Never Underestimate the Power of Words

Do you know that every word you speak, every word you think has a vibrational frequency? If you want to shift your energy to a higher vibration, the first place to start is with your words. In this post learn how the vibrational frequency of words can help you shift your energy and attract the life you desire.

Words are the foundation of our everyday life. The words you use, no matter if you think or speak them are put into your energetic field and the atmosphere around you. The positive words are creating a positive outcome and the negative words pollute your energy and the environment around you.

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Words have energetic power or vibrational frequency

Let’s back up a little bit and talk about the energetic frequency or vibrational frequency of words. We really can take for granted every word we speak, every word we say. Since the beginning of our time here in this life, we’ve been talking and these words actually have power behind them. We take for granted and underestimate the power of a single word.

How about a little word test. Think and say the word yes. Repeat saying and thinking yes. Where do you feel yes in your body? Yes. Yes. Yes. Where do you feel that yes? How do you feel about that yes? Okay, now say and think no. No. How do you feel that no and where do you feel it in your body? What about the following words? Amazing! Super! Fun! Where do you feel that in your body? Finally test out the following words:  Stupid. Mad. Angry. Horrible. How do you feel those words in your body? Let us know in the comments below this post.

The negative words, I feel really deep in my gut. It felt really low like it had a very dense energy to it. The positive words, yes, fun, amazing, and super, I felt from the heart and above. For me it feels so good and radiant and light, like I could fly away in a helium balloon. It just feels great.

What are the first words you think or hear in the morning?

Now that you understand every word you say and think has energy. Think about how you talk to yourself immediately in the morning. How do you feel? What are the thoughts going through your mind? Is it, “oh I have to get up today and do this,” and you know, is it thinking and dreading activities that you have going on or are you super grateful you have another day? Are you super grateful you have your breath? Super excited for what you can do in the day and how many people you can help and serve?

When you look at yourself in the mirror do you think about what parts of your body you don’t like, what needs to be improved upon instead of thinking “Oh I am so beautiful, gorgeous. I am gorgeous or I am kind. I have a great heart.” These are things that you want to just immediately in the morning start feeding yourself. It’s like a green smoothie of words. The green juice in the morning before you even drink your green juice. You can be giving yourself an injection of high vibe words and start your day with the thoughts in your mind and what you’re thinking.

How to use the power of words in the morning

Let’s give you a daily practice to help you out so immediately you can implement a practice using the power of words. Gratitude is raise your vibration fuel and is a great place to start. Super simple to implement. I have a candle on my nightstand and first thing I do before I even get out of bed is light the candle. While gazing at the flame I think of three things I am grateful for. I combine this into a meditation practice of connecting with the light. You may easily write down things in your journal while drinking your coffee or your beverage of choice for the morning. The spirit of gratitude is going to help change your life.  

Attitude of gratitude

When you have the life of your dreams, wouldn’t you feel gratitude? Well, if you aren’t feeling gratitude now, you will not attract the life of your dreams. Why? Because you are not in the vibrational state of your dream life.

How do you get in vibrational state of your dream life? Using the power of words to be grate-feul for what you have now.

“I am so grateful and thankful for my home and for warm water. I’m so grateful and thankful for the loved ones around me. I’m so grateful and thankful that Zissou, my shih-tzu, is alive today.

If you have a dog or a cat and you have another day with them, what a treasure! Using the power of grateful words is what will propel your vibrational into your new reality. 

When we use the words that we want, it puts us in an energy of lack or wanting, which is a lower vibrational frequency but if we put ourselves in a place of joy where we’re thinking how grateful we are for what we do have, you see, that puts us in a completely different energy. It’s not an energy of lack but an energy of gratitude.

Fuel your day with gratitude word power! 

Harnessing the power of words with affirmations

Gratitude practice in the morning is a great way just to get your morning started with lovely words. Following gratitude you can have some affirmations ready to go to give yourself some self love.

Affirmations are the green smoothie of words for your energetic system. Now, affirmations can be very personal to what you are specifically needing but I’m just going to give you a couple of ones that can get you started.

“The Universe has my back. Always guiding me to a higher vibrational state of being.”

The fact that you’re watching this video is helping you to raise your vibration, be in a higher state of vibrational being. So if you’re guided to this video, this is a sign from the Universe of giving you an answer, of tools and how you can raise your vibration.

“I am the creator of my reality and what I experience.”

This is a great affirmation because it’s allowing you to feel and know that you have the power every second of every day to choose your words. Remember to feed yourself with positive words and not polluting the energetic space around you with negative words.

“My vibrational frequency is in constant harmony with the Universe.”

This is a powerful affirmation that helps you align to your higher self, your inner divine. When we align to who we prefer to be, it’s super powerful. It’s a lot harder to get pulled out of alignment when we are constantly putting ourselves in alignment every morning with gratitude and affirmations. I love this affirmation because it uses the words “in constant harmony.” Harmony is when we’re listening to something really beautiful and there’s layers within that music that just brings it to life even more. If you think about the word discord or dissonant, that’s when you’re fighting against the energy of alignment and your inner divine. I love this affirmation because we’re in constant harmony with the Universe.

You may even use these words, “My vibrational frequency is in constant harmony with my higher self. My vibrational frequency is in constant harmony with my inner divine.”

Tailor the words in your affirmation practice to your needs.

Affirmations give you love via the energetic power of words. You may make it even more simple by using these powerful words, “I am kind. I love myself. I’m a great person.”

To personalize these affirmations for where you are in your life, is to think about how you can embody the change you want to see in your life.

Use the power of words to align your current vibrational frequency to the future you.

So think about the changes you want to create in your life. Perhaps you want to live in a different place where you have more beautiful scenery or you have a desire to live in the mountains.

You can use the power of these words,

“I am so grateful and thankful every morning that I can wake up and see the mountains from my terrace. I’m so grateful and thankful every morning to breathe the fresh air of the mountains. I’m so grateful and thankful to live in such a gorgeous winter wonderland.”

Think about what you want to attract and be super grateful that you have that in your life NOW!

For example, perhaps you would prefer to have a warm jacket for the winter.

“I’m so grateful and thankful for this warm jacket. It protects me from the wind and yet it isn’t too heavy and bulky. It fits me perfectly!!! I am so thankful. I feel like the Universe gives me a hug every time I put it on. I feel so loved.”

Use the power of words every second to anchor in your higher vibration.

Use the power of words to anchor you in a perpetual state of gratitude. I know sometimes we could all use a little bit of guidance or subtle ndges to help us stay on track and this is why I created the Powerfully Aligned Daily Manifestation and Energetic Hygiene Handbook for you. In this handbook, you have the exact steps of what to do in the morning, mid-afternoon and evening. I have some really fun techniques in there that you can use in the afternoon to help clear out the negative thinking or the toxicity that may have popped into your reality. Plus a fun little very easy practice to implement right before you go to sleep practice to help shift your energy, raise your vibration allowing you to become the person you prefer to be.

Grab your copy here.

Sending tons of love and high vibes. 

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