goals, bike rides, walks on the beach, physical location
  4. How do you want to mentally feel in the relationship?
    ex. challenged intellectually, great conversation, learning together,
  5. How do you want to see yourself socially with this person?
    ex. going to parties, great group of friends, relates well with your friends
  6. How does the relationship work for you romantically?
    ex. respect, gifts, dates, flowers, dances

Journalling on these questions allows you to get super, super clear making it easier for the Universe to give you what you truly ordered.

Step 2 – How do you want to feel?

How you feel will attract in more of what you are feeling. Never underestimate the power of your emotions.

How are you going to feel when you attract love in your life?

What is important is what you’re writing down. So I did this years ago, when I was in a position where it was a very unhealthy relationship and I had had enough. So I said I don’t want this, right, and this was on a holiday that I specifically started this. I declared, “This is my last pathetic holiday!”

I desired more. So you can think of this, I mean really was quite like the romantic comedy but at the time didn’t feel like it. I wrote down exactly what I desired and how I wanted to feel. You can start with journaling on what you don’t want because that’s the easiest and what we’re going to do is turn it into what you desire.

Value Yourself to Attract Healthy Love

Remember, you are a gift and you want to be respected and valued for who you are. If you don’t value yourself, you’re not going to attract in somebody who will value you. You have to value yourself first.

For example, “I want someone who respects me and can value the gift I am to this world.”

We will turn the above statement into an empowered question, “What would it take to have a lover who respects me and can value the gift I am to this world.” Follow this with an energetic clearing statement, completely delete, uncreate and destroy what is blocking my manifestation of a love partner.

Turn your don’t wants into your desires and then feel grateful and thankful that you have already attracted that into your reality.

So in that journal or in the Google doc, write down the qualities that you admire in this person and be grateful and thankful for those qualities. Feel grateful and thankful for what you want to happen right now so we can attract that in.

Within this process, we are raising your vibration to a higher level that it’s going to be a lot easier to attract in what you desire. We are shifting your thought pattern to thinking about what you don’t want to asking what would it take for what you do want.

Step 3 – Visualize

How to attract love with visualization? Collect images that evoke your desired feelings that you journaled above. If you have magazines you can easily clip out anything from a magazine. But we’re kind of stepping away from paper these days and many things are online. You can find a lot more images that will evoke the feelings you desire online. is a great place to start. You can go for free images in many places, but unsplash is my favorite because they’re a little bit artsier and not so generic. Type in love and see what shows up and you can see if any of these images evoke feelings that you want to attract in. An image of a couple on the beach if you want to take walks on the beach together.

It’s not important how many images you collect, it could just be one image that really evokes a very strong feeling and that’s the image for you.

Silhouettes work great because they could possibly be you and somebody else on the beach or vice versa. Less detail in the face the better for visualization.

I used one image and one image only for my “attract love” trello board. The image I chose for the background is a couple together in the winter and she looks like she’s really safe secure and warm and he is giving her a huge hug.

This image meant a lot to me and I actually just used this image solely.

Trello is connected to Unsplash allowing you to easily upload images from Unsplash within Trello.

Take action

You’ve written out what you want and how you want to feel, now it is time to attract love by taking action.

How do you take action in manifesting? Easy!

Read what you have written on occasion (the more the better) and look at the images you hand picked. Find a way to feel the emotions you want to feel in the future, now.

Stop yourself from thinking negatively. For example, stop thinking, “Oh if only I had this or if only I had a partner, oh I just hate going out to dinner alone.”

Take action and think positively. So if you think, “I don’t want to go out to dinner alone. I really wish I had a date.” Take yourself out to a favorite restaurant. Dress up as if you’re going on a date. Order your favorite meal, your favorite salad. Whatever it is and just treat yourself romantically.

Embody what you are searching for…

If you are searching for romance bring that romance to yourself.

This is the most powerful part of the attraction process.

Even if you don’t look at what you’ve written or read it again for years down the road, but you change your perspective, how you think and start to love yourself, that’s going to attract in really fast what you desire.

Be the change…

Step 4 – Feel grateful now

Attract love with gratitude.

The feeling of wanting is a sign of lack. Lack is not abundance. In essence, we want to delete the word “want” really out of your vocabulary and turn it into desire and gratitude.

I am so grateful and thankful that I have attracted a beautiful loving and healthy relationship. I am so grateful and thankful for the love that I have in my life.

Think of the love that you have now and just focus on that to create more.

Where your focus goes, grows. So if you want more love in your life?

Be more love. Love yourself more. Be what you are searching for.

Step 5 – Raise your vibration

Attract love by stepping into the vibration of wholeness.

You are whole and complete.

If you are searching for someone to fill a void or feel a hole that you’re feeling inside of yourself, that will not attract in a healthy relationship.

What is going to attract in a healthy relationship, is the fact that you feel whole just as you are. You don’t need somebody to complete you.

Be what you seek. Love yourself and invite in activities that you enjoy. If you think, oh when I have this specific person, I will be doing this. Do those things now. Love yourself and connect to your wholeness.

If you need guidance on exactly how to step into the wholeness of you, check out my vibrational attunement package, Step into the Wholeness of You in 30 Days.

Your vibration is super important in attracting and change what you want to see in your life.

Everything that you’re seeing right now in your life, you have attracted that in. This is pretty powerful because that means you can attract in change very easily just by raising your vibration and putting yourself into the vibrational match of what you want to attract into your life.

