How to Feel Abundant When You Feel You Are Not

Stressed about money? Bills got you down? In this post, discover how to feel abundant when you feel that you’re not.

Truth is you are an infinite being in a body. Your natural state is abundance. We come from nature. Nature is abundant. The only thing that’s stopping you from being abundant is you.

Old programs getting in the way

There may be a program running in you in which you feel in the past that you have been abandoned, let down, somebody that you thought should have financially taken care of you in a way, in a specific way, and they didn’t. Another form of a block to abundance is keeping yourself small in order to receive love, or keeping yourself locked from abundance so that somebody else can come in and rescue you as a form of love. You may feel if they really loved you they would do, fill in the blank, whatever it is insert it here.

You are your own rescue

No one else can truly rescue you, but you. You are your own hero, shero. You have the power to come to your own rescue. Your rescue is to become the vibrational match of your desires, to become the vibrational match of abundance.

Become the vibrational match to abundance

How do we become the vibrational match of abundance? Feel abundant now. Since wallowing in the feeling of lack, not enough money, not enough clients only will attract more lack, it’s time to shift energy to feeling abundant, to raise your vibration so that your vibrational frequency is a match of abundance and what you truly desire.

Anchor in abundant emotions

A great way to make that shift is to anchor in abundant emotions. Simply journal what you currently do, or have that makes you feel abundant. It doesn’t have to be elaborate or take a lot of time. You can simply create a bullet point list of all the things that make you feel abundant now. The purpose of this exercise is to shift your emotions from lack to abundance.

Feel abundant now

After making this list, you may come to realize that your perceived lack is not as bad as you thought. For example, every single morning I get to sit in a jacuzzi full of mineral water and look at the mountains, for me this is absolute abundance. Take yourself out put on some makeup do your hair put on some clothes that perhaps you have put aside in your closet for a special outing and put on your favorite perfume and go out. It doesn’t mean that you have to spend a lot of money on a dinner but you can go to your favorite place and just order dessert. Just order something small, a little salad, but take yourself out. Relish that moment and anchor it in with gratitude.

Participate in high vibe activities

Maybe staying at home and reading the book makes you feel abundant. To have that time that you can do the activities that you love. We all have activities that we love to do that generate the feeling of abundance. Creation is abundance. The art of creating aligns to the vibrational match of abundance. Take the time to create art, play an instrument, dance, sew, whatever it is that you enjoy doing. The fact that you have that time to create is abundance. You have the time to do it. Whatever is your creative outlet, do more of that. It’s truly easy to feel abundant with what you currently have and not spend a lot of money in order to feel abundant now. Donate items that you have to others that may need them more than you do.

Make a list of income generating activities

Next make a list of income generating activities that you can do today. Perhaps it’s time to start making that course that you know your followers would absolutely love. Send links out to clients that you know are waiting for information about your services. Perhaps you have some items around you that you could actually sell. Old smartphones, laptops, small appliances, anything that you’re currently not using that you know you could actually get some money for. Start generating some income by just selling a few things you have around your house.

You are on your way

By watching this video, you have started to raise your vibration and shift into the energy of abundance. For more high vibe tips, download my Raise Your Vibration guidebook.

You’ve got this. Stay high vibe. Ciao.

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