How to stay positive at holiday parties

Not too thrilled to show up to holiday parties and or family events? In this video, discover how to stay positive at holiday parties.

You got those holiday parties on your calendar and when you think of them you have a pit in your stomach. You’re just not thrilled at all to show up to a specific holiday party whether it’s a work party, whether it’s a family party, whether it’s a friend party, you just don’t want to go.

This time of year can be a truly stressful time of year without throwing in the added drama of holiday parties.

If you can relate, keep reading. I’m going to break this down for you in three steps: what you can do before the party, at the party, and after the party when you’re at home. If you have a piece of paper and a pencil, you may want to write these tips down to use this as a strategy to help you get through holiday parties or family events.

Before the event

Prepare yourself to stay positive at holiday parties by knowing what you’re going to wear!

Place your clothes, jewelry, perfume, and makeup somewhere so you have it on the ready just boom, boom, boom you’re ready to go and you can be ready in like 15 minutes or so.

Allow yourself enough time in your schedule to prepare for that moment, when you’re going to get ready to alleviate all that stress.

It is really important to have this planned out. Before the party, you have a lot on your mind.

Be easy on yourself and prepare your clothes, and your makeup, if you’re choosing to wear makeup. Know what you’re going to do with your hair. Be sure to have everything absolutely planned out so at that last minute as you’re getting ready for the party, you don’t need to be stressing about where your socks are, where your shoes are, what blouse is going to go with what, eliminate that extra stress and plan everything out to the exact detail so at that moment when you’re getting ready for the party you’re not going to freak out not knowing where something is.

I would even advise a dress rehearsal with what you’re going to wear so that you know for a fact you feel good in the attire that you have chosen.

If needed, be sure to schedule appointments for manicures, pedicures, for your hair, to have your hair cut, or for a shave. Whatever it is that you need to have done for your physical appearance, make sure to schedule those appointments beforehand so that you feel like you’re a million bucks before you even walk into that party.

Since we live in an image-orientated Society, feelings about our physical appearance and self-esteem are often related as much as we don’t want that to be, it is the case.

The next thing is to put on your power perfume, your power cologne, your power essential oil, whatever it is, put that on so that you have that Aroma around you.

If you have a specific amulet or a specific piece of jewelry that gives you feeling of peace and confidence, I would be sure to wear that as well.

Have an exit strategy

Stay positive at holiday parties by setting time boundaries. If you suspect the party or event may be really quite uncomfortable, create an exit strategy for yourself.

Allow yourself to be there for only two hours and then say you have to be somewhere at a specific time. You have to get home to make some cookies, you have to go somewhere to pick somebody up, whatever it is, create the exit strategy so you can leave when enough is enough.

You can even put a very subtle alarm on your phone that you hear to trigger you to know that okay this is my two hours and it’s time to go.

Be sure to have this prepared before going to the party well in enough advance so you can even rehearse your exit strategy in your mind.

Energetic hygiene practice

Prepare yourself to stay positive at holiday parties by cleaning out your energy. Once you’re all dressed up and ready to go, give yourself what I call an energetic shower. This way you can clean your energy and go to the event with a clean slate.

If you have anything that’s staying inside of you anything type of sticky energy specifically with somebody that’s at that party or an event that may have happened in the past with a specific person at that party, just clear that all out so you’re not carrying the energy within you.

In other videos, I talk about how I see it as like a magnetic etch-a-sketch. So you want to clear out your energy so you don’t have any of those magnetic filings just kind of like hanging in there. That’s going to have you not have good energy as you walk into the party so how you have an energetic shower.

  1. While standing in an upright position, connect to the light from above and below
  2. With your hands, clean specific parts of your body three times and shake them with the intention the negative energy will turn to positive.
  3. Hands over your head, over your shoulders, down your arms, back of your body, front of your legs, back from your waist down.

Place yourself in a disco ball

Stay positive at holiday parties by imagining yourself in a mirrored disco ball or ornament. I love to use mirrors. Imagine that you’re just surrounded by this beautiful faceted ornament on a Christmas tree with mirrors, so a mirrored ball, a disco ball.

Put yourself inside that disco ball and then that way any energy that’s coming at you it’s not getting absorbed into your energetic field it’s getting sent back to the person that’s sending it to you. So if that person’s giving you positive energy, it’s going to go back to them as positive energy. If that person’s sending you negative energy, it’s going to go back to them. You’re not going to hold on to it.

So this is something you do right at the door of the party before even walking in. Imagine yourself in a disco ball.

At the event

I’m sure you have fallen into a situation where somebody may say something to you or ask you a question that’s not in the most positive light.

So if they’re just asking in a condescending way, go ahead and answer, “Hey how are you and your wife doing? How are the kids or how’s your husband doing? How are those business trips coming along of his?”

You know, just turn it right back around and deflect that question, if you choose not to answer it.

Or, if you know that that question may come up, prepare yourself with the answer that you want to give and rehearse it. So that when they ask that question you’re just like boom boom boom and you have that answer to them.

It could be just as simple as saying, “Hey, did you try that chili dip on the table?” or if you’re at the table even, “Hey did you try this? The punch is so amazing. Oh my gosh, gotta get that recipe.” You know whatever it is. Just play cool, and deflect. Ask a question back or refer to something that’s actually going on at the party.

If it just gets too much take a bathroom break. Head into the bathroom and do a quick meditation, connect to the light, and if needed take another energetic shower. Inhale four times the positive energy and exhale four times the negative energy.

Get re-centered again and head on out.

After the party

You survived the party! You use your exit strategy and you got out of there. Now you are about to walk in your own front door.

I’d like you to at that point give yourself another energetic shower and clear everything out before you walk in the door of your house.

A great thing to do is to head into the bathtub or in the shower with epsom salts. The salts take out the negative energy, the toxins that you may have absorbed.

Light some candles and experience some aromatherapy with lavender or Clary Sage essential oils.

If you have time after that party, take yourself and/or your dog for a walk in nature. Give your pets some Lovins.

Brew some Sleepytime tea like chamomile tea, to drink to be super relaxed so you can go to sleep and know that you did a good job.

Hug yourself and say I love you. You are a Survivor and you did it.

Every day we have a choice and every second we have that choice to think something positive or think something negative.

Congratulations to you for reading this post, and creating a plan to feel empowered as you go to that holiday party.

I’m sure with these tips you’re going to feel a lot better having a strategy in place.

Please share this post with anybody that you know that needs some help with holiday party survival so that they too can have a strategy to get them through the holiday parties.

If you’d like more High Vibe tips, download my raise your vibration guide to get you started on living your life within the law of vibration and using the law of vibration to attract what you desire. Happy holidays. Ciao.

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