How to Easily Monetize Yourself Online as a Creative Entrepreneur with Little or No Investment

Are you in a position where you know you need to start making money online but you feel absolutely overwhelmed and have no idea where to start? In this post discover how to easily monetize yourself online as a creative entrepreneur with little or no investment.

Monetize yourself online biz name

You are your online business. In order to get monetized quickly with little or no investment is to start where you are right now. A great place to start is the name of your business. Since you are your biz, I would suggest using your name as your biz name. My name is Heather Kaye. That’s my business. My business is me. I am Heather Kaye.

So what is your name? You can head on over to Godaddy or at to find out if your name is available.

Name not available? Don’t fret. Add one or two words that help people know what exactly is your business.

When I started working online in 2012, I created the website Online Violin Education. My name was not in the domain name nor on the home page. People didn’t know who I was and I was completely removed from the branding of my biz.

As a complete newbie to the online world, I listened to the advice of an online guru for my domain name and over the years I realized that was quite the mistake.

Now I have my violin studio website at Heather Kaye violin. My name Heather Kaye was not available so I just tagged on one word, violin. That is my studio website.

If you’re an artist and want to start selling your art online, take your name Mary Jane Art that could work if Mary Jane is not available. Or whatever your specialty is. So that’s your step number one, is just to get your name as your business name.

Monetize yourself online by starting where you are now

Here are a few questions for you to ponder when thinking how to monetize yourself online. What are your skills? What can you teach online? What can you coach other people to do online? What problems do you solve?

For example, if you are a musician, you can teach music or how to play an instrument online. If you’re an artist, you can teach art online.

Monetize your passions

Monetizing yourself online does take time and conversation. What are you so passionate about that you can easily talk for hours and enjoy the conversation?

Enjoyment is key….You may have the info in your head to talk for hours on many topics but it is important to choose one that inspires you.

When you are lit up talking about this topic, your listeners will also feel that energy.  They will effortlessly turn into your clients because they become addicted to feeling that same joy you have inside with that specific passion of yours.

Inspiring questions to monetize yourself online

  • How can you help people?
  • How are you currently helping people?
  • Do you have an offline practice, an in-person practice that you can easily transition to online?
  • What problems do you solve?
  • What solutions do you provide?

Perhaps you are really good at time management. You can become a time coach online. You can help people organize their time, especially in these days. There’s a lot of busy moms having to add to their schedule by homeschooling their children so perhaps you can help out busy moms. Maybe you’re good at organization. You’re a spiritual healer, an energetic healer, you can help people heal online.

What services can you provide? How can you help?

What we’re creating here is a service-based business.

When you’re working with people one to one, that is a service-based business, you’re providing a service.

Think about what your skills are. Think about what people are needing. What can you offer as a service-based provider?

More than one client at a time

Now as a service-based provider, you can expand your horizons by not just providing one-on-one sessions, you can also provide group workshops or group sessions. This is great because then you can touch more people’s lives than just one in an hour.

Think about how you can create a workshop for five to one hundred people and touch their lives at one time. This is also great for you to not get so drained as well.

Instead of saying the same thing over and over and over again to each person separately, you can just say it once to everybody at one time.

Think about how you can create group workshops in your service-based business.

Putting yourself out there – Be visible

Next step is marketing letting people know what you’re providing. If you have an in-person business, pretty easy, just tell your current clients, “Hey, I am creating an online practice.”

Start moving your in-person sessions online.

Perhaps your current clients have friends or family that they know who do not live in the physical location of where you are located that they can refer to you.

If your current clients are happy and getting really good results with you, they would love to refer friends and family to work with you online.

How to market yourself online

You can market online with or without a website.

With a website make sure you create one page with your service-based offerings then simply direct people to that page.

If you don’t have a website, you can create one very easily. Just a one-page website on wix. You can create a landing page.

No website? No worries.

You can easily create a Facebook page and not even have a website. A Facebook page is completely free. Just so you have a place where you can direct people to.

Be the helper

You can easily spread the word within social media by being the helper. Get involved in Facebook groups. When people are searching for an answer that you can provide, help them and then let them know if they need further assistance they can find out more about what you have to offer by sending them to your one-page website or to your Facebook business page.

Receiving payments

There are plenty of options to have your clients pay you.

You can use your Paypalme link or Zelle for US based direct bank transfers.

You don’t even need a website or an online shop to receive money from your services.

Staying in touch with your peeps

As you’re starting to become popular, you’re going to be collecting your tribe or fan base. You need to have a way to be able to contact them. The best way to do that is through collecting emails in order for you to send out newsletters and keep in touch with your people.

There are so many different platforms out there that you can use; aweber, Mailerlite, Mailchimp.

You can easily search and find which one is best for you and some of them offer their services for free up to perhaps 1500 subscribers.

I have literally tried all of the above email marketing platforms and currently am using Mailerlite. For me Mailerlite is by far the best in price and ease of use. If you choose to use Mailerlite click here and I may receive a commission from them.

Create a digital product

The next easiest step to make money online is creating a digital product.

Think about what can you create as a digital product?

Here are some examples; checklists, workbooks, ebooks, prints.

Digital products are super popular right now because there’s no shipping and no cost for shipping.

They’re 100% immediately downloadable.

People don’t have to get in the car with a mask and go shopping in a store with other people and it’s a fast and safe and people have their product, right?

The first digital products I ever created are violin exercise books. I’ve written over 20 different violin exercise books and people can purchase these books at or at my online store on payhip.

What can you create as a digital product? What checklist can be really helpful for people?

Ideally, you want this digital product to have some sort of connection to your service based offerings.

At my violin studio, I teach people violin and so I created exercise books for my violin studio.

No website? No worries. Sell your digital products on Facebook, Payhip, and/or Etsy.

I personally love and use Payhip.

Etsy! Just send people to your Etsy store and you can sell digital products there.

Create a digital product

Finally another way you can monetize yourself and your knowledge, is by creating an online course.

Again you want this course to be aligned with your passions.

How can you help people? What course can you create?

You can house these courses on your website, if you have a website by simply using a membership plugin or if you want you don’t even have to have a website.

You can have your courses be housed in Thinkific or Teachable, it’s completely up to you.

I would love to hear from you!

Let me know in the comments below do you have an online biz and if so what are you currently struggling with and if you do not have an online biz what is stopping you from creating one.

Click here to get a checklist of the steps on how you can get started monetizing yourself online and my favorite platforms that I personally use.

I would love to connect with you and help you get monetized as a creative entrepreneur. Join me in my high vibe biz and live facebook group. You can find the link in the description below.

Are you multi passionate and you don’t know where to start with your biz online? Check out my blog post, How to Grow Your Online Business as a Multi-Passionate Entrepreneur Step by Step.

See you there.

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