Seeing 11:11 & Want to Know More?

Get Answers with Numerology for Beginners Course.

Learn how to understand your number messages, navigate your life & biz on the fast-track to success and discover a life of opportunity lived in tune with your numbers.

Confidently navigate your aligned biz and life with numerology.

Hey truth seeker,

It was 11:11 that led you here. I know how strange it can be to all of a sudden see 11:11 all the time. To start seeing other repeating number patterns to the point that you feel they are haunting you.

I get it. The burning desire to understand, to know and decode.

I created this course because I wish I had a fellow infinite being in a body at the beginning of my ascension to guide me to understand what was going on. You see, the more you understand the messages and are open to your own ascension, the quicker you will become stronger, full of confidence, clarity, and release self-doubt.

You see, I was you in 2011. After 6 months of experiencing the 11:11 phenomenon…I knew something bigger was at play. This is when I started to research 11:11. At the same time, I was being drawn to specific people, situations and activities that were allowing me to go deeper into who I truly was. Yet, my own intuition was freaking me out a bit.

Numbers are guiding you to the highest version of you. It is time for you to learn their language.

Ever found yourself wishing you knew a language enough to be able to understand the conversation around you?

Right now, numbers are communicating with you, they have gotten your attention and now the ball is in your court. Take the initiative to learn the language of numbers and decode the messages you are receiving.

By enrolling in Numerology for Beginners, you will learn the energetic power of numbers, their individual messages plus the messages behind the most popular number combinations.

This course is designed for the complete beginner but also beneficial to those with a bit of numerology experience. By taking this course, you will gain the skills to create your own personal numerology profile that you would receive from a paid professional numerologist.

Your personal numerology profile provides you with useful insights for yourself and others. Learn how to harness the power of numbers to help you make effective choices and move forward with clarity and confidence.

You will discover how to find your life path number and understand very quickly what you are aligning to in this lifetime. Plus as a bonus, you will learn how to combine this with the healing power of the major arcana of the Tarot. You will also receive a recording of my own healing compositions for violin solo customized to your life path number for powerful meditative alignment.

Most importantly, by enrolling in this course you are allowing the power of numbers to help align you to your true nature, increase your vibrational frequency and effortlessly attract the biz and life of your desires all in a super fun and high vibe learning environment.

Read below to see how the power of numbers can help you in various areas of your life and biz!

Numerology for Beginners

Celebrities that are known to have harnessed the power of numbers are David Beckham, Leonardo DiCaprio, Rhianna, Jim Carrey, and Prince to name a few.

You may or may not be surprised to know that classical composers have also incorporated numerology into their compositions. Bach, Mozart, and Schumann are the three most famous composers who used numerology. Mozart even called himself the lover of numbers.

What do all of the above have in common? They understood the power of numbers and harnessed the energy in their creations and life.

Numbers are the language of the Universe. You have been contacted by the Universe. Are you ready to understand the language?


Numerology for Beginners

Numerology for Beginners, Module 1

Understanding the Energy of Numbers

In this module discover the energy of individual numbers and what they mean. You will also learn what are the most powerful numbers and meanings of different number combinations.

Time to get out your journal and start taking notes because after this module you will start to see and receive even more messages from the Universe.

Once the Universe understands that you are starting to understand, you will receive even more messages. We will get into how to decipher your repeating number messages and what they mean.

Numerology for Beginners, Module 2

What is Numerology

Discover what exactly is numerology, the origins of numerology and how it works. Plus find out how you may have already experienced numerology without even knowing it.

You will also learn the basics of numerology within this module. Learn what are number story boards and how to create yours.

Numerology for Beginners, Module 3

Your Personal Numerological Blueprint

In this module, you will discover how to create your own personal numerology blueprint for practical direction on career, love, money, use of talents and gifts, as well as your impression and influence on others.

You will learn more about yourself and how you are actually hardwired as far as numerical vibrational frequency based on your blueprint.

Numerology for Beginners, Module 4

Creating Your Personal Almanac

In this module, you will discover how to create your own personal almanac based on your numerology. This almanac will help guide you in life and biz on what are your luckiest and most vibrationally powerful days and months for the year.

This is an excellent and fun resource to help you plan your biz and life, giving you that extra bit of confidence in your back pocket.

Accountability & Motivation

Stay connected with like-minded creatives and myself to help guide you in your numerology journey over in the high vibe biz and life facebook group. Taking advantage of the power of mindset within a community also helps in manifesting your dreams into reality.

Understanding your numbers and messages from the Universe will help you go deeper into who you truly are. You will be able to be easily guided on your path to wholeness simply by remembering.

Support your ascension with this fast, fun and easy numerology course.

Attune your energy, align your numbers, understand your messages from Universe and your vibration will simply rise higher.

Your higher vibration makes it easier for you to live a life in confidence and attract in the biz and life of your desires.

By purchasing this program or product, I agree to these terms of use.

Don’t hesitate or lose any more time searching the interwebs when you can enroll in this course and have everything you need to understand and decipher the messages that you are receiving from the Universe.

Looking forward to working with you in the course.

The lover of numbers,