5 reasons why you keep seeing repeating numbers

Do you keep seeing repeating numbers and wonder why? What is going on?

Have you found that you’re more aware of number patterns around you? You start to see some uncanny coincidences and synchronicities with numbers appearing on the odometer, the microwave clock, on the clock in your car, on signs, mileage markers, license plates, when you check out at the store, and in other random places.

In this post, discover five reasons why you keep seeing repeating number messages.

When you keep seeing repeating number patterns, they may appear anywhere and everywhere but how do you know that there is a message for you?

When the same number combination appears in many different places one right after the other. For example, you may have two cars speeding by you and they both have nines and fours on their license plates and then after that, you look down at your odometer and it’s a nine and a four. Then throughout the day you just seeing these repeating combinations of fours and nines. That’s one example. It could be any number and any number combination.

It’s almost like the numbers are illuminated and catch your eye. Perhaps you get a nudge to look at the clock to see a specific time and it’s that same number combination.

The numbers can appear anywhere. They can be over the door. They could be in addresses. They are everywhere around us and within us.

We have one nose, two eyes, five fingers on each hand, and we also have three segments of each limb. Our physical body even has number representation.

Numbers are constantly around us and can also be found in nature with the Fibonacci sequence. The shape of a shell is numerical.

So when we keep seeing repeating numbers, it’s not mere coincidence.

Numbers have energy as does everything around us. Each number has a specific vibration and our angels and guides love to use numbers to support love and guide us in our life.

Seeing number messages could also be your higher self getting your attention saying hey it’s time to awaken. It’s time to listen. It’s time to hear your intuition.


The first reason you keep seeing repeating numbers is a sign of Awakening to who you truly are. A sign of remembering. It’s the first step in connection to your inner divine.

A Call to Strengthen Your Intuition

Reason number two, seeing repeating numbers maybe a call to strengthen your intuition. Once you start seeing the numbers you think what is going on and you start to research this phenomenon and learn more about receiving messages.

Discover the Energy of Numbers

Number three a call to learn the energy of numbers. To discover that each number has a vibration which may lead you to reason number four.

Learn the Law of Vibration

The beginning of understanding the law of vibration. That everything has a vibrational frequency including you 🙂 To learn more, check out my post Transmute Negative Emotions and Raise Your Vibration.

Receiving Messages

Number five the reason you may be seeing repeating numbers is to receive messages from your Spirit guides, from loved ones that have passed on that want to let you know you’re not alone.

You are being supported and guided through perhaps some difficult transformational times in your life and this is just the beginning of receiving messages.

Be very mindful of your own energetic vibration. Discover when your personal vibration starts to fall low and what tools that you can use to help raise your vibration. Journal what lights you up and take part in those activities every day.

If you are serious about learning more about the vibration of numbers enroll in “Your Vibrational Code Deciphered” online course. Understand more fully number messages, your personal number code and the codes of those around you.

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