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Where Your Focus Goes, Grows: What Are You Focusing On in Life?

Where Your Focus Goes, Grows
What are you focusing on in life? There are things we can change and things we cannot. If our attention is stuck in the past or focused on something from the past, it takes away from our present moment. This is especially true when it comes to the energy we direct and the way we shape our lives. Where your focus goes, grows. Focusing on negative thoughts or unresolved issues can keep us stuck in the past, taking away from our ability to create and manifest in the present.

The Importance of Letting Go of Mistakes
As a performing musician, one of the key lessons I’ve learned and often discuss with my students is that when you make a mistake, if you keep thinking about it or dwelling on it while moving forward, it will affect your current performance. Once a mistake happens, you have to let it go, or your mind will get fixated on it, taking away from the moment you are in. Your energy and focus will shift away from the present, disrupting your flow. Where your focus goes, grows, so release the mistake and move forward.

The Direction of Your Focus Determines Your Energy
Hi, I’m Heather Kaye, a violinist and Vibrational Attunement facilitator. I help people align with the life they want to create. The same rule applies to life: where your focus goes, grows. The direction of your focus determines where your energy flows. But what does that mean in practice? You may be familiar with Tony Robbins’ phrase, “Your energy flows in the direction of your focus.” Essentially, the more attention and effort you dedicate to something, the more it grows in your life.

Each morning, ask yourself: are you actively shaping your day, or are you letting circumstances dictate it for you? Are you intentionally cultivating positivity, or are you caught in a cycle of negative thoughts, attracting even more negativity? The direction of your focus determines not just your thoughts but the vibrational energy you emit, which influences the energy you draw in. Where your focus goes, grows.

The Law of Vibration
This ties back to the fundamental truth: where your focus goes, grows. The energy you emit resonates with the world around you, and in return, you attract similar vibrations. This is the essence of the universal law of vibration. Everything in the universe is energy, and it’s constantly moving. By aligning your energy with the right focus, you can start to change your life by raising your vibration.

Focus on Positivity to Attract More Good
If your attention is fixed on negativity, you’ll naturally attract more of it into your life. But when you focus on the beauty around you, the wonder of simply being alive, and the gift of each breath, you create space for even more positivity. The same applies to gratitude—it draws in more of what you appreciate. That’s why it’s essential to direct your focus toward your goals, rather than the fears that hold you back. Where your focus goes, grows, and focusing on positivity will bring more positive experiences into your life.

The Influence of People Around You
Let’s look at this from another angle: the people and situations in your life can influence your vibrational frequency. Jim Rohn famously said, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” Those individuals play a major role in shaping your success. Do they uplift and support you? Do they celebrate your wins? Or are they subtly draining your energy and holding you back?

As a vibrational being, whether you’re aware of it or not, you are constantly picking up on the vibrational frequencies around you. For instance, you’ve probably walked into a room and felt a heavy energy lingering in the space. This is a clear sign that you are attuned to the energies in your environment. The more open you are to these vibrations, the more sensitive you become. Therefore, it’s crucial to be selective about the people you allow into your life and the ones you spend the most time with. Where your focus goes, grows, and the energy of the people you surround yourself with will have a significant impact on your own energy.

Aligning with High Vibrations in Your Environment
This principle applies not just in the physical world, but also in the online world. Think about who you’re following. Choose to follow individuals who radiate high vibrational frequencies so you can absorb their positive energy and feel their uplifting vibes.

Harnessing the Law of Vibration for Your Benefit
How can you harness the law of vibration – where your focus goes, your energy follows – for your benefit? One way is by focusing on beauty. Surround yourself with environments that elevate your vibrational frequency. Engage in activities that bring joy to your heart. I like to think of the word “enjoy” as being “in joy.” So, what brings you joy? Choose those activities that make you feel “in joy” and direct your focus to them.

Shift Your Perspective on Time and Joy
What stories or excuses are you telling yourself that are keeping you from experiencing that joy? Perhaps you think, “I don’t have enough time to do this or to fit it into my day.” In that case, make it a priority — treat that activity as a non-negotiable, non-optional one, and complete it before noon. I go into more detail about this in my Daily Mindset Tips video, which I’ll link in the upper right-hand corner, so feel free to check it out.

Before going to sleep, remind yourself of the feeling you have when engaging in activities that bring you joy, so you’ll be inspired to fill your next day with those moments of happiness. Find the joy in every moment, and actively seek it out. Shift your perspective: instead of thinking, “Oh, I have to go to work or I have to do this,” focus on what you can highlight that will bring you joy.

Make Your Vibrational Energy a Priority
Think to yourself, “I enjoy working with my clients; it’s like having a coffee with a friend.” Focus on bringing more joy into your life. Make your vibrational energy a priority. Where your focus goes, grows. When you keep your vibration high, it will become more effortless. Your vibrational frequency is your most important asset.

Aligning with Your Higher Self
A great exercise is to write down what you envision your life to look like. Picture yourself living through the perspective of your higher self. What does that life look like? Journal your thoughts so that every day, you can align with that vibrational frequency.

I like to think of this as aligning with your higher self, aligning with your true essence. It’s impossible to align with something that you don’t know, so focus on feeling the emotions of what you believe you’ll experience in the future and bring them into your present. This creates a drag-and-drop effect, allowing things to manifest in your life when you practice the exercise of aligning with your true self.

Tuning Your Energy to Attract What You Desire
Let go of anything or anyone that prevents you from staying aligned. Think of it as tuning your energy. If you aren’t living the life you desire, it’s because you aren’t tuned to it. Imagine tuning a violin’s A string to a specific frequency; just like that, you’re living at a particular vibrational frequency, and this is why you’re attracting the things you’re experiencing. To make change effortless, align with the vibrational frequency of what you want to attract. Don’t stress about how it will happen or whether it seems impossible.

Focus on What You Want, Not What You Don’t Want
If you focus on what you want, you’ll attract more of it. However, if you focus on what you don’t want, you’ll attract more of that instead. So, instead of staying stuck in the negative energy of “this isn’t working,” switch to the energy of “this is working.” Naturally, if that relationship or situation is meant to grow, it will; if not, it won’t. But we also need to be willing to release what no longer serves us or what can’t match our higher vibrational frequency.

Maintain Your Vibration with Positive Affirmations
Each morning, take a moment to remind yourself of the life you desire to live, so you can stay in tune with that vibrational frequency. The morning is a powerful time to do this because it sets the tone for your day. Don’t be hard on yourself if you’re not where you want to be yet. Hold faith, and maintain that vibrational frequency as if you are already living that desired life. That’s your only job—holding that frequency.

Use Visualization to Manifest Your Desired Life
So, how can we maintain that vibrational frequency throughout our days? One effective way is by using positive affirmations and visualization to manifest the life you want. You can create personal affirmations that align with your desires, or you can start with basic affirmations to keep yourself in a higher vibrational state.

Focus on Positives to Manifest Quickly
The more you focus on the positives, the quicker they will manifest into your reality. Think of it as your responsibility to be happy, to focus on the good, and to find happiness in every moment. Stay focused on your highest expectations, and the universe will support you. This is the natural law of vibration and the law of attraction at work. You are the magnet for everything you see in your life. What are you choosing to attract?

Learn More About Raising Your Vibration
If you’d like more guidance on how to raise your vibrational frequency, I’ll leave a link in the description below where you can download my Raise Your Vibration Guidebook. It offers deeper insights on how to raise your vibrational frequency every day, and I look forward to seeing you there. Ciao!

Intuition: A soft, still voice

The Power of Your Intuition

The gentle voice of your intuition has the power to stretch you beyond your comfort zone, but never more than you are capable of. It will challenge you, but also support you. It always has your best interests at heart, at every level: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

Guiding You to New Heights

Your intuition will not only gently nudge you in scary directions which will yield huge and unimaginable rewards, but it will also gently nudge you when it’s time to stop or turn around.

The post Where Your Focus Goes Grows. What are you Focusing On? appeared first on High Vibe Biz & Life.

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How to Stay High Vibe When the World is Pushing Fear https://heatherkayebizandlife.com/how-to-stay-high-vibe-when-the-world-is-pushing-fear/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-to-stay-high-vibe-when-the-world-is-pushing-fear https://heatherkayebizandlife.com/how-to-stay-high-vibe-when-the-world-is-pushing-fear/#respond Sun, 11 Jul 2021 14:40:30 +0000 https://heatherkayebizandlife.com/?p=15107 The post How to Stay High Vibe When the World is Pushing Fear appeared first on High Vibe Biz & Life.