I can’t wait to hear from you. What steps will you take to attract in love?

Please leave a comment below.

In high vibe love,

The post How to Attract Love appeared first on High Vibe Biz & Life.

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Save Time with Digital Vision Boards Wed, 02 Jun 2021 08:46:48 +0000 The post Save Time with Digital Vision Boards appeared first on High Vibe Biz & Life.

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Save Time with Effective Digital Vision Boards

You know you want to make vision boards but you feel you don’t have the time plus who has magazines lying around these days? I get you. For years I allowed the same excuse to stop me from making vision boards.

Believe me, I completely understand the feeling of not having time to make a vision board. You most likely have tons on your plate and just adding one more thing creates an astounding feeling of overwhelm.

Not only do you save time by making vision boards online, but these digital vision boards also help you save time by being accessible to you wherever you are, allowing you to stay focused on your dreams.

In this post, I will share with you step-by-step time-saving tips on how to make effective digital vision boards. I will break it down so simply for you on how you can easily create digital vision boards in a very short amount of time. Most importantly these vision boards are effective and they work. So let’s get started.

Get organized online

Trello is the place to get started. It is completely free. Why is it so great? Because you can get organized from the beginning. Plus no matter where you are you can access your vision board.

We can’t just think about the entire life and want to improve everything because then nothing will happen. The key is to get focused and organized.

Save time with digital vision boards in Trello with just a click. No need to scavenge for magazines. Images can easily be uploaded from the web.

Vision boards help you gain clarity

In 2018, I created a vision board in Trello which I broke down different aspects of my business and life. Even though I didn’t finish the vision board, a lot of it manifested itself and other aspects fell away.

This is completely OK.

Back in 2018, I was thinking about permanently moving back to the States and living in the Milwaukee area. Since then I have attracted my fiance and I didn’t move back to Milwaukee. I’m still here in Bulgaria.

Vision boards create evolution

Since 2018, other things have evolved. As you gain clarity while getting organized, you may find you can combine some aspects of your life as you align.

Break your digital vision board down to smaller topics

It is a lot easier to gain clarity when you break your vision board into different topics. For example, biz, love, travels, health and family just to name a few.

Save time with a digital vision board in Trello by making these topics your lists. The cards within the list are what you want to accomplish within that topic.

There are many parts of you. If you neglect one facet, it dims the others. Your vision board needs to represent all the different facets of you and what you want to manifest.

You are a multi-faceted diamond.

Take action

Vision without action is just that…a vision.

Show the Universe you are serious and ready to attract in your desires. You can do this by creating an action vision board.

Think about what steps can you take to attract in your desires.

Save time with digital vision boards because these action steps can easily be created in Trello as cards to the corresponding category or checklists on the back of the card.

Vision board check-ins

Save time with digital vision boards by easily checking in no matter where you are. With a digital vision board, you can easily check in on a much needed brain break. Instead of checking out social media, check in on your vision board. Look at the words/pictures that you have chosen for how you want to feel in the different aspects of your life

Get specific by getting clear on your values

For example, in health category, decide what is important to you. What do you value in your health department. How do you thrive? Think about the thriving you.

Thriving Heather in the health department enjoys daily movement. She has up-to-date health checkups, vitamins, essential oils, body love, meaning taking time for self-care, massages that type of thing.

In Trello, on the back of the card, you can easily create a checklist to get specific. In the self-love category, I have massages listed once a month at least. Think about how many times do you want to participate in a specific activity. Maybe eventually you would like to have weekly or bi-weekly massages but for now you can do monthly.

Ask yourself, what else in the self-love department? Talk positively to your body on a daily basis, magnesium salt baths three times for relaxation, detoxification and nourishment.

Hopefully, these examples helped get your vision board juices flowing. As you get clear on your values and get specific, it is a lot easier for manifestation to occur.

Trello is a great place to save time because once you have it down, you have access to it all the time. It doesn’t matter if you travel, wherever you go, you can just pop into your Trello board and see your vision board.

Images shm-images

Want a new car? Find an image and upload to your card on Trello. Super easy! Save time with digital vision boards and not hours perusing through old magazines that you most likely do not have laying around your house.

Keep in mind, you don’t even really need to have images. In 2018, I created my love vision board without realizing it. I got super clear on the different aspects I wanted in my love life; for example, emotionally, physically, mentally, socially, romantically.

Ask yourself what you want in your love life in those specific topics and then write it down on a card in Trello.

For this specific vision board, I just used one image in the background and within 13 months I attracted my fiance.


So what I am sharing with you actually does work.

You can learn more about how to create a love vision board by reading “How to Manifest Love” post here.

Digital Vision Board Easy Access

Use your newly organized vision board topics in Trello to help you effortlessly collect images for your vision board collage you can easily see on your phone and/or desktop.

Need some help? I have got you covered in my post “How to Create a Digital Vision Board in Under 15 Minutes.”

With digital vision boards you don’t need hours to devote to creating your vision board.

Not keen on learning Trello? You can actually just create your vision board in a google doc. within seconds while sitting at your computer.

Perhaps you are frustrated with some aspect of your life. Instead of sitting in frustration, go to your google drive, open a new doc and write out exactly what changes you want to see in your life.

Personally, I have used this to effortlessly attract in my fiance and to attract a virtual assistant that would be perfect for my online business.

