How to Know What 2023 Holds for You Based on your Birthdate

Did you know you can find out some interesting things about yourself based on your birthday numbers? In this post discover, how to know what 2023 holds for you based on your birthdate.

All you need to know is the day that you were born: your month, and your date. So for example, if you were born January 11th, we take those three numbers 1/11 and we add them up with the year 2023.

Check out how the math works below.

Formulation for 1/11/2023:

1 + 1 = 2
2+ 1 + 3
3 + 2 = 5
5 + 0 = 5
5 + 2 = 7
7 + 3 = 10

For this example, the number is 10.

For any two-digit number, you want to break that down to a one-digit number.

10: 1+0=1

Every number has a vibrational frequency just like everything on this Earth, the tree, the desk, even the couch you are sitting on. Everything has a vibrational frequency including you.

When we interpret this vibrational frequency as a number, we can discover what to expect.

After you formulate your number, go ahead and read below a simplified version of what to expect in 2023.

The Number 1

The number one stands for New Beginnings. Expect to have a lot of positive new beginnings in 2023.

The Number 2

If you formulated the number two expect to experience a balancing act of sorts. The number 2 also symbolizes connection and keeping your vibration high. You may find that you are going to be quite intuitive in 2023 or you will be learning and expressing yourself intuitively.

The Number 3

The number three resonates with creativity and abundance. Your 2023 is going to be a great year of artistic creativity and expression.

The Number 4

The number four resonates with stability. Think of a table with four legs. For your 2023, you will be creating a lot of stable foundations.

The Number 5

If you find that you are number five for 2023, know that you may be experiencing some different situations that you’ll be able to balance. You’ll also be able to intuitively express yourself confidently with sacred masculine energy as a number five.

The Number 6

If you formulated yourself as the passionate number 6 for 2023 (my number) expect to be involved in Passion projects for 2023. You will have tons of energy for those things that you love to do. Stick with the projects that light you up and sparks your interest. You will be the most productive when you are passionate about your daily projects!!!! This will lead to even more abundance.

The Number 7

If you’re a number seven for 2023, expect to explore your spirituality. Involve yourself in meditation, retreats and activities to develop your personal spirituality.

The Number 8

If you find that you are a number 8 for 2023, (my favorite number) you will experience success and abundance in your biz. It will be a very stable year in abundance, finances, and business.

The Number 9

As a number nine for 2023, your year will be full of healing and alone time. Take the time for reading and research. It is the year for you to help yourself heal which in turn will help others around you heal as well.

If you’d like you can share in the comments below what number you will be experiencing this year in 2023.

Want to discover more about yourself via your birthdate? Check out my post, Why You May Be Seeing Your Birthday Numbers Repeatedy

Wishing you a fabulous abundant, joyful, peaceful loving 2023. Ciao.

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