How to Make a Vision Board that Works for Your Online Biz

Not happy with your online business? Do you feel like you should be a little bit further along than where you are? Perhaps you’re feeling completely drained and burned out. In this post, we are going to talk about how to make a vision board that works for your online biz helping you get your business more aligned to your desired lifestyle.

Hi, I’m Heather Kaye high vibe biz and life coach where I help creative entrepreneurs empaths and lightworkers create a biz and life they love. In this post, I’m going to give you the exact four-step process that I use to create a vision board that works for my online biz.

In the first half of this post, I’m going to be asking you questions that you will want to journal out and then the second half of the post, I’m going to show you how to take those answers and create a vision board that will align your online business to your desired lifestyle.

Have your biz work for you

I’ve had my violin biz online for 10 years. I would be lying if I were to tell you that I’ve never been drained or burnt out. What I have found is how to have the online business work for me instead of me working for it. That’s what we’re going to talk about in this video, on how you can get deep with some questions and turn those answers and desires into a vision board so you can daily see what you are aligning to in your online business.

Time to journal

In order to create an online biz vision board that works, you need to get deep with some questions.

Time to get your journal or a google doc so you can write these questions down and your answers. Plan to set aside about 30 minutes and be able to go through this process with a candle and some beautiful music so you feel at peace as you’re journaling this out.

The journaling process of creating this vision board is very important because that’s what’s going to allow you to get deep and know what you really want to attract in.

Online Biz Vision Board Tip 1: Get clear on how you want to feel

Step one, you want to get clear on how you want to feel in your biz. Think about words that resonate with how you want to feel in your biz.

If the words drained and burnt out come to your mind right now then you’d want to think about the positive or the opposite end of that spectrum where you feel full of energy and you feel full of light as you work with your online biz.

Some inspiring words you may want to feel in your own online biz:

  • Happy
  • Energized
  • Buoyant
  • Can’t wait to work with your clients

If you’re not feeling those things, then maybe it’s time to think about what you can change to feel those things.

Online Biz Vision Board Tip 2: What does done look like?

What does done look like for you? Journal on the idea of done.

What projects will be finished?

How will your website look?

What will be decluttered?

What can you tie up in a bow with automated marketing?

What can you outsource?

Online Biz Vision Board Tip 3: Use energetic statements

The next step is to create energetic statements that align us to those end results.

What would it take for me to feel energized, balanced, organized and satisfied with my violin biz online?

I’m using my violin biz online as an example and you can use whatever business you want to use.

Balanced give/receive ratio

I find that many entrepreneurs, many females that I work with, their giving is really out of whack in compared to receiving. Allow yourself to receive.

This is really something excellent to align to.

What would it take to have the give/receive ratio be balanced?

Online Biz Vision Board Tip 4: Get clear on how you serve

Step two, you want to get clear on how you serve in your online biz and how your online business serves you.

For example, do you want your online biz to have one-to-one clients


do you want your online business to have more of one-to-many, sell products, sell courses?

Online Biz Vision Board Tip 5: Get clear on your desired lifestyle

Think about your lifestyle and ask yourself what is my desired lifestyle? How many hours do I really want to put into this biz and then align your business model with what you want to have in your life.

Perhaps you want to only work six hours a week with clients in one to ones or one to manys and that means that you would benefit from creating courses and online products to help bring in some passive income.

Online Biz Vision Board Tip 6: Get specific

Whatever it is that you are choosing, I want you to even go deeper and think okay, one to ones, how many one to ones?

One too many, how many one to many’s in a week?

Digital products – Know your number now and know where you want to go.

You also want to know how many people you would need to help you get to where you want to go. So if you want to double your book sales, how many more sales would you have to have in order to double your book sales?

What would it take for me to double my book sales?

Insert the specific number.

It’s really good to know your specific number so that you know what your exact number is that you’re aligning to.

Maybe you desire to create an online membership. Your energetic statement would be, “What would it take for me to create a fun membership that supports me and my clients.”

You want to find that really nice sweet spot that works for you and also for your clients.

Where are my peeps?

When you break it down and you know how many people that you would need to attract in to get you where you want to be, think about where are they hanging out.

What do they think like? How do you need to present yourself to attract these people that you want to have as your clients.

You want to be the flower and have them come to you.

Get organized

Step 3, get organized. We want clients to come into your website or what you see what you have to offer and just easily be funneled to where they need to go.

What does organized look like to you?

Think about the clients that you currently have and your fans (your future clients.)

How can you organize them in such a way that you are feeding them the information that really serves where they are at right now and a little bit in the future so they can work towards improving?

Create freebies that are going to actually funnel into products that would be beneficial to that person. So if that person is interested in a certain product make sure it’s funneling into a course that they may be interested in.

Multi-leveled touch points

Perhaps your touchpoints are multi-leveled. For example, my violin business has things for beginners, for intermediate and advanced. A great way to get to know your fans and followers is to create a quiz that is designed to know your client’s entry point allowing them to be guided through that path of what they specifically need.

If you don’t divide them up and you’re sending out newsletters or information of more advanced techniques or products for somebody that’s not quite ready for that information, you’re probably going to lose that subscriber and vice versa.

Create a placement/evaluation quiz

An evaluation quiz or a placement quiz helps you can sort out your fans and followers and get them funneled into what would serve them the best and supports them with what they need.

Know your happy end result

Step four, know your happy end results. Ask yourself what is your happy end result in your biz and journal that. Maybe a happy end result is a specific number every year. Maybe your happy end result is actually having more time for you and working less for the same money. So just kind of think about what your happy end result is so you can align specifically to that and create energetic statements that work for that.


What would it take for me to have my marketing automated? Everything in the way that completely delete, uncreate and destory.

Canva time

Once you have this and your energetic statements you’re ready to take it to Canva. Be sure to check out my post how to create a vision board online in 15 minutes for more deets.

Collect images that evoke feelings for you. So one way you can do it is actually while you are in Canva, just go to photos and search.

If you want your calendar full, bring in some images of a full calendar.

You can take a screenshot of your google calendar with some names of people for to see that you have a booked calendar and then what we want to do is add in these energetic statements.

Make sure that you can see your energetic statements clearly so that when you print your vision board up, you’ll be able to read very easily.

Once you have created your vision board, save it as a png because then that way you can put it on your phone and/or you can easily print it up.


Once completed it is time to visualize and in order to do that you want to print up your vision board and put it somewhere where you’re going to see it on a regular basis.

Perhaps you exercise at home, put it somewhere where you can see it the entire time while you’re exercising and meditate on your energetic statements.

Allow yourself to be silent and have the answers start to pop in your mind and you’ll find that by using the vision board in this way combined with energetic statements, you’re really going to get closer and closer to your happy end result.

Let me know in the comments below what was your biggest takeaway from this post.

In all things high vibe,

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