How to Create Youtube Videos to Magnetically Attract Clients

Desire more paying clients on your calendar? In this post discover How to Create Youtube Videos to Magnetically Attract Clients.

I’m so excited about creating this post for you as this is something that has truly helped me have more bookings on my calendar as an online entrepreneur.

Youtube library to content creation hub

I have used YouTube as my Hub; however, this wasn’t my intent at the beginning of my Youtube journey. I was just using YouTube as a library for my performance videos as a violinist and then it just naturally evolved into teaching videos for my students.

Online biz hamster wheel

I really listened to a lot of gurus because I felt they knew a lot more than I did about how to create an online Biz being a career professional violinist with no techie skills; however, I have found after years of listening and doing what they said that I was just living in some sort of hamster wheel doing things that I didn’t see a lot of results.

Getting off the hamster wheel

As a Capricorn, a rebel, and a violinist I have this attention to detail such that when I do something it’s got to be laser-focused and it’s got to have results and return on my time invested. I use the analogy of dark chocolate or espresso for how I work with violinists, how I live my life and how I have successfully monetized myself online.

Return on time invested

I remember a few years back as I was attending a live Workshop specifically on how to use YouTube for an online biz, the coach said well you need to do this, this and this, and I said,

“You know what? My goal is not to have thousands of subscribers, which I do, or to have millions of views, which I do, my goal is to use my YouTube channel to make money. I’m not here to spin my wheels and just make YouTube videos just for the heck of it. I need to see a return on my time invested.”

The coach was silent for a little bit and then honestly after that, she completely revamped how she was presenting her strategy. So if you can relate to wanting to see some Exchange from the energy inputted into your online business, keep reading to doscover How to Create Youtube Videos to Magnetically Attract Clients. Be sure to Implement the tips given in order to see more results from your time invested.

Why video?

Let’s first start off with why video? Video is such a great way for people to get to know you, your character, feel your energy and understand if they want to work with you.

Every teacher is not for every student and every student is not for every teacher.

This goes along with clients. Every client is not for every coach and vice versa. So video is a great way for your future clients to know and understand if they’ll work with you.

You are the vibration you attract

If they can’t get through your video, they find you annoying, they’re not going to want to work with you. If they find that they’re not getting results on what you’re presenting in the videos, not going to want to work with you, on the other hand,

if they love your energy,

they can’t stop watching your videos,

they just love your Vibes,

they totally resonate with you,

there’s something inside of them that’s inside of you,

and they find answers with what you have to say, then voila!

Angels Sing and they’ll want to work with you.

It’s as easy as that and this is why video is so great because you can write all the blog posts, you can write all the social media posts, you can create a profile on LinkedIn, but they don’t know you!

They don’t know your character, they don’t know your voice, they don’t know your vibration, they don’t feel your energy. This is why video is phenomenal and you can use this to attract your clients.

It‘s not about the subscribers and it’s not about the views

I’m going to walk you through step by step how to create a video that you’ll post on YouTube that’s going to be your client magnet.

It’s not about the subscribers, it’s not about how many views you get. If you get a hundred views and one of those views purchases a digital download or works with you or subscribes to your list, that is a huge win! Huge! Just one person watching One video that follows through on your call to action is a huge win.

Video filming tips

So when creating the video, be sure to have a very simple background, good lighting.

Check out my post on how I personally film a YouTube video here.

It doesn’t have to be complicated. I use my iPhone so don’t let the complications of tech stop you from filming that video.

Using a video script template

Next, you need to be organized in your presentation. I have a video script template that you can totally download for free to help you out if you need some help in organizing the presentation of the information in your video. Get the video script template here.

You had me at hello

In order to Create Youtube Videos to Magnetically Attract Clients, you need a catchy title. People aren’t going to click on your video if the title isn’t working for them.

So how to formulate a catchy title?

Make sure it is in relation to the information that you’re giving in your video, has a pain point that your future client is going to relate to and a solution use powerful words. You can check it in Tubebuddy Keyword Explorer to see how it’s going to rate with your channel and how it’s going to rate on YouTube plus you’ll find out if it’s a searchable title and if people are actually searching for what you’re presenting in your video.

Don’t have Tubebuddy? I would highly recommend it! Click here to get started with Tubebuddy.

