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How to Stay High Vibe When the World is Pushing Fear

Finding yourself feeling fearful, sad, anxious, overtired these days? Feel like everywhere you turn is filled with negativity? In this post, I’m going to give you three tips on how to stay high vibe when the world is pushing fear.

So let me start with this, you have the power! You have the power to choose what you think and how you feel. You have the power to release all the negativity that is around you. You have the power to tap into peace at any time. Your thoughts create and manifest your physical reality. You get to choose what is going on in your mind. You get to choose on how you perceive your reality and where you focus your attention.

What are you focusing on?

If you’re constantly thinking or talking about the negativity that is going on in the world today that is actually creating more and more fear in your world and it’s creating that feeling and anxiety to be bigger and bigger and bigger.

Instead of focusing on the negative, change your thought patterns.

Have thought interruptors at hand

Choose to have thought interrupters at hand and at ready. What are thought interrupters?

Thought interrupters can be affirmations. They can be a phrase that you just use and you have it right at your side whenever you need to shift your vibration. When you find yourself in that loop of negative thinking, just grab onto a thought interrupter and affirmation and repeat those words over and over.

My favorite thought interruptor that I use when I’m not feeling too well is, “Every day and every way, I’m getting better, better and better.” I repeat that over and over.

Perhaps I’m taking a walk and I just say, “Every day in every way I’m getting better, better and better and I can shift my reality of focusing on not feeling well to focusing on every day and every way I am getting better, better and better.

Another great one you can use as soon as that feeling of fear or anxiety pops up is to think, “I am well. I am safe. I am grounded. I am loved and all is well in my world.”

Allow yourself to feel

When you say these words, I want you to feel these words and to feel them in your heart center and to feel them in your solar plexus. In order to feel grounded stand in your power to help you heal yourself emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually.


Take the time to breathe in and to breathe out. Breathe in. You want to breathe in all the positive energy and breathe out all the negative. So we want to breathe in positivity and breathe out the negativity. Feel that you’re breathing out and letting go.

Allow yourself to let go of any resistance and any idea that you feel like you have to hold on to some sort of negative thought pattern or negative feeling or negative emotion.

Detox your social media

All right number two. Number two has to do with social media. If you haven’t checked out the movie Social Dilemma on Netflix, I highly suggest you check it out. It’s pretty revealing and it can be disturbing. Detox your use of social media. Redefine your social media strategy.

How are you going to have social media work for you? How are you going to use social media for your high vibe environment and atmosphere? Detox by deleting groups that are not benefiting you. Start to unfollow people that are not matching your vibe.

Years ago, I changed how to use social media because I was feeling drained and I just felt like my emotions were being manipulated by what I was seeing in social media.

I chose to remove myself from going to any type of feed. Doesn’t matter what platform.

I didn’t allow that feed to get into my reality. Be very selective in what groups you belong to and participate in.

If you’re looking for some positive facebook groups, come join me in my high vibe biz and life facebook group and if you are a violinist you can join my Heather Kaye violin facebook group.

Take a break from the news

Another way to surround yourself with more positive information is take a break from the news. Choose to fill that time listening to a positive podcast or perhaps watch a documentary or learn something from history instead of watching the news.

The media loves to push fear so stop absorbing it.

Participate in high vibe activities

In order to stay high vibe while the world is pushing fear, you need to be a high vibe warrior and fill your days with high vibe activities.

So maybe you’re feeling tired, don’t push yourself, actually go with the flow. If you’re feeling a little low in the energy department take a wonderful relaxing bath. Take advantage of at-home spa treatments, a facial mask. Perhaps just a washcloth, a hot washcloth over your face and breathe, meditate.

Tap into Your Creative and Healing Energy

Take a second to connect in, to silence your mind, to sit in the sun, to color.

Color holds vibration. Just take out a piece of paper and it doesn’t matter if it’s paints, if it’s crayons, just color. Find an image online, print it up and color it in. That could be so soothing. It’s such therapy to color.

