Are you seeing 1234 repeatedly and want to know why?

Are you seeing one two three four everywhere and you want to know why? What is going on? In this post, discover the message of the 1234 number sequence.

If we take the numbers out of the sequence, we have one, two, three, and four. One symbolizes New Beginnings. Two symbolizes balance. Three symbolizes creativity and expansiveness, and four represents stability, like four legs on a table. Seeing 1234 repeatedly? Here’s what it means.

New Beginnings, balance, creativity, expansion, andstability. Seriously that is one powerful combination!

1234 is the number sequence that symbolizes the steps on your path. It’s a sign that you are on the right path.

It’s a sign that you’re taking the steps that you need to for your life purpose and it also may be a sign that it’s time to take that next step.

Feeling stuck when seeing 1234?

If you’re seeing one two three four and you’re feeling a little bit stuck, it could be possibly be because of fear, apprehension of taking that next step and seeing 1234 is a message to let you know you’re being supported, loved and you have the answers.

You already have the answers within you. You don’t need to search outside of you. Just know and believe that the answer will come and educate yourself.

Put yourself in a situation where you can find the answer and then you will have the answer.

Give all doubt and fear to your angels so that they can transmute the energy into positive. Take your next step with confidence and if you don’t know exactly what that next step is or if you have apprehension, fear, or doubt, just ask the simple question,

“What would it take for me to know what my next step is?”

“What would it take for me to find the answer that I’m searching for?”

Your answer may be to rest and to listen. Maybe take that time out to meditate, to put yourself in a place where you can actually hear the answer.

Past work will have rewards

Know that the work that you have already done in the past is supporting your future. Know that that hard work is beneficial and that it will have its payoffs and Rewards.

Be true to yourself, to what you feel is right and to listen to your heart. You’ll know what the next step is. I encourage you to take it.

Seeing 1234 – A call to learn about the law of vibration

As you’ve seen these number sequences, it’s a sign to learn about the law of vibration and to understand that you are vibration.

We are all vibration. We hold a vibrational frequency within us so when we are emotionally unstable, when we are feeling a little bit down, low energy, that’s just a sign that our vibrational frequency has taken a little downturn.

There are some things that you can do to help raise your vibration and if this is new to you I would suggest downloading my Raise Your vibration guide so you can learn more about how you can raise your vibration. Get started today. Ciao

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