How to Quickly Edit Your Youtube Videos in iMovie

Looking for a way to quickly edit your YouTube videos in iMovie? Editing videos for YouTube can be a complicated and time-consuming process but with tips and tricks, you can easily master the basics of video editing in iMovie. In this post, I’ll show you how I personally edit my YouTube videos and show you some fast and simple tips to help get you editing your videos in iMovie.

iMovie editing checklist

  1. Open iMovie
  2. Click Create a movie
  3. Drag and drop the video file you want to edit into iMovie or click the arrow in the upper left to retrieve it from your files.
  4.  Highlight the movie (You’ll know it is highlighted when you see the yellow frame around the movie)
  5. Click the magic wand on the upper left corner of the video editing tools that you find on the upper right side of iMovie.
  6. If there are any yellow areas within the movie itself, this lets you know that the audio was too oud in that area. Drag the audio down lower to not have any yellow in the movie itself.
  7. Know that if anything happens that you want to undo just click Command Z if you are on a mac.
  8. Trim the empty space at the beginning of the video before you start talking. Do this by right clicking and click trim to playhead.
  9. Add in your transitions, titles, music, B-Roll while you are editing the video. You can see how all of this si done by watching the video above.
  10. Take note of the time you refer to a lead magnet or another video so when you add the links in Youtube, you don’t have to watch the entire video yet again.
  11. When finished editing, watch the video from beginning to end for a final check
  12. Save this file for Facebook video if you are posting to Facebook
  13. Find 20 seconds from the end of the video, right click and split clip.
  14. Add your endcard (watch the video above to learn how to do this.)
  15. Add the last 20 seconds of your video on top of the endcard.
  16. Don’t forget to mark 0 for the dissolve.
  17. Save file and upload to Youtube.
  18. Create a Short from your video that you can use for Insta and Pinterest.

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