Social Media Woes to Wins with Publer

Struggling with how to make social media work for you in your biz? In this post, discover tips on how you can create a high vibe social media strategy and have fun scheduling your posts in a super easy to use platform, Publer.

Believe me, as a whole, I am not a social media fan. It literally zaps the energy right out of me lol. Talk about energy vampires. However, I have found high vibe ways to make it work for me and my biz.

Before Publer I used Buffer for many years and before that Hootsuite. The last year using Buffer, I experienced way too many hitches in the road with publishing posts and not being able to see the post before I publish. PLUS pictures that were used with my links were not even being pulled from my website page….FRUSTRATING , right?

Let’s fast forward to today and how I turned my social media woes to wins using Publer!

What is Publer?

Publer is a social media scheduling platform. It allows you to schedule posts for Facebook posts, Instagram posts, Tweets, LinkedIn updates, Pinterest pins, Google My Business posts & YouTube videos.

With Publer I am able to schedule my posts across multiple platforms including scheduling to my Facebook groups.


How does it work?

I create my own social media scheduling for the week for example, Mondays are video days, Tuesday – memes, Wednesday blog posts and so forth.

In Publer, I write in my the words for my post and include any links that correspond with those words.

What I LOVE most about Publer is that I have the opportunity to preview each post before you post or schedule it on social media. After composing the post, just simply click on the “preview” button. Publer will then show a preview of how your post will look on the selected social account when it’s live. This allows me to make sure that the correct picture is being pulled and the spacing of the words are exactly how I prefer.

How I use Publer for social media success

To make a living online, one has to wear many hats. Time is filled with many different activities: coaching clients, maintaining a website, creating products, promoting products, research, analysis etc. The last place I truly want to spend my time is to think every day I have to post on social media.

publer media library

I have created a content library with different category of posts ranging from 3 -12 months of material. This makes it super easy to batch schedule within Publer for a block of at least 3 months.

Being drained thinking of social media every day is completely nullified with Publer.

Every image I have in a post is also saved in Publer’s content library. Making it super easy to grab in the future if needed.

In all that I do, I search for the best option for the least expense. Basically the most profitable high vibe option with the least stress. I have worked online for 10 years and with social media for that entire time. As a self employed online biz owner, I understand the importance of social media as a tool to attract followers. It allows people to find me easier.

Publer provides me a super user friendly platform to easily schedule posts and preview them as well. I also LOVE their hashtag option. I don’t need to think what hashtags to use. They just pop up and I click. Gotta love that.

If you think Publer is a good match for you and you want to give it a go you can create your Publer account here.

In all things high vibe,

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