1 x 90min Deep Dive Session

6 x  60min sessions 

6 video check-ins

Energy Clearing Audio

Bi-Weekly Meditations

Access to Virtual Classroom

12 x  60min sessions 

12 video check-ins

Heather’s 24 Energetically Healing Violin Solo mp3’s

Energy Clearing Audio

Access to Virtual Classroom

Heather is an amazing woman. We met when she was studying Tarot at my academy. A natural psychic and healer, her passion is to go below the surface and see what’s really there. She blew me away with her final project and how she captured the Tarot through her violin and compositions.

Heather has a huge heart and is dedicated to her own spiritual growth and that of anyone else she works with. She will meet you wherever you are and lead you on a journey to meet yourself. I highly recommend Heather because she is 100% present in everything she does.

Sinead Fine
Professional Tarot Reader, teacher, mentor and coach
Creator of the online Tarot Academy @ Tarot for Women