How to Know Whether Your Vision Board Will Work or Fail

Have your vision boards been epic fails and you just decided you’re not going to waste your time anymore with vision boards? What if I told you I can give you the exact deconstruction of a vision board that actually works. What do you think about making one again? In this post, I’m going to show you exactly how you can know whether your vision board will work or fail.

If you’re like me, every single second of your time is valuable and you want to have a return on your investment of time. Right?

If we’re going to take the time to make a vision board, we actually want it to work!

Vision boards aren’t all woo woo.

Some people are quick to dismiss vision boards as woo-woo, magical or as a creative collage that just doesn’t work. I was of that mindset.

My first vision board that I created was around 2015, and it was an epic fail. I didn’t manifest anything on that vision board but two years ago I created multiple vision boards that actually worked super fast.

Within two weeks I manifested what was on those vision boards, a healthy relationship, a seaside flat on the black sea, a piano and so much more just by using these exact tips I’m going to talk about in this post.

Whether your vision board will work for you boils down to a few tips, follow the tips and you’ll likely see success. Ignore the tips and you’ll likely get distracted, frustrated and angry that you wasted time making this vision board.

1. Less is more

Tip number one, less is more! Typically, people fill a gigantic piece of cardboard with tons of images of their biggest goals, everything from a dream mansion on the ocean, to diamonds and private yachts but how can you focus on achieving all those big-ticket items at once?

Most people can’t focus on multiple goals at once, especially huge ones. So they get distracted and miss opportunities. Edit the number of photos that you use on your vision board and decide which of those goals you want to reach first.

2. Prioritize your goals

Number two, prioritize your goals. What is the most important to you? Working a four-hour work week or living by the ocean? The fancy sports car or the ability to travel the world?

These are just examples of course but you need to prioritize your specific goals.

Prioritize each photo and ask yourself why. Why do you want this specific photo on your board? Is it truly important to you?

If the photo isn’t truly important to you, your subconscious mind will know and you will only get distracted or confused about what you should be working toward.

3. Take action

Tip number three, take action. Vision boards aren’t mystical or magical. Just because you put the photos together and you post it in your office, doesn’t mean that they’re just gonna magically appear in your life.

Even if you want to win the lottery, you still have to buy the ticket, right?

The same is true of your vision boards. If you just make your vision board and you never look at it, it’s not going to work.

You have to take daily action of looking at your vision board, feeling that you’ve manifested these items into your life already and be full of gratitude.

Take action steps towards your goals that are pictured on the vision board. If you want to buy your first home, start searching. Contact a realtor, talk to a mortgage broker to get pre-approved and then increase your marketing efforts to find more clients.

If you want to travel the world, start taking steps in creating an online business that gives you the freedom to do so.

4. Believe that you are more than enough

Tip number four, believe that you are more than enough. Mindset is everything when it comes to making your goals and targets a reality.

If you fall victim to the negative self-talk that says this is never going to happen, who do you think you are, you’re an imposter, you’re not good enough, cancel clear delete!

Then you’ll be less likely to take the action that you need to take to start seeing those goals manifest. How many times have you stopped yourself in your tracks because you think that people are not going to be wanting your products and services?

Changing your mindset and releasing the blocks that are holding you back doesn’t happen overnight so when you hear those negative thoughts starting to invade your mental space, shift gears and start saying affirmations.

Yeah, why not me! People love my products and services. People feel so much better when they work with me. Why shouldn’t I be the one to reach success! If not me then who? Why do they deserve it more?

Have some go-to affirmations that you can say to not have any room in your mind for that negative self-talk.

I am more than enough. I deserve richness and greatness. I deserve to be wealthy. If you’re willing to take action, you will reach those goals and targets on your vision board, if you look at them.

Stay focused

Daily vision boards are tools to help you stay focused on what is truly your desires.

It’s going to be a lot easier to say no to things that are going to want to pull you off of your track when you are constantly reminded by what you want to achieve looking at your vision board.

Please share this post with all your friends that want to create vision boards that actually work.

I’d love to hear from you in the comments below. Have you made a vision board? Have you seen results with it?

If you want to make a vision board online that you can have on your phone at all times, definitely check out my post, how to make a vision board online in less than 15 minutes.

I’ll see you there. Ciao.

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