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How to Stay High Vibe When the World is Pushing Fear

Finding yourself feeling fearful, sad, anxious, overtired these days? Feel like everywhere you turn is filled with negativity? In this post, I’m going to give you three tips on how to stay high vibe when the world is pushing fear.

So let me start with this, you have the power! You have the power to choose what you think and how you feel. You have the power to release all the negativity that is around you. You have the power to tap into peace at any time. Your thoughts create and manifest your physical reality. You get to choose what is going on in your mind. You get to choose on how you perceive your reality and where you focus your attention.

What are you focusing on?

If you’re constantly thinking or talking about the negativity that is going on in the world today that is actually creating more and more fear in your world and it’s creating that feeling and anxiety to be bigger and bigger and bigger.

Instead of focusing on the negative, change your thought patterns.

Have thought interruptors at hand

Choose to have thought interrupters at hand and at ready. What are thought interrupters?

Thought interrupters can be affirmations. They can be a phrase that you just use and you have it right at your side whenever you need to shift your vibration. When you find yourself in that loop of negative thinking, just grab onto a thought interrupter and affirmation and repeat those words over and over.

My favorite thought interruptor that I use when I’m not feeling too well is, “Every day and every way, I’m getting better, better and better.” I repeat that over and over.

Perhaps I’m taking a walk and I just say, “Every day in every way I’m getting better, better and better and I can shift my reality of focusing on not feeling well to focusing on every day and every way I am getting better, better and better.

Another great one you can use as soon as that feeling of fear or anxiety pops up is to think, “I am well. I am safe. I am grounded. I am loved and all is well in my world.”

Allow yourself to feel

When you say these words, I want you to feel these words and to feel them in your heart center and to feel them in your solar plexus. In order to feel grounded stand in your power to help you heal yourself emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually.


Take the time to breathe in and to breathe out. Breathe in. You want to breathe in all the positive energy and breathe out all the negative. So we want to breathe in positivity and breathe out the negativity. Feel that you’re breathing out and letting go.

Allow yourself to let go of any resistance and any idea that you feel like you have to hold on to some sort of negative thought pattern or negative feeling or negative emotion.

Detox your social media

All right number two. Number two has to do with social media. If you haven’t checked out the movie Social Dilemma on Netflix, I highly suggest you check it out. It’s pretty revealing and it can be disturbing. Detox your use of social media. Redefine your social media strategy.

How are you going to have social media work for you? How are you going to use social media for your high vibe environment and atmosphere? Detox by deleting groups that are not benefiting you. Start to unfollow people that are not matching your vibe.

Years ago, I changed how to use social media because I was feeling drained and I just felt like my emotions were being manipulated by what I was seeing in social media.

I chose to remove myself from going to any type of feed. Doesn’t matter what platform.

I didn’t allow that feed to get into my reality. Be very selective in what groups you belong to and participate in.

If you’re looking for some positive facebook groups, come join me in my high vibe biz and life facebook group and if you are a violinist you can join my Heather Kaye violin facebook group.

Take a break from the news

Another way to surround yourself with more positive information is take a break from the news. Choose to fill that time listening to a positive podcast or perhaps watch a documentary or learn something from history instead of watching the news.

The media loves to push fear so stop absorbing it.

Participate in high vibe activities

In order to stay high vibe while the world is pushing fear, you need to be a high vibe warrior and fill your days with high vibe activities.

So maybe you’re feeling tired, don’t push yourself, actually go with the flow. If you’re feeling a little low in the energy department take a wonderful relaxing bath. Take advantage of at-home spa treatments, a facial mask. Perhaps just a washcloth, a hot washcloth over your face and breathe, meditate.

Tap into Your Creative and Healing Energy

Take a second to connect in, to silence your mind, to sit in the sun, to color.

Color holds vibration. Just take out a piece of paper and it doesn’t matter if it’s paints, if it’s crayons, just color. Find an image online, print it up and color it in. That could be so soothing. It’s such therapy to color.

Spend time with your pets. Give them hugs. Hold on to them and absorb their wonderful positive energy.

Practice Self-Care and Enjoy Your Passions

Tap into your creative center. What hobbies do you have where you’re creative? Perhaps you like cooking. Find a new recipe.

Play your instrument for the fun of it. Playing an instrument actually reduces your stress levels and cortisol, so it’s very immune-boosting and helps you raise your vibration.

Practice yoga at home.

There are many, many activities that you can do to keep your vibration high.

Whatever activity that you enjoy the most, that’s the activity you want to be doing.

I’d love to hear from you. Which of these tips are you going to be incorporating into your life to help you stay high vibe when the world is pushing fear? Please share with us in the comments below.

Take Control and Raise Your Vibration

For more tips on how to raise your vibration, get my Raise Your Vibration Guide to help you and help all of us on this planet to raise our vibration.

This guidebook will walk you step by step on how you can raise your vibration on a daily basis.

Remember to take back your power and think positively. Every second of every day you have a choice of what to think about.

Stop letting what is going on in the world take control of your mind and your life. Do what you need to do to feel safe and then let go. Release all outside things that are holding you in the frequency of fear.

Distract yourself by doing things that feel good to you. For more tips on how you can control your thought processes definitely check out my post, how to think better, feel better and be better. I’ll see you there.

Be sure to leave a comment below on what you are choosing to let go of to raise your vibration.

Take care and I’ll see you in the next post. Ciao.

The post How to Stay High Vibe When the World is Pushing Fear appeared first on High Vibe Biz & Life.

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Think Better, Feel Better, Be Better https://heatherkayebizandlife.com/think-better-feel-better-be-better/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=think-better-feel-better-be-better https://heatherkayebizandlife.com/think-better-feel-better-be-better/#comments Tue, 29 Jun 2021 14:41:46 +0000 https://heatherkayebizandlife.com/?p=15137 The post Think Better, Feel Better, Be Better appeared first on High Vibe Biz & Life.

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Think Better, Feel Better, Be Better

Are your days filled with negative thoughts, fears and worries about yourself and the world around you? Do you find yourself more in a state of anxiety than in peace? In this post, I’m going to give you the exact tools you need to think better, to feel better and to be better. 

The way we think directly influences how we feel. So if we’re thinking negatively, we’re going to feel pretty down and out. If we’re thinking positively, we’re most likely going to feel happier and have more energy. Every word has a vibrational frequency. Positive words have a higher vibrational frequency than negative words. So, let’s put this into play here.

Power of your thoughts

Say you have a project that you’re working on whether it is for work or creative activity of yours and if you have this project and you’re thinking, “Oh, I don’t even know what to do. I feel so overwhelmed. I don’t know what my next steps are. How am I going to get this done? I don’t have enough time. I have no clarity on this project.”

Then you start beating yourself up. Now that’s not good right?

So let’s take that same project and you reframe how you’re thinking.

“Ah, I have plenty of time to get this done. I will know exactly what my next steps are before I have to do them. I know that if I’m in a higher vibrational state, it’s going to go a lot easier. I’m in the exact place that I need to be at this time. I have plenty of time to complete this project.”

The feelings and emotions that are being produced from these two different scenarios are completely different.

Be your own cheerleader

If you’re beating yourself up, you’re probably not going to do very well in the project, whatever it is, but if you’re your own cheerleader, you’ll most likely have a more positive outcome.

It is truly important to understand the power of your thoughts. What you think, you attract. Your vibrational frequency is a magnet to what you’re attracting in your life. Your thoughts directly influence your emotions and your emotions directly influence your vibrational frequency. So it’s all one.

The choice is yours

Every second of every day you have a choice to think a positive thought or to think a negative thought. Know that when you have these negative thoughts and negative emotions, you are giving your power away to that specific person that did you wrong, the specific situation that did you wrong.

You always have control of how you think and how you feel.

Be the observer

When you’re feeling bad, do allow yourself to feel bad. Investigate what exactly led you up to that moment of feeling bad. If you can retrace your thoughts and find out where it started from.

Get to know your triggers

You may have experienced a trigger. Perhaps somebody said something and it triggered you to feel a specific way.

These triggers are unhealed parts of ourselves. If we never address them, they never get healed. So it is good to investigate what is going on.

Thinking positively only to suppress negative emotions is living in denial. We don’t want that at all. Awareness allows us to heal the unhealed parts of us from a place of light rather than stay in darkness.

Stay present

Let me give you another example of how your thoughts can influence your reality.

Say you absolutely love to swim. You find yourself swimming and you’re thinking, “Oh, I really should be doing this. I don’t have enough time to do this. I really need to be doing something else. I’m behind on this project. I have to go do that. I really shouldn’t be swimming right now.” You find yourself thinking about everything else besides swimming.

