How to Let Go of the Past and Start Living in the Present Moment

Do you ever find yourself stuck in the past, repeating situations over and over and over again in your mind or wishing that things turned out differently? In this post, discover how to let go of the past and start living your best life in the present moment.

First thing to understand is that every time you dip into the past, you are stopping yourself in the present moment. It is like screeching the brakes to the now. Even worse, you are projecting those same patterns, that same energy into your future. Thinking of the past allows the past to bleed into your present and spoil your future. Sounds serious right? It sure is.

If you choose to give your attention to moments in the past or situations in the past, that same negative energy or emotion is alive once again not only in your present moment but projecting like a spotlight into your future.

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Energy attracts energy. Like attracts like. When you think of your past, you are giving it energy. Let go of what you think should be happening now. Let go of what you think you should have done. Let go of what people thought of you or think of you and focus in on the core center of who you are in this present moment.

Today is the day that we’re going to heal the heartbreak of the past, allowing you to move forward and release yourself from the attachment of your past. 

In this post, I will be giving you step-by-step implementable actions that you can do to help let go of your past.

How to let go fo the past with awareness

How to leg of your past with awareness? Awareness is the key to unlock that door that’s keeping you in your prison. Being aware of your present moment keeps you too busy to look back. An excellent way to be aware, super aware, is with gratitude to be really thankful for what you have in your life.

I’m sure there’s many, many things that you can think about that you don’t have in your life but let’s focus on what you do have in your life. Instead of thinking, I should be further along or I should have a higher position in my career or I should be working somewhere better than where I’m at or I should be somewhere else than I’m at in this present moment, think about what you love in your present moment.

We want to eliminate all of the negativity, delete it all and just focus in on the gratitude of the present moment. When something happens and you feel good, focus in like a laser on that emotion. Make it bigger, not smaller. Choose to think about what you are thankful for in your present moment.

For example, as I am writing this post, I look around me and I see the books that I have written. I’ve written many violin exercise books that have helped violinists worldwide improve technique and tone in their violin journey. My career as a violinist took me to Europe and beyond teaching violinists all over the world.  Identifying as a violinist confined me. Letting go of my perceived identity freed me. 

Free yourself from your perceived identity

You are what you think you are. Those thoughts create your parameters.

When you allow yourself to be free of what you perceive as the definition of you, it opens up even more doors.

If you keep yourself locked in this little box, you’re not going to continue to grow or expand. There are a lot of fears that can stop us from growing and expanding and one of them is being stuck in the past.

We all are limitless potential in a body. Isn’t that exciting?

Limitless does not stay confined in a box or label.

For example, yes I am a violinist and a lightworker and a passive income maven and a swimmer and a healer and a tarot reader and an intuitive and a pianist and an English teacher and a fiance and a writer and a composer and an online entrepreneur and a digital nomad and a life coach and a chakra attuner etc.

I think you get the point 🙂

Think about ALL that you are, not the one thing you think you need to be.

How to let go of the past with gratitude

How to let go of your past with gratitude? Gratitude is beautiful. Turn those stories in your past to something you are grateful for. You are who you are in this moment because of every second of your past. Every second is like a grain of sand in an hourglass. When you think of events in your past they are really a small mosaic of color in your kaleidoscope of life. Puts it into perspective right….makes it super small.

Gratitude is an excellent exercise you can do it at any time of every day.  Just think about what you’re grateful for in the present moment.

When you find yourself thinking, Oh I should be further along or I should be more recognized or I should have more respect, that’s the ego going a little haha and when that happens is just to think what you’re grateful and thankful for in this exact present moment.

Awareness and gratitude go hand in hand.

Want more tips to understand how to use gratitude? Check out my blog post Gratitude is Your Super Power.

Where your focus goes, grows

How to let go of your past with a perspective change. When we put our focus into something positive as opposed to something negative, we are going to naturally attract more positivity.

We’re going to attract more things that we are grateful for.

When we only think about what we do not have in our life or where we are not in our life, that’s just going to keep us down, down, down, down, down. Negative thinking puts the energy out of lack. I’m not enough or I don’t have enough and that energy is going to attract more lack and more I’m not enough-ness.

Be the beacon

How to let go of the past? Be a beacon of light. Letting yourself radiate. It is OK to shine. It is your Divine Right to Shine!

Be full of joy and gratitude.

You may be thinking, “well that’s great but I still have this negative past.”

What you want to do is yeah, acknowledge yes that happened and rewrite the story.

Change how you perceive that situation to be.

Re-write your past

Every time we think of the past and take it out of our memory banks, it actually changes the memory of that specific situation. So maybe it’s something that happened 35 years ago and that energy is still within your energetic system.

Rewrite the story, ask yourself what is the one positive aspect of that situation?

Maybe the one positive aspect is to understand and connect with the inner child before that situation happened. Maybe that situation allows you to connect with him or her and to connect with that energy and that beautiful energy of who you really are at your core and perhaps that is the only positive thing that could have happened out of that.

Maybe because you experienced that situation, you can help others navigate their journeys out.

In every negative situation, there is a seed of positive.

Clear feeling unworthy

Ever been judged in your past? Still hanging onto that judgement imprint?

In your past, maybe somebody projected their belief system on you and in some cases that made you feel dirty in comparison to their belief system or feeling unworthy.

That is absolute madness, somebody else’s belief system judging you and you’re allowing yourself to feel unworthy because of that.

We need to just delete that out of the core and pull that root completely out of your energetic system.

You are worthy. You are enough.

Connect with the enough-ness of you. The gloriousness of you.

Nobody else can make you feel unworthy. Only you allow yourself to feel that way based on somebody else’s belief system.

Pull it out by its root and let it go and say bye. I’m living my life. 

How to let go of the past with forgiveness.

The most powerful, most powerful, powerful, powerful tool to let go of your past, is with forgiveness.

The most powerful and the most difficult. That’s why I saved it for the last because if you start chipping away with these other techniques and then forgiveness may become easier. 

Maybe you’re ready to go right straight to forgiveness. Maybe you’re not.

I like to think of forgiveness as presented by Oprah Winfrey. Oprah defines forgiveness as releasing the power of that situation on your present moment and future by choosing not to allow it to affect you negatively anymore.

This definition of forgiveness is very empowering and a lot easier for me to forgive by choosing not to allow it to affect me negatively.

It’s very important not just to forgive the situation or to forgive the other person, sometimes the deepest and hardest is actually to forgive ourselves.

Sending tons of powerful high vibe energy your way.

Need a daily high vibe practice? Get my Raise Your vibration Guide here.  For a limited time you can get this free download to use and implement in your life to help you raise your vibration which in turn helps you release your past.

Need more guidance on a daily letting go practice?  Take some time to read or watch How to Easily Let Go of What No Longer Serves You on a Daily Basis.

I’ll see you there. Ciao.

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