How to Create a Trigger for Personal Peace

Feeling anxiety, stressed out or just overall drained? In this post, discover how to create a personal peace trigger that you can call upon at any time.

Experiencing these feelings places us on the lowest vibrational frequency on the scale of consciousness. Happiness, joy, and love elevate our vibrational frequency, while balance keeps it at a midpoint.

When we feel these feelings, we are on the lowest vibrational frequency on the scale of consciousness. When we feel happy, joy and love, our vibrational frequency is high and when we’re at balance our vibrational frequency is about in the middle.

Using triggers to clear blocks

As we get to know ourselves more, we can discover what triggers pull us out of balance, what triggers pull our vibrational frequency down to a lower level. Once we see and understand that trigger, we can use that to help clear our blocks to stay in a higher vibrational frequency. As I like to call it, to stay tuned. This is how we energetically evolve but have you ever thought about creating your own personal trigger to help you move out of the lower vibrational frequency emotions?

What is a personal peace trigger?

This personal peace trigger that you create can be called upon at any time. Sounds pretty cool doesn’t it? Common peaceful trigger techniques are to breathe deeply or to count to ten before reacting. These techniques are great but in the moment of anger and reactiveness, we may not think to do them and we may rarely think to take that step back.

Let’s add another tool in your toolbox to help pull you into a state of peace. The basis of this technique, I discovered in “365 Ways to Raise Your Vibrational Frequency” by Melissa Alvarez.

Find your center

Step one is to find your center. In order to create this trigger for personal peace, we need to put ourselves into that feeling of peace.

How do we do this?

Take yourself to a place where you can find your personal peace. It may be in the mountains, in the forest with the trees, a morning meditation in the sunlight is also a great place to call in your personal peace trigger. It may be in the bathtub. It may be on your living room couch. The exact location doesn’t matter as long as you’re connected to the center of you to that stillness and calmness that’s deep inside of you, your personal zen.

Create the Trigger

Step two is to create the trigger. Once you have found that place of personal zen, clearing out the anxiety, that’s when we call in and create our personal peace trigger. We have to do this while we’re in a state of peace.

Possible triggers can be animals, birds, numbers, flowers, a visual like angel wings, a hug, being surrounded by this feeling of peace that you can call upon at any time.

Imagine your trigger enveloping you via sight, sound or movement. For example if you pick a number, say number seven or number four, feel yourself enveloped in the energy of that number.

If you pick a bird like a dove or a falcon, visualize that bird as your trigger to personal peace. See yourself with your trigger.

Give Your Trigger a Purpose

As you’re sitting in your personal peace, feel this peace be given to your trigger and anoint your trigger with the mission that it will always come when you call and bring your personal peace. It will bring you immediately to this place of peace that you feel now.

Release your trigger with love at this point of balance.

Simply Call on Your Trigger at any Time

Step three: When you find yourself falling into a lower vibrational frequency, you can now easily call upon that symbol or the animal to come and bring that peace to you.

If your trigger was a number repeat it three times. If your trigger was a falcon, you could see that that falcon comes to you and absorbs the negative energy from you to fly away with it and transmute it into positive energy.

You have the power within you to call upon this trigger at any time.

Many times the only thing that’s stopping us from feeling that place of peace and stillness and calmness is ourselves. It’s an unwillingness to move into that higher vibrational frequency, for whatever reason. You always carry a calmness within you and you can connect to it at any time.

If you like to and you feel comfortable, share with us in the comments below what you chose as your personal peace trigger.

Sending love. Namaste. Ciao.

3 replies
  1. Stewart
    Stewart says:

    Hello Heather,

    Since I graduated in Applied Physics I am about to accept your ‘challenge/advice to get a move on’.

    Right (16:55) now in the back garden of a beautiful Derbyshire village (UK) I shall call upon the number 3.142 (the Greek letter PI) and perform a simplified Chi Kung set of exercises.

    Will let you know what happens.

    Best wishes Stewart

  2. Stewart
    Stewart says:

    Hello Heather,

    Back on line at 16:50 that’s about 20 minutes of Chi Kung and feeling much better.

    Many thanks for the ‘get up and go’ message.

    Best wishes


    PS the Greek letter Pi represents the number of times the diameter of a circle will equal the (length) or circumference of the same circle. ( approx 3.142)
    Hope this helps and perhaps it is a numerology reference ?


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