How to Sell Profitable Digital Downloads Complete Step-by-Step Tutorial

You know you need to make digital downloads. You have maybe an idea but the path of exactly how to get that digital download in your customers’ hands can be a little difficult to understand. In this post discover, How to Sell Profitable Digital Downloads Complete Step-by Step-tutorial.

1. Profitable digital download idea

First, you need to have an idea. If you’re struggling with what idea to go for, download my Profitable Digital Download Idea Generating Journal and get those ideas flowing. Not only will you come up with one idea, I’m sure you’ll come up with multiple ideas that you can use in the future.

2. Make your profitable digital download

Once you have your idea, you need to create that profitable digital download. You need to make it. Need help? Check out my post that walks you through three different ways to build a digital download PDF via Google Drive, Canva, or Keynote.

Digital downloads can be PDFs or audio files. Whatever it is that you make you want to save it in a safe place on your computer so that you can access it when you need to upload it to the place your customers are going to buy it.

3. Make your profitable digital download visual

You have your digital product now safe on your computer. You’ll want to make this digital product as visual as possible for your customer to understand what it is. Just a link is not going to give them an idea of how this digital product is going to help them.

A great way to make your digital product come to life is to create images in Canva or in PicMonkey so people can see exactly what this digital product is going to look like when they buy it and you can give an idea of how they can use it, whether it’ll be on the iPhone or if they can use it on the computer.

You can easily grab images of the tablet or device that they’ll be using this digital product on and it also gives them the idea that yes this is a hundred percent immediately downloadable digital product that they can access on their device.

4. Create your sales/landing page for your digital download

Step four is to create the landing page or sales page where your customers are going to learn more about this digital product and why they absolutely need it. This sales page can be on your website or you can sell your product on a separate platform like Payhip.

I’m truly happy with the customer service and what Payhip has to offer. If you do use my Payhip link, I may or may not receive a commission at no cost to you and it helps to keep this website going.

5. Create a checkout process for your digital download

Once you’ve decided if it’s going to be on your website or on Payhip we need to have a checkout process and this is step five. If you’re using a platform like Payhip, this is all taken care of for you all you have to do with Payhip is go in and create a product upload.

  1. Upload your digital download to Payhip
  2. Upload your images that represent your digital download.
  3. Decide on a price and insert that information in the designated place in Payhip.
  4. Fill in the description box describing your product.

You want to have an incredible description that’s going to let your customers know exactly what they’re getting and how it’s going to help them. Answer the question why they absolutely need this specific digital download. How is your digital download going to make their life easier and absolutely immediately since it’s 100 percent immediately downloadable.

Payhip has the checkout page done. So once you have the product created in Payhip, somebody buys the product, a form pops up and they’re able to continue with the checkout.

Now if you are going to have this product housed on your website, you create the landing page on your website, you upload that beautiful image to make it more tangible, this digital product and then you’ll have a button below that says buy now and this is going to link to PayPal.

So you’ll have to create a button in PayPal and then you’ll get the link that you can put on your website. Now if you don’t want to use PayPal you can use Stripe as well and get that link and put it on your website it’s the same process and then when they click that link they’ll be guided through a checkout process.

6. Collect the funds from the sale of your digital download

Step six is collecting money so if you’ve chosen to go with Payhip you’ll have to connect Payhip to your PayPal account or and if you want to your Stripe account. Then when Payhip receives that money it will be transferred to either Payhip or Stripe account but they will take a fee. It depends on which plan you set up with Payhip. They do have a free plan with the way you don’t have to pay every month but they will take a percentage out of every sale. So until you’re making a specific amount of money in your sales you can use Payhip for free but just know that they will be taking a percentage out of every sale. Once you have more monthly sales you can investigate in Payhip’s plan how much it is a month and if that offsets having to have that fee taken out for every single sale. But when you’re first getting started, I would just suggest getting the free Payhip plan. Now on your website, you’ve used the link to PayPal or Stripe. If you choose not to use Payhip and then you’ll be collecting the money from from those accounts how you have it set up to transfer into your business checking account.

7. Deliver the digital download

Then step seven, the product needs to be delivered to your client. If you choose to use Payhip this is so seamless and it’s all taken care of. Payhip will send an email to your client and they’ll get that digital download and everything is set.

If you choose not to use Payhip and you just use your website and then you’ll have to have a redirect that’ll send that person to that specific link so they can access the digital download.

As you can see these two different options, Payhip does create this super seamless path.

If you wanted to not use the Payhip store but have the product directly on your website and still use the Payhip process. You can get a link once you’ve created your product in Payhip that you can copy and paste and sell that product on your website still via Payhip.

8. Market your digital download

As great as digital products are you need to market them. They’re not going to sell themselves. So you do have to plan on how you’re going to be funneling eyeballs to that specific landing page whether it’s on your website, whether it’s on Payhip, it doesn’t matter where it’s living but you do have to get people to see it.

Plan on sharing the link to this page on your social media accounts. Create a video of yourself using the product or of somebody else using the product and how it’s benefiting them so it becomes more lively to your customers and they see why they need this product.

Share it on your Instagram feed with a quick reel. If you have a Facebook group, you can easily share it in your Facebook group as well.

This is the eight-step process of creating a digital download so that you can start making money right away and build up that extra little cash bundle to help support yourself via your online biz.

Hopefully, you found this post How to Sell Profitable Digital Downloads Complete Step by Step Tutorial helpful. Let me know in the comments below what digital download you will be creating!

Happy creating!

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