Now, if you’re swimming and you think in the present moment, “Oh, this feels so good. The water is amazing. It is actually stripping all the negative toxins out of me. I feel so much better when I swim. I’m so thankful. I’m giving myself the gift of time to swim on a daily basis.”

A lot different right? Even if we are doing a high vibe activity to keep our vibrations high but our mind and thoughts are not in the game, kind of defeats the purpose a little bit.

Think better, feel better, be better step by step

Okay, now that you know your thoughts are connected to your emotions, if you think better you will feel better and be better. Let’s give you some tools on how to train your brain on thinking positively.

The first step is awareness. Perhaps you’re just thinking, thinking, thinking. You find yourself just thinking throughout the day. You don’t even know exactly what you’re thinking. You’re just not even aware. You just know that you’re constantly thinking.

As soon as you start to think a negative thought, catch yourself in that thought and say “Cancel, clear, delete.”

You want to be stronger than those negative thoughts.

Take yourself to the thought bank

Once you have that negative thought, say it’s, “Oh, I don’t know how I’m going to get this done. I’m so behind.”

You want to take yourself to a thought bank and exchange your thought. Visualize yourself walking into a thought bank. Say I want to exchange this thought for a more positive thought. The more positive thought could be, “I always have the right amount of time to get my projects done. I am never behind. I’m exactly where I need to be in this moment.”

Whoa, huge energy shift, right? You feel more way more expansive when you think that positive thought.

Change your focus

When you find yourself thinking negatively about a specific situation or specific person, just change your focus. Start thinking about something delicious. What makes you feel good? What lights you up?

You want to spend more time in that energy than a negative energy for your own health.

Where your focus goes, grows

Your focus is like an absolute laser beam. So you want to put that laser beam on something that is just going to light you up. Not something that’s going to tear you down.

Just because you see your reality as truth, your energy doesn’t have to be there.

You know there is a specific issue or you have a specific problem in your mind. That is your reality. That reality lives there.

You have the power to put yourself in another reality of happiness. You don’t have to live in this reality of darkness. If you have no control of making it better, let it go.

You are living your life right now. You are the commander of your ship.

Are you going to choose to live in negativity and fear or are you going to choose to live in positivity love and happiness?


The next step is gratitude. Gratitude is a powerful tool that shifts your energy from negative to positive. Instead of thinking the negative thought. Think about what you’re grateful for.

Instead of thinking, “Oh, gotta do the dishes again.” Think about, “Oh I’m so grateful and thankful I have these dishes. I have a home. I have a roof over my head. I have warm water.”

These are all great things to be thankful for and while you’re doing those dishes, you can be doing affirmations.

Have an affirmation arsenal

Affirmations are a great way to train your brain. I know it’s not easy to think positively. Believe me, I probably could win an award for beating myself up as a perfectionist for many, many, many, too many years. I know it’s not easy to think positively.

It’s a lot easier to think negatively.

One of the ways you can train your brain is with affirmations. With affirmations, you are your own cheerleader. You’re replacing time that you’re spending on negative thoughts with spending the time on positive thoughts and feeding, feeding, feeding your energy with positive thoughts which raises your vibration.

Perhaps you’re thinking, “Well, I don’t even know what to say.”

I’ll give you some examples of great go-to affirmations.

  • The Universe is working by my side, always guiding me towards a higher vibrational state.
  • I am the creator of my reality and what I experience.
  • I can be, do or have absolutely anything in the Universe.

Now, when you are saying these affirmations, you want to really feel the emotions behind them. Say it with passion!

Use empowered questions

What are empowered questions? Say you want to be healthier.

Ask yourself, “Why am I so healthy?”

If you want to feel happier, ask yourself, “Why am I so happy?”

If you want to be wealthier, ask yourself, “Why am I so wealthy?”

This is going to actually create and trigger a response of why, exactly you are so wealthy. Perhaps you’re wealthy with friends, culture, knowledge.

Stand tall

One way you can change your energy immediately, if you’re thinking a negative thought is simply with your posture.

You can just say to yourself, “I am going to stand in the power of my higher self,” and completely change your posture.

Put your shoulders back. Put your chin up. Stand in the power of your higher self.

Be stronger than that negative thought.

If you like this post, I think you’re going to absolutely love my post, “How to Get out of a Funk Fast.” 

For a limited time get my Raise Your Vibration Guide to help you and help all of us on this planet to raise our vibration.

Be sure to leave a comment below on how you are choosing to transform your thoughts.

Take care and I’ll see you in the next post. Ciao.

The post Think Better, Feel Better, Be Better appeared first on High Vibe Biz & Life.

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Guided Gratitude Practice https://heatherkayebizandlife.com/guided-gratitude-practice/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=guided-gratitude-practice https://heatherkayebizandlife.com/guided-gratitude-practice/#comments Sun, 27 Jun 2021 14:02:31 +0000 https://heatherkayebizandlife.com/?p=15213 The post Guided Gratitude Practice appeared first on High Vibe Biz & Life.

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Feel Better Instantly Formula

a guided gratitude practice

Have you ever found yourself feeling pretty down and out and you just think, oh if only I could feel better? In this post, I’m going to give you the one tool that you can use so you can feel better instantly.

Gratitude is a super powerful tool. We can use gratitude to shift our energy from feeling low to high because when you feel thankful you feel good.

Gratitude is like a muscle. If we don’t use it it’s not going to be very easy at first to be grateful or to be thankful and especially if you’re feeling a little down and out, the last thing you feel is thankful and grateful.

Gratitude as an emotion

Gratitude is emotion. Gratitude is ineffective when we say thank you without feeling it. The game-changer is feeling the emotions of that thank you. Feeling emotions of joy and love and happiness.

Raise your vibration with gratitude

A gratitude practice is super important to do on a daily basis to help raise your vibration. All you need is a journal or a piece of paper and a pen or pencil. Make it fun and choose your favorite creative writing utensil.

Tune up your superstrings

Words are magic. You have the thoughts in your mind and when you put them on the page, they have been put into existence. You write those words down, you can see those words, you can feel those words and they are in existence. What emotions do you feel when you’re grateful? When something happens and you say thank you or you’re so grateful you just feel it in your heart and it totally bubbles up and out. That moment you allowed yourself to receive, that moment you allowed yourself to feel love, to feel joy, to be thankful and you value and appreciate what gave you gratitude. Gratitude is like a little bundle of joy and love and so much in one word those words of thank you is really, you know, feeling those feelings and those emotions and they bubble up and it’s a huge thank you.

Guided gratitude practice with the four elements

Before we even get started into the guided gratitude practice, let’s calibrate where you are currently.

On a scale of one to ten where do you feel emotionally right now?

One feeling pretty down and out and ten, vibing really high. Where do you fit in that scale?

Write that number down on a piece of paper because we will check in after the guided gratitude practice to see how you’re feeling

Guided gratitude practice – Air

To get started let’s write thank you on the top of your page. Underneath those big thank you words, write in big letters AIR.

Then write out, I am so grateful, thankful and full of joy, (I like to throw in, and full of joy, because it helps to bring up those emotions of gratitude) that I can breathe.

I’m so grateful, thankful and full of joy for my breath.

  • What are you thankful for with your breath?
  • What does your breath allow you to do?

I’m so grateful, thankful and full of joy for my breath. It allows me to swim. It allows me to live. I am so grateful, thankful and full of joy that I can go outside every morning and breathe fresh air.

Journal why are you so grateful and thankful for air. When you are ready you can move on to water.

Guided gratitude practice – Water


  • What are you thankful for with water?
  • Why are you thankful for water?

I am so grateful and thankful and full of joy that every morning I can take a hot shower. That anytime I want to take a hot shower, I can take a hot shower.

So grateful, thankful, full of joy that every time I want to feel better physically, I can take a hot shower.

I’m a swimmer and I love to swim. I’m so grateful, thankful, full of joy that I have water that I can swim in.

The next thing I think of is the sea. I’m so grateful, thankful and full of joy that I have an apartment on the sea that I can go there at any time and enjoy the sea from my balcony.

What are you thankful for with water? I’m so grateful, thankful, full of joy that water can cleanse my energy. Every time I go into the sea, I go swimming I just feel cleansed same with showers. Water is very cleansing.

Do you enjoy taking a bath. I’m so grateful, thankful and full of joy that anytime I want to take a hot soaking bath full of essential oils and epsom salts that that is possible.

Isn’t this fun? These are simple things but powerful to shift energy. Thinking the details and feeling the emotions helps to anchor in, even more, a sense of gratitude.