Basically, anything you want to attract in just write out a detailed google doc of exactly what you want to attract in. Think of it as a job description of what you want to attract in and its your order to the Universe saying,”Hey, I really need this in my life.” Then let go and just focus on keeping your vibe high to have the manifestation appear as quickly as possible.

Want to learn more Law of Vibration? Definitely check out my post, “How to Transmute Negative Emotions with the Law of Vibration.”

If you found this post to be helpful, you may love my step by step course on how to create vision boards that work. Click here to discover more.

Have fun & save time with digital vision boards.

The post Save Time with Digital Vision Boards appeared first on High Vibe Biz & Life.

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3 Tips for Making a Digital Vision Board Wed, 07 Apr 2021 06:30:13 +0000 The post 3 Tips for Making a Digital Vision Board appeared first on High Vibe Biz & Life.

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3 Tips for Making a Digital Vision Board

Do you desire to create a vision board that actually works but you don’t have any old magazines lying around, cork board or poster board to even create the vision board? I’ve got you covered. In this post, I’m going to give you three tips for making a digital vision board online.

Hi, I’m Heather Kaye high vibe biz and life coach, where I help creative entrepreneurs, light workers and empaths create a biz and life they love.


The first step in creating a digital vision board that actually works is to prioritize what you want to focus on. What do you want to achieve in the next six months? Go ahead and write down just one thing you want to achieve in the next six months.

Collect Your Photos

The next step is you want to find a photograph that sparks the emotion you want to feel once you have completed whatever that goal is.

Keep reading, I’ll show you where you can find those photos online and you don’t have to have any glue tape or even a pair of scissors.

1. Choose Your Medium

Pinterest, Picmonkey and Canva are great places to start.

  • Pinterest is an easy way to search for photos of your ideal lifestyle and simply pin those to a secret board. If you want to make your vision board public at any time, it’s a simple switch under Settings.
  • PicMonkey is a paid platform with a free 7-day trial period and they offer very detailed advice for creating a vision board using their platform template in this blog post.
  • Canva has a free option and a paid option. I use the free option and get along just fine. It’s a great place to create a collage with the photos that you have collected. I talk more in detail how to use Canva to create your online digital vision board in my post, How to Create an Online Digital Vision Board in under 15 minutes.

2. Choose Your Photos

Using digital photos allows you to choose from millions of photos that are available to you online which is a vastly larger selection that you could find just for magazines.

In this respect, creating a digital vision board is easier and quicker than the old-fashioned way.

  • is one of my favorite go-to sites for royalty-free images that I use. I find that Unsplash is quite artsy and not so generic. You can easily put in the search bar what you are searching for your vision board. Searching for home office pics? Just put home office in the search bar and see what pops up for some different ideas of how to make your home office a friendlier space.
  • is another great place to check out for royalty-free photos and it works the same way, just put in the keywords that you want to search for in the search bar and you’ll find that your photos will pop up.

3. Spark Emotion

Choose photos that spark emotion in order to create a vision board that works. You want to have these photos spark emotions inside of you so you can feel how it would feel if you attracted that into your life.

This shifts your personal vibration to that of how you would feel if you had already attracted it. That’s why photos are so very important. Then you can start to get really deep and understand why you’re wanting to attract this into your life.

Vision boards aren’t solely about attracting material things. Find photos that make you feel any positive emotion.

Incorporate Energetic Statements

And the icing on the cake for your vision board is to top it with an energetic statement affirmation, words or quotes that speak to you.

Make a point of looking at your vision board every day. See the affirmation and feel the emotions that those photos spark. Save as wallpaper to your desktop and to your phone. Meditate on what steps you’ll take to get closer to those goals that you have on your vision board.

Consider if you need to break those goals down to even smaller goals, that way you can map out the action steps that are going to get you to your final end result.

Also, reflect on your progress every night before you go to sleep. Visualizing prior to sleeping helps you feel motivated when you wake up the next day to work towards those goals.

In the end, achieving your goals and targets is ultimately up to you and the actions you take. Your vision board, either traditional or digital is just a cool way to help you stay on task and stay on the path to your ideal life.

Ready to start now? Don’t miss my step-by-step how to create a digital vision board online in under 15 minutes post.

I’ll see you there. Ciao.

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Online Biz Vision Board that Works Fri, 02 Apr 2021 10:23:38 +0000 The post Online Biz Vision Board that Works appeared first on High Vibe Biz & Life.

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How to Make a Vision Board that Works for Your Online Biz

Not happy with your online business? Do you feel like you should be a little bit further along than where you are? Perhaps you’re feeling completely drained and burned out. In this post, we are going to talk about how to make a vision board that works for your online biz helping you get your business more aligned to your desired lifestyle.

Hi, I’m Heather Kaye high vibe biz and life coach where I help creative entrepreneurs empaths and lightworkers create a biz and life they love. In this post, I’m going to give you the exact four-step process that I use to create a vision board that works for my online biz.

In the first half of this post, I’m going to be asking you questions that you will want to journal out and then the second half of the post, I’m going to show you how to take those answers and create a vision board that will align your online business to your desired lifestyle.

Have your biz work for you

I’ve had my violin biz online for 10 years. I would be lying if I were to tell you that I’ve never been drained or burnt out. What I have found is how to have the online business work for me instead of me working for it. That’s what we’re going to talk about in this video, on how you can get deep with some questions and turn those answers and desires into a vision board so you can daily see what you are aligning to in your online business.

