How to Feel Better Fast

Do you have a black cloud stopping you from doing the things you know you should or even things you love to do?

Have you ever found yourself not knowing your next steps and starting to sink into low vibe patterns and habits?

In this post, discover how to feel better fast, navigate out of that dark vortex and step into the spotlight of your life.

Symptoms of low vibrational frequency

Have you ever found yourself talking to yourself in a not very positive way. You start to lose a desire to do what you love. You lack energy and you’re feeling tired all the time and this dark cloud or feeling of dread, negative vibration started to seep into other aspects of your life.

Even the things that you used to love doing you find excuses and reasons not to do them. “Oh, the weather’s not so great” “Oh, it’s just not the right time,” and your confidence starts to drop.

You find that it’s a lot easier to grab that bag of chips or to eat those french fries than it is to actually start to do something to get yourself out of the dark vortex.

This fear and lack of confidence absolutely stop you dead in your tracks to do the things you once loved.

These are all symptoms of low vibrational frequency.

Raise your vibration by letting go of victimization

Everything around us is energy. Everything in this universe is energy and you are energy. You can feel better fast just by simply raising your vibration!

What that means is that we can tune ourselves up just like the strings on a violin. It’s actually that simple, but what stops us from doing it is us.

That first step is the most difficult and then what comes into play is a little bit of victimhood. Perhaps you’re familiar with this, “Oh, this happened because of that person” or “That person did this or said this and that’s why I’m in this position,” or “The outside circumstances in the world right now is why I’m in this position.”

Change your perspective

Feel better fast by choosing to have a different perspective. A perspective that doesn’t pin you in the victim role.

One that empowers you to stand in your power because you are an infinite being in a body.

Tune up your superstrings

So how do we tune up our superstrings, our own energy?

The first step, like I said is the hardest, but it’s really super easy.

Feel better fast by doing something. It really doesn’t matter what it is. Do something and take that momentum of doing something.

Now, you may be thinking, “Well okay Heather, yeah I know that I need to do something but I don’t want to do it.”

Okay, I’m going to give you something to think about here. You do things in your life that you do without thinking, like brushing your teeth in the morning, washing your face in the morning, eating. We have to eat right? These are things that you do without thinking. Things that are in automation. So this state of automatic motion is what we want to feed off of.

Say in the morning, you brush your teeth, you wash your face, you do the dishes or clean the kitchen a little bit. Take that momentum of doing something and start to have that transition into other aspects of your life.

Put high vibe activites on automatic

What are high vibe activities?

Going for a walk in nature. Take yourself outside, get the vibration of the Earth with you and take that walk.

Movement, momentum, just physical movement can help raise our vibrational frequency higher to help us start to feel better.

Absorbing the energy of nature helps us to feel better.

Be sure to reward yourself that you did one thing.

If you took that walk in nature, go ahead and reward yourself. Talk to yourself as you would talk to your pet. Tell yourself you are a good girl/boy for doing the high vibe activity.

Intentional enjoyment

Supercharge your high vibe activities with enjoyment. Think about how much you enjoy doing the activity. How thankful you are for the opportunity that you have to do the activity.

Once that black vortex or that black cloud or the negative low vibe frequency is in your life, identify that you are in a low vibrational frequency. It’s very easy to do those things that you love and think like oh, I should be doing something else. I, I can’t be doing this. I really should be doing that.

You need to eliminate this way of thinking. Completely delete the string of thoughts, I should be doing something else. Allow yourself to be completely in the present moment when you take that walk in nature. Think about the walk. Think about the steps that you’re taking. Think about the trees that are around you.

Focus on your present moment. Allow yourself and permit yourself to enjoy that moment without thinking I should be doing something else.

Allow music to raise your vibes

A simple high vibe activity that you can do is just turn some music on. This is probably the easiest high vibe activity of all. Everybody has a way to play music in your flat, apartment, house wherever you are even in your car.

Choose music that is high vibe music to help raise your vibrational frequency.

Music is vibration. If you are a musician, you can play an instrument. Playing an instrument completely raises your vibration and has a very powerful effect on your body’s physical, mental, and spiritual aspects.

15 minutes a day helps keep the low vibes away

If you allow yourself 15 minutes to do one high vibe activity, to start to get yourself in that momentum and move out of the low vibe frequency, you’re going to find that it’s going to become easier and easier. Especially, if you get your mind in there too.

Enjoy that present moment.

Now, I put together something I’m so excited about and it’s a raise your vibration guide.

For a limited time get my Raise Your Vibration Guide to help you and help all of us on this planet to raise our vibration.

It’s 100 percent downloadable and it will help you know what different activities can help raise your vibration plus give you some ideas of moving yourself in that direction of the person you want to be.

Do you know what the most amazing effect of raising your vibration is?

Things start to shift in your life. Things start to change. Those things that you thought would never be possible, start to manifest themselves.

Living in a Higher Vibrational State

The fact that you live in a higher vibrational state, the things you want to accomplish become easier. You become more productive. You’re able to help others even more.

Just being in a higher vibrational state, helps raise the consciousness of humanity. Now more than ever we all need everyone to step in and start to raise their vibration so we can shift consciousness.

You raising your vibration, me raising my vibration helps all others around us.

We are examples to other people on how they can allow themselves and permit themselves as well to raise their vibration.

Isn’t that beautiful?

I would love to hear from you in the comments below on which raise your vibration technique you’re going to start to implement.

Are you ready to raise your vibration even faster? Be sure to check out my post, three things you must give up to raise your vibration instantly. I’ll see you there.

Take care and I’ll see you in the next post. Ciao.

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