Guided gratitude practice – Earth

When you are ready, write down EARTH on your piece of paper and think about what are you thankful for with earth.

I am so thankful, grateful, and full of joy to walk on the earth, feel the earth’s energy through my feet, and feel grounded. I love feeling grounded.

My zodiac is an earth element so I really really feel attracted to being grounded.

What does it mean to be grounded?

For me, I’m so thankful, grateful, and full of joy to be organized, to have a beautiful flat to live in. I’m so grateful, thankful, full of joy I have this office space here that keeps me grounded and helps me feel supported as I create videos for my followers. I’m so grateful, thankful, and full of joy that at any time I want, I can walk outside in nature in a beautiful park that is next to my flat.

What comes to your mind as you think of the earth element? I am so grateful, thankful, and full of joy for the opportunities that I’ve had to visit national parks, see nature in all of its glory.

Guided gratitude practice – Fire

Our final element is fire so we’ll go ahead and write down fire onto the piece of paper. Oh, fire, fire, fire! I love feeling warm, don’t you?

Who doesn’t love to feel warm, right? When I think of a fire and the warmth from a fire, I am super thankful. I immediately feel love from warmth, don’t you?

I am so grateful, thankful and full of joy for the sun, for the warmth that I feel from the sun especially in the morning when I go outside. I love feeling the sun on my face and feel on my back.

I’m so grateful, thankful, full of joy for warmth, for heat. I’m so thankful, grateful, full joy for hot peppers.

That can be tied into the earth element. I’m so grateful, thankful and full of joy for my body.

Journal what are you thankful for with the element fire?

So grateful, thankful, full of joy that my body has the ability to walk, to take me outside, to swim in the sea.

You see we can go full circle with the elements. One element easily leads into another.

Guided gratitude practice: Check-in

After completing this guided gratitude practice with the four elements, how do you feel now on a scale of one to ten? Is your number higher now then it was in the beginning?

When I checked in with myself before going through this guided gratitude practice with you, I put myself at about a three. After completing this guided gratitude practice, I and now I would say I’m at a seven. I feel so much better.

Please share in the comments below your number before the guided gratitude practice and your number after.

If you want to take this even further, I’ve created a raise your vibration guidebook where I go into even more detail on how to use gratitude in your life and in manifestation.

For a limited time get my Raise Your Vibration Guide to help you and help all of us on this planet to raise our vibration.

It’s 100 percent downloadable and it will help you know what different activities can help raise your vibration plus give you some ideas of moving yourself in that direction of the person you want to be.

Take care and I’ll see you in the next post. Ciao.

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How to Feel Better Fast https://heatherkayebizandlife.com/how-to-feel-better-fast/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-to-feel-better-fast https://heatherkayebizandlife.com/how-to-feel-better-fast/#comments Wed, 23 Jun 2021 10:55:01 +0000 https://heatherkayebizandlife.com/?p=15115 The post How to Feel Better Fast appeared first on High Vibe Biz & Life.

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How to Feel Better Fast

Do you have a black cloud stopping you from doing the things you know you should or even things you love to do?

Have you ever found yourself not knowing your next steps and starting to sink into low vibe patterns and habits?

In this post, discover how to feel better fast, navigate out of that dark vortex and step into the spotlight of your life.

Symptoms of low vibrational frequency

Have you ever found yourself talking to yourself in a not very positive way. You start to lose a desire to do what you love. You lack energy and you’re feeling tired all the time and this dark cloud or feeling of dread, negative vibration started to seep into other aspects of your life.

Even the things that you used to love doing you find excuses and reasons not to do them. “Oh, the weather’s not so great” “Oh, it’s just not the right time,” and your confidence starts to drop.

You find that it’s a lot easier to grab that bag of chips or to eat those french fries than it is to actually start to do something to get yourself out of the dark vortex.

This fear and lack of confidence absolutely stop you dead in your tracks to do the things you once loved.

These are all symptoms of low vibrational frequency.

Raise your vibration by letting go of victimization

Everything around us is energy. Everything in this universe is energy and you are energy. You can feel better fast just by simply raising your vibration!

What that means is that we can tune ourselves up just like the strings on a violin. It’s actually that simple, but what stops us from doing it is us.

That first step is the most difficult and then what comes into play is a little bit of victimhood. Perhaps you’re familiar with this, “Oh, this happened because of that person” or “That person did this or said this and that’s why I’m in this position,” or “The outside circumstances in the world right now is why I’m in this position.”

Change your perspective

Feel better fast by choosing to have a different perspective. A perspective that doesn’t pin you in the victim role.

One that empowers you to stand in your power because you are an infinite being in a body.

Tune up your superstrings

So how do we tune up our superstrings, our own energy?

The first step, like I said is the hardest, but it’s really super easy.

Feel better fast by doing something. It really doesn’t matter what it is. Do something and take that momentum of doing something.

Now, you may be thinking, “Well okay Heather, yeah I know that I need to do something but I don’t want to do it.”

Okay, I’m going to give you something to think about here. You do things in your life that you do without thinking, like brushing your teeth in the morning, washing your face in the morning, eating. We have to eat right? These are things that you do without thinking. Things that are in automation. So this state of automatic motion is what we want to feed off of.

Say in the morning, you brush your teeth, you wash your face, you do the dishes or clean the kitchen a little bit. Take that momentum of doing something and start to have that transition into other aspects of your life.

Put high vibe activites on automatic

What are high vibe activities?

Going for a walk in nature. Take yourself outside, get the vibration of the Earth with you and take that walk.

Movement, momentum, just physical movement can help raise our vibrational frequency higher to help us start to feel better.

Absorbing the energy of nature helps us to feel better.

Be sure to reward yourself that you did one thing.

If you took that walk in nature, go ahead and reward yourself. Talk to yourself as you would talk to your pet. Tell yourself you are a good girl/boy for doing the high vibe activity.

Intentional enjoyment

Supercharge your high vibe activities with enjoyment. Think about how much you enjoy doing the activity. How thankful you are for the opportunity that you have to do the activity.

Once that black vortex or that black cloud or the negative low vibe frequency is in your life, identify that you are in a low vibrational frequency. It’s very easy to do those things that you love and think like oh, I should be doing something else. I, I can’t be doing this. I really should be doing that.

You need to eliminate this way of thinking. Completely delete the string of thoughts, I should be doing something else. Allow yourself to be completely in the present moment when you take that walk in nature. Think about the walk. Think about the steps that you’re taking. Think about the trees that are around you.

Focus on your present moment. Allow yourself and permit yourself to enjoy that moment without thinking I should be doing something else.

Allow music to raise your vibes

A simple high vibe activity that you can do is just turn some music on. This is probably the easiest high vibe activity of all. Everybody has a way to play music in your flat, apartment, house wherever you are even in your car.

Choose music that is high vibe music to help raise your vibrational frequency.

Music is vibration. If you are a musician, you can play an instrument. Playing an instrument completely raises your vibration and has a very powerful effect on your body’s physical, mental, and spiritual aspects.

15 minutes a day helps keep the low vibes away

If you allow yourself 15 minutes to do one high vibe activity, to start to get yourself in that momentum and move out of the low vibe frequency, you’re going to find that it’s going to become easier and easier. Especially, if you get your mind in there too.

Enjoy that present moment.

Now, I put together something I’m so excited about and it’s a raise your vibration guide.

For a limited time get my Raise Your Vibration Guide to help you and help all of us on this planet to raise our vibration.

It’s 100 percent downloadable and it will help you know what different activities can help raise your vibration plus give you some ideas of moving yourself in that direction of the person you want to be.

Do you know what the most amazing effect of raising your vibration is?

Things start to shift in your life. Things start to change. Those things that you thought would never be possible, start to manifest themselves.

Living in a Higher Vibrational State

The fact that you live in a higher vibrational state, the things you want to accomplish become easier. You become more productive. You’re able to help others even more.

Just being in a higher vibrational state, helps raise the consciousness of humanity. Now more than ever we all need everyone to step in and start to raise their vibration so we can shift consciousness.

You raising your vibration, me raising my vibration helps all others around us.

We are examples to other people on how they can allow themselves and permit themselves as well to raise their vibration.

Isn’t that beautiful?

I would love to hear from you in the comments below on which raise your vibration technique you’re going to start to implement.

Are you ready to raise your vibration even faster? Be sure to check out my post, three things you must give up to raise your vibration instantly. I’ll see you there.

Take care and I’ll see you in the next post. Ciao.

The post How to Feel Better Fast appeared first on High Vibe Biz & Life.