Time to journal

In order to create an online biz vision board that works, you need to get deep with some questions.

Time to get your journal or a google doc so you can write these questions down and your answers. Plan to set aside about 30 minutes and be able to go through this process with a candle and some beautiful music so you feel at peace as you’re journaling this out.

The journaling process of creating this vision board is very important because that’s what’s going to allow you to get deep and know what you really want to attract in.

Online Biz Vision Board Tip 1: Get clear on how you want to feel

Step one, you want to get clear on how you want to feel in your biz. Think about words that resonate with how you want to feel in your biz.

If the words drained and burnt out come to your mind right now then you’d want to think about the positive or the opposite end of that spectrum where you feel full of energy and you feel full of light as you work with your online biz.

Some inspiring words you may want to feel in your own online biz:

  • Happy
  • Energized
  • Buoyant
  • Can’t wait to work with your clients

If you’re not feeling those things, then maybe it’s time to think about what you can change to feel those things.

Online Biz Vision Board Tip 2: What does done look like?

What does done look like for you? Journal on the idea of done.

What projects will be finished?

How will your website look?

What will be decluttered?

What can you tie up in a bow with automated marketing?

What can you outsource?

Online Biz Vision Board Tip 3: Use energetic statements

The next step is to create energetic statements that align us to those end results.

What would it take for me to feel energized, balanced, organized and satisfied with my violin biz online?

I’m using my violin biz online as an example and you can use whatever business you want to use.

Balanced give/receive ratio

I find that many entrepreneurs, many females that I work with, their giving is really out of whack in compared to receiving. Allow yourself to receive.

This is really something excellent to align to.

What would it take to have the give/receive ratio be balanced?

Online Biz Vision Board Tip 4: Get clear on how you serve

Step two, you want to get clear on how you serve in your online biz and how your online business serves you.

For example, do you want your online biz to have one-to-one clients


do you want your online business to have more of one-to-many, sell products, sell courses?

Online Biz Vision Board Tip 5: Get clear on your desired lifestyle

Think about your lifestyle and ask yourself what is my desired lifestyle? How many hours do I really want to put into this biz and then align your business model with what you want to have in your life.

Perhaps you want to only work six hours a week with clients in one to ones or one to manys and that means that you would benefit from creating courses and online products to help bring in some passive income.

Online Biz Vision Board Tip 6: Get specific

Whatever it is that you are choosing, I want you to even go deeper and think okay, one to ones, how many one to ones?

One too many, how many one to many’s in a week?

Digital products – Know your number now and know where you want to go.

You also want to know how many people you would need to help you get to where you want to go. So if you want to double your book sales, how many more sales would you have to have in order to double your book sales?

What would it take for me to double my book sales?

Insert the specific number.

It’s really good to know your specific number so that you know what your exact number is that you’re aligning to.

Maybe you desire to create an online membership. Your energetic statement would be, “What would it take for me to create a fun membership that supports me and my clients.”

You want to find that really nice sweet spot that works for you and also for your clients.

Where are my peeps?

When you break it down and you know how many people that you would need to attract in to get you where you want to be, think about where are they hanging out.

What do they think like? How do you need to present yourself to attract these people that you want to have as your clients.

You want to be the flower and have them come to you.

Get organized

Step 3, get organized. We want clients to come into your website or what you see what you have to offer and just easily be funneled to where they need to go.

What does organized look like to you?

Think about the clients that you currently have and your fans (your future clients.)

How can you organize them in such a way that you are feeding them the information that really serves where they are at right now and a little bit in the future so they can work towards improving?

Create freebies that are going to actually funnel into products that would be beneficial to that person. So if that person is interested in a certain product make sure it’s funneling into a course that they may be interested in.

Multi-leveled touch points

Perhaps your touchpoints are multi-leveled. For example, my violin business has things for beginners, for intermediate and advanced. A great way to get to know your fans and followers is to create a quiz that is designed to know your client’s entry point allowing them to be guided through that path of what they specifically need.

If you don’t divide them up and you’re sending out newsletters or information of more advanced techniques or products for somebody that’s not quite ready for that information, you’re probably going to lose that subscriber and vice versa.

Create a placement/evaluation quiz

An evaluation quiz or a placement quiz helps you can sort out your fans and followers and get them funneled into what would serve them the best and supports them with what they need.

Know your happy end result

Step four, know your happy end results. Ask yourself what is your happy end result in your biz and journal that. Maybe a happy end result is a specific number every year. Maybe your happy end result is actually having more time for you and working less for the same money. So just kind of think about what your happy end result is so you can align specifically to that and create energetic statements that work for that.


What would it take for me to have my marketing automated? Everything in the way that completely delete, uncreate and destory.

Canva time

Once you have this and your energetic statements you’re ready to take it to Canva. Be sure to check out my post how to create a vision board online in 15 minutes for more deets.

Collect images that evoke feelings for you. So one way you can do it is actually while you are in Canva, just go to photos and search.

If you want your calendar full, bring in some images of a full calendar.

You can take a screenshot of your google calendar with some names of people for to see that you have a booked calendar and then what we want to do is add in these energetic statements.

Make sure that you can see your energetic statements clearly so that when you print your vision board up, you’ll be able to read very easily.

