Gratitude is Your Super Power If Done Right

In any aspect of your life are you feeling lack, dissatisfied with your current circumstances, looking for someone to rescue you. It’s time to break out your superpower of gratitude.

In this post, I am so super excited to be sharing how gratitude is your superpower! How to shift your energy, raise your vibration, and feel better instantly all with gratitude. First, we will discover the power of gratitude, why it’s so important and how you can create a daily practice that works for you.

Gratitude raises your vibration

How does gratitude raise your vibration?

If you’re like me, you want to understand why and how something works before you take the time to do it in order to know if the effects are really worth the effort that you put in.

Think of the moment when you feel sincere gratitude, what does that feel like?

What emotions do you feel when you are grateful, full of joy, love just bursting from your heart, bubbling out.

Think about the last time you were so super thankful you couldn’t even contain yourself.

At that moment, we feel that we have something that we didn’t have before. We feel like we have a solution, the results, maybe something that we were working so hard for and it finally happened.

We’re most likely also feeling peace, relief, wholeness, connection, love, happiness, joy.

Share in the comments below, what emotions you feel when you are grateful.

Allow yourself to feel the emotion

In that moment of gratitude you allowed yourself to receive, you are open for something new, for some change and you’re open to love.

You’re open to gratitude.

These are all good feelings. It’s really difficult to feel bad at the same time that you’re feeling grateful. It doesn’t quite work.

Now, let’s think about what we are not feeling in that moment when we have so much gratitude. We’re not feeling a sense of lack. We’re not feeling at that moment that we’re not enough. We’re feeling grateful and so thankful that we have added value. So keep in mind that gratitude is not just the words “thank you,” it’s the emotions and the feelings behind those words.

Gratitude is abundance

Gratitude is feeling appreciation for something that you value. If you don’t feel you, yourself are something of value, it would be difficult for you to understand how someone can appreciate you or what you have to offer.

Practicing gratitude is being in the present moment. It’s being grateful and thankful for what is currently happening to you in your reality. It’s being grateful and thankful for the moments in the past that brought you to this specific place in time in your life right now.

Gratitude is letting go of resistance

Gratitude allows you to let go of the resistance of receiving. If you find yourself having a difficult time to receive, the power of gratitude will help open up that door of allowing you to receive.

Strengthen your gratitude muscle

Gratitude is like a muscle. If you haven’t been using it, it’s going to be a little difficult at first to start feeling and being thankful for things right now.

Once you start using gratitude, it’s going to be a lot easier and easier for you to receive. At first, you may reach for something large and easy, “Oh I’m so thankful for my life,” but what we need to do is actually be thankful for details within that umbrella.

Gratitude is in the details

It’s great to be thankful for something large but to really anchor in those emotions, is to think of five specific details of why you are thankful. This helps the emotions really come to the surface and it helps anchor in that feeling of gratitude.

When you feel that gratitude, you can immediately feel a shift in your vibration. It’s like a vibrational tune-up and it’s so necessary for energetic hygiene.

Gratitude is transformational

Gratitude has the power to transform any situation. It can take us out of that vortex of fear and negativity that’s just absolutely sucking our energy out like a vampire and give us a renewed sense of faith, hope and joy. Just feel it in your heart bubbling up.

Daily gratitude practice

So how can you incorporate a daily gratitude practice? A really easy way is to actually journal. Take a piece of paper, pen and write down what you’re thankful for. Start with something big if you want but don’t forget that you want to have five specific details of what you’re thankful for from that bigger topic and you want to write “I’m so grateful, thankful for …” and write down what you’re so grateful and thankful for and let those feelings and emotions come up.

Another way you can incorporate a gratitude practice is to have a gratitude jar and to write down on a little piece of paper what you’re grateful and thankful for and you can put it in the jar. That way you can see the jar get full, full, full with more of what you’re thankful for and you can visually see how it grows.

A very easy way to create a gratitude practice is right before you fall asleep, think of five things you’re thankful for during that day.

Gratitude for manifestation

Gratitude is also a great manifestation tool. Feel that sense of gratitude for specific things that you want to manifest in the future, say it’s a new car.

“I’m so grateful and thankful for my mini countryman,” or whatever car it is that you want to have. Feel how you’re so grateful and thankful for that key in your hand, so grateful and thankful for how the steering wheel feels in your hand. You’re so grateful and thankful for on those rainy days that you’re able to be in a car and you don’t have to walk outside in the rain. Those types of things. Really get specific about what you’re thankful for. That way you can use gratitude for your manifestation practice.

I am so grateful, thankful and full of joy that you watched this video to the end. I’ve created a wonderful Raise Your Vibration guidebook that goes into more detail on how to create a guided gratitude practice and more to raise your vibration on a daily basis.

For a limited time get my Raise Your Vibration Guide to help you and help all of us on this planet to raise our vibration.

If you want to do a guided gratitude practice with me, definitely check out my guided gratitude practice with the four elements where we go into gratitude together using the four elements. I’ll see you there.

Take care and I’ll see you in the next post. Ciao.

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