Spend time with your pets. Give them hugs. Hold on to them and absorb their wonderful positive energy.

Practice Self-Care and Enjoy Your Passions

Tap into your creative center. What hobbies do you have where you’re creative? Perhaps you like cooking. Find a new recipe.

Play your instrument for the fun of it. Playing an instrument actually reduces your stress levels and cortisol, so it’s very immune-boosting and helps you raise your vibration.

Practice yoga at home.

There are many, many activities that you can do to keep your vibration high.

Whatever activity that you enjoy the most, that’s the activity you want to be doing.

I’d love to hear from you. Which of these tips are you going to be incorporating into your life to help you stay high vibe when the world is pushing fear? Please share with us in the comments below.

Take Control and Raise Your Vibration

For more tips on how to raise your vibration, get my Raise Your Vibration Guide to help you and help all of us on this planet to raise our vibration.

This guidebook will walk you step by step on how you can raise your vibration on a daily basis.

Remember to take back your power and think positively. Every second of every day you have a choice of what to think about.

Stop letting what is going on in the world take control of your mind and your life. Do what you need to do to feel safe and then let go. Release all outside things that are holding you in the frequency of fear.

Distract yourself by doing things that feel good to you. For more tips on how you can control your thought processes definitely check out my post, how to think better, feel better and be better. I’ll see you there.

Be sure to leave a comment below on what you are choosing to let go of to raise your vibration.

Take care and I’ll see you in the next post. Ciao.

The post How to Stay High Vibe When the World is Pushing Fear appeared first on High Vibe Biz & Life.

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What Are Energy Vampires and How to Deal with Them https://heatherkayebizandlife.com/what-are-energy-vampires-and-how-to-deal-with-them/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=what-are-energy-vampires-and-how-to-deal-with-them https://heatherkayebizandlife.com/what-are-energy-vampires-and-how-to-deal-with-them/#respond Tue, 09 Mar 2021 17:10:25 +0000 https://heatherkayebizandlife.com/?p=14822 The post What Are Energy Vampires and How to Deal with Them appeared first on High Vibe Biz & Life.

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What Are Energy Vampires and How to Deal with Them

Have you ever found yourself completely drained after talking with somebody to the point of almost being physically ill? Doesn’t matter if you talk to them on the phone or in person? It sounds like you may have an energy vampire on your hands. In this post, I’m going to talk about what are energy vampires and how you can deal with them.

What are energy vampires?

Today we’re taking a little bit to the dark side and talking about energy vampires.  Energy vampires are people that suck your energy dry. Just like a vampire sucks blood, energy vampires know exactly where to go to, who they can feed off of and get energy from somebody else because they’re unable to generate energy themselves.

They have very, very, very low life force so they search out people typically who have a very high life force, a very high vibrational energy and they suck the energy out just like a real vampire sucks blood.

How do you know if you have an energy vampire on your hands?

Some of the symptoms that you would feel after talking with them is extremely tired, like you just want to go to bed and nothing else.

You may actually have stomach issues after talking with this person.

What is not an energy vampire?

An energy vampire is NOT your friend that’s searching out some help in a specific amount of time. Maybe you have a friend that is going through a difficult time and they are coming to you for some compassion and some help.

This is not an energy vampire.

Energy Vampires are Drama Queens!

An energy vampire is somebody who is constantly finding themselves in drama and they’re constantly inviting you into their drama. They constantly are coming to you for help with their drama.

Energy Vampires LOVE to play the victim.

Energy vampires typically have a victim mentality and don’t take charge of creating their own energy. This is why they search it out from other people. They know exactly who can they feed off of and who they cannot. Some energy vampires are aware of what they’re doing and some are not.

How to deal with energy vampires?

The best solution is to completely detox your life from energy vampires; however,  I know that is not always possible.

If you’re not able to detox your energy vampires out of your life completely read on to know what to do.