Once you have created your vision board, save it as a png because then that way you can put it on your phone and/or you can easily print it up.


Once completed it is time to visualize and in order to do that you want to print up your vision board and put it somewhere where you’re going to see it on a regular basis.

Perhaps you exercise at home, put it somewhere where you can see it the entire time while you’re exercising and meditate on your energetic statements.

Allow yourself to be silent and have the answers start to pop in your mind and you’ll find that by using the vision board in this way combined with energetic statements, you’re really going to get closer and closer to your happy end result.

Let me know in the comments below what was your biggest takeaway from this post.

In all things high vibe,

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How to Know Whether Your Vision Board Will Work or Fail Sun, 21 Feb 2021 20:58:44 +0000 The post How to Know Whether Your Vision Board Will Work or Fail appeared first on High Vibe Biz & Life.

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How to Know Whether Your Vision Board Will Work or Fail

Have your vision boards been epic fails and you just decided you’re not going to waste your time anymore with vision boards? What if I told you I can give you the exact deconstruction of a vision board that actually works. What do you think about making one again? In this post, I’m going to show you exactly how you can know whether your vision board will work or fail.

If you’re like me, every single second of your time is valuable and you want to have a return on your investment of time. Right?

If we’re going to take the time to make a vision board, we actually want it to work!

Vision boards aren’t all woo woo.

Some people are quick to dismiss vision boards as woo-woo, magical or as a creative collage that just doesn’t work. I was of that mindset.

My first vision board that I created was around 2015, and it was an epic fail. I didn’t manifest anything on that vision board but two years ago I created multiple vision boards that actually worked super fast.

Within two weeks I manifested what was on those vision boards, a healthy relationship, a seaside flat on the black sea, a piano and so much more just by using these exact tips I’m going to talk about in this post.

Whether your vision board will work for you boils down to a few tips, follow the tips and you’ll likely see success. Ignore the tips and you’ll likely get distracted, frustrated and angry that you wasted time making this vision board.

1. Less is more

Tip number one, less is more! Typically, people fill a gigantic piece of cardboard with tons of images of their biggest goals, everything from a dream mansion on the ocean, to diamonds and private yachts but how can you focus on achieving all those big-ticket items at once?

Most people can’t focus on multiple goals at once, especially huge ones. So they get distracted and miss opportunities. Edit the number of photos that you use on your vision board and decide which of those goals you want to reach first.

2. Prioritize your goals

Number two, prioritize your goals. What is the most important to you? Working a four-hour work week or living by the ocean? The fancy sports car or the ability to travel the world?

These are just examples of course but you need to prioritize your specific goals.

Prioritize each photo and ask yourself why. Why do you want this specific photo on your board? Is it truly important to you?

If the photo isn’t truly important to you, your subconscious mind will know and you will only get distracted or confused about what you should be working toward.

3. Take action

Tip number three, take action. Vision boards aren’t mystical or magical. Just because you put the photos together and you post it in your office, doesn’t mean that they’re just gonna magically appear in your life.

Even if you want to win the lottery, you still have to buy the ticket, right?

The same is true of your vision boards. If you just make your vision board and you never look at it, it’s not going to work.

You have to take daily action of looking at your vision board, feeling that you’ve manifested these items into your life already and be full of gratitude.

Take action steps towards your goals that are pictured on the vision board. If you want to buy your first home, start searching. Contact a realtor, talk to a mortgage broker to get pre-approved and then increase your marketing efforts to find more clients.

If you want to travel the world, start taking steps in creating an online business that gives you the freedom to do so.

4. Believe that you are more than enough

Tip number four, believe that you are more than enough. Mindset is everything when it comes to making your goals and targets a reality.

If you fall victim to the negative self-talk that says this is never going to happen, who do you think you are, you’re an imposter, you’re not good enough, cancel clear delete!

Then you’ll be less likely to take the action that you need to take to start seeing those goals manifest. How many times have you stopped yourself in your tracks because you think that people are not going to be wanting your products and services?

Changing your mindset and releasing the blocks that are holding you back doesn’t happen overnight so when you hear those negative thoughts starting to invade your mental space, shift gears and start saying affirmations.

Yeah, why not me! People love my products and services. People feel so much better when they work with me. Why shouldn’t I be the one to reach success! If not me then who? Why do they deserve it more?

Have some go-to affirmations that you can say to not have any room in your mind for that negative self-talk.

I am more than enough. I deserve richness and greatness. I deserve to be wealthy. If you’re willing to take action, you will reach those goals and targets on your vision board, if you look at them.

Stay focused

Daily vision boards are tools to help you stay focused on what is truly your desires.

It’s going to be a lot easier to say no to things that are going to want to pull you off of your track when you are constantly reminded by what you want to achieve looking at your vision board.

Please share this post with all your friends that want to create vision boards that actually work.

I’d love to hear from you in the comments below. Have you made a vision board? Have you seen results with it?

If you want to make a vision board online that you can have on your phone at all times, definitely check out my post, how to make a vision board online in less than 15 minutes.

I’ll see you there. Ciao.

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How to Make a Vision Board Online Wed, 17 Feb 2021 06:43:51 +0000 The post How to Make a Vision Board Online appeared first on High Vibe Biz & Life.

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How to Make a Vision Board Online in Under 15 Minutes

Has overwhelm stopped you from creating vision boards? Perhaps you tried to make vision boards in the past and they were a fail.

