Identifying Intuition As Your Guide

Are you aware of your inner voice? If you are, are you paying attention to it and following through? In this blog post, we are going deep in how to identify and listen to your intuition as your guide.

Typically we can divide our thoughts into two teams. The highly critical voice from the noisy negative self-talk committee and the soft all-knowing voice that whispers ideas and suggestions to you.

This still voice is the voice that the negative committee may want to shut down, sarcastically saying “Yeah right, you are out of your mind!”

Listening and following

Many times, when we hear that still small voice, we will be asked to step out of our comfort zone. The negative committee wants to avoid that discomfort at all costs even if that cost is living a life of mediocrity instead of one of your dreams.

Sadly, the negative committee is the voice most of us are aware of and pay attention to. After all it is hard to NOT hear at times.

The more gentle voice, our intuition, is often ignored (if we can even hear it at all). The great pity here is that our intuition really has our best interests at heart. Our shadow voice, the negative committee, as the louder and more aggressive voice does have our welfare at heart too, but in a protective way.

So what’s wrong with being protected, you may ask? That protection is self-limiting. Living without growth and expansion ultimately erodes our well-being at a soul level. Not so good for our physical or emotional well-being.

Since we are all vibration in constant change, stopping that change is a pretty hard-to-do trick that keeps us stuck which makes us feel just downright miserable.

If you’re unfulfilled at a soul level, slowly and imperceptibly you will develop a nagging feeling of general discontent which can have a rippling effect on your mood, self-esteem, and ultimately your physical and mental health.

Identifying Intuition As Your Guide is key to breaking free from this cycle, allowing us to step into alignment with our true purpose and the guidance that serves our highest good.

Intuition: A soft, still voice

The gentle voice of your intuition has the power to stretch you beyond your comfort zone, but never more than you are capable of. It will challenge you, but also support you. It always has your best interests at heart, at every level: physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually.

Your intuition will not only gently nudge you in scary directions which will yield huge and unimaginable rewards, but it will also gently nudge you when it’s time to stop or turn around.

Tuning in to your intuition?

When you tune into your intuition and allow yourself to be guided by it, you will be surprised at how much easier formerly assumed challenges will become. Abundance and synchronicity abound when we live in flow with our intuition. Living in intuition flow feels so good as you are at ease with yourself and all your life experiences, even the ones you would not personally choose!

If you’re not used to listening to your intuition, learning to tune into it will require time and patience. At first, you may be unsure which voice is which, especially when your negative committee/shadow voice often sounds very reasonable.

Keep in mind that using your intuition is very much like a muscle. You need to use it regularly in order for it to be in the shape you want.

Identifying Intuition As Your Guide allows you to recognize the subtle, yet profound, messages it sends. By practicing and trusting your intuitive abilities, you can navigate life with greater ease and clarity, aligning yourself with your higher purpose.

Getting to know your intuition better

So how do you get to know your intuition better? First of all, start to watch out for hunches, feelings, ideas that crop up. Pay attention to the voice that accompanies it. Is it gentle, positive, supportive? 

If the voice is aggressive, domineering, or using scare-mongering tactics it’s more likely to be your shadow voice. If you’re getting a feeling of warning ask yourself, is this a loud and threatening voice? (shadow). Or a calm and knowing one? (intuition).

Learning to trust your intuition

The scary thing about trusting your intuition, when it’s new to you, is that many times the guidance given you may not understand the logistics.

With practice and trust, you’ll learn that knowing that something is the right thing to do, is in your best interests.

Once you get to know your intuition on a deeper level, it will be easier to dismiss the negative committee.

The key to developing this essential trust in one’s intuition is to start small. Definitely do not make life-changing decisions based on your intuition if you’re not familiar with it (you might still be confusing the two inner voices).

Do ask your intuition to guide you with smaller decisions, and wait for the gentle knowing feeling to arrive. Don’t expect an instant answer but do create the space for the answer to come via letting go, stillness and meditation.

Trust all is well

Over time, as you tune in more and more, you’ll find you suffer less and less with worry or anxiety. You’ll trust all will work out well, and often you’ll find it works out better than you could ever have imagined!

Discover more of your personal power by choosing your thoughts in my blog post Think Better, Feel Better, Be Better. See you there.

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