Why You May Be Seeing Repeating 9’s, 999

Find yourself seeing repeating nines or 999 on license plates, apartment numbers, odometers, anywhere you look and it’s just catching your attention nine nine nine nine?

Today we’re going to be talking about nine, the power of Nine, the spiritual energy behind the number nine, and what it means if you’re constantly seeing nines or nine nine nine.

9 is a healing number

This is the time to study, to learn, to look within, to be introspective, and to connect with your heart. The number Nine is a humanitarian at heart. It’s a highly spiritual number symbolizing Spiritual Awakening and spiritual enlightenment. It also symbolizes humanitarianism, Universal love, and service.

9 is a sign of a completed or about to be completed cycle.

The number 9 is the number that is a sign of a cycle or phase that is being completed. If we think of where the number nine sits in the range of numbers, we have zero through nine and then we start a new cycle again, 10 through 19, and again 20 is through 29, and 99 100.

So 9 is always on the verge of the ending of one cycle and the beginning of the next. When you’re seeing nines, it’s most likely you have come to that completion of a cycle and you’re starting a new cycle.

Now, this could be a simple energetic shift but it could also be a change of work, a change of location, or a change of where you’re living. So it’s just a sign that you’re at one end and coming to another. It may also be happening when you have a portion of your past pop into your present reality somehow.

A call to let go of the past

Somebody that’s called you or a meeting and for that moment there’s the kind of merging of the two phases or the two cycles and nine is letting you know it’s really time to let go of the past. It’s time to forgive, to let go and allow yourself to let go of that previous cycle. Look to the future cycle that’s coming in with anticipation and with positive energy, not fear.

Things are about to change

Change is good. Socrates said, “The secret of change is not to put all of your energy in fighting the old but on building the new.”

Any fears that you may have as you’re coming into this new phase of your life, just give them to your angels and Universal energies to transmute any fear or doubt that you have. Anything that’s coming up, that’s bubbling up saying, “Well, I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what the next steps are. I’m not good enough. I don’t have this or that. I need to do this or that before I can allow myself to go forward.”

All of these thoughts just need to be released and filled in with positive energy, and anticipation that change is good. Transformation is great. That you have everything you need inside of you. That all the answers will be given to you when you need to have them. All the answers will be given to you before you even know you need them. Anything that you may need, you’ll have it before you even know you need it.

Clear your energy from the past

You can even do this as an exercise to clear out your energy of anything from the past that you don’t want to bring into this new phase or new cycle. I will give you two different ways. You can grab some sage and burn sage. This is a really great way to cleanse any type of energy that you don’t want to have hanging on.

The energy that needs to be cleared out from your vibrational field, I see as particles. I see it as the old Etch A Sketch and just by your finger you’d get the particles attracted to the finger like you draw on that Etch A Sketch.

We want to clear any of those little particles that are hanging on from the old phase or cycle from the past that you don’t want to bring into this new area.

You can walk around your house with sage. Clean any area out with the sage. Also while you’re doing that, if you see anything that triggers you back into the place of the past or the memory of it, get rid of anything that may be holding on to energy from that time period because we want to clear everything in and step into the new.

The second clearing technique you can give a go is what I call an energetic shower. Hold the intention that you want to clear everything out that is not serving your highest good from a previous cycle of your life, a previous phase and you want to step into the new.

You align with your true nature and clear anything that’s holding you back. Any of those fears, doubts, anything that is a negative thought of going forward.

These negative thoughts, they’re sticky and they stick and it might be thoughts on a previous experience or how somebody may have hurt you in the past. No matter what it is, these negative thoughts and judgments are sticky and they stick to you. If you think about sticky, you’re stuck, right?

You can’t move forward because you’re just stuck with that sticky energy. So let’s release the sticky energy.

Take an energetic shower

Take your hands and follow your energetic outline with the intention to clean your aura. Each body part pass by three times and shake out the energy in your hands to the Univers for transformation.

The meaning of 999

The number 999 is an even more powerful number because you’re seeing three nines and nine plus nine plus nine is 27 which two plus seven is nine so it’s a complete energetic form of the number nine magnified.

This is a strong sign for you to be aligned with your life’s Mission. It’s very easy for us to get pulled out of alignment just by turning the TV on or social media seeing anything as far as world news and current events.

This could easily pull yourself out of alignment. The fear starts to set in. You get overwhelmed with that energy so much that you lose focus and are distracted from your alignment here on the Earth and what is your Soul’s Mission, your life’s purpose.

You are vibration

Your vibrational energy has an impact on everything around you.

It’s like when you throw a little stone or Pebble into a lake of or body of water and you have these little ripples, Ripple, Ripple, Ripple. That’s your vibrational energy.

Being sad is not an option.

We are basically in a war right now with light and darkness and the light can shine through you. You are the light and when that sadness happens when the negative thoughts pop in, when the fear comes in, when the doubt comes in, that’s your light and your life being dimmed.

The number 999 is a great way and sign for you to know Shine Your Light. Keep your vibration High. Your personal vibrational frequency.

Now if this is a newer topic for you, I do have a raise your vibration guidebook where I go a little bit more in-depth on what exactly is the law of vibration and how you can take care of your vibrational hygiene with simple activities on a daily basis.

This will help you stay in alignment and find that alignment that is for you and what you are here on this Earth to do.

Good is on its way

The number 999 is a sign to trust the universe and enjoy the journey. Know that good is coming into your life. That you’re coming into a new stage of Enlightenment and that positive things are on their way.

Release all fear and doubt to your angels and Universal energies.

Burn some Sage.

Do a little bit of an energetic shower and just live in anticipation of the good that is yet to come.

Sending love.

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