I have got you covered. In this post, learn how to make a vision board online in less than 15 minutes.

What exactly is a vision board?

A vision board is where we put pictures that we want to use to visualize changes in our life. You can use them for goals, for targets, different aspects of your life. If you tried to make a vision board in the past and it just didn’t work, most likely you just threw a lot of images on one board and thought it was going to be magic and it would work.

Online vision boards are vision boards that we make online. The biggest plus for having an online vision board is that you can access it anywhere you are in the world. Your online vision boards go where you go.

Vision boards aren’t necessarily all magic.

If we use vision boards properly, it can really help speed up the manifestation process. What helps do that? When we’re focused, when we have a vision board with something that we want to align to that’s focused.

Use no more than one or at the most two items on that vision board that you want to attract into your life with a corresponding statement that you will think about and say when you look at your vision board. Plus if you want to supercharge that vision board, you want to combine it with some energetic statements as well.

Vision boards only work if you look at them.

Visualize and feel how you’d feel if you attracted your desires into your life. To supercharge your vision board, feel the gratitude in your life now for what you’re attracting.

Since online vision boards go where you go, you can easily look at them on your phone while you are waiting in line at the supermarket etc.

No more putting off making vision boards any longer.

I will show you the exact step-by-step process how to create a vision board online that works! Let’s get started.

We are going to start our vision board process in Trello, my favorite organizing platform. Get Trello here! It’s FREE! Once you have your account, click on the plus sign and say create board.

You can name your board vision board and then pick your team. If you’re just starting out in Trello, you won’t have any teams.

After you’ve created your board, you have the option to change your background which I would suggest changing it to something that you would like.

Now, I’ve already created my Trello board here so I have our cards set up and you can have as many cards as you want. My vision board cards are labeled health, biz, love, wealth, social. You can label your vision board cards with whatever topics you wish.

Start with only two or three goals.

To start, just put two or three goals right now in one of these cards. It is a good idea to set a timer for only three minutes as you complete this step. Remember for now, only pick two or three goals that you know you have in one of these categories.

For example on your health card, you want to have daily movement, add it to the card. On the backside, you can create a checklist by clicking checklist. Click add and then write in what specifically you are talking about. The more specific you can be the better. So I have 20 minutes of yoga, 30 minutes fast walk. Then the next step is to find images for these for your vision board.

Declare biz targets.

In this demonstration, I’m going to use my goals and targets for biz. One of my targets is to have ten thousand heart-centered women in my tribe, on my email list, my Facebook group and my second target is a more sleek home office. I am pretty happy with my home office but we can always have upgrades so I have my checklist of upgrades.

After you have decided on your goals, then head on over to Pinterest and you want to find images that represent what you’re looking for. Take a screenshot of that image (as long as you are only using the image for personal use and not publishing to your website you are not breaking copyright laws.)

Now that you have your images collected, head on over to to Canva. You can get Canva here. This is the free version of Canva. Once you’re in Canva, just click create a design and it could be a poster. Head on over to uploads and upload your media. You can just do this by clicking upload. I have the images here already and then you just start to drag and drop them in.

Download your vision board.

Once you’ve created your vision board in Canva, you want to export it as a png and not as a PDF. The reason why, is because we want to get that on your phone as a wallpaper. Save it to your vision board folder titled the topic of your vision board, in my case, biz.

Be sure to put a date on it so you know when you created it. After that, then you’re ready to export it to your phone.

Save your vision board to your phone.

It was super easy for me to get my vision board on my phone because I use Dropbox. If you use dropbox and saved your vision board in dropbox, you can open it from your dropbox app on your phone and click the image to save to your photos.

Otherwise, you can email yourself the photo. Most importantly you get the image to your phone in some way or another.

Once you have your vision board saved to the photos in your phone, open the photo and click lower left hand corner you and then click on use as wallpaper. Click set. You want to put it as your lock screen. That way you can easily see your vision board every single time you go to your phone.

Look at your vision board multiple times a day.

Vision boards don’t work if you don’t look at them. This is why online vision boards are super convenient. You always have it with you.

Those seconds that you see the vision board, say out loud the statement that you have on the vision board.

For instance, feel yourself in that moment. Feel how would you feel if you completed what you have on your vision board.

Your go to vision board formula

Know that this is a formula to make online vision boards that you can repeat over and over for different topics.

The most important thing is that you just get one vision board done and you stay super focused.

Go ahead and let me know in the comments below that you have completed your first vision board.

If you need more help in creating your vision boards, I know you would absolutely love my vision board workshop. In the workshop you get even more support to help you see those targets that you want to reach on a daily basis, practice visualization and achieve your dreams.

Need more ideas on how you can use vision boards to help you reach your goals? Check out my blog post, “Five Ways to Use Visual Boards to reach your goals.”

I’ll see you there.

In all things high vibe,

The post How to Make a Vision Board Online appeared first on High Vibe Biz & Life.

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How to Use Vision Boards for Goal Setting Wed, 03 Feb 2021 14:28:37 +0000 The post How to Use Vision Boards for Goal Setting appeared first on High Vibe Biz & Life.

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5 Ways Vision Boards Help You Reach Your Goals

Do you have a goal-setting practice? Ever thought about incorporating vision boards into a goal-setting practice?