You may find that after you implement these tips, your energy vampires may just naturally fall away because they’re not able to feed off of you anymore and that’s exactly what we want.

1. Limit Contact

Spend only 15 minutes with your energy vampire and no more. Talk with them, say “You know what? After 15 minutes, I have to run. I can spend these 15 minutes with you today or these 15 minutes with you on Friday but that’s all the time I have.”

Put a border around your time so you have an escape plan. Always have a getaway strategy after 15 minutes. Perhaps you have to run to an appointment or you have something going on. You take the time to meet them before a certain event.

2. Protect Yourself

Always protect yourself with an energetic shield before you talk to your energetic vampire. Before you see them or talk to them on the phone, quickly put yourself an energetic shield.

There’s a lot of different shields you can use but I’m just going to give you two examples for you to choose from.

Energetic Shield Meditation

  1. Connect to the light from above. Feel the light come in through your head and flow to your heart.
  2. Connect to the light from below, from the middle of the earth and also let it flow to your heart, so you’re connected from above and from below.
  3. Radiate out this gorgeous energy .
  4. Put yourself in this wonderful radiant bubble.  You’ll feel it immediately, like once you do that ,you’ll just feel so much love and light.
  5. What we want on the outside of this bubble, is a beautiful robin blue eggshell.
  6. Complete this before talking or seeing your energy vampire.

Disco Ball Shield

The disco ball shield is my favorite because it is super fast and super effective. Climb yourself right into a disco ball. All the mirrors all around reflect back the energy that is projected at you. So when this person, your energy vampire is talking to you, they’re actually being reflected back their own energy.

They’re not getting in contact with your energy. Your energy is completely safe from this beautiful little disco ball and they’re not able to feed off of you.

Now you have two different types of shields you can use before you even talk with the person but do make sure you do it before you talk with them or before you meet with them.

3. Do Not Repeat!

Do not repeat what your energy vampire tells you. Whatever they tell you in that conversation, don’t even repeat it with anybody, okay?

Just seal it up in a little box or an envelope and just send it away and that’s it. It’s done. That energy is not getting repeated and you’re not polluting the energy around you, the atmosphere around you with that energy.

Send it away.

4. Grounding

Ground yourself before you talk with an energy vampire, while you’re talking with them, after you get off the phone with them or after the meeting. Feel yourself grounded to the earth. Feel your feet, the center of your feet grounded to the center of the earth. Embody this beautiful grounding energy at all times.

Keep your your energy maintained and grounded and rooted into the earth.

After your meeting with them, you can do a little detox grounding by having your hands on the earth and your feet on the earth at the same time and just feel the negative energy go to the earth and then come the positive energy come back into you.

5. Detox Your Energy

Detox your energy after you spend time with an energy vampire immediately after being or talking with them.

  1. Detox with water. Take showers with himalayan salts, baths with epsom salts. You can take a swim if possible.
  2. Apply Frankincense. Take frankincense and rub it in a circular motion on your third eye and also on the crown of your head with the intent of cleansing negative energy. Frankincense is a very very old oil that has been used for thousands of years of clearing out negative energy.
  3. Citrus! Citrus oils are really great. You can put them in the diffuser, put them in your hands, smell the citrus oils, you can eat a mandarin and just the smell of citrus helps to clear up negative energy as well.
  4. Sage! You can burn sage in the room that you talked with this person. Even if you talk with them on the phone, get the sage out and burn in that area so you just really clear out the energy.

5. Let go with love

When we keep energy vampires in our lives and continue to allow them to feed off of us, we’re actually enabling them. The best thing to do, is to let them go. Love your energetic vampire from a distance by putting them in this beautiful ball of light and wish them love, happiness and health. Send that energy ball into the light.

Share in the comments below what you implemented from this post and what results you found.

If you like this post, you may also like, Take Charge Using the Law of Vibration, where I talk about the law of vibration and what you can do to raise your vibration.

