Number three, fill your time with high vibe activities. In order to stay high vibe while the world is pushing fear, you need to be a high vibe warrior and fill your days with high vibe activities.
So maybe you’re feeling tired, don’t push yourself, actually go with the flow. If you’re feeling a little low in the energy department take a wonderful relaxing bath. Take advantage of at home spa treatments, a facial mask. Perhaps just a washcloth, a hot washcloth over your face and breathe, meditate.
Take a second to connect in, to silent your mind, to sit in the sun, to color.
Color holds vibration. Just take out a piece of paper and it doesn’t matter if it’s paints, if it’s crayons, just color. Find an image online, print it up and color it in. That could be so soothing. It’s such therapy to color.
Spend time with your pets. Give them hugs. Hold on to them and absorb their wonderful positive energy.
Tap into your creative center. What hobbies do you have where you’re creative? Perhaps you like cooking. Find a new recipe.
Play your instrument for the fun of it. Playing an instrument actually reduces your stress levels and cortisol so it’s very immune-boosting and helps you raise your vibration.
Practice yoga at home.
There are many, many activities that you can do to keep your vibration high.
Whatever activity that you enjoy the most, that’s the activity you want to be doing.
I’d love to hear from you. Which of these tips are you going to be incorporating into your life to help you stay high vibe when the world is pushing fear?
Please share with us in the comments below.
For more tips on how to raise your vibration, get my Raise Your Vibration Guide to help you and help all of us on this planet to raise our vibration.
This guidebook will walk you step by step on how you can raise your vibration on a daily basis.
Remember to take back your power and think positively. Every second of every day you have a choice of what to think about.
Stop letting what is going on in the world take control of your mind and your life. Do what you need to do to feel safe and then let go. Release all outside things that are holding you in the frequency of fear.
Distract yourself by doing things that feel good to you. For more tips on how you can control your thought processes definitely check out my post, how to think better, feel better and be better. I’ll see you there.
Be sure to leave a comment below on what you are choosing to let go of to raise your vibration.
Take care and I’ll see you in the next post. Ciao.
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