Think Better, Feel Better, Be Better

Are your days filled with negative thoughts, fears and worries about yourself and the world around you? Do you find yourself more in a state of anxiety than in peace? In this post, I’m going to give you the exact tools you need to think better, to feel better and to be better. 

The way we think directly influences how we feel. So if we’re thinking negatively, we’re going to feel pretty down and out. If we’re thinking positively, we’re most likely going to feel happier and have more energy. Every word has a vibrational frequency. Positive words have a higher vibrational frequency than negative words. So, let’s put this into play here.

Power of your thoughts

Say you have a project that you’re working on whether it is for work or creative activity of yours and if you have this project and you’re thinking, “Oh, I don’t even know what to do. I feel so overwhelmed. I don’t know what my next steps are. How am I going to get this done? I don’t have enough time. I have no clarity on this project.”

Then you start beating yourself up. Now that’s not good right?

So let’s take that same project and you reframe how you’re thinking.

“Ah, I have plenty of time to get this done. I will know exactly what my next steps are before I have to do them. I know that if I’m in a higher vibrational state, it’s going to go a lot easier. I’m in the exact place that I need to be at this time. I have plenty of time to complete this project.”

The feelings and emotions that are being produced from these two different scenarios are completely different.

Be your own cheerleader

If you’re beating yourself up, you’re probably not going to do very well in the project, whatever it is, but if you’re your own cheerleader, you’ll most likely have a more positive outcome.

It is truly important to understand the power of your thoughts. What you think, you attract. Your vibrational frequency is a magnet to what you’re attracting in your life. Your thoughts directly influence your emotions and your emotions directly influence your vibrational frequency. So it’s all one.

The choice is yours

Every second of every day you have a choice to think a positive thought or to think a negative thought. Know that when you have these negative thoughts and negative emotions, you are giving your power away to that specific person that did you wrong, the specific situation that did you wrong.

You always have control of how you think and how you feel.

Be the observer

When you’re feeling bad, do allow yourself to feel bad. Investigate what exactly led you up to that moment of feeling bad. If you can retrace your thoughts and find out where it started from.

Get to know your triggers

You may have experienced a trigger. Perhaps somebody said something and it triggered you to feel a specific way.

These triggers are unhealed parts of ourselves. If we never address them, they never get healed. So it is good to investigate what is going on.

Thinking positively only to suppress negative emotions is living in denial. We don’t want that at all. Awareness allows us to heal the unhealed parts of us from a place of light rather than stay in darkness.

Stay present

Let me give you another example of how your thoughts can influence your reality.

Say you absolutely love to swim. You find yourself swimming and you’re thinking, “Oh, I really should be doing this. I don’t have enough time to do this. I really need to be doing something else. I’m behind on this project. I have to go do that. I really shouldn’t be swimming right now.” You find yourself thinking about everything else besides swimming.

Now, if you’re swimming and you think in the present moment, “Oh, this feels so good. The water is amazing. It is actually stripping all the negative toxins out of me. I feel so much better when I swim. I’m so thankful. I’m giving myself the gift of time to swim on a daily basis.”

A lot different right? Even if we are doing a high vibe activity to keep our vibrations high but our mind and thoughts are not in the game, kind of defeats the purpose a little bit.

Think better, feel better, be better step by step

Okay, now that you know your thoughts are connected to your emotions, if you think better you will feel better and be better. Let’s give you some tools on how to train your brain on thinking positively.

The first step is awareness. Perhaps you’re just thinking, thinking, thinking. You find yourself just thinking throughout the day. You don’t even know exactly what you’re thinking. You’re just not even aware. You just know that you’re constantly thinking.

As soon as you start to think a negative thought, catch yourself in that thought and say “Cancel, clear, delete.”

You want to be stronger than those negative thoughts.

Take yourself to the thought bank

Once you have that negative thought, say it’s, “Oh, I don’t know how I’m going to get this done. I’m so behind.”

You want to take yourself to a thought bank and exchange your thought. Visualize yourself walking into a thought bank. Say I want to exchange this thought for a more positive thought. The more positive thought could be, “I always have the right amount of time to get my projects done. I am never behind. I’m exactly where I need to be in this moment.”

Whoa, huge energy shift, right? You feel more way more expansive when you think that positive thought.

Change your focus

When you find yourself thinking negatively about a specific situation or specific person, just change your focus. Start thinking about something delicious. What makes you feel good? What lights you up?

You want to spend more time in that energy than a negative energy for your own health.

Where your focus goes, grows

Your focus is like an absolute laser beam. So you want to put that laser beam on something that is just going to light you up. Not something that’s going to tear you down.

Just because you see your reality as truth, your energy doesn’t have to be there.

You know there is a specific issue or you have a specific problem in your mind. That is your reality. That reality lives there.

You have the power to put yourself in another reality of happiness. You don’t have to live in this reality of darkness. If you have no control of making it better, let it go.

You are living your life right now. You are the commander of your ship.

Are you going to choose to live in negativity and fear or are you going to choose to live in positivity love and happiness?


The next step is gratitude. Gratitude is a powerful tool that shifts your energy from negative to positive. Instead of thinking the negative thought. Think about what you’re grateful for.

Instead of thinking, “Oh, gotta do the dishes again.” Think about, “Oh I’m so grateful and thankful I have these dishes. I have a home. I have a roof over my head. I have warm water.”

These are all great things to be thankful for and while you’re doing those dishes, you can be doing affirmations.

Have an affirmation arsenal

Affirmations are a great way to train your brain. I know it’s not easy to think positively. Believe me, I probably could win an award for beating myself up as a perfectionist for many, many, many, too many years. I know it’s not easy to think positively.

It’s a lot easier to think negatively.

One of the ways you can train your brain is with affirmations. With affirmations, you are your own cheerleader. You’re replacing time that you’re spending on negative thoughts with spending the time on positive thoughts and feeding, feeding, feeding your energy with positive thoughts which raises your vibration.

Perhaps you’re thinking, “Well, I don’t even know what to say.”

I’ll give you some examples of great go-to affirmations.

  • The Universe is working by my side, always guiding me towards a higher vibrational state.
  • I am the creator of my reality and what I experience.
  • I can be, do or have absolutely anything in the Universe.

Now, when you are saying these affirmations, you want to really feel the emotions behind them. Say it with passion!

Use empowered questions

What are empowered questions? Say you want to be healthier.

Ask yourself, “Why am I so healthy?”

If you want to feel happier, ask yourself, “Why am I so happy?”

If you want to be wealthier, ask yourself, “Why am I so wealthy?”

This is going to actually create and trigger a response of why, exactly you are so wealthy. Perhaps you’re wealthy with friends, culture, knowledge.

Stand tall

One way you can change your energy immediately, if you’re thinking a negative thought is simply with your posture.

You can just say to yourself, “I am going to stand in the power of my higher self,” and completely change your posture.

Put your shoulders back. Put your chin up. Stand in the power of your higher self.

Be stronger than that negative thought.

If you like this post, I think you’re going to absolutely love my post, “How to Get out of a Funk Fast.” 

For a limited time get my Raise Your Vibration Guide to help you and help all of us on this planet to raise our vibration.

Be sure to leave a comment below on how you are choosing to transform your thoughts.

Take care and I’ll see you in the next post. Ciao.

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  1. […] Discover more of your personal power by choosing your thoughts in my blog post Think Better, Feel Better, Be Better. See you there. […]

  2. […] to you. For more tips on how you can control your thought processes definitely check out my post, how to think better, feel better and be better. I’ll see you […]

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