Sending tons of love and high vibes! Ciao.

The post What Are Energy Vampires and How to Deal with Them appeared first on High Vibe Biz & Life.

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3 Things to Let go of to Raise Your Vibration https://heatherkayebizandlife.com/3-things-to-let-go-of-to-raise-your-vibration/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=3-things-to-let-go-of-to-raise-your-vibration https://heatherkayebizandlife.com/3-things-to-let-go-of-to-raise-your-vibration/#comments Sat, 06 Feb 2021 20:34:16 +0000 https://heatherkayebizandlife.com/?p=14633 The post 3 Things to Let go of to Raise Your Vibration appeared first on High Vibe Biz & Life.

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3 Things to Let go of to Raise Your Vibration

Feeling weighted down with negativity? In this post, discover three things to let go of to raise your vibration instantly. It is a lot easier for us to rise higher when we let go of what is keeping us down.

Unfamiliar with the law of vibration and that you are in control of your personal vibrational frequency? Be sure to check out my Law of Vibration blog post here.

Raise your vibration by letting go of victimization

Perhaps you feel like you are in a specific place because somebody did something to you or because the world is the way it is right now or yadda, yadda.

The thing is, you want to change that perspective. You want to tell a different story. Figure out how to tell that story in a way that empowers you. Most importantly, as an infinite creator in a body, you create the life that you want to live. The first step is to empower yourself to not be a victim. Let go of victimhood.

Choose how to change your story around. See it as an opportunity, a possibility to step into
your higher self. Not a way to stay in that low vibe state and to stay there and not move along. Staying in that low vibe state is going to keep you stuck.

So the first thing to let go of, victimization.

Gone say ciao. Ciao to victimization.

Feel better by letting go of talking negatively

Now in this paragraph, I am going to be talking about letting go of gossip in order to raise your vibration instantly, is to avoid talking about people or events in a negative way and complaining.

See it as these repeating over and over, these negative events, negative people or feeling victimized and sharing that with your friends how much you are the victim and can’t believe this person did this to me.

That is ingraining in further and further and further it’s almost like a groove on the record is just getting deeper, deeper and deeper. So in order to not have that happen is just to completely let it go.

Raise your vibration by not repeating drama

Let it go. Don’t talk about it and don’t engage in that activity of talking about that event or those people. If you like to gossip, cut that out. Choose to replace that with talking about what you’re thankful for, “oh what a beautiful day it is today.” As a result, you will start to feel better.

Even if it’s if you feel like there’s nothing you can be thankful for, think, “I’m so thankful I have running water, I can take a shower.”

These are really amazing tips to help you raise your vibration instantly because I’m going to tell you right now even if you had everything that you wanted and you’re still living in the state of thinking negatively, you’re not going to be able to even enjoy what you have around you. You won’t even be able to know what to do with yourself in that situation.

Feel better by being happy now

I know you might think, “oh, that’s not true. If I had everything, I would be a completely happy person.” That’s not the case. I’m sure you’d find something to complain about then too so let’s stop that pattern. Stop the pattern of gossip, talking about negative events, negative aspects of something that happened.

Gossip is kind of a big one to let go of. So if you can just let go of gossip. Let go of talking about something that somebody did to you just let that all go. That all has a real low dark icky vibe and choose to talk about beautiful things and you’ll see your life transform around you.

Raise your vibration by letting go of judgement

Number three kind of goes along with number two and a little bit with number one and that is judgment. Now, this is a pretty big one. Release all judgments on yourself, to stop judging yourself and to stop judging others.

Maybe somebody does something that you don’t approve of or that you wouldn’t do but that doesn’t put you in the place that you can judge that person.

You may think, “Oh, I don’t judge, I really don’t judge,” but you probably do. This is one where we want to delete it completely out.

Perhaps, you are judging yourself even. For instance, you could be judging yourself by thinking that you should be looking better or that you should be losing some weight or you’re judging yourself about the activities that you are choosing to do in a day instead of doing something else.

