How to Easily Let Go of What No Longer Serves You on a Daily Basis

Finding it difficult to let go? Do you feel you have this stuck energy around you and you just want to get things moving again? You are so ready to create the space for something new? In this post, I’ll discuss how to easily let go of what no longer serves you on a daily basis to help you become the person you prefer to be. It is time to change your trajectory with letting go.

Hi, my name is Heather Kaye and if you’re new here, I help creative entrepreneurs build a high vibe biz and life. You know you have aspects in your life where you can do better, feel better, be better and have more but you find the whole process overwhelming. You just don’t know where to start, and it’s a lot easier to check out and watch Netflix or to do activities that are comfortable which actually maybe your “avoidance activities” as opposed to actually making the change that you want to see in your life.

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We are all high vibrational beings in our natural state

What happens is we have events and situations in our life that weighs us down and we have negative emotions that weigh us down. So the easiest way to actually make that change and see the change in our reality is by letting go.

Why is it so important to let go on a daily basis?

Just the activity of letting go even, if it’s something small, can help us build confidence and let go of the fear of letting go. We become stronger and we start to trust the process of letting go. Once you start letting go you’re going to start feeling this energy of flow and that stuckness will start to move.

Letting go is like a muscle. When you go to the gym and you haven’t been lifting weights and all of a sudden you want to lift a 50 pound weight, it’s just not going to happen. That’s the same with letting go. If you have a fear of letting go, or a fear of change or attachment issues, the letting go process can be really quite overwhelming and difficult so just like that muscle that’s not quite ready for a 50 pound weight, we’re gonna get you going with one or two pound weights.

It’s super easy to become overwhelmed in the letting go process and think of something really big that we want to let go of but we get weighed down with the idea of how to even start so the best way is actually to start small.

Whether we let go of something small or large the initial energy is the same.

For example, if we let go of an article of clothing and decide, okay we don’t need this in our wardrobe anymore, is going to be a lot different than if we let go of our past. Same initial energy but we’re creating a larger space for something more to come in.

Our natural state of being is high vibration and negative emotions, negative energy, toxins weigh us down. You can just think about it as a hot air balloon and these things that are draining our energy, negative emotions, that’s just weighing us down, down, down and when we start to let things go, you can see, like the hot air balloon, it starts to just naturally rise higher and that’s the same as our vibration.

When we start to clear things out, it’s gonna be a lot easier for the flow to just happen naturally. Letting go is a superpower to help you raise your vibration. This is why it is super important to implement a practice of letting go of what no longer serves you on a daily basis.

When is it a good time to let go?

It’s always a good time to let go but if you need some energetic help or inspiration you can time letting go rituals with a full moon, the end of the year, start of a new week or when you’re fasting. Those times are good times to start to let go.

Now don’t wait specifically for the eclipse or for the full moon to allow yourself permission to let go, you want to allow yourself to let go on a daily basis and then what you can do is when there is a full moon you can use the energetic power of the full moon to help you let go, you can use energetic power of the end of the year, you can use the inspiration of “Yeah, I want to create my garden from a beautifully tilled soil.”

How can you practice easily letting go on a daily basis?

I’m going to give you 10 ways right now to build your letting go muscle. All you need is a timer and just declare what time of the day you want to let go. I would highly suggest letting go actually in the morning so you can release some energy, stuck energy and then you feel lighter as you go on through the day and you can start this process with only five minutes. You may find that you want to have more than five minutes and that’s totally okay too. The five-minute window is just going to get you started to start the let go process.

10 Ways to Let Go on a Daily Basis

  • Computer Files

    Head onto your computer and find those files that are not serving you anymore. What would those files be? Maybe some ideas for an old business that didn’t come to fruition, maybe some old classes that you’ve had that you just need to delete out, some images that you no longer use, so basically anything on your computer that you just really don’t need anymore, start to delete. Put it over into the little trash bin and get it off your computer. One, you’re gonna find that you’ll get a little bit more organized than what you do have and number two, your computer is probably going to run better after you start deleting some of these old files.

  • Makeup

    All females out there, I’m sure you’ve got a makeup bag that is just full of items you’re not using anymore and it’s actually really good to clear that stuff out on a quarterly basis to reduce skin infections and bacteria. Head on over to your makeup bag and start clearing out what you don’t use or any old products and how fun is that you’re gonna create the space to actually invite in some more fun makeup.