Be authentic

Present yourself as naturally as possible. Be completely authentic, with beautiful energy. It doesn’t hurt to present yourself in the best way possible. If you’re feeling tired and sluggish, not a good time to make a video. Think about when you feel your best so that you can present yourself at your best in the video.

Video batching to save time

Batch your videos. Make a list of different videos that you can make at one time to save your time. I know if you’re like me you like to save time and energy so make a list of maybe three video ideas.

Take the time to script out the videos beforehand so that you can do them one right after the other especially if you don’t have a specific place where you make your videos or if you’re surrounded by family or living with other people and it’s a little difficult to make videos surrounded by other people and finding that quiet spot.

Once you have everything set up, and done your hair, you feel like you’re able to present yourself, optimize that time and batch your videos.

Include only ONE call to action

Within your video ideally have one call to action. These days people are super busy. They have maybe 25 different things going on in their head at once and to present many different things in one video can be just like overwhelm on making a decision. We all have to make decisions multiple times a day and having to make a decision on what link to click on can be somewhat overwhelming.

So restrain yourself to only one call to action.

Superpowered call to action

What would that call to action be for you to have a client? It could be liking the video, it could be commenting below to create a relationship with this person, signing up for your newsletter where you share specific offers only for those peeps, a digital download free pdf that you want to present to help with a solution that’s in your funnel.

Not just to give a free pdf away.

Everybody probably has at this point in the online World downloaded a free pdf from somewhere and it never generated into anything. So do make sure that the PDF that you are presenting or this gift I like to think of it as a gift that you are giving your followers, leads into more of a solution on their path. This is not to just give something away for free but have it be on a path or on a journey that’s going to help them if they choose to take that Journey with you.

Sprinkle the link everywhere

Then once you’ve decided on that call to action you need to give people the link. Put the link in the cards that show up in the right-hand corner of the video. Put that link in the end screen which is the final screen on the video which you’ll see at the end of this video. Put the link in the description below the video. You could even put the link in the comments below the video and say hey here’s the link for this so people don’t miss it again.

Keep in mind people are so busy that if it’s not staring them in the eyeball they’re probably not going to click on it.

Eye catching thumbnail

The thumbnail is also very important. As soon as you finish making the video take a quick selfie, download it to your computer and use that on your thumbnail.

Your face is your brand. Your face is unique to you. Your energy is unique to you. Your smile is unique to you.

So when people see that on the thumbnail they can immediately resonate with it and click on your video.

Use your image and catchy words that connect with the information in the video and with your title people need to see the video.

Keyed up keywords

So in the tags below the video, use the keywords people would search on to find this video. Put your title word for word in the tag section found in the details below the video on the backend. This is another place Tubebuddy comes in handy. Tubebuddy will show you how your keywords rate and let you know if there are other key words that would be beneficial to use as well.

Plus put your client magnet video in a playlist with a catchy title.

Playlist power

I just revamped a playlist on my YouTube channel to help adult violinists jump out of the beginner stages to learn third position and it’s called “Beginner No More, Learn Third Position.” Pretty short, to the point, catchy words and it solves a pain point of violinists who feel like they just have never gotten out of that beginner stage.

Put your video in a playlist and then put that playlist on the front of your YouTube channel so people can find it.

Repurpose your video

You can repurpose the same video, create the subtitles put it on your blog posts, create Instagram reels to direct people to that full-length video, create some Facebook lives to direct people to your YouTube video and that’s it!

You now have this amazing video that you’ve uploaded to YouTube to attract clients whether it is right now or years down the road.

Somebody may watch that video and find out hey they want to work with you they love your energy, they love you, they love what you have to offer and they can’t get enough of you.

May not happen immediately…

What’s so great about YouTube is once you make that video, it’s LIVE. I have popular YouTube videos on my channel from 10 years ago that are still working for me today that are still bringing me, clients.

So don’t get discouraged if nothing happens right away. You publish a video and it’s like one day, two days, and only 100 views and you don’t know what’s going on, don’t freak out.

Create another video.  Stay consistent!

As long as you follow these steps that I’ve given you in this video, someday, somewhere, somebody’s going to really enjoy what you have to offer.

Don’t forget to grab that video script template to help you out and have fun filming. Ciao.

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  1. […] If you’d like to learn more about how to make client magnet videos, you can check out this post here. […]

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