How to Grow Your Online Business as a Multi-Passionate Entrepreneur Step by Step

Are you an online multi-passionate entrepreneur? Feeling called to expand your online biz to include new offerings products and services but you’re a bit confused on how to do so?

In this blog post, discover how to grow your online business as a multi-passionate entrepreneur step by step. I will discuss the exact steps on how to take you from where you are in your current online biz identity to where you want to be.

It is safe to expand and grow as an online multi-passionate entrepreneur

First, as an online multi-passionate entrepreneur, allow yourself to know and believe that it is safe to expand and grow. Don’t keep yourself holed up in a biz that’s actually holding your growth back. It’s time to put yourself in the spotlight and shine.

Gain clarity in the now

Get clear on the present moment in your biz.

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What exactly are the products that I am offering?
  • How am I currently marketing these products?
  • Are potential clients being successfully funneled into these products and services?
  • Do I have a clear marketing strategy that works for my current offers?
  • Do I know my biz numbers?
  • Do I know where my strengths are in my current biz?

If any of the above is a little bit ambiguous and foggy, it’s time to break down your products and services into a really simple google sheets or excel file. In this spreadsheet, you can record each product and service that you’re offering and how you’re getting people to that product and service.

Declutter & organize your current biz

In order to bring in the new, we need to create the space.

Ask yourself how can you declutter your current business?

This decluttering process is super important to effortlessly create the space for the expansion and growth that you want to see in your business.

First step is to get your folders organized on your computer. Delete everything you no longer use or need in your current/old business. This way you can allow you and your biz to grow into your new identity.

Create a new folder with your biz name, mine is HK biz. Within that folder, create two more folders, one with your current/old biz and the other folder for your new biz.

How this looks like for me is I have my violin folder for my violin studio, violin clients, products and academies. In the second folder named high vibe biz and life, I have my client folders, current products and future offerings files.

Ask yourself this energetic question, what would it take for me to streamline my online biz to easily position myself for growth and expansion? Everything in the way of that completely delete, uncreate and destory.

Close out and/or bundle

As an online multi-passionate entrepreneur, you may have many offerings. It really brings a lot of clarity to start to think about how you can streamline your offerings. A great place to start is to understand what products are working and what are not. Close out any offerings that are draining your time and energy or find a way to turn them into passive income.

Think about how you can bundle offerings together so you’re not stretched thin by promoting multiple products. Take your online courses and bundle them into an academy or one bundle that way you just promote one item with a lot of bonuses or a lot of courses. This saves time only promoting one product as opposed to five different products.

Automation is freedom for online multi-passionate entrepreneurs

Automation is your path to freedom. Want more time? Automate!

Ask yourself, what can I automate?  What can you create as far as an evergreen funnel to allow people into your products and services?

An evergreen funnel is an easy path for your clients to get what they need from you and your offerings. These days people have so much to think about, so much to do, that if they get lost on the path to your products, they’re probably going to get distracted and not find their way back in.

Automation allows you the time to start to grow and expand to create the space for your new biz.

Nourish a success mindset

Many times entrepreneurs, especially creative entrepreneurs, hold themselves back because of a negative mindset. You may feel afraid.

“Well, what would happen if I let my people know that I actually am doing this” or “what if my fans won’t follow me anymore if they know that I’m offering this?”

Let’s clear this negative thinking and get you on the path to success.

As soon as the fear mindset starts ask yourself “what would it take for me to get clear on my current offerings?” “What would it take for me to know my numbers on a weekly, monthly basis?” “What would it take for me to position myself for growth and expansion?” Everything in the way of this completely delete, uncreate and destory.

Get clear on the new

Let’s get you clear on the new.

Get started by asking yourself:

  • What problems will I solve with my products?
  • What solutions will my services provide?
  • What questions will be answered with my online courses?

Why are you the expert?

How has your current business shaped you as an expert for this new aspect you want to offer? Perhaps the services that you have been giving for 20 years have actually given you the experience to help people on another level.

Then what I want you to think about is what is the common thread? Perhaps what you have been currently offering and where you want to go has a commonality.

As a multi-passionate entrepreneur, you most likely have different aspects that you want to bring to the table with your products services and offerings.

For example, as a violinist I have been teaching and performing for over 20 years the last 10 years has been online teaching adult violinists and 10 years of running a successful online business.

I have so much information to help creative entrepreneurs create an online biz that supports them and helps them thrive.

As you can see, someone may think okay, violinist, online biz, energetic spiritual healing, how does this all fit together?

Well, it fits together really beautifully for me to position myself to help creative entrepreneurs.

So that’s what I want you to think about in your life what are your passions and what is the common thread with all of your passions?

The common thread with my passions is vibration. Maintaining and increasing personal vibrational frequency.

Music is high vibe.

Vibration and playing music, being a high vibe violinist.

Using vibration to align to your higher self and helping others to align to their higher self.

Helping others create a high vibe online biz that creates a high-vibe life.

If you’re a multi-passionate entrepreneur, share in the comments below what is it that you do and how are you streaming it together.

Energetic opening questions

Ask yourself:

  • What would it take for me to get clarity in my new offerings?
  • What would it take for me to allow myself the time to work in my new biz?
  • What would it take for me to know that every step in my new direction will have a positive effect on my overall business?

Even though we think about this as a new direction, it’s really expanding and growing where you currently are into where you want to be.

Start with what excites you as an online multi-passionate entrepreneur

Now that you’ve thought about your overarching umbrella, or your common thread within your multi-passions, brainstorm the topics that you are super excited to talk about.

Are any of those topics able to be blended topics with aspects of the old and new biz working together?

What would a blended topic look like for you.

A blended topic for myself as a violinist and online biz entrepreneur is the fact of how violinists can make money online blending the two topics violin and online biz.

Another example is as far as a chakra expert is the fact that I can help violinists with chakras. How do the chakras relate to violinists? How do chakras relate to online biz creative entrepreneurs?

Blended topics takes you where you are currently, where you want to be and come up with topics that actually touch on both of those areas. That way you’ll find that the fans that you have currently that have an interest into this new direction.

Be the conversation

Allow yourself to open up and show all the facets of your authentic self, allow the conversation to occur about your expansion growth and new topics.

This conversation will lead you to you what products and services that your tribe would love. You probably have an idea of what you want to offer but what is something that you can put together pretty quickly without spending a lot of time that your current fan base and growing fan base would be interested in. This sweet spot combination will be the products to create first.

That way when you create a relaunch party or expansion party into your new identity, you have these offerings that you can present to them.

If you want more guidance in growth and expansion, I think you would really love my blog post, How to Easily Monetize Yourself Online as a Creative Entrepreneur and you can start thinking about the direction that you want to go in.

In that blogpost, I discuss ways you can monetize yourself online. You can grab your free monetize you online checklist here.

Have fun monetizing your multi-passionate self!

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  1. […] Are you multi passionate and you don’t know where to start with your biz online? Check out my blog post, How to Grow Your Online Business as a Multi-Passionate Entrepreneur Step by Step. […]

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