3 Things to Let go of to Raise Your Vibration
Feeling weighted down with negativity? In this post, discover three things to let go of to raise your vibration instantly. It is a lot easier for us to rise higher when we let go of what is keeping us down.
Unfamiliar with the law of vibration and that you are in control of your personal vibrational frequency? Be sure to check out my Law of Vibration blog post here.
Raise your vibration by letting go of victimization
Perhaps you feel like you are in a specific place because somebody did something to you or because the world is the way it is right now or yadda, yadda.
The thing is, you want to change that perspective. You want to tell a different story. Figure out how to tell that story in a way that empowers you. Most importantly, as an infinite creator in a body, you create the life that you want to live. The first step is to empower yourself to not be a victim. Let go of victimhood.
Choose how to change your story around. See it as an opportunity, a possibility to step into
your higher self. Not a way to stay in that low vibe state and to stay there and not move along. Staying in that low vibe state is going to keep you stuck.
So the first thing to let go of, victimization.
Gone say ciao. Ciao to victimization.
Feel better by letting go of talking negatively
Now in this paragraph, I am going to be talking about letting go of gossip in order to raise your vibration instantly, is to avoid talking about people or events in a negative way and complaining.
See it as these repeating over and over, these negative events, negative people or feeling victimized and sharing that with your friends how much you are the victim and can’t believe this person did this to me.
That is ingraining in further and further and further it’s almost like a groove on the record is just getting deeper, deeper and deeper. So in order to not have that happen is just to completely let it go.
Raise your vibration by not repeating drama
Let it go. Don’t talk about it and don’t engage in that activity of talking about that event or those people. If you like to gossip, cut that out. Choose to replace that with talking about what you’re thankful for, “oh what a beautiful day it is today.” As a result, you will start to feel better.
Even if it’s if you feel like there’s nothing you can be thankful for, think, “I’m so thankful I have running water, I can take a shower.”
These are really amazing tips to help you raise your vibration instantly because I’m going to tell you right now even if you had everything that you wanted and you’re still living in the state of thinking negatively, you’re not going to be able to even enjoy what you have around you. You won’t even be able to know what to do with yourself in that situation.
Feel better by being happy now
I know you might think, “oh, that’s not true. If I had everything, I would be a completely happy person.” That’s not the case. I’m sure you’d find something to complain about then too so let’s stop that pattern. Stop the pattern of gossip, talking about negative events, negative aspects of something that happened.
Gossip is kind of a big one to let go of. So if you can just let go of gossip. Let go of talking about something that somebody did to you just let that all go. That all has a real low dark icky vibe and choose to talk about beautiful things and you’ll see your life transform around you.
Raise your vibration by letting go of judgement
Number three kind of goes along with number two and a little bit with number one and that is judgment. Now, this is a pretty big one. Release all judgments on yourself, to stop judging yourself and to stop judging others.
Maybe somebody does something that you don’t approve of or that you wouldn’t do but that doesn’t put you in the place that you can judge that person.
You may think, “Oh, I don’t judge, I really don’t judge,” but you probably do. This is one where we want to delete it completely out.
Perhaps, you are judging yourself even. For instance, you could be judging yourself by thinking that you should be looking better or that you should be losing some weight or you’re judging yourself about the activities that you are choosing to do in a day instead of doing something else.
Okay, you’re judging yourself, you’re putting yourself at a really high bar perhaps and you expect others to be in that same place with you.
Feel centered by practicing acceptance
How to replace judgment is through acceptance. By accepting yourself and others has the power to release judgment. Accept the situation for what it is, not to judge the situation or to think it should have been something different. The underlying aspect of accepting yourself of accepting others around you and releasing that judgment can really transform your life.
So, those are my three tips to raise your vibration instantly.
To recap: Let go of victimization, talking negatively and judging yourself and others can help you raise your vibration instantly. Choose to fill in with standing in your power,
changing your perspective and fill in with talking positively and fill in with acceptance.
Be sure to leave a comment below on what you are choosing to let go of to raise your vibration.
Take care and I’ll see you in the next post. Ciao.
I appreciate your help in raising my vibrations. Thank you