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Gratitude is Your Super Power https://heatherkayebizandlife.com/gratitude-is-your-super-power/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=gratitude-is-your-super-power https://heatherkayebizandlife.com/gratitude-is-your-super-power/#respond Tue, 08 Jun 2021 15:34:00 +0000 https://heatherkayebizandlife.com/?p=15118 The post Gratitude is Your Super Power appeared first on High Vibe Biz & Life.

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Gratitude is Your Super Power If Done Right

In any aspect of your life are you feeling lack, dissatisfied with your current circumstances, looking for someone to rescue you. It’s time to break out your superpower of gratitude.

In this post, I am so super excited to be sharing how gratitude is your superpower! How to shift your energy, raise your vibration, and feel better instantly all with gratitude. First, we will discover the power of gratitude, why it’s so important and how you can create a daily practice that works for you.

Gratitude raises your vibration

How does gratitude raise your vibration?

If you’re like me, you want to understand why and how something works before you take the time to do it in order to know if the effects are really worth the effort that you put in.

Think of the moment when you feel sincere gratitude, what does that feel like?

What emotions do you feel when you are grateful, full of joy, love just bursting from your heart, bubbling out.

Think about the last time you were so super thankful you couldn’t even contain yourself.

At that moment, we feel that we have something that we didn’t have before. We feel like we have a solution, the results, maybe something that we were working so hard for and it finally happened.

We’re most likely also feeling peace, relief, wholeness, connection, love, happiness, joy.

Share in the comments below, what emotions you feel when you are grateful.

Allow yourself to feel the emotion

In that moment of gratitude you allowed yourself to receive, you are open for something new, for some change and you’re open to love.

You’re open to gratitude.

These are all good feelings. It’s really difficult to feel bad at the same time that you’re feeling grateful. It doesn’t quite work.

Now, let’s think about what we are not feeling in that moment when we have so much gratitude. We’re not feeling a sense of lack. We’re not feeling at that moment that we’re not enough. We’re feeling grateful and so thankful that we have added value. So keep in mind that gratitude is not just the words “thank you,” it’s the emotions and the feelings behind those words.

Gratitude is abundance

Gratitude is feeling appreciation for something that you value. If you don’t feel you, yourself are something of value, it would be difficult for you to understand how someone can appreciate you or what you have to offer.

Practicing gratitude is being in the present moment. It’s being grateful and thankful for what is currently happening to you in your reality. It’s being grateful and thankful for the moments in the past that brought you to this specific place in time in your life right now.

Gratitude is letting go of resistance

Gratitude allows you to let go of the resistance of receiving. If you find yourself having a difficult time to receive, the power of gratitude will help open up that door of allowing you to receive.

Strengthen your gratitude muscle

Gratitude is like a muscle. If you haven’t been using it, it’s going to be a little difficult at first to start feeling and being thankful for things right now.

Once you start using gratitude, it’s going to be a lot easier and easier for you to receive. At first, you may reach for something large and easy, “Oh I’m so thankful for my life,” but what we need to do is actually be thankful for details within that umbrella.

Gratitude is in the details

It’s great to be thankful for something large but to really anchor in those emotions, is to think of five specific details of why you are thankful. This helps the emotions really come to the surface and it helps anchor in that feeling of gratitude.

When you feel that gratitude, you can immediately feel a shift in your vibration. It’s like a vibrational tune-up and it’s so necessary for energetic hygiene.

Gratitude is transformational

Gratitude has the power to transform any situation. It can take us out of that vortex of fear and negativity that’s just absolutely sucking our energy out like a vampire and give us a renewed sense of faith, hope and joy. Just feel it in your heart bubbling up.

Daily gratitude practice

So how can you incorporate a daily gratitude practice? A really easy way is to actually journal. Take a piece of paper, pen and write down what you’re thankful for. Start with something big if you want but don’t forget that you want to have five specific details of what you’re thankful for from that bigger topic and you want to write “I’m so grateful, thankful for …” and write down what you’re so grateful and thankful for and let those feelings and emotions come up.

Another way you can incorporate a gratitude practice is to have a gratitude jar and to write down on a little piece of paper what you’re grateful and thankful for and you can put it in the jar. That way you can see the jar get full, full, full with more of what you’re thankful for and you can visually see how it grows.

A very easy way to create a gratitude practice is right before you fall asleep, think of five things you’re thankful for during that day.

Gratitude for manifestation

Gratitude is also a great manifestation tool. Feel that sense of gratitude for specific things that you want to manifest in the future, say it’s a new car.

“I’m so grateful and thankful for my mini countryman,” or whatever car it is that you want to have. Feel how you’re so grateful and thankful for that key in your hand, so grateful and thankful for how the steering wheel feels in your hand. You’re so grateful and thankful for on those rainy days that you’re able to be in a car and you don’t have to walk outside in the rain. Those types of things. Really get specific about what you’re thankful for. That way you can use gratitude for your manifestation practice.

I am so grateful, thankful and full of joy that you watched this video to the end. I’ve created a wonderful Raise Your Vibration guidebook that goes into more detail on how to create a guided gratitude practice and more to raise your vibration on a daily basis.

For a limited time get my Raise Your Vibration Guide to help you and help all of us on this planet to raise our vibration.

If you want to do a guided gratitude practice with me, definitely check out my guided gratitude practice with the four elements where we go into gratitude together using the four elements. I’ll see you there.

Take care and I’ll see you in the next post. Ciao.

The post Gratitude is Your Super Power appeared first on High Vibe Biz & Life.

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How to Let Go of the Past and Start Living in the Present Moment https://heatherkayebizandlife.com/how-to-let-go-of-the-past/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-to-let-go-of-the-past https://heatherkayebizandlife.com/how-to-let-go-of-the-past/#respond Mon, 07 Jun 2021 19:16:42 +0000 https://heatherkayebizandlife.com/?p=14310 The post How to Let Go of the Past and Start Living in the Present Moment appeared first on High Vibe Biz & Life.

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How to Let Go of the Past and Start Living in the Present Moment

Do you ever find yourself stuck in the past, repeating situations over and over and over again in your mind or wishing that things turned out differently? In this post, discover how to let go of the past and start living your best life in the present moment.

First thing to understand is that every time you dip into the past, you are stopping yourself in the present moment. It is like screeching the brakes to the now. Even worse, you are projecting those same patterns, that same energy into your future. Thinking of the past allows the past to bleed into your present and spoil your future. Sounds serious right? It sure is.

If you choose to give your attention to moments in the past or situations in the past, that same negative energy or emotion is alive once again not only in your present moment but projecting like a spotlight into your future.

Don’t want to read? Watch the video.

Energy attracts energy. Like attracts like. When you think of your past, you are giving it energy. Let go of what you think should be happening now. Let go of what you think you should have done. Let go of what people thought of you or think of you and focus in on the core center of who you are in this present moment.

Today is the day that we’re going to heal the heartbreak of the past, allowing you to move forward and release yourself from the attachment of your past. 

In this post, I will be giving you step-by-step implementable actions that you can do to help let go of your past.

How to let go fo the past with awareness

How to leg of your past with awareness? Awareness is the key to unlock that door that’s keeping you in your prison. Being aware of your present moment keeps you too busy to look back. An excellent way to be aware, super aware, is with gratitude to be really thankful for what you have in your life.

I’m sure there’s many, many things that you can think about that you don’t have in your life but let’s focus on what you do have in your life. Instead of thinking, I should be further along or I should have a higher position in my career or I should be working somewhere better than where I’m at or I should be somewhere else than I’m at in this present moment, think about what you love in your present moment.

We want to eliminate all of the negativity, delete it all and just focus in on the gratitude of the present moment. When something happens and you feel good, focus in like a laser on that emotion. Make it bigger, not smaller. Choose to think about what you are thankful for in your present moment.

For example, as I am writing this post, I look around me and I see the books that I have written. I’ve written many violin exercise books that have helped violinists worldwide improve technique and tone in their violin journey. My career as a violinist took me to Europe and beyond teaching violinists all over the world.  Identifying as a violinist confined me. Letting go of my perceived identity freed me. 

Free yourself from your perceived identity

You are what you think you are. Those thoughts create your parameters.

When you allow yourself to be free of what you perceive as the definition of you, it opens up even more doors.

If you keep yourself locked in this little box, you’re not going to continue to grow or expand. There are a lot of fears that can stop us from growing and expanding and one of them is being stuck in the past.

We all are limitless potential in a body. Isn’t that exciting?

Limitless does not stay confined in a box or label.

