Why You May Be Seeing Repeating 4s, 444

Are you seeing repeating 4s, 444, 44 on clocks, odometers, speedometers, on your phone, on license plates and/or when you look up on the corner of your computer?

In this post, discover the message behind 444 and what may be the message that is wanting to come through to you.

Most likely 4 44 is not your first repeating number sequence that you’re seeing but it may be the first one that’s guided you to research what exactly is this phenomenon of seeing repeating numbers.

Repeating Numbers

Repeating numbers hold the energy of messages. You might just get a little nudge to look at the clock at a specific time or you might just get a little nudge to research why are you seeing 444 and you come across this blog post.

When you start seeing repeating numbers in random places there is definitely a message for you. All numbers have a specific vibrational frequency and in numerology, it is believed that numbers are the carriers of pure and divine energy.

Characteristic traits of the number 4

So let’s get into the number four. Where do we see fours? We see fours on four wheels of a car. We see fours, four strings on a violin, four legs on a table, four legs on a chair.

Where do we hear 444?  444 is believed to be the frequency of angels. Click on the video to the right to take a listen to 444.

Characteristic traits of the number 4

The number four is a number that represents the four elements that we have air, fire, earth and water.

The number four also represents the four seasons, so we have winter, spring, summer, and fall.

We have the number four in the four directions North, South, East and West. It shows up quite a bit, the number four.

Meaning of Number 4

The number four symbolizes equality, bearing of weight, stability, security, foundation, traditional values, system and order. In numerology the number four is the ability to focus in on a project.

So if you’re working on something and you’re having a difficult time, just invite in the energy of number four to help you out.

Seeing 444

Seeing 444 is when we actually see three fours in a row. When we see repeating numbers, that number is magnified because we’re seeing it more than once. 444 magnifies the energy of the number four at least three times.

444 is connected with the frequency, the vibrational frequency of angels. When you see 444, you’re surrounded by the energy of angels or loved ones that have passed on. They are encouraging you to stay on your path, keep it up, keep up the great work. Great job!

Take note when you are seeing the number 444 of what exactly you are doing. Seeing Repeating 444 is a great time to take a breath, be thankful, and invite in the energy of intuition.

Clear your mind, clear the clutter, and get focused. I also love this exercise of taking a breath with four pulses in and four pulses out so as soon as you see 444, clear your mind and breathe in positive energy with four pulses on one long breath, followed by breathing out the negativity four pulses in one long breath.

What to do when seeing 444

So what to do when you see 44? Gratitude amplifies the magnitude, so be thankful for seeing 444.

When seeing repeating 444, connect to your intuition and clear out that negative energy that you may be harboring.

Know that you’re being supported, loved, and cheered on the steps that you’re taking in that positive direction of aligning yourself to your true intentions.

Believe that everything that you have done in the past, everything in the present moment, and everything that you are preparing to do is safe and well and in alignment to your dreams.

Seeing 444 is a message that you have nothing to fear. All is well. Just ask and receive.

Think, let it go, be in flow, ask and you shall receive.

Seeing 444 while feeling down?

So what if by chance you see the number 444 but you’re really not in a good place? You might be in a lower vibrational energy and kind of bummed out.

When we have worrisome thoughts, that actually repels the abundance that 444 is bringing. So if you do have those worrisome thoughts when you see repeating 444, it’s a sign to change your thinking and to get on track.

Number 444 is letting you know you have a divine connection with the angels and with loved ones that have passed on. It is basically an angel hug!

You’re supported and loved.

Over time, as you tune in more and more, you’ll find you suffer less and less with worry or anxiety. You’ll trust all will work out well, and often you’ll find it works out better than you could ever have imagined!

All is Well

In October 2021, 444 was following me around. It was right before I took a jaunt to Portugal for three months and on the same day I woke up at 4:44 in the morning. I received a package in the mail stamped 4:44. I had a client of mine who asked me what time is it there in Bulgaria and I said 4:44. It was 4:44 when the question was asked.

Seeing 444 right before my trip to Portugal was a great sign for me to know that my trip to Portugal was definitely at the right time and that I had nothing to fear and to keep on going.

 Be thankful that your vibrational frequency is at that point where you start to see numbers and waking up to the alignment of your true nature.

Seeing repeating numbers is a door opening for you to receive new information and new perspectives on who you truly are.

You may really enjoy my course on your vibrational code deciphered. Discover what is your vibrational code that you came to this earth with, how to work with that code and how to use that information in your relationships with others and with your family.

Happy aligning.

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