Okay, you’re judging yourself, you’re putting yourself at a really high bar perhaps and you expect others to be in that same place with you.

Feel centered by practicing acceptance

How to replace judgment is through acceptance. By accepting yourself and others has the power to release judgment. Accept the situation for what it is, not to judge the situation or to think it should have been something different. The underlying aspect of accepting yourself of accepting others around you and releasing that judgment can really transform your life.

So, those are my three tips to raise your vibration instantly.

To recap: Let go of victimization, talking negatively and judging yourself and others can help you raise your vibration instantly. Choose to fill in with standing in your power,
changing your perspective and fill in with talking positively and fill in with acceptance.

For a limited time get my Raise Your Vibration Guide to help you and help all of us on this planet to raise our vibration.

Be sure to leave a comment below on what you are choosing to let go of to raise your vibration.

Take care and I’ll see you in the next post. Ciao.

The post 3 Things to Let go of to Raise Your Vibration appeared first on High Vibe Biz & Life.

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Transmute Negative Emotions and Raise Your Vibration https://heatherkayebizandlife.com/transmute-negative-emotions-and-raise-your-vibration/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=transmute-negative-emotions-and-raise-your-vibration https://heatherkayebizandlife.com/transmute-negative-emotions-and-raise-your-vibration/#comments Fri, 18 Dec 2020 15:11:28 +0000 https://heatherkayebizandlife.com/?p=14313 The post Transmute Negative Emotions and Raise Your Vibration appeared first on High Vibe Biz & Life.

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Raise Your Vibration, Transmute Negative Emotions & Feel Better Instantly

Discover how to raise your vibration, transmute negative emotions and feel better instantly using the law of vibration.

Once you understand what I‘m going to teach you in this post, you’ll most likely have a completely different perspective on how to go about your day-to-day life.

Did you know that you can easily transmute your negative emotions with the law of vibration?

If you want to think about how to make changes in your life, how to transition, how to develop self-growth, how to stay aligned, how to connect to your higher self, you want to think in terms of vibration and the law of vibration. 

Don’t want to read? Watch the video here.

You may have heard about the law of attraction. Became really popular after the movie “The Secret” but there’s something actually before that law. The law of attraction is like attracts like and if you want to attract more happiness in your life, you want to have more happiness in your life and if there’s a lot of negativity in your life you’re going to be attracting negative situations and negative people in your life. 

That’s how the law of attraction works in a nutshell. Like attracts like. It is basically like a magnet.  

However, The law of attraction is number two and the number one universal law is law of vibration. The law of vibration is the way you can actually manipulate the law of attraction and be in control over the law of attraction.

So what is the law of vibration?

We as human beings, every single person has a vibration. Everything in this world is made up of vibration. The chair, the stool, the stand, everything around you, all of this has vibration and we are vibration.  Now, when we are feeling emotions, low emotions and negative emotions, that means our vibration is in a lower place. When we are happy, when we’re joyful, when we’re full of love, our vibration is higher and in a higher place.  Why is this so important? Well, when we are in a higher state of vibration, we can align ourselves to what we want in our life. If we want to have more abundance in our life, then we want to feel abundant and have our vibrational frequency be that of abundance and not that of lack. When we’re abundant we’re not going to be feeling sad or wanting. We are going to feel like we have everything around us that we can want and have. 

Let’s put some numbers to this.

In David Hawkins book, “Power Versus Force,” he talks about the Scale of Consciousness.If you’re interested in the book, you can order it here

How to Transmute Negative Emotions with Law of Vibration

So as you see, the bottom of the Scale of Consciousness is shame and that comes in at about 20. The vibrational frequency of that would be 20. Guilt comes in at 30. So when we’re feeling guilty about something, that’s a very low vibration. As you can see, these emotions as they go higher, we have apathy, fear. Every time we feel fear, our vibrational frequency dips dramatically. Whenever we feel fear, guilt, shame, we are at a low vibe. As you can see on the chart with these numbers, desire, anger, and pride, we’re working up the scale of consciousness and courage comes in at 200.