  • Bedding

    Do you have any old pillowcases around you’re just not using anymore? It’s time to just get rid of old bedding. What does not serve you, get rid of it and then you can even think about well what betting would I like to have. Maybe upgrade your sheets.

  • Clothing

    Some of you may think okay that’s just overwhelming. Break it down into smaller categories of clothing. Blouses, pick a date and just work on your blouses. What blouses you want to get rid of. Socks another day. Clear out your sock drawer another day. Clear out your underwear drawer another day. Work on your pants. Start slowly working through the categories of your clothing. Could be sports clothing, workout clothing. Clear out what you don’t use anymore. What’s too small, what’s too big, what you just don’t love, what just doesn’t make you feel like the person you prefer to be.

  • Kitchen Drawers

    I’m sure you probably have a kitchen drawer that’s one of those junk drawers that you just throw everything in. Take one day and start to clear it out. Now, I know that some of this could be like you just start to feel a little heavy in your mind, like Oh how am I gonna do that. That’s why it’s so great to use the timer and just say for five minutes, I’m gonna just start working on this drawer and this will start get the energy flowing and it’s gonna become easier and easier for you to make those decisions of what serves you and what no longer serves you.

  • Hair and Body Products

    Shower gels, lotions, shampoo, conditioners, leave-in conditioners. Start to clear all that out, hair spray, anything that no longer serves you. You don’t like the smell of it, whatever it is let it go. Gift it if it’s something that you’ve never even used.

  • Office Space

    Oh this is a huge one, isn’t it? All your documents, physical documents, books that you may have. Start to just kind of declutter whatever it is that you have in your office space, just start to clear it out, receipts and again break it down in categories and maybe just decide, okay today I’m just going to be working on my receipts and start clearing that out. Another day, I’m just going to take this one shelf in my office and organize it or clear out what no longer serves me.

  • Cleaning Products

    This is cleaning products for your house, for your flat, for anything that you have in your living space. It’s a great idea to first clear out the cleaning products that you’re not using anymore and number two if you want to start to upgrade onto more natural solutions to not invite toxins into your environment.

  • Emails

    How many emails do you have? You can go ahead and write it in the comments below, how many emails do you have? That is one that you can easily do while you’re waiting somewhere on your phone. Just go through your emails and just start deleting, deleting, deleting and better yet start unsubscribing to people that you no longer resonate with.

  • Limiting Beliefs

    This is a biggie. So this is such a huge one, how would we break down limiting beliefs and how do we do that on a daily basis. One meditate with the intention of clearing limiting beliefs. What this does is it just actually creates a space of allowing you to know perhaps what is your biggest limiting belief. Who can help you clear that limiting belief. If it’s something that you are unable to do on your own and I would love to invite you to my facebook group where I do energetic healings which includes clearings.

How to prioritize your letting go process

Once you get started with the letting go process, you can actually start to prioritize your letting go process and how you can do this is just by asking yourself this question, What drains my energy the most?

Is it the fact that you open up your wardrobe and you see all these clothes all over the place not even organized and stuff you don’t even wear anymore every single morning? Maybe that’s the first place to start is the fact that you can’t find your lipstick, your favorite lipstick because you have tons of makeup all over the place. Maybe that’s a place to start. You know deep down where is the best place to start letting go so you can create the space for organization, clarity and something new and better.

You may find that fear comes in when you start to let go of things and I’m going to give you a tip on how to overcome that fear. First off, you want to ground yourself and focus in on your root chakra. Allow your root chakra to support you in the process of letting go, have faith and believe that by letting go you’re creating the space for something better to come in. There is good in saying goodbye, right? So when you say goodbye, focus on the good of saying goodbye to that specific item, that file and to your limiting beliefs.

You can also use daily affirmations as you’re going through the process. It is safe right and good for me to let go. I love letting go. I know that in the process of letting go my stuck energy starts to flow again. I trust my decisions in the letting go process. It is easy for me to let go of what no longer serves me. If you like this post, definitely comment below and I look forward to getting to know you in the facebook group. Ciao.

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  1. […] Need more guidance on a daily letting go practice?  Take some time to read or watch How to Easily Let Go of What No Longer Serves You on a Daily Basis. […]

  2. […] some help to let go of your past? Check out my post on letting go. I’ll see you there. […]

  3. […] some help to let go of your past? Check out my post on letting go. I’ll see you there. […]

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