Blocked Solar Plexus Chakra Symptoms & Easy Healing Tips
Think you may have a blocked solar plexus chakra and want some easy healing tips?
If you answer yes to any of the following questions you likely may have a blocked solar plexus chakra.
Do you find yourself highly sensitive?
Have a difficult time attracting healthy relationships?
Find it difficult to communicate your truth?
Suffer from low self-esteem?
You most likely have a mis-aligned solar plexus chakra.
Don’t want to read? Watch the video here.
After reading this post, you will be able to identify a variety of blocked solar plexus chakra symptoms and know quick and easy tips to get you started on your healing journey.
Where is the solar plexus chakra located?
The solar plexus chakra is located about four fingers above your navel and it is the color yellow like the sun.
It is our personal energy source.
Physical Symptoms of a Blocked Solar Plexus Chakra
A blocked or misaligned solar plexus chakra will show itself in physical symptoms as digestive issues, perhaps you carry a little more weight around the middle area, low energy, and just feeling plain tired.
Emotional Symptoms of a Blocked Solar Plexus Chakra
Emotional issues of a blocked or misaligned solar plexus chakra can manifest as depression, low self-esteem, lack of motivation, procrastination, self identity issues, and a difficult time communicating your truth.
If you find that you are afraid to fully self express, this is because you are not standing in the power of you.
A misaligned solar plexus chakra can manifest itself as a fear of rejection. A fear of seeking love and afraid of not receiving it and a difficult time understanding the concept of unconditional love.
How to Heal a Misaligned Solar Plexus Chakra
How can we heal a blocked solar plexus chakra?
First, is to understand when a misalignment may have started. So, I’m going to ask you a few questions.
- Do you find that you feel you don’t quite fit into your family?
- Growing up, you felt that there is something innately wrong with you because you don’t fit into your family?
- Do you feel a little bit out of place on this earth?
- Having a difficult time know where you can call home?
Let’s talk about this phenomenon. Misaligned solar plexus chakra can start from childhood when highly sensitive people, empaths, find that they are just not fitting into their family. They are not fitting into their surroundings. They feel like they don’t belong. For example, perhaps you are a career-driven woman but in childhood, you were with a family where the father was the breadwinner.
Perhaps when you were a child you were told, “You can’t behave like that. Who do you think you are.” Or you were told you had to make a decision that you knew was not right for you but you did it anyway for the love of your parents.
Maybe you were and still are a people pleaser. These scenarios create conflict within because you know what was your truth yet you did something different because you were told you had to do something differently.
So this is where it gets a little confusing and it is difficult to stand within your truth because you were asked to do something that did not feel good to you.
Then you became the problem.
Constantly Seeking Validation
Many highly sensitive people and empaths seek validation outside of themselves because of this childhood issue and they are still trying to please their parents no matter what age they are.
This makes it very difficult to attract in a healthy relationship because if you are not loving yourself for who you are, how can you expect somebody to love you for you.
This can create a repeating pattern of broken relationships. They may work and be fabulous at first but then burn out very quickly when the empath the highly sensitive person feels that they are not being loved or accepted for who they are.
BUT how can they receive love when there is confusion within on who they are and not showing up as their authentic self.
It’s very difficult to have someone love you for you when you don’t love you for you.
Love and Accept You for You
The first step is to love you for you. That will help clear up the solar plexus chakra. Feel fully confident in expressing yourself and showing yourself to others.
When that is achieved, it is going to be a lot easier to attract that healthy relationship that you are looking for.
Own your own feelings. You are more than OK. You are completely unique and that is fabulous. You are beautiful just the way you are so bathe in your own uniqueness.
Your uniqueness is where you will feel at home in all the facets of you.
We are unable to heal fully the solar plexus chakra if we are unable to accept, love, and forgive ourselves for anything that we are not accepting in our past.
Stand in the Power of You
It is time for you to stand in the power of you and the truth of you with a capital T.
Once you heal your solar plexus chakra, you will be able to attract in so many amazing things into your life because you are standing in the power of you.
Before you can stand in the power of what you want to attract, you have to be completely comfortable to stand in the power of you.
After you can stand in that power, then you will confidently be able to stand in the power of what you are wanting to attract.
Tips to Strengthen Your Solar Plexus Chakra
Once you have meditated and journaled on the above, here are some fun tips to help you strengthen your solar plexus chakra.
- Wear yellow. Have fun with yellow. Surround yourself with yellow flowers
- Meditate on the animal energy of the solar plexus chakra. Animals that represent solar plexus chakra energy are lions. IF you have any clothing with a lion on it, if you have pictures of a lion, you can meditate on that energy.
- Spend time in the sun. Go outside and be in the sun for at least 30 minutes a day with the intention of feeding your solar plexus chakra.
- Sit in front of a fire and feel that the fire is going right into your solar plexus chakra so that you are feeding it with that fire energy.
- Gemstones that you can wear are yellow gemstones, citrine, amber, yellow tourmaline.
- Meditate with yellow light and feel it just go right into your solar plexus chakra. I have an amazing meditation you can check out in my facebook group.
- Physically you can do a plank pose for one minute a day for 30 days. That really will help strengthen your solar plexus chakra.
- Use affirmations. I accept my emotions. I own my emotions. It is easy for me to stand in the power of me. It is easy for me to stand in the power of my truth.I confidently present myself to everyone around me. It is easy for me to be authentic. I am free to live without judging or criticizing my past. I am calm confident and powerful. My uniqueness is my superpower.
Let me know in the comments below what are you going to do to help heal your solar plexus chakra?
If you are wanting more energy clearing? Head on over to my facebook group where I give monthly free energetic clearings.
Needing some help to let go of your past? Check out my post on letting go. I’ll see you there. Ciao.
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