Why I Use Youtube as My Content Creation Hub

As I’ve been on YouTube since 2010 and teaching online since 2012, I’ve discovered that YouTube has brought in most of my clients out of all the social media platforms. In this post, discover why I use YouTube as a content creation hub.

Over the 10 years that I’ve been working online, YouTube has been my biggest lead generator for clients that I work with personally and also for clients that join my online programs and/or purchase my digital products.

Large Return on Time Invested

As I love a large return on my time invested, YouTube provides this for me. A video that I created for an online course three years ago is still generating students for that online course.
This is why I love YouTube. I make one video, and for years it works as my salesperson 24/7: while I’m sleeping, while I’m practicing, while I’m working with my clients, while I’m teaching.
Violin videos that I have made years ago are still bringing me clients to this day. This is Why I Use YouTube as My Content Creation Hub.

Video Captures YOU!

I love working with video because you get to know me as a person, my energy, my smile, my enthusiasm, and you can understand if I am the right person for you to work with by the tone of my voice, by how I use my words. You know by my energetic vibration if we are a good fit or not.
If you resonate with me, great! If not, you can move on to the next YouTube video.
With video, people get to know my teaching style, people get to know me as the business owner that I am and how I work online, plus people get to know how I use mindset in my business and in my violin journey.

Consistency is Key!

As I am on other social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, the place that I continuously show up week after week, two times a week, in fact, is on YouTube.
Not to say that if I showed up even more on Instagram it wouldn’t be beneficial to my business, but the reason I show up consistently on YouTube is that I know this video will be seen by people for years to come.
It’s not going to disappear after 24 hours or not be in somebody’s feed after 24 hours.

Youtube is a search engine

If somebody searched on a specific topic and the title of my video, my keywords match the solution that they’re searching for, then boom they get to see the video and it’s a perfect match.

If you’d like to learn more about how to make client magnet videos, you can check out this post here.

Start with a video script

Now before I get into all the reasons why I use YouTube as a hub for my business, you may be thinking well that’s not such a bad idea and I would really like to make videos too.

There are a lot of different options for a Youtube video script of which you can easily find searching on Youtube. But what I have found the best is to keep it simple.

I’ve created a video script template to help you out. It’s one that I use personally to keep myself organized and know that every video I create has a purpose. You can get my video script template for free here!

Don’t underestimate the power of the video title

When you create your video script think about the solution that people are searching for and that you’re providing in the video so that you can use your title as a hook for them to see, “Hey you know what? This video has some answers for me. I’m going to check this out.”

Don’t create videos just to create videos

I’m not creating videos just to create videos. I want those videos to work for me whether it’s attracting emails, whether it’s collecting comments, whether it’s bringing somebody to my online course, whether it’s used to create more views on my YouTube channel, whatever it is, every single video I make has a purpose behind it.

Youtube as the hub SAVES TIME!

So let’s get into this. Why do I just love YouTube as my content creation hub? One it saves time. I make one video which I edit it in iMovie.

If you want tips, check out this post, “How to edit in iMovie.” At least how I use iMovie to edit.

Once I have edited the movie then I save that file for Facebook. Then I add the end screen and I save that for YouTube and then I create a shorter version that can be used on Pinterest and Instagram.

I also take the YouTube video and I embed it into my blog post. I use the subtitles from every YouTube video I make as the foundation for that blog post. So it saves a lot of time.

As you see, one video multiple platforms.

Youtube allows me to stay balanced

I choose not to work on my business 24/7. I do play the violin. I do have clients that I work with. I do teach violin. I play piano as well and I accompany so I have a lot of things on my plate that I want to make sure that I’m balanced.

Plus I swim every day and I’m on the treadmill for an hour. So I’m sure you can understand, it’s not that we have a blank slate of 24 hours to work on our business. We need to be balanced. Creating one video and using it for multiple platforms helps me to achieve this.

Youtube videos collect your fans and followers

YouTube videos are a great way to collect your tribe. Whether that is getting them onto your email list by providing a wonderful offer for them in exchange for their email or whether that’s inviting them to your Facebook group.

Youtube videos drive sales

YouTube videos are also great to sell your products, your courses. Another great reason Why I Use Youtube as My Content Creation Hub. There are multiple places you can leave a link directing people to the solution to what they’re looking for.

Where to put links:

  • YouTube Cards which show up on the upper right hand corner
  • Description below the video
  • Video end screen
  • Comments below the video which you can pin to stay at the top
  • Blog post where the video is embedded

Turn your gifts to gold

My wish is that the information this video helps you save time, stay organized and sane as you’re running your online business as a creative entrepreneur.

If you’re a female creative entrepreneur ready to monetize your passions, leverage your artistic strengths and build a sustainable thriving online business, I have a few places left in my Gifts to Gold biz building six pack to get you started and organized with your systems to build your business.

Click here to enroll and book.

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