When was the last time you allowed yourself to daydream about the life that you want? Let’s have some fun and align our goals with our dreams. In this post, I will talk about 5 ways you can use vision boards to help you reach your goals.

A lot of people have a distinct fear of failure when it comes to goals. If you don’t set any goals, it’s a lot easier not to fail. Maybe you’re like me and you cringe a little bit when you hear the word goal or run away.

Discover how to use vision boards for goal-setting in such a fun way that you never, never will ever feel like a failure you didn’t get to your goal, because you know what? When you set those goals, the closer you get to them is progress. It doesn’t matter if you achieve it or not, the fact that you are on the journey is proof of progress and growth.

Creating vision boards has been a real popular topic over these last few years. Especially around the time of the end of the year and the new year. In January, February people start thinking about what they want to accomplish in the new year.

Any time of the year is a great time to get started on a vision board. Don’t put off making your vision board. Your time is now.

Let’s explore the different ways to incorporate vision boards into your goal-setting practice to help you achieve those goals in a fun creative way.

Vision boards for goal setting makes you focus on what is important to you.

Whether you use one visual board for everything or divide it up into segments is a personal choice on how you want to use vision boards for goal-setting.

Check out my blog post, “Five Ways to Use Vision Boards” where I talk about how to actually break your vision boards down into different categories. This makes the entire process a lot easier and less overwhelming, plus more focused and effective.

No matter your system that you use, you want to think about what you want in your life and to prioritize what is important.

As creatives, we have all these different ideas and desires but if we don’t focus our energy in an aligned direction, nothing will get accomplished.

Use vision boards to change your location

Do you want to buy a house or move to a warmer climate? Putting a picture of yourself working on the beach or a house on the beach will allow you to stay focused on your happy end result. This way, you will be open to more opportunities to align you to your happy end result.

If you want to move, you alone can make that happen. You’ll make better business decisions based on that desire to move. If you want to move to Spain, gather pictures of Spain and put that on your vision board so you can really envision yourself moving to Spain.

Visualization stimulates the creative side of our brain

Placing your vision board beside your computer or desk, serves as a daily reminder of what you want to achieve. Some believe keeping it open on your nightstand while you sleep, helps stimulate the subconscious before you go to bed which motivates you upon waking.

With your creativity soaring because of your vision board for goal setting practice, keep a notebook nearby to jot down ideas. You may come up with a new course or coaching program that will get you closer to your happy end result.

Focusing on your goals help create new opportunities

Visualizing yourself living in a warmer climate or whatever your primary goal is, will motivate you to work towards that goal. As a result, you’ll also notice new opportunities or resources leading you closer to reaching your goal.

These resources may have always been present but now that you’ve focused on your goal, you’ll see them in a new light. Most likely you will release resistance when you have a deep embedded why.

Vision boards for goal setting helps you break out of your comfort zone.

Vision boards help you break out of your comfort zone. You may be stuck in a rut because it’s comfortable in that rut. Acknowledging your goals and your desire, as scary as they may be, are great motivators to help you get out of that rut.

If your goal is to reach a hundred thousand people online then you’ll start to see opportunities. Break down your larger goals into smaller achievable goals. For instance,  how many people you can reach via your youtube channel, emails, or your Facebook page. You can break down those big scary goals into smaller segments. These smaller opportunities will give your name recognition. People will start sharing your content and products with others that also need your guidance.

How you can break this down on your vision board is by putting numbers specific to your goals. If you want 10,000 people on your email list put that on your vision board. Perhaps you want 5,000 people to like your Facebook page. Put that on your vision board.

As a result, if your final goal is to reach 100,000 people, you can find different ways on how you can reach them in different mediums online

Seeing that big goal forces you out of daydream and into action.

Nothing happens without action on your part. Vision boards are not magic tricks. They are a tool that inspires us to get into action. Visualize your ideal life then approach each day with action steps to get you there.

Aside from these reasons, vision boards can be a lot of fun to make, super relaxing and help you get closer to your goals visually.

Are you ready to create those vision boards but you just don’t know how to start? Check out my online vision board workshop.

Kiss the ordinary goodbye and step into your dream life.

My vision board workshop is specifically designed for creatives, coaches and entrepreneurs who are wanting some guidance on how to get a vision board going that’s going to actually be effective in achieving your desired goals.

I can’t promise that you’re going to make million dollars and move to Bali with my vision board workshop but I can promise you this, with your vision board close at hand you’ll be on your way for your best year ever in biz and life.

How much is that worth to you?

The post How to Use Vision Boards for Goal Setting appeared first on High Vibe Biz & Life.

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5 Ways to Use a Vision Board Sun, 24 Jan 2021 11:32:30 +0000 The post 5 Ways to Use a Vision Board appeared first on High Vibe Biz & Life.

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5 Ways to Use a Vision Board

You’re probably familiar with using a vision board as a tool for keeping your dreams and goals in mind but did you know you can use a vision board in a variety of ways depending on your needs and where you want to upgrade?

In fact, you may want to have more than one vision board to keep your dreams of various areas of your life and business crystal clear. In this post discover 5 ways you can use vision boards to attract in your desires. Plus, I’m going to show you one technique most people do not use on their vision boards and without this technique vision boards are not as effective.

5 Ways to Use a Vision Board
I’d love to know, have you used a vision board in the past and what has been your results? Go ahead and leave a comment below. Personally, I’ve had mixed results with vision boards until I used this exact organization combined with energetic techniques which I’m going to show you.

