I AM... your greatest cheerleader. intuitive. an online biz-preneur. your greatest cheerleader. a vibrational attuner. a chakra system educator. your greatest cheerleader. an empathic tarot reader. a musician. your greatest cheerleader. a swimmer. an adventurer.

My mission is to empower aspiring biz-preneurs with high vibe tools and actionable steps to clear blocks and supercharge your manifestations.

Let’s get you building a life of YOUR design.

Everything is energy and you are too!

Energetic alignment tools have been such a passion of mine my entire life and I am beyond excited to be your guide on your path to wholeness.

You are a work of art, a piece of music in the making. If your life isn’t where you want it, what is most likely stopping you are your energetic blocks. Your vibrational frequency just needs to get attuned to match the vibrational frequency of your desires. It all starts with raising your vibration.

As a lifetime musician, you can easily say I am obsessed with vibration. I love playing with energy, infusing my clients with positive energy, helping them raise their personal vibrational frequency and empowering them with tools and daily actionable steps to maintain that high vibe!

Within one year, I transitioned my own successful service-based educational studio online. As an online business owner for 10 years, I have definitely learned the ins and outs of what to do and not to do.

IF I can build a biz online from the starting point of a self-proclaimed technophobe, anyone can! Let’s dissolve your fears of not being techie enough, smart enough, skilled enough into celebrating you, starting where you are, leveraging what you have and create a self-sustaining online business that THRIVES and you along with it!

A dark chocolate and espresso loving gal who hates to waste time and loves simplicity and automation, I am here to guide you how you too, start where you are, celebrate you and THRIVE online.

AS creatives it is SUPER important to build a high vibe biz that supports our desired lifestyle and it is completely possible!

Being an online monetization strategist allows me to help creatives and service providers leverage their uniqueness to become leaders in their field, naturally attract clients and create multiple income streams via coaching, digital products and online courses.

In my spare time you can find me playing Bach on the violin, Piazolla on piano or pinning energetic alignment and online business pins on Pinterest.