Why You May Be Seeing Your Birthday Numbers Repeatedly

Are you seeing your birthday numbers repeatedly? For example, if your birthday is September 30th you’re seeing 9 30. In this post, discover seven reasons why you may be seeing your birthday numbers repeatedly.

1. A call to receive number messages

The first reason you may be seeing your birthday numbers repeatedly is a call to number messages. This may be the first step in your awakening to receive messages from your spirit guides, family members that have passed on, and angels via numbers. You most likely will start seeing 1111, 444, 333 or other repeating number messages.

2. A sign you are aligning to higher vibrational version of you

Maybe you have been noticing repeated numbers for a while and then all of a sudden you start seeing your birthday numbers repeatedly. In this case, seeing your birthday numbers repeatedly is a sign that you are aligning to your higher self, to your true nature, to your inner divine. Pretty exciting!

It’s a sign that you’re on the right path.

Remain true to you and who you are in the process. You are amazing. Begin to pay attention to your strengths and unique qualities. You have a unique purpose and your purpose on this earth is unique to you.

It’s time to reconnect to your mission and align to who you truly are.

3. A call to learn more about the energy of numbers

Seeing birthday numbers repeatedly could be a sign to start to learn more about the energy of numbers, and to know your life path number. The vibration of your birth numbers lets you know your life path on this earth in this lifetime.

Life path numbers are deduced down to a single digit between one through nine and the master numbers 11, 22, and 33.

If you’re seeing your birthday numbers everywhere, it may be a time to investigate your life path number as that can give you insight to what messages are being sent to you from the universe.

If you want to know more and have a more in-depth numerological reading, schedule a session here.

4. A call to connect with your inner child

Seeing birthday numbers repeatedly may be possibly a sign to connect to your inner child. Why is it important to connect to your inner child? This is more of who you truly are before everything got thrown at you in this lifetime.

Before you were told you’re too much, too loud, walk don’t run. All the rules that were imposed upon you as a child. If you connect to your inner child before that happened, you’ll get to have a divine connection to who you truly are. Invite in the joy that you experienced as a child at your birthday parties. It’s time to celebrate you. Every time you see your birthday numbers, really think about how wonderful you are and celebrate you.

5. A call for self love and/or self exploration

Number five, it could be a call for self-love or self-exploration. Maybe it’s time to stop neglecting yourself. Maybe it’s time to spend some more time on you

to enjoy activities that you love. All those things you’ve been saying you don’t have enough time to do, this is a call for you to do it.

You deserve it and you are worthy. Every day is a celebration. You are loved and you are important.

6. A cycle or phase is coming to completion

Number six, you may be seeing your birthday numbers repeatedly because a cycle or phase is coming to completion. As the saying goes, as one door closes another one opens. You may find yourself completing projects, goals, relationships, perhaps even moving to a new location, and seeing these birthday numbers repeatedly is a sign that you are living in a launch pad to the next season of your life and finally,

7. A cycle or phase is coming to completion

Seeing your birthday numbers repeatedly is a call for gratitude, to be grateful for being you, for the body that you have, for the eyes that you have to see, for the smile that you can gift to others, for the joy that you have in your heart. Be grateful for the legs that you have to walk, swim, to go places. Be grateful for the art that lives inside of you. Be grateful for your vibration that truly makes a difference when you step into a room.

Be grateful for the music that lives within you. Be grateful for having been born and be grateful that you are a gift. Every day is a gift.

Think about what you can do to help serve your community, or to help others raise their vibration on this planet.

The next time you see your birthday numbers which of these seven reasons are you going to think about? Let me know in the comments below.

Happy aligning! Ciao.

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  1. […] Want to discover more about yourself via your birthdate? Check out my post, Why You May Be Seeing Your Birthday Numbers Repeatedy […]

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