For example, yes I am a violinist and a lightworker and a passive income maven and a swimmer and a healer and a tarot reader and an intuitive and a pianist and an English teacher and a fiance and a writer and a composer and an online entrepreneur and a digital nomad and a life coach and a chakra attuner etc.

I think you get the point 🙂

Think about ALL that you are, not the one thing you think you need to be.

How to let go of the past with gratitude

How to let go of your past with gratitude? Gratitude is beautiful. Turn those stories in your past to something you are grateful for. You are who you are in this moment because of every second of your past. Every second is like a grain of sand in an hourglass. When you think of events in your past they are really a small mosaic of color in your kaleidoscope of life. Puts it into perspective right….makes it super small.

Gratitude is an excellent exercise you can do it at any time of every day.  Just think about what you’re grateful for in the present moment.

When you find yourself thinking, Oh I should be further along or I should be more recognized or I should have more respect, that’s the ego going a little haha and when that happens is just to think what you’re grateful and thankful for in this exact present moment.

Awareness and gratitude go hand in hand.

Want more tips to understand how to use gratitude? Check out my blog post Gratitude is Your Super Power.

Where your focus goes, grows

How to let go of your past with a perspective change. When we put our focus into something positive as opposed to something negative, we are going to naturally attract more positivity.

We’re going to attract more things that we are grateful for.

When we only think about what we do not have in our life or where we are not in our life, that’s just going to keep us down, down, down, down, down. Negative thinking puts the energy out of lack. I’m not enough or I don’t have enough and that energy is going to attract more lack and more I’m not enough-ness.

Be the beacon

How to let go of the past? Be a beacon of light. Letting yourself radiate. It is OK to shine. It is your Divine Right to Shine!

Be full of joy and gratitude.

You may be thinking, “well that’s great but I still have this negative past.”

What you want to do is yeah, acknowledge yes that happened and rewrite the story.

Change how you perceive that situation to be.

Re-write your past

Every time we think of the past and take it out of our memory banks, it actually changes the memory of that specific situation. So maybe it’s something that happened 35 years ago and that energy is still within your energetic system.

Rewrite the story, ask yourself what is the one positive aspect of that situation?

Maybe the one positive aspect is to understand and connect with the inner child before that situation happened. Maybe that situation allows you to connect with him or her and to connect with that energy and that beautiful energy of who you really are at your core and perhaps that is the only positive thing that could have happened out of that.

Maybe because you experienced that situation, you can help others navigate their journeys out.

In every negative situation, there is a seed of positive.

Clear feeling unworthy

Ever been judged in your past? Still hanging onto that judgement imprint?

In your past, maybe somebody projected their belief system on you and in some cases that made you feel dirty in comparison to their belief system or feeling unworthy.

That is absolute madness, somebody else’s belief system judging you and you’re allowing yourself to feel unworthy because of that.

We need to just delete that out of the core and pull that root completely out of your energetic system.

You are worthy. You are enough.

Connect with the enough-ness of you. The gloriousness of you.

Nobody else can make you feel unworthy. Only you allow yourself to feel that way based on somebody else’s belief system.

Pull it out by its root and let it go and say bye. I’m living my life. 

How to let go of the past with forgiveness.

The most powerful, most powerful, powerful, powerful tool to let go of your past, is with forgiveness.

The most powerful and the most difficult. That’s why I saved it for the last because if you start chipping away with these other techniques and then forgiveness may become easier. 

Maybe you’re ready to go right straight to forgiveness. Maybe you’re not.

I like to think of forgiveness as presented by Oprah Winfrey. Oprah defines forgiveness as releasing the power of that situation on your present moment and future by choosing not to allow it to affect you negatively anymore.

This definition of forgiveness is very empowering and a lot easier for me to forgive by choosing not to allow it to affect me negatively.

It’s very important not just to forgive the situation or to forgive the other person, sometimes the deepest and hardest is actually to forgive ourselves.

Sending tons of powerful high vibe energy your way.

Need a daily high vibe practice? Get my Raise Your vibration Guide here.  For a limited time you can get this free download to use and implement in your life to help you raise your vibration which in turn helps you release your past.

Need more guidance on a daily letting go practice?  Take some time to read or watch How to Easily Let Go of What No Longer Serves You on a Daily Basis.

I’ll see you there. Ciao.

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How to Use Vision Boards for Goal Setting https://heatherkayebizandlife.com/vision-boards-for-goal-setting/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=vision-boards-for-goal-setting https://heatherkayebizandlife.com/vision-boards-for-goal-setting/#comments Wed, 03 Feb 2021 14:28:37 +0000 https://heatherkayebizandlife.com/?p=14566 The post How to Use Vision Boards for Goal Setting appeared first on High Vibe Biz & Life.

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5 Ways Vision Boards Help You Reach Your Goals

Do you have a goal-setting practice? Ever thought about incorporating vision boards into a goal-setting practice?

When was the last time you allowed yourself to daydream about the life that you want? Let’s have some fun and align our goals with our dreams. In this post, I will talk about 5 ways you can use vision boards to help you reach your goals.

A lot of people have a distinct fear of failure when it comes to goals. If you don’t set any goals, it’s a lot easier not to fail. Maybe you’re like me and you cringe a little bit when you hear the word goal or run away.

Discover how to use vision boards for goal-setting in such a fun way that you never, never will ever feel like a failure you didn’t get to your goal, because you know what? When you set those goals, the closer you get to them is progress. It doesn’t matter if you achieve it or not, the fact that you are on the journey is proof of progress and growth.

Creating vision boards has been a real popular topic over these last few years. Especially around the time of the end of the year and the new year. In January, February people start thinking about what they want to accomplish in the new year.

Any time of the year is a great time to get started on a vision board. Don’t put off making your vision board. Your time is now.

Let’s explore the different ways to incorporate vision boards into your goal-setting practice to help you achieve those goals in a fun creative way.

Vision boards for goal setting makes you focus on what is important to you.

Whether you use one visual board for everything or divide it up into segments is a personal choice on how you want to use vision boards for goal-setting.

Check out my blog post, “Five Ways to Use Vision Boards” where I talk about how to actually break your vision boards down into different categories. This makes the entire process a lot easier and less overwhelming, plus more focused and effective.

No matter your system that you use, you want to think about what you want in your life and to prioritize what is important.

As creatives, we have all these different ideas and desires but if we don’t focus our energy in an aligned direction, nothing will get accomplished.

Use vision boards to change your location

Do you want to buy a house or move to a warmer climate? Putting a picture of yourself working on the beach or a house on the beach will allow you to stay focused on your happy end result. This way, you will be open to more opportunities to align you to your happy end result.

If you want to move, you alone can make that happen. You’ll make better business decisions based on that desire to move. If you want to move to Spain, gather pictures of Spain and put that on your vision board so you can really envision yourself moving to Spain.

Visualization stimulates the creative side of our brain

Placing your vision board beside your computer or desk, serves as a daily reminder of what you want to achieve. Some believe keeping it open on your nightstand while you sleep, helps stimulate the subconscious before you go to bed which motivates you upon waking.

With your creativity soaring because of your vision board for goal setting practice, keep a notebook nearby to jot down ideas. You may come up with a new course or coaching program that will get you closer to your happy end result.

Focusing on your goals help create new opportunities

Visualizing yourself living in a warmer climate or whatever your primary goal is, will motivate you to work towards that goal. As a result, you’ll also notice new opportunities or resources leading you closer to reaching your goal.

These resources may have always been present but now that you’ve focused on your goal, you’ll see them in a new light. Most likely you will release resistance when you have a deep embedded why.

Vision boards for goal setting helps you break out of your comfort zone.

Vision boards help you break out of your comfort zone. You may be stuck in a rut because it’s comfortable in that rut. Acknowledging your goals and your desire, as scary as they may be, are great motivators to help you get out of that rut.

If your goal is to reach a hundred thousand people online then you’ll start to see opportunities. Break down your larger goals into smaller achievable goals. For instance,  how many people you can reach via your youtube channel, emails, or your Facebook page. You can break down those big scary goals into smaller segments. These smaller opportunities will give your name recognition. People will start sharing your content and products with others that also need your guidance.

How you can break this down on your vision board is by putting numbers specific to your goals. If you want 10,000 people on your email list put that on your vision board. Perhaps you want 5,000 people to like your Facebook page. Put that on your vision board.

As a result, if your final goal is to reach 100,000 people, you can find different ways on how you can reach them in different mediums online

Seeing that big goal forces you out of daydream and into action.

Nothing happens without action on your part. Vision boards are not magic tricks. They are a tool that inspires us to get into action. Visualize your ideal life then approach each day with action steps to get you there.

