Heart Chakra Balancing Tips

These days do you find yourself feeling emotionally hurt? Perhaps your immune system is a little low. You have a difficult time connecting with people or attracting healthy relationships? These are all symptoms of a misaligned heart chakra. Time to discover heart chakra balancing tips.

In today’s post, I will be discussing why the heart chakra is so important and how it is extremely transformational for your life, misalignment symptoms and how to balance and open your heart chakra.

The heart chakra is the center of who you are.

It is located right above the heart and it’s the color green.  Our heart chakra is the center of our chakra system, seven-point energy centers that are in our energy body, and the heart chakra is a bridge between our emotions, our feelings, our thoughts and spirituality.

Do you find relationships difficult?

If you’re struggling with relationships—whether family, romantic, friendships, or business—it’s likely that your heart chakra is misaligned.

You might feel open and loving at times, but then something triggers you, and you shut down. It’s as if a fortress suddenly surrounds your heart.

This is a clear sign of a misaligned heart chakra.

The heart chakra can become misaligned easily from the moment you first experience pain in life. If you don’t heal past wounds or forgive yourself or others, the heart chakra is affected as well.

Heart chakra massage

Take your hand, right above your heart and just give yourself a little massage.

If you feel that it’s a little tender by touch, that is a sign of misalignment.

Physical symptoms of a misaligned heart chakra

Allergies, asthma, apnea, are all related to the heart chakra. If you suffer from any type of immunity disorder or anything that is kind of breaking down your immune system like Hashimoto’s, hypothyroidism that’s also connected to the heart chakra.

Anything that’s affecting your immune system negatively is a sign of a misaligned heart chakra. We want to have a high-operating immune system. A great way to help boost your immune system is to start to work on your heart chakra.

Chakra healing is not a one-stop shop

When we work with our chakras, it’s not about one-time healing and then everything being fine for the rest of our lives. The process requires continuous attention and effort. The heart chakra, in particular, needs regular healing to stay balanced and maintained.

If you want to improve your life, if you feel that something is off or know that you have emotional blockages that need healing, the heart chakra is the place to focus on.

Signs of a balanced heart chakra

When your heart chakra is balanced you are loving and compassionate. You forgive others easily. When the heart chakra is misaligned or blocked, you’re more defensive, you’re easily to get hurt, not trusting of others.

Perhaps you let yourself open up but then something happens and it shuts down again out of fear because of things that had happened to you in the past or as a child.

Now anybody who’s been in a relationship and it didn’t work out, they’re heartbroken, which directly affects the heart chakra.

We’ve all been in relationships, friend friendships, family members, where something happens and we feel hurt. That affects the heart chakra.

Make sense of your emotions

Balancing and opening your heart chakra allows you to make sense of your emotions and to identify the root of the issue.

We all have so much love within us. We are love.

We want to give that love and in those moments where we feel like we’re giving love but it isn’t getting returned or feel like we’ve gotten stepped on, that all affects the heart chakra.

Balance the energy of giving and receiving

We want to have and believe that it’s possible to have this beautiful transfer of energy of giving and receiving from the heart chakra.

We can even just do a little exercise right now. Feel yourself receiving universal positive energy and love and then feel yourself giving universal positive energy and love.  Receive positive universal energy and love and give positive energy and love. Repeat as necessary.

There’s this wonderful balance of giving and receiving without disruption.

Now a lot of people have a fear in this area so if you’re doing this and you feel like a sense of fear of being vulnerable, that’s a sign that the heart chakra is misaligned and that’s normal if you’ve had experiences where you’ve given and you feel like it was stepped on or that your precious feelings were not taken seriously. That has a huge effect on the heart chakra.

This is a great meditation to actually do every day, even three times a day of feeling that receiving. Allowing yourself to receive and giving and allow yourself to receive and giving so that beautiful balance.

What stage of the rose are you?

I was taking a walk not too long ago with my fiance in a rose garden and I felt really pretty down that day and a little tired and a little depressed. I saw a rose that was in full bloom but past its prime, a little brown around the edges and kind of wilty and tired and I said, “That’s how I feel today, that’s me.” He then pointed to a rose that was in absolute full bloom and gorgeous and he said, “That’s how I feel today, that’s me.”

I want you to think about you right now and your heart chakra.

If you were to compare it to a rose, what form is your rose? Is it a rosebud? Is it opening up? Is it past its prime and it’s brown on the edges?

Now, let’s think about that rose and just feel that rose blossoming, blossoming, blossoming. See it blossoming into this beautiful, beautiful full open rose and it might be interesting for you to feel what actually comes up.

Do you feel this energy of fear of allowing yourself to blossom?

A fear of being unprotected as you’re opening up?

If you feel those feelings you want to start with affirmations right away.

  • It is safe for me to open my heart chakra.
  • I am protected.
  • It is safe for me to be in full bloom.

Working on your heart chakra helps boost your immune system and improve your relationships taking them to another level of being healthy.

Easy Heart Chakra Balancing Tips

Let’s get to the fun stuff, how we can heal and balance our heart chakra.

I’m going to give you some tips that can be easily done on a daily basis from this point on so you can always be thinking about your heart chakra and allowing yourself to heal.

Surround yourself with the color green

When you see the color green take the time to repeat some affirmations. Some great powerful affirmations for the heart chakra are:

  • “I am fully open to giving love.” Think about the rose being fully open.
  • “I’m fully open to receiving love.”
  • “It is safe and in my divine right to have a balanced giving, receiving relationship with universal energy.”

You can wear green. Choose to have green in your wardrobe.

Have beautiful plants in every room.

Walk in a park and focus on the color green.

Eat green foods: kelp, spinach, nettles, anything that’s the color green.


Meditation is fabulous for the heart chakra. The heart chakra is associated with the element air. Set aside time for a quick and easy breathing meditation. Breathe in positive love. Feel it go into your heart chakra. Breathe out negativity. Repeat.

Green Light Meditation
Envision a gorgeous green shower of light that’s coming in through the top of your head, the crown of your head and connecting to your heart chakra. Feel and see that green light come in and connect to your heart chakra. Swirl that gorgeous emerald light around in the heart chakra.

That’s a great way to heal and nourish the heart chakra with energy.

Participate in activities of love

Fill your life up with activities that fill your heart.

When do you feel your heart expanding?

Perhaps being with loved ones, getting out in the sun in the morning, your favorite creative activity you feel so much love or doing a special act of kindness for somebody.

If you liked this blog post, please share it with a friend that could use help with their heart chakra. I have put together a wonderful chakra balancing workbook that I’d love to share with you.  You can get it here.

Have fun healing your heart chakra and if you’re ready you can Discover 5 signs your throat chakra is blocked and how to balance it.

If you want more guidance on whether or not you have a blocked chakra plus an immediate in person healing session to move the stuck energy in your life, schedule here!

and I’ll see you there. Ciao

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