Save Time with Effective Digital Vision Boards

You know you want to make vision boards but you feel you don’t have the time plus who has magazines lying around these days? I get you. For years I allowed the same excuse to stop me from making vision boards.

Believe me, I completely understand the feeling of not having time to make a vision board. You most likely have tons on your plate and just adding one more thing creates an astounding feeling of overwhelm.

Not only do you save time by making vision boards online, but these digital vision boards also help you save time by being accessible to you wherever you are, allowing you to stay focused on your dreams.

In this post, I will share with you step-by-step time-saving tips on how to make effective digital vision boards. I will break it down so simply for you on how you can easily create digital vision boards in a very short amount of time. Most importantly these vision boards are effective and they work. So let’s get started.

Get organized online

Trello is the place to get started. It is completely free. Why is it so great? Because you can get organized from the beginning. Plus no matter where you are you can access your vision board.

We can’t just think about the entire life and want to improve everything because then nothing will happen. The key is to get focused and organized.

Save time with digital vision boards in Trello with just a click. No need to scavenge for magazines. Images can easily be uploaded from the web.

Vision boards help you gain clarity

In 2018, I created a vision board in Trello which I broke down different aspects of my business and life. Even though I didn’t finish the vision board, a lot of it manifested itself and other aspects fell away.

This is completely OK.

Back in 2018, I was thinking about permanently moving back to the States and living in the Milwaukee area. Since then I have attracted my fiance and I didn’t move back to Milwaukee. I’m still here in Bulgaria.

Vision boards create evolution

Since 2018, other things have evolved. As you gain clarity while getting organized, you may find you can combine some aspects of your life as you align.

Break your digital vision board down to smaller topics

It is a lot easier to gain clarity when you break your vision board into different topics. For example, biz, love, travels, health and family just to name a few.

Save time with a digital vision board in Trello by making these topics your lists. The cards within the list are what you want to accomplish within that topic.

There are many parts of you. If you neglect one facet, it dims the others. Your vision board needs to represent all the different facets of you and what you want to manifest.

You are a multi-faceted diamond.

Take action

Vision without action is just that…a vision.

Show the Universe you are serious and ready to attract in your desires. You can do this by creating an action vision board.

Think about what steps can you take to attract in your desires.

Save time with digital vision boards because these action steps can easily be created in Trello as cards to the corresponding category or checklists on the back of the card.

Vision board check-ins

Save time with digital vision boards by easily checking in no matter where you are. With a digital vision board, you can easily check in on a much needed brain break. Instead of checking out social media, check in on your vision board. Look at the words/pictures that you have chosen for how you want to feel in the different aspects of your life

Get specific by getting clear on your values

For example, in health category, decide what is important to you. What do you value in your health department. How do you thrive? Think about the thriving you.

Thriving Heather in the health department enjoys daily movement. She has up-to-date health checkups, vitamins, essential oils, body love, meaning taking time for self-care, massages that type of thing.

In Trello, on the back of the card, you can easily create a checklist to get specific. In the self-love category, I have massages listed once a month at least. Think about how many times do you want to participate in a specific activity. Maybe eventually you would like to have weekly or bi-weekly massages but for now you can do monthly.

Ask yourself, what else in the self-love department? Talk positively to your body on a daily basis, magnesium salt baths three times for relaxation, detoxification and nourishment.

Hopefully, these examples helped get your vision board juices flowing. As you get clear on your values and get specific, it is a lot easier for manifestation to occur.

Trello is a great place to save time because once you have it down, you have access to it all the time. It doesn’t matter if you travel, wherever you go, you can just pop into your Trello board and see your vision board.

Images shm-images

Want a new car? Find an image and upload to your card on Trello. Super easy! Save time with digital vision boards and not hours perusing through old magazines that you most likely do not have laying around your house.

Keep in mind, you don’t even really need to have images. In 2018, I created my love vision board without realizing it. I got super clear on the different aspects I wanted in my love life; for example, emotionally, physically, mentally, socially, romantically.

Ask yourself what you want in your love life in those specific topics and then write it down on a card in Trello.

For this specific vision board, I just used one image in the background and within 13 months I attracted my fiance.


So what I am sharing with you actually does work.

You can learn more about how to create a love vision board by reading “How to Manifest Love” post here.

Digital Vision Board Easy Access

Use your newly organized vision board topics in Trello to help you effortlessly collect images for your vision board collage you can easily see on your phone and/or desktop.

Need some help? I have got you covered in my post “How to Create a Digital Vision Board in Under 15 Minutes.”

With digital vision boards you don’t need hours to devote to creating your vision board.

Not keen on learning Trello? You can actually just create your vision board in a google doc. within seconds while sitting at your computer.

Perhaps you are frustrated with some aspect of your life. Instead of sitting in frustration, go to your google drive, open a new doc and write out exactly what changes you want to see in your life.

Personally, I have used this to effortlessly attract in my fiance and to attract a virtual assistant that would be perfect for my online business.

Basically, anything you want to attract in just write out a detailed google doc of exactly what you want to attract in. Think of it as a job description of what you want to attract in and its your order to the Universe saying,”Hey, I really need this in my life.” Then let go and just focus on keeping your vibe high to have the manifestation appear as quickly as possible.

Want to learn more Law of Vibration? Definitely check out my post, “How to Transmute Negative Emotions with the Law of Vibration.”

If you found this post to be helpful, you may love my step by step course on how to create vision boards that work. Click here to discover more.

Have fun & save time with digital vision boards.

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