Aside from these reasons, vision boards can be a lot of fun to make, super relaxing and help you get closer to your goals visually.

Are you ready to create those vision boards but you just don’t know how to start? Check out my online vision board workshop.

Kiss the ordinary goodbye and step into your dream life.

My vision board workshop is specifically designed for creatives, coaches and entrepreneurs who are wanting some guidance on how to get a vision board going that’s going to actually be effective in achieving your desired goals.

I can’t promise that you’re going to make million dollars and move to Bali with my vision board workshop but I can promise you this, with your vision board close at hand you’ll be on your way for your best year ever in biz and life.

How much is that worth to you?

The post How to Use Vision Boards for Goal Setting appeared first on High Vibe Biz & Life.

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Never Underestimate the Power of Words https://heatherkayebizandlife.com/never-underestimate-the-power-of-words/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=never-underestimate-the-power-of-words https://heatherkayebizandlife.com/never-underestimate-the-power-of-words/#respond Sat, 02 Jan 2021 14:25:35 +0000 https://heatherkayebizandlife.com/?p=14414 The post Never Underestimate the Power of Words appeared first on High Vibe Biz & Life.

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Never Underestimate the Power of Words

Do you know that every word you speak, every word you think has a vibrational frequency? If you want to shift your energy to a higher vibration, the first place to start is with your words. In this post learn how the vibrational frequency of words can help you shift your energy and attract the life you desire.

Words are the foundation of our everyday life. The words you use, no matter if you think or speak them are put into your energetic field and the atmosphere around you. The positive words are creating a positive outcome and the negative words pollute your energy and the environment around you.

Don’t want to read? Watch the video here.

Words have energetic power or vibrational frequency

Let’s back up a little bit and talk about the energetic frequency or vibrational frequency of words. We really can take for granted every word we speak, every word we say. Since the beginning of our time here in this life, we’ve been talking and these words actually have power behind them. We take for granted and underestimate the power of a single word.

How about a little word test. Think and say the word yes. Repeat saying and thinking yes. Where do you feel yes in your body? Yes. Yes. Yes. Where do you feel that yes? How do you feel about that yes? Okay, now say and think no. No. How do you feel that no and where do you feel it in your body? What about the following words? Amazing! Super! Fun! Where do you feel that in your body? Finally test out the following words:  Stupid. Mad. Angry. Horrible. How do you feel those words in your body? Let us know in the comments below this post.

The negative words, I feel really deep in my gut. It felt really low like it had a very dense energy to it. The positive words, yes, fun, amazing, and super, I felt from the heart and above. For me it feels so good and radiant and light, like I could fly away in a helium balloon. It just feels great.

What are the first words you think or hear in the morning?

Now that you understand every word you say and think has energy. Think about how you talk to yourself immediately in the morning. How do you feel? What are the thoughts going through your mind? Is it, “oh I have to get up today and do this,” and you know, is it thinking and dreading activities that you have going on or are you super grateful you have another day? Are you super grateful you have your breath? Super excited for what you can do in the day and how many people you can help and serve?

When you look at yourself in the mirror do you think about what parts of your body you don’t like, what needs to be improved upon instead of thinking “Oh I am so beautiful, gorgeous. I am gorgeous or I am kind. I have a great heart.” These are things that you want to just immediately in the morning start feeding yourself. It’s like a green smoothie of words. The green juice in the morning before you even drink your green juice. You can be giving yourself an injection of high vibe words and start your day with the thoughts in your mind and what you’re thinking.

How to use the power of words in the morning

Let’s give you a daily practice to help you out so immediately you can implement a practice using the power of words. Gratitude is raise your vibration fuel and is a great place to start. Super simple to implement. I have a candle on my nightstand and first thing I do before I even get out of bed is light the candle. While gazing at the flame I think of three things I am grateful for. I combine this into a meditation practice of connecting with the light. You may easily write down things in your journal while drinking your coffee or your beverage of choice for the morning. The spirit of gratitude is going to help change your life.  

Attitude of gratitude

When you have the life of your dreams, wouldn’t you feel gratitude? Well, if you aren’t feeling gratitude now, you will not attract the life of your dreams. Why? Because you are not in the vibrational state of your dream life.

How do you get in vibrational state of your dream life? Using the power of words to be grate-feul for what you have now.

“I am so grateful and thankful for my home and for warm water. I’m so grateful and thankful for the loved ones around me. I’m so grateful and thankful that Zissou, my shih-tzu, is alive today.

If you have a dog or a cat and you have another day with them, what a treasure! Using the power of grateful words is what will propel your vibrational into your new reality. 

When we use the words that we want, it puts us in an energy of lack or wanting, which is a lower vibrational frequency but if we put ourselves in a place of joy where we’re thinking how grateful we are for what we do have, you see, that puts us in a completely different energy. It’s not an energy of lack but an energy of gratitude.

Fuel your day with gratitude word power! 

Harnessing the power of words with affirmations

Gratitude practice in the morning is a great way just to get your morning started with lovely words. Following gratitude you can have some affirmations ready to go to give yourself some self love.

Affirmations are the green smoothie of words for your energetic system. Now, affirmations can be very personal to what you are specifically needing but I’m just going to give you a couple of ones that can get you started.

“The Universe has my back. Always guiding me to a higher vibrational state of being.”

The fact that you’re watching this video is helping you to raise your vibration, be in a higher state of vibrational being. So if you’re guided to this video, this is a sign from the Universe of giving you an answer, of tools and how you can raise your vibration.

“I am the creator of my reality and what I experience.”

This is a great affirmation because it’s allowing you to feel and know that you have the power every second of every day to choose your words. Remember to feed yourself with positive words and not polluting the energetic space around you with negative words.

“My vibrational frequency is in constant harmony with the Universe.”

This is a powerful affirmation that helps you align to your higher self, your inner divine. When we align to who we prefer to be, it’s super powerful. It’s a lot harder to get pulled out of alignment when we are constantly putting ourselves in alignment every morning with gratitude and affirmations. I love this affirmation because it uses the words “in constant harmony.” Harmony is when we’re listening to something really beautiful and there’s layers within that music that just brings it to life even more. If you think about the word discord or dissonant, that’s when you’re fighting against the energy of alignment and your inner divine. I love this affirmation because we’re in constant harmony with the Universe.

You may even use these words, “My vibrational frequency is in constant harmony with my higher self. My vibrational frequency is in constant harmony with my inner divine.”

Tailor the words in your affirmation practice to your needs.

Affirmations give you love via the energetic power of words. You may make it even more simple by using these powerful words, “I am kind. I love myself. I’m a great person.”

To personalize these affirmations for where you are in your life, is to think about how you can embody the change you want to see in your life.

Use the power of words to align your current vibrational frequency to the future you.

So think about the changes you want to create in your life. Perhaps you want to live in a different place where you have more beautiful scenery or you have a desire to live in the mountains.

You can use the power of these words,

“I am so grateful and thankful every morning that I can wake up and see the mountains from my terrace. I’m so grateful and thankful every morning to breathe the fresh air of the mountains. I’m so grateful and thankful to live in such a gorgeous winter wonderland.”

Think about what you want to attract and be super grateful that you have that in your life NOW!

For example, perhaps you would prefer to have a warm jacket for the winter.

“I’m so grateful and thankful for this warm jacket. It protects me from the wind and yet it isn’t too heavy and bulky. It fits me perfectly!!! I am so thankful. I feel like the Universe gives me a hug every time I put it on. I feel so loved.”

Use the power of words every second to anchor in your higher vibration.

Use the power of words to anchor you in a perpetual state of gratitude. I know sometimes we could all use a little bit of guidance or subtle ndges to help us stay on track and this is why I created the Powerfully Aligned Daily Manifestation and Energetic Hygiene Handbook for you. In this handbook, you have the exact steps of what to do in the morning, mid-afternoon and evening. I have some really fun techniques in there that you can use in the afternoon to help clear out the negative thinking or the toxicity that may have popped into your reality. Plus a fun little very easy practice to implement right before you go to sleep practice to help shift your energy, raise your vibration allowing you to become the person you prefer to be.

Grab your copy here.

Sending tons of love and high vibes. 

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How to Let Go of What No Longer Serves You Daily https://heatherkayebizandlife.com/how-to-let-go-of-what-no-longer-serves-you-daily/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-to-let-go-of-what-no-longer-serves-you-daily https://heatherkayebizandlife.com/how-to-let-go-of-what-no-longer-serves-you-daily/#comments Wed, 30 Dec 2020 20:59:11 +0000 https://heatherkayebizandlife.com/?p=14360 The post How to Let Go of What No Longer Serves You Daily appeared first on High Vibe Biz & Life.

