Seeing 11:11? What to Do?

Are you seeing 11:11, 1:11, 10:10, 414, 555? Repeating numbers? Perhaps you’re actually waking up at the same time every single night. Do you feel that these numbers are haunting you? Well, let’s get into this and talk about what exactly is this phenomenon. Let me know in the comments below if you’re actually seeing 11:11 at this time of your life or have in the past.

You’re probably thinking what the heck? These numbers are following me around. What is going on? In this post, I’m going to talk about what is the 11:11 phenomenon, why is it happening, what does it mean and what should you do.

What is the 1111 Phenomenon?

The phenomenon of seeing 11:11 is obviously when you see 11:11 everywhere. You see it on the clock, you see it on your phone, you see it on the end of a youtube video, you see it on license plates.

I first started seeing 11:11 January 1st 2011. I sent an email out to my colleague exactly at 1:11 on January 1st, 2011. 

Seeing other repeating numbers

You may not just be seeing 11 or 11:11 or 1:11, you may actually be seeing other patterns of numbers. Perhaps 414 or 555 or 222.

What does this mean when you start to see repeating numbers? This is the first step in the process of awakening. It is an energetic door that is opening up. 

Make a wish

You may have heard well, “Make a wish. When you see 11:11.” The reason for that is because at that moment you see 11:11, your thoughts are super, super powerful.

If you understand the law of attraction and manifesting, 11:11 is like your sign to check in with your thoughts. Are you thinking positive thoughts because your thoughts create your reality. 

Your thoughts create your reality

The reality that you’re living at this moment, you created with your thoughts of the past. If you’re not liking your reality, you are the creator of that reality. You can change it by changing your thoughts.

Your thoughts are energy. They’re like bullets of energy to create your reality so if you’re not thinking high vibes thoughts, you may find that around you is not so high vibe.

Seeing 1111 is your calling to your higher self

11-11 is a calling from Universe, from Source, from God, whatever word you want to put on the higher being. This is the calling for you to step into your new reality.

Seeing 1111 is a calling for you to learn something new. As a result, you’re not going to be the same person you were before you started seeing 1111. Things are going to start to shift and to change and you’ll start to evolve more and more and more as a vibrational being.

You see you are an infinite vibrational being in a body and you’re experiencing the human experience. 

11 is a master number

11 in numerology is a master number which signifies insight, intuition and enlightenment. When you see 11:11 on the clock, you’re seeing four numbers that are the same. Unless you live in Europe or you are using a military time clock, the only other number that you’ll see the same will be 22:22. 22 is another master number.

My Seaside flat is 22.

A master number holds a lot of energy. 

Everything is energy.

You are energy and numbers hold energy. Pythagoras says that every number has a different vibrational property. He also said that God is a mathematician and he communicates with us via numbers.

Numbers are the universal language. Seeing 11:11 is your contact from the Universe. The Universe is contacting you through 1111 to see if you’re noticing see if you’re starting to wake up from what you perceive as your reality. Your energetic doorway is being opened. 

When you see 1111 you’re developing a greater awareness to vibration, to spirituality, to law of attraction, to manifestation.

You are starting to wake up to who you really are and the first step is to understand that you are vibration. 

You are vibration

You are a vibrational being. Everything around us is energy and you are energy. Your thoughts, your emotions your physical makeup, the food you eat, everything that you are in a physical form is vibration.

As a result, you are walking music.

What composition are you creating? 

Staying high vibe

It is essential that you stay super high vibe. 1111 is your calling to stay high vibe and keep high vibe thoughts.

To help you out, I put together a free guidebook for you on how to raise your vibration.

For a limited time get my Raise Your Vibration Guide to help you and help all of us on this planet to raise our vibration.

Why is it important to stay high vibe? Your vibration helps you manifest the reality that you desire to have.

You are the master creator in your life and you are a co-creator with your higher self. Your higher self is aligning you to a higher vibrational energy.

1111 is your call to enlightenment

Seeing 1111 is the start of your awakening process. This is only the beginning. That doorway is starting to open up.

You’re going to start to see other patterns and synchronicities come into your life in the form of numbers.

Once Source knows that you’re seeing 1111, you’ll start getting flooded with other number messages.

Why are you seeing 1111? Because you’re being called. It is the time for you to step into your higher self and to raise the vibration of the world at this moment.

Your vibration contributes to the vibration of the planet

Every single step that you take into a higher vibration, helps the vibration on this planet. All the good deeds you do is a ripple effect and it becomes bigger and bigger and bigger like a wave of goodness.

Each thought you think is vibrational energy so keep that in mind.

You want to always choose a higher vibrational thought. When you see 1111, take note of your thoughts, what are you thinking? Are you thinking positive or not.

Seeing 11:11 is your reminder to step into wholeness. This is your time.

We are all one

The number one is one, we are all one. You are coming into your own oneness, oneness with your higher self and eliminating duality.

Hopefully, after reading this post, you realize that you don’t need to freak out. Seeing 11:11 is a fun phenomenon calling you to your personal enlightenment.

What do you need to do when you see 1111?

Be open to learning.

Now is a great time to start a meditation practice, if you don’t meditate already. Go within to hear those answers that are being given to you. Your intuition is going to be strengthened.

After this moment of seeing 1111, you may also start seeing other signs that pop into your life, not just numbers.

Perhaps you start taking note of a sound of an owl. You may see repeatedly falcons flying in the sky letting you know that there is a bigger picture. No need to get stuck in the smallness of things.

Spend more time in nature and really take that opportunity to go within. As a result, you will raise your vibration. This is your calling. This is your time to go into awareness in the present moment.

Most importantly, observe and accept that this is going on you’ll start seeing other numbers like 12:34, 123 345, 456.

These are signs that you’re on the steps of ascension, you’re on the right track.

What to expect next?

More numbers! After you start seeing the numbers, they’re not going to stop. You’ll just start seeing different number patterns.

When the Universe starts to see that you’re understanding the language of numbers, you will start to see even more complicated number patterns. Maybe you’ll start seeing fives and threes together or ones and sevens. You will start seeing these number combinations repeatedly and you’ll know that that is a specific message from the Universe.

While I was preparing for this video, I saw on the clock 11:22. Two master numbers one right after the other. As I finished filming the video, I saw 12:03.

Whenever you have a zero with other numbers, that is an energy amplifier and it amplifies every number around it. 

Learn how to understand your number messages, navigate your life & biz on the fast-track to success and discover a life of opportunity lived in tune with your numbers.

Discover my Numerology for Beginners Online Course here.

Stay High Vibe and I’ll see you in the next post. Ciao.

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  1. […] been seeing and receiving number messages since January 11th of 2011. You can check out my seeing 1111 post to learn more about that Awakening process that I went through and now when I see numbers and […]

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