In order for you not to get overwhelmed, what we’re going to do is talk about vision boards for different aspects of your life. I want you to just start with one idea and follow it through and then once you have that, go ahead and start creating these vision boards for different aspects of your life. They don’t have to be super complicated, but when you have it organized in such a way, it makes it super easy and way more effective.

So let’s get started with the five ways to use a vision board.

Business Planning

Business planning. This vision board is where you’ll keep track of why and how you do what you do. Like many creatives, you most likely have tons of different projects going on all at once. This vision board will keep you focused.

You started your business for a reason, that’s your why but somewhere along the line many of us lose sight of this goal. A business planning vision board can keep us on track. On it you’ll keep images of your ideal business such as working from the beach, speaking in front of a large crowd, achieving best-seller status with your latest book or even a big office if that’s your thing.

Most importantly, just collect images that resonate with you. Perhaps it’s creating a passive income business that brings in eight thousand dollars a month. This is where the energetic statements come in.

Once you’ve created your business planning vision board align to one simple statement, “I’m 100 percent aligned to attracting $8,000 a month on passive income only” and put that on your vision board. That way every time you see these images you can repeat that statement. Allow it to effortlessly happen within your life. You will be guided on exactly what you need to do to achieve that goal.

Life Goals

Where do you want to be in 5, 10, or 20 years? I don’t know if you’re like me and kind of cringe when you hear that question but it’s not just a question from a bad job interview, it’s a critical consideration for anyone who wants to live a life of purpose and of meaning a vision board is a perfect tool to stay on track with this and a lot of fun.

This vision board, like all of them, is in a constant state of change, don’t feel like once you put those pictures on that’s what you have to stay aligned to. If you find that perhaps that’s really not where you want to go. As your life goals change and as you evolve, so will your vision board and that’s okay.

You’re not a failure if you don’t attract in and finish off one vision board before you start another. Maybe you no longer want to live in Paris, that’s okay. Maybe you decided you’d prefer to live in the mountains. Replace the city of lights with a mountaintop retreat, if that’s your thing. Do keep your life goals vision board updated and refer to it each time you have to make a major decision. It will help you clarify the direction you need to achieve your dreams.

Vacation Planning

What are your favorite vacations? What do you need in order to thrive? Vacations aren’t just an act of luxury, it’s an act of healing. A time to check out and enjoy what you enjoy doing. A little rest and relaxation. My favorite vacays are spa vacays. Heading out to my favorite spa hotel with mineral water pools and saunas. This helps me thrive, re-energize and be ready to go to help my clients.

Perhaps you know what your favorite vacay is and how many times a year you want to take that vacation. Be detailed. Collect pictures of your favorite vacay. What you’d be doing or perhaps ones that you’ve already taken and then combine energetic statements with these images. “What vibrational energy can I be to attract three spa vacays a year?”

Home Buying

If you are ready to change where you live, upgrade your lifestyle on a daily basis, perhaps you’re in a place in your life where you want to upgrade your home. This is one of the largest investments that we ever make and it can be quite daunting and overwhelming to think how can that be possible.

This also can be used for any type of remodeling projects that you want to improve your home. Say you want a new kitchen or you just have so many unfinished projects around the house you want to finish them up as quickly as possible. This vision board is a great way to organize those plans and prioritize what you want to have done.

First, snip photos of homes that you love. Start searching on what is available now and if you like a specific house, apartment or maisonette go ahead and take a screenshot and use that for your vision board. Your home buying slash remodeling vision board will help you stay aligned to what is important to you. What exactly are your priorities and help you make a decision that’s based on the lifestyle you choose.

Again remember to attach your energetic statement with those images. How will you feel in your new home how grateful would you feel to have this new home? So you can say, “I’m so grateful and thankful for the new two-story maisonette that has an amazing balcony and a gorgeous office space for me. I feel incredible in my new home.” Something along those lines that you can attach a feeling to those images like you have already attracted it and you’re living that energy now.

Client Attracting

Number five, client attracting. Every business has an ideal client, but this seemingly simple thing can be extremely difficult to define. A vision board will help. Is your client male or female? Young or old? Successful or not? Does he or she have kids or home business? Is he or she confident or timid? Create a collection of images that represent your ideal client and refer to it each time you are tempted, as we all are, to sign on a client that is not necessarily our ideal client.

Want more help in creating these amazing vision boards that are going to help you create the lifestyle and biz you design?

Check out my vision board workshop. It’s a four-module, self-training system complete with an action plan you can implement at the end of each module as well as an exercise worksheet to help you define your plan.

Contrary to what many people think, using vision boards can be a powerful strategy to help propel you further in your business and keep you on track. Vision boards have been successfully used by Katy Perry and even Denise Duffield Thomas, my favorite money mindset mentor.

You’ll see measurable results and exciting progress if you set up your vision boards properly and use them on a daily basis combined with energetic statements. If you’ve always thought vision boards are not for you, think again. This quick and easy self-study course will guide you through finding a vision board type that works for you. Some of which you may not know even exist. It will also help you clarify your goals, decide on a lifestyle that suits you best, for now, and in the future. Discover the best ways to feed your spirit, create the right programs and products. Keep track of your progress and much, much more.

Check out the vision board workshop here.

The post 5 Ways to Use a Vision Board appeared first on High Vibe Biz & Life.

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