What Does it Mean if You are Constantly Seeing 666
Are you seeing 666 repeatedly and afraid that it is a bad omen thinking that it’s the number of the devil? In all actuality 666 is a message and one that is not evil. It is only evil if you believe it to be evil.
Contrary to popular belief, 666 is not a bad Omen.
The number six vibrates at the frequency of…
The number six itself relates to balance. It vibrates at the frequency of Love, Humanity, service to humanity, to self-sacrifice, helping others around you, and improving your life to be better for yourself and for others.
Justice, charity, faith, peace, and unselfishness are all associated with the number six, which also symbolizes gratitude. There’s clearly not much evil in these characteristics.
Seeing 666 repeatedly
They’re signaling that it’s time to restore balance to your thoughts.
Pay attention to what’s going through your mind when you see this number. Are you focused on negativity or worrying? Such thoughts can spiral, leading to even more stress and negative energy.
Time to create a pattern interruptor
The appearance of 666 may be a reminder for you to introduce a pattern interrupter. Whenever you have these negative thoughts, whenever you’re feeling down, whenever it starts to go in this downward spiral of Vortex of worrisome thoughts and negative thoughts, latch onto two words. These are the easiest ones to do.
“I am.”
I am {fill in the blank.}
This is super easy as soon as you start the spiral.
I am safe. Breathe.
I am protected. I am safe to be me. I am beautiful. I am intelligent. I am cultured.
Whatever you want to fill in the blank is totally fine but what this does is actually interrupts the pattern of thoughts that are continuing to repeat.
Seeing 666 may be your sign to just say, “Hey I’m not going to think negatively. I’m not going to be in this worrisome state and it’s time to change my thought process, my thought patterns.”
Time to balance your thoughts
It’s also good to use this opportunity to increase your pattern interrupter to not just “I am.” That’s your first step but the second step is actually to go into an affirmation that is:
“Every day and in every way, I am improving. Step by step, I’m getting better and better.”
Now, I first came across this from studying the Silva method but in preparation for this video, I found out that this saying is actually from Emil Cué, a French psychologist who used this statement and taught this statement to help people help themselves and in French, it is
“Tous les jours a point de vue je vais de meiux en meuix.”
Now you don’t have to say it in French. It’s enough to say it in English. “Every day in every way I’m getting better and better.”
You can easily find this on YouTube as a meditation that you can keep running and listen to as you’re doing your dishes or doing anything about your day or you can just continually repeat it in your mind and use it as a pattern interrupter to change your thoughts.
What are you choosing
We all have a choice to think positively or to think negatively. When we find that we are going down that negative route, just throw on that pattern interrupter and get yourself back on track.
A negative vibration will only beget more negativity. A positive vibration will beget more positivity into your life.
Seeing 666 is a call for faith
When you encounter 666, it’s a reminder to trust and have faith in the process. Faith is a beautiful thing. Trust that the Universe, your angels, your Spirit guides, and your family members that have passed on are supporting you.
They’re supporting you from the sidelines, encouraging you as you navigate your life. Their desire is for you to achieve your goals and fulfill your dreams. Offering their guidance through others, this is your moment to release your fears and let them take care of them.
Seeing 666 is a call to give your fear to God, Source energy
Surrender your fears to Source energy, to God, to Spirit, to angels, and to your Spirit guides. Release all your worries to them, entrusting them to transform your fear into positive energy and light.
You are released of that burden of negativity and fear and darkness and they are there to help you so trust and have faith that you’re being supported.
Trust and have faith that the Universe has your back and the first step is to believe that 666 is not a bad Omen.
Focus on a happy end result
Instead of focusing on the negativity, focus on a happy end result and believe that it will happen. Have faith. Trust in the timing.
Don’t expect everything to be immediate. Know that it has a process and a path. It could be immediate who knows but when it shows up it shows up. It will show up.
Seeing 666 is a call for healing
The number 666 adds up to the number nine. Nine resonates with healing. Seeing 666 may be a call for healing. A call for self-love. A call that it’s time for you to focus on activities that increase your vibrational frequency that help you to help yourself and to help others around you.
It’s time to focus on those activities like meditation, any passion projects that you love to do, any physical activities that you love: dancing, swimming, art, coloring.
Seeing 666 is a call to raise your personal vibrational frequency
Repeating number patterns like 666 serve as a reminder to explore and understand the law of vibration. I have a Raise Your Vibration guidebook which I actually help you go through different ways that you can daily raise your vibration morning, noon, and night. Download my raise your vibration Guidebook here.
Seeing 666 is a call for balance
The recurring presence of 666 serves as a reminder to focus on bringing balance into your life. It’s time to balance your thoughts. I chalenge you to think 10 positive thoughts for every one negative thought that pops in your mind.
Find out where you may feel imbalanced in your life. If we think of the number six it’s made up of three and three completely balanced here and this time is perhaps a call for not to put so much worry into the material world but actually to put your focus into the spiritual realm.
What actions can you take to nurture your spiritual growth? How can you dedicate more time to focus on spiritual practices? What does spirituality mean to you personally? Consider the activities in your life that strengthen your connection to your inner self and enhance your intuition.
Seeing 666 is a time to improve your surroundings
666 asks you to look at your home life what ways can you improve your home life, your surroundings, to have more peace at home. Perhaps there’s people in your life that are energetic vampires and you can choose to not spend so much time with them. Set up some boundaries that you can create for yourself, to keep your vibrational frequency High.
If you are reading this, you’re most likely an empath which means that you’re affected by the energies around you. If you find that this is the case, help support Yourself by surrounding yourself with positive energy whether that’s in your home or with your friends or at work.
That you’re just constantly surrounded by love and positive energy.
We all have the power to control our personal vibrational frequency.
What vibrational frequency are you putting out into the world?
Ask yourself what are you putting out in the world? Are you putting out more positivity? Are you participating in random acts of kindness, filling the world with love.
Holding the torch of love and spreading love or are you focusing in on negativity. Negativity with your thoughts. With how you think of yourself, what you think of yourself and spreading negativity into the world.
Hopefully, after reading this post, you know that 666 is not a bad omen. It’s like seeing a black cat. Some people believe that black cats are bad luck but in all actuality, they absorb the negativity around them so it’s actually very good, very lucky, and special if you have a black cat.
The next time you see 666, keep these pointers in mind. Focus on your thoughts and know that your angels are there guiding you to your happy end result. Ciao.
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