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How to Easily Let Go of What No Longer Serves You on a Daily Basis

Finding it difficult to let go? Do you feel you have this stuck energy around you and you just want to get things moving again? You are so ready to create the space for something new? In this post, I’ll discuss how to easily let go of what no longer serves you on a daily basis to help you become the person you prefer to be. It is time to change your trajectory with letting go.

Hi, my name is Heather Kaye and if you’re new here, I help creative entrepreneurs build a high vibe biz and life. You know you have aspects in your life where you can do better, feel better, be better and have more but you find the whole process overwhelming. You just don’t know where to start, and it’s a lot easier to check out and watch Netflix or to do activities that are comfortable which actually maybe your “avoidance activities” as opposed to actually making the change that you want to see in your life.

Don’t want to read? Watch the video.

We are all high vibrational beings in our natural state

What happens is we have events and situations in our life that weighs us down and we have negative emotions that weigh us down. So the easiest way to actually make that change and see the change in our reality is by letting go.

Why is it so important to let go on a daily basis?

Just the activity of letting go even, if it’s something small, can help us build confidence and let go of the fear of letting go. We become stronger and we start to trust the process of letting go. Once you start letting go you’re going to start feeling this energy of flow and that stuckness will start to move.

Letting go is like a muscle. When you go to the gym and you haven’t been lifting weights and all of a sudden you want to lift a 50 pound weight, it’s just not going to happen. That’s the same with letting go. If you have a fear of letting go, or a fear of change or attachment issues, the letting go process can be really quite overwhelming and difficult so just like that muscle that’s not quite ready for a 50 pound weight, we’re gonna get you going with one or two pound weights.

It’s super easy to become overwhelmed in the letting go process and think of something really big that we want to let go of but we get weighed down with the idea of how to even start so the best way is actually to start small.

Whether we let go of something small or large the initial energy is the same.

For example, if we let go of an article of clothing and decide, okay we don’t need this in our wardrobe anymore, is going to be a lot different than if we let go of our past. Same initial energy but we’re creating a larger space for something more to come in.

Our natural state of being is high vibration and negative emotions, negative energy, toxins weigh us down. You can just think about it as a hot air balloon and these things that are draining our energy, negative emotions, that’s just weighing us down, down, down and when we start to let things go, you can see, like the hot air balloon, it starts to just naturally rise higher and that’s the same as our vibration.

When we start to clear things out, it’s gonna be a lot easier for the flow to just happen naturally. Letting go is a superpower to help you raise your vibration. This is why it is super important to implement a practice of letting go of what no longer serves you on a daily basis.

When is it a good time to let go?

It’s always a good time to let go but if you need some energetic help or inspiration you can time letting go rituals with a full moon, the end of the year, start of a new week or when you’re fasting. Those times are good times to start to let go.

Now don’t wait specifically for the eclipse or for the full moon to allow yourself permission to let go, you want to allow yourself to let go on a daily basis and then what you can do is when there is a full moon you can use the energetic power of the full moon to help you let go, you can use energetic power of the end of the year, you can use the inspiration of “Yeah, I want to create my garden from a beautifully tilled soil.”

How can you practice easily letting go on a daily basis?

I’m going to give you 10 ways right now to build your letting go muscle. All you need is a timer and just declare what time of the day you want to let go. I would highly suggest letting go actually in the morning so you can release some energy, stuck energy and then you feel lighter as you go on through the day and you can start this process with only five minutes. You may find that you want to have more than five minutes and that’s totally okay too. The five-minute window is just going to get you started to start the let go process.

10 Ways to Let Go on a Daily Basis

  • Computer Files

    Head onto your computer and find those files that are not serving you anymore. What would those files be? Maybe some ideas for an old business that didn’t come to fruition, maybe some old classes that you’ve had that you just need to delete out, some images that you no longer use, so basically anything on your computer that you just really don’t need anymore, start to delete. Put it over into the little trash bin and get it off your computer. One, you’re gonna find that you’ll get a little bit more organized than what you do have and number two, your computer is probably going to run better after you start deleting some of these old files.

  • Makeup

    All females out there, I’m sure you’ve got a makeup bag that is just full of items you’re not using anymore and it’s actually really good to clear that stuff out on a quarterly basis to reduce skin infections and bacteria. Head on over to your makeup bag and start clearing out what you don’t use or any old products and how fun is that you’re gonna create the space to actually invite in some more fun makeup.

  • Bedding

    Do you have any old pillowcases around you’re just not using anymore? It’s time to just get rid of old bedding. What does not serve you, get rid of it and then you can even think about well what betting would I like to have. Maybe upgrade your sheets.

  • Clothing

    Some of you may think okay that’s just overwhelming. Break it down into smaller categories of clothing. Blouses, pick a date and just work on your blouses. What blouses you want to get rid of. Socks another day. Clear out your sock drawer another day. Clear out your underwear drawer another day. Work on your pants. Start slowly working through the categories of your clothing. Could be sports clothing, workout clothing. Clear out what you don’t use anymore. What’s too small, what’s too big, what you just don’t love, what just doesn’t make you feel like the person you prefer to be.

  • Kitchen Drawers

    I’m sure you probably have a kitchen drawer that’s one of those junk drawers that you just throw everything in. Take one day and start to clear it out. Now, I know that some of this could be like you just start to feel a little heavy in your mind, like Oh how am I gonna do that. That’s why it’s so great to use the timer and just say for five minutes, I’m gonna just start working on this drawer and this will start get the energy flowing and it’s gonna become easier and easier for you to make those decisions of what serves you and what no longer serves you.

  • Hair and Body Products

    Shower gels, lotions, shampoo, conditioners, leave-in conditioners. Start to clear all that out, hair spray, anything that no longer serves you. You don’t like the smell of it, whatever it is let it go. Gift it if it’s something that you’ve never even used.

  • Office Space

    Oh this is a huge one, isn’t it? All your documents, physical documents, books that you may have. Start to just kind of declutter whatever it is that you have in your office space, just start to clear it out, receipts and again break it down in categories and maybe just decide, okay today I’m just going to be working on my receipts and start clearing that out. Another day, I’m just going to take this one shelf in my office and organize it or clear out what no longer serves me.

  • Cleaning Products

    This is cleaning products for your house, for your flat, for anything that you have in your living space. It’s a great idea to first clear out the cleaning products that you’re not using anymore and number two if you want to start to upgrade onto more natural solutions to not invite toxins into your environment.

  • Emails

    How many emails do you have? You can go ahead and write it in the comments below, how many emails do you have? That is one that you can easily do while you’re waiting somewhere on your phone. Just go through your emails and just start deleting, deleting, deleting and better yet start unsubscribing to people that you no longer resonate with.

  • Limiting Beliefs

    This is a biggie. So this is such a huge one, how would we break down limiting beliefs and how do we do that on a daily basis. One meditate with the intention of clearing limiting beliefs. What this does is it just actually creates a space of allowing you to know perhaps what is your biggest limiting belief. Who can help you clear that limiting belief. If it’s something that you are unable to do on your own and I would love to invite you to my facebook group where I do energetic healings which includes clearings.

How to prioritize your letting go process

Once you get started with the letting go process, you can actually start to prioritize your letting go process and how you can do this is just by asking yourself this question, What drains my energy the most?

Is it the fact that you open up your wardrobe and you see all these clothes all over the place not even organized and stuff you don’t even wear anymore every single morning? Maybe that’s the first place to start is the fact that you can’t find your lipstick, your favorite lipstick because you have tons of makeup all over the place. Maybe that’s a place to start. You know deep down where is the best place to start letting go so you can create the space for organization, clarity and something new and better.

You may find that fear comes in when you start to let go of things and I’m going to give you a tip on how to overcome that fear. First off, you want to ground yourself and focus in on your root chakra. Allow your root chakra to support you in the process of letting go, have faith and believe that by letting go you’re creating the space for something better to come in. There is good in saying goodbye, right? So when you say goodbye, focus on the good of saying goodbye to that specific item, that file and to your limiting beliefs.

You can also use daily affirmations as you’re going through the process. It is safe right and good for me to let go. I love letting go. I know that in the process of letting go my stuck energy starts to flow again. I trust my decisions in the letting go process. It is easy for me to let go of what no longer serves me. If you like this post, definitely comment below and I look forward to getting to know you in the facebook group. Ciao.

The post How to Let Go of What No Longer Serves You Daily appeared first on High Vibe Biz & Life.

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