Perhaps you simply want to know what these numbers mean for you; 444, 555, 777, 888, 1414, 1313, 1212, etc.

Every number holds a vibration and has a meaning. It is not by chance you are seeing 78 {insert your number here} everywhere. Yet you don’t know what the meaning has for you.

The sooner you understand, the more messages you will receive from the Universe.

Numbers are really only the beginning. I am suspecting you may have had some dreams, animals, and colors starting to appear as well. So many synchronicities that you just know are not coincidences yet you don’t know what the message is.

So why not get those answers now? Why not schedule a session and learn exactly what these numbers are trying to tell you. Understand now and you will receive even more messages.

You are Intuitive. You are an infinite being in a body. It is time to start to interpret your messages and more.

your messages interpreted

Seeing 1111, 10:10, 414, 555, 888, 999 keep appearing on digital clocks, microwave, car clocks, license plates, basically everywhere there are numbers. Perhaps you’re even waking up at the same time every single night.

Completely understand the surprise. Believe me, I wished that I had someone to guide me on my path of awakening. Even if it was just to talk to someone to tell them what I was seeing.

As we step into our more intuitive (true nature) it can be a little frightening. You may feel completely not normal and definitely alone.

But you aren’t. Hey, it is good to be weird and supernatural. You know why? Because that is who you truly are. You are coming closer your true nature and aligning to your higher self.

spirit energy of the owl

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seeing 1111
path to ascension

By purchasing this program or product, I agree to these terms of use.

Seeing 11:11 is a call to ascension, a path to a higher vibration. As you become more and more who you are at your core, you are raising your vibration.

This can be uncomfortable at times as we transition vibrationally. During this process it is encouraging to have a guide. One that has been on your path and can be very comforting to you as you continue on yours.

Believe me, I wish I had one….It would have been tons of fun!

My path was one of the Hermit Tarot card. Lots have fun like the three of cups and play together as you are guided on your path to ascension.

Looking forward to working with you and empowering you with tools to not only understand your messages but to open the door for more.