Raising Our Vibration for the Greater Good

If we took the vibrational frequency of humanity on the earth right now, it is coming in at about 200 at courage which is pretty exciting with all the negativity that’s going on. It’s balancing out with people that have the higher vibration. Everything is balancing out at 200.

Now you can easily see the strategy of how to transmute your negative emotions with the law of vibration, right? It is a matter of moving into a higher feeling vibration. Not only is it important for you to raise your vibration, it’s important for all of humanity. Think of it as we’re doing this not only for us, we’re doing it for humanity at this time. Especially at this time it’s super super important that we keep our vibrations high so that the people around us, we can be examples to the people around us and have that a ripple effect where other people start to raise their vibrations as well.

Raise Your Vibration by Letting Go

Now you may find as you raise your vibration, as you’re holding that higher vibration, things are going to fall and drop away. If you have a fear of letting go, that’s actually going to stop you from raising your vibration. You’re going to keep it lower because you’re afraid of situations actually falling away and people falling away because that’s kind of scary but that is what happens and that is what will happen. People that are attracted to you for a more negative vibration are not going to want to be around you if you’re feeling pretty good about yourself or feeling happy but the good side of that the flip side is that you’re going to start to attract people that are at your vibration. So when you keep your vibration higher, you’re going to start attracting people at that new vibration of where you’re at. 

Transmute the negative emotion of fear with the law of vibration and move into a higher vibration.

Raise Your Vibration with Vibrational Awareness

Raise your vibration just by letting go of the negative charge. Neutrality ranks in at 250. Neutral is a pretty good place to be. If you have no feelings one way or the other and you’re just neutral, that is 250.

Willingness, when you’re willing to help somebody, that raises your vibration. Volunteering, being willing to help when somebody asks you for something and you’re willing to do it, that ranks in at 300. 

Raise Your Vibration with Acceptance

Acceptance ranks in at 350. If you think about acceptance, this is acceptance of your current situation, acceptance of your reality, acceptance of who you are, acceptance of you, acceptance of the people around you, acceptance is really, really powerful because with acceptance we are letting go of resistance. Resistance to a situation, resistance to a person, it’s more accepting, yeah, that happened instead of having a reactive response of resistance, really, really resisting something that happens. So acceptance is very important. Never underestimate the power of acceptance. Especially accepting of yourself. Acceptance is allowing yourself to see the situation for what it is in the present moment. It’s accepting the present moment and that’s a pretty powerful place to be. Reason is 400 and what’s so exciting is that love is at 500. So love we think about our heart chakra and we think about our heart and just feel that love radiating out that just feeling love for somebody. Now, this is a healthy kind of love that comes in at 500.

Raise Your Vibration with Love in the Morning

A great way to help encourage and have more love in your life is every morning when you wake up as part of your morning routine before you even get out of bed is feel compassion and love. For people around you, for your pets and this kind of ties into gratitude as well. You know to feel that love and to feel thankful. You can even create an energetic love bubble and just fill it up with so much love and put everybody in there. Loving and giving love raises your vibration. So a great way to shift your energy when you dip down into these lower energies of shame fear guilt is to go hug your pet. Pets have beautiful energy, dogs, cats whenever you’re feeling low just go give them a hug. If your cat will let you and share that positive high vibe. 

Above love we have joy. When you feel joy, just so happy and joyful, that actually ranks even higher than love, that’s at 540. Peace is at 600. Peace is pretty powerful. As you see, it’s ranking really high in the Scale of Consciousness and then finally from 700 to 1000, that’s enlightenment. 

How can you use the scale of consciousness to help raise your vibration?

First off, just being aware of it and having the knowledge of the fact that we are all vibration and that