Life Path Activation & Clearings

Held Online Via Zoom


Recommendations for your vibrational attunement
Session Notes in Shared Google Doc
Recorded Session for you to download
Pics of Reading

$111 (55 min)


Clear what is blocking you from aligning to your fullest potential.
Session Notes in Shared Google Doc
Recorded Session for you to download
Pics of Reading

$111 (55 min)

Hi, I’m Heather

As an intuitive Tarot Reader, I possess a remarkable gift that is a bit different from being psychic. I have the uncanny ability to pinpoint the truth. I can help you separate fact from fiction in absolutely the most rational sense. Intuitive Readers are like Swords: I cut away all the untruths and reveal a path for you like your guiding light illuminating your shadows allowing them to heal.

As an empath, I have the gift to feel exactly what you feel, I easily sense energies in your environment and extract accurate emotional data from those energies. Since emotions are our truths, as an empathic and intuitive reader I reflect your truth back to you. Empathic Readers are like the Cups. I know how to fill you up with more of you, effortlessly creating an alignment to you and your higher self.  Because of my empathic skillset, you may find that I have the ability to understand you in a way no one else seems to understand you. This mutual sense of understanding can be cathartic and validating and just what was needed to help you move onward.

I am an intuitive healer and personal vibrational energy coach. I coach infinite beings in a body how to raise their vibrations, let go of what no longer serves and remember who they truly are.

Right from the start I felt I could trust Heather. She really listened. Paid attention to every word I said. And to every word I didn’t say. She could read between the lines, listen to the unspoken, feel my emotions, sense pain and joy. And this across thousands of miles! She took the time to find out which question would be the best to ask the cards, without assuming anything but digging deep to really understand the underlying issues.

This was one of the best readings I ever had, and not only because of the cards I got ;-).

I would recommend her services to anyone who needs a professional outside perspective and guidance from a master in channeling and tarot readings. She knows how to get to the heart of the matter and discover your deepest underlying energetic block. Thank you, Heather!

Gisela Backe, Germany
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