Feel Better Instantly Formula

a guided gratitude practice

Have you ever found yourself feeling pretty down and out and you just think, oh if only I could feel better? In this post, I’m going to give you the one tool that you can use so you can feel better instantly.

Gratitude is a super powerful tool. We can use gratitude to shift our energy from feeling low to high because when you feel thankful you feel good.

Gratitude is like a muscle. If we don’t use it it’s not going to be very easy at first to be grateful or to be thankful and especially if you’re feeling a little down and out, the last thing you feel is thankful and grateful.

Gratitude as an emotion

Gratitude is emotion. Gratitude is ineffective when we say thank you without feeling it. The game-changer is feeling the emotions of that thank you. Feeling emotions of joy and love and happiness.

Raise your vibration with gratitude

A gratitude practice is super important to do on a daily basis to help raise your vibration. All you need is a journal or a piece of paper and a pen or pencil. Make it fun and choose your favorite creative writing utensil.

Tune up your superstrings

Words are magic. You have the thoughts in your mind and when you put them on the page, they have been put into existence. You write those words down, you can see those words, you can feel those words and they are in existence. What emotions do you feel when you’re grateful? When something happens and you say thank you or you’re so grateful you just feel it in your heart and it totally bubbles up and out. That moment you allowed yourself to receive, that moment you allowed yourself to feel love, to feel joy, to be thankful and you value and appreciate what gave you gratitude. Gratitude is like a little bundle of joy and love and so much in one word those words of thank you is really, you know, feeling those feelings and those emotions and they bubble up and it’s a huge thank you.

Guided gratitude practice with the four elements

Before we even get started into the guided gratitude practice, let’s calibrate where you are currently.

On a scale of one to ten where do you feel emotionally right now?

One feeling pretty down and out and ten, vibing really high. Where do you fit in that scale?

Write that number down on a piece of paper because we will check in after the guided gratitude practice to see how you’re feeling

Guided gratitude practice – Air

To get started let’s write thank you on the top of your page. Underneath those big thank you words, write in big letters AIR.

Then write out, I am so grateful, thankful and full of joy, (I like to throw in, and full of joy, because it helps to bring up those emotions of gratitude) that I can breathe.

I’m so grateful, thankful and full of joy for my breath.

  • What are you thankful for with your breath?
  • What does your breath allow you to do?

I’m so grateful, thankful and full of joy for my breath. It allows me to swim. It allows me to live. I am so grateful, thankful and full of joy that I can go outside every morning and breathe fresh air.

Journal why are you so grateful and thankful for air. When you are ready you can move on to water.

Guided gratitude practice – Water


  • What are you thankful for with water?
  • Why are you thankful for water?

I am so grateful and thankful and full of joy that every morning I can take a hot shower. That anytime I want to take a hot shower, I can take a hot shower.

So grateful, thankful, full of joy that every time I want to feel better physically, I can take a hot shower.

I’m a swimmer and I love to swim. I’m so grateful, thankful, full of joy that I have water that I can swim in.

The next thing I think of is the sea. I’m so grateful, thankful and full of joy that I have an apartment on the sea that I can go there at any time and enjoy the sea from my balcony.

What are you thankful for with water? I’m so grateful, thankful, full of joy that water can cleanse my energy. Every time I go into the sea, I go swimming I just feel cleansed same with showers. Water is very cleansing.

Do you enjoy taking a bath. I’m so grateful, thankful and full of joy that anytime I want to take a hot soaking bath full of essential oils and epsom salts that that is possible.

Isn’t this fun? These are simple things but powerful to shift energy. Thinking the details and feeling the emotions helps to anchor in, even more, a sense of gratitude.

Guided gratitude practice – Earth

When you are ready, write down EARTH on your piece of paper and think about what are you thankful for with earth.

I am so thankful, grateful, and full of joy to walk on the earth, feel the earth’s energy through my feet, and feel grounded. I love feeling grounded.

My zodiac is an earth element so I really really feel attracted to being grounded.

What does it mean to be grounded?

For me, I’m so thankful, grateful, and full of joy to be organized, to have a beautiful flat to live in. I’m so grateful, thankful, full of joy I have this office space here that keeps me grounded and helps me feel supported as I create videos for my followers. I’m so grateful, thankful, and full of joy that at any time I want, I can walk outside in nature in a beautiful park that is next to my flat.

What comes to your mind as you think of the earth element? I am so grateful, thankful, and full of joy for the opportunities that I’ve had to visit national parks, see nature in all of its glory.

Guided gratitude practice – Fire

Our final element is fire so we’ll go ahead and write down fire onto the piece of paper. Oh, fire, fire, fire! I love feeling warm, don’t you?

Who doesn’t love to feel warm, right? When I think of a fire and the warmth from a fire, I am super thankful. I immediately feel love from warmth, don’t you?

I am so grateful, thankful and full of joy for the sun, for the warmth that I feel from the sun especially in the morning when I go outside. I love feeling the sun on my face and feel on my back.

I’m so grateful, thankful, full of joy for warmth, for heat. I’m so thankful, grateful, full joy for hot peppers.

That can be tied into the earth element. I’m so grateful, thankful and full of joy for my body.

Journal what are you thankful for with the element fire?

So grateful, thankful, full of joy that my body has the ability to walk, to take me outside, to swim in the sea.

You see we can go full circle with the elements. One element easily leads into another.

Guided gratitude practice: Check-in

After completing this guided gratitude practice with the four elements, how do you feel now on a scale of one to ten? Is your number higher now then it was in the beginning?

When I checked in with myself before going through this guided gratitude practice with you, I put myself at about a three. After completing this guided gratitude practice, I and now I would say I’m at a seven. I feel so much better.

Please share in the comments below your number before the guided gratitude practice and your number after.

If you want to take this even further, I’ve created a raise your vibration guidebook where I go into even more detail on how to use gratitude in your life and in manifestation.

For a limited time get my Raise Your Vibration Guide to help you and help all of us on this planet to raise our vibration.

It’s 100 percent downloadable and it will help you know what different activities can help raise your vibration plus give you some ideas of moving yourself in that direction of the person you want to be.

Take care and I’ll see you in the next post. Ciao.

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  1. […] you want to do a guided gratitude practice with me, definitely check out my guided gratitude practice with the four elements where we go into gratitude together using the four elements. I’ll see you […]

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