Root Chakra Balancing Tips

Discover symptoms of a blocked root chakra and how to heal.

Feeling fearful, unsafe, ungrounded, insecure in your finances? These are all signs of a weak root chakra. Let’s get you some root chakra balancing tips for you to start feeling better.

We all have seven major energy centers and our root chakra is the very first chakra. The root chakra governs our physical energies. It gives us a feeling of safety and support. Without balancing our root chakra, no matter how hard we try, we’re not going to be able to balance the other chakras.

Think of the chakra system like a musical scale, if the very first tone of the musical scale is out of tune, it’s going to affect all the other pitches in that scale and they’re going to be out of tune even if they’re perfectly in tune to the root, the first note of the scale, they will all be out of tune. The root chakra is our foundation. We are unable to change and grow if our root chakra is not secure.

Physical symptoms of a blocked root chakra

If you suffer from high cortisol or adrenal fatigue most likely your root chakra is out of balance. If you have any diseases of the bladder, bones, with the blood, the bowels that’s all related to the root chakra. Anything from the hips below, your legs, your knees, your feet, all of that is connected to the root chakra as well.

Psychological symptoms of a blocked root chakra

Anxiety, overthinking, worrying, fear, feeling emotionally disconnected and disconnected from the body are signs of a blocked root chakra. Moments of anger and rage are also symptoms of a root chakra of being out of balance.

Any of the above ringing true to you? Read on for healing tips.

Root chakra balancing tips

When the root chakra is balanced and strong and operating at a high level, that means that we have a sense of flow. We feel supported. We feel financially secure. We feel fearless and we feel safe in the world. We all want to feel empowered and stable right? Let’s et you started with some root chakra balancing tips.

Surround yourself with the red

The root chakra resonates to the vibration of the color red. Surrounding yourself with the color red via clothing, flowers or environment helps give the root chakra the energy that it needs.


Black tourmaline, garnet, red jasper, are gemstones that may help nourish the root chakra. You can choose to wear these gemstones or meditate with them.

Essential oils

Essential oils that nourish the root chakra are cedar wood, sandalwood, rose, clove, ginger, frankincense and myrrh. You can put them in a diffuser or on yourself to smell the oils and help balance the root chakra.


Meditation is also really, really good because meditating helps us to feel grounded and in turn ground the root chakra. When the root chakra is out of balance, we may feel a bit flighty with our heads in the sky.

Spend time in nature.

An easy and great way to balance the root chakra is simply to go outside, take a walk in nature. Even better if you can walk barefoot and really feel the energy of the Earth. An excellent grounding meditation is to put your hands down onto the floor or the earth outside with the intention to absorb the energy from the earth. At the same time let go of any negative energies back into the earth, a transference of energies. Negative energies flow into the earth and then the positive energies come into us. This helps us to feel grounded.

Listen to or hum the pitch C

The root chakra resonates to the vibration of the pitch “C.” We create our own sound healing vibrational bath when we absorb the pitch “C.” If you’re a musician you can play “C.” You can sing the pitch “C.” You can listen to music in “C.”

All of the above will nourish your root chakra helping you to feel balanced and grounded.

Connect to the Power within

You may not always trust that the world will give you what you need to survive or provide for you, but one thing that you can connect to is the power within.

If you have the confidence within the power within and trust in a power higher than yourself that will give you what you need to feel safe.

Root chakra affirmations

The following affirmations will help you nourish your the root chakra. Use them whenever you’re feeling unsafe, anxious, and/or worried. See them as part of your root chakra tool kit.

  • I feel centered.
  • I feel at home.
  • I feel at home in my body.
  • Everywhere I go is home.
  • Home follows me.
  • My body is my home.
  • I feel safe and secure.
  • I stand for my values, truth and justice.
  • I stand in my power.
  • I have what I need.
  • I am fearless.
  • I trust myself.
  • I love myself.
  • I nurture myself with healthy food, clean air, clean water, exercise, relaxation and connect to nature on a daily basis.

Root chakra empowered questions

Empowering questions are a great way to invite in the desired energy. Pick a couple that you resonate with.  If you’re feeling a little unsafe, you have your affirmation, “I feel safe,” you can turn this into an empowered question by saying, “Why do I always feel so safe?”

  • Why do I feel so secure?”
  • Why do I have everything that I need to provide for myself?
  • Why am I doing such a great job providing for myself on a daily basis?
  • Why is it so easy for me to provide for myself?
  • Why is it so easy for me to feel safe?

Root chakra animals

There’s quite a few different animals that are root chakra animals. We will start with the elephant. Think about an elephant. He’s very grounded, a larger animal and feeling very secure. Think of the big heavy kind of dense feeling of the feet of the elephant.

Rhinoceros and buffalo are also earth element animals and they have that real feeling of foundation and feeling secure.

Tortoise is another root chakra animal. They’re old and wise a little slow and they have a shell for protection.

Anytime you start to feel anxious, to feel unsafe, to feel fear, you can connect to these animals and their energy.

Want to learn more about the chakra system? Register for my free chakra balancing cheat sheet here.

Feel free to comment below if you have experienced root chakra symptoms and what are you going to implement to help strengthen your root chakra.

Have fun balancing your root chakra. Ciao

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