Discover why you keep seeing 1212

Are you seeing the number 12 12 everywhere and you are wondering what is going on? In this post, discover reasons why you keep seeing the number 1212 and what message it has for you.

You may be seeing 1212 on a clock, up in the right-hand corner of your computer, it may be popping up in odometers, or basically anywhere you see numbers. You may be coming across 1212 and you’re wondering why am I continuing to see 1212.

1212, a powerful number

The number 1212 carries a vibration of joy, contentment, and prosperity in your life. Its presence signifies that you are blessed. This is a message from your angels, Spirit guides, and loved ones who have passed on, encouraging you to stay focused on your highest expectations. They are working behind the scenes to help you manifest your desires into your present reality.

1212, a powerful sign

1212 is a powerful sign for you to step out of your comfort zone and to follow those passions, dreams and desires that you’ve had that you haven’t acted upon. It’s time to clear out the fear and the apprehension that is blocking you from starting those projects. Know that you are fully supported to go in that direction of your dreams.

Believe in yourself

When you see 1212 believe in yourself, in your natural skills and talents. Discover how you can use your natural skills, gifts and talents to their utmost potential in service of yourself and of those around you.

1212, manifestation message

1212 is a message for you to discover how to use positive affirmations and visualizations consistently to help you manifest the desired outcomes into your present reality.

Like attracts like. Where your focus goes, grows.

The more you focus on your desired end results, the faster that they can pop into your present moment.

Trust all is well

The number 1212 adds up to six, which is equally balanced. The number six in Tarot is the lovers card. It’s time for you to follow your passions without fear and apprehension.

Know that you are supported and that this is your time to take that next step. 

Are you getting in your own way?

When you see 1212, it may be a message that you are on the steps to manifesting your desires, to creating your personal desired reality but there is something that’s stopping the progression.

The number 1212, consists of one, two repeated twice. It’s constantly repeating one two, one two and not moving on to the progressive step number sequence of one two three four.

This may be a sign that you have some resistance to that next step, whether it’s fear, apprehension, or fear of change. 1212 is a sign to let you know to discover ways to clear that energetic blockage that’s stopping you from going forward.

Message of two twelves

1212 is the number 12 repeated twice. Number 12 encourages us to let go of the old habits holding us back and look with optimism to the new. It’s time to change those patterns that prevent progress. Believe that your new opportunities will bring positive changes. Freely replace the old with new and better possibilities.

A sign to beautify

You can start to generate twelve energy by looking around you in your environment. How can you beautify your environment? How can you beautify your home? Discover why you keep seeing 1212 and let it guide you to invite flowers and nature into your immediate surroundings to move this energy along. Number 12 is also a sign for you to remember to put out positivity around you. Have fun getting out of your comfort zone!

For help on how to raise your vibration making the process easier by following the path of least resistance, you can check out my Raise Your Vibration Guide where you’ll find tips on how you can increase your vibrational frequency to easily attract in the desires you want to see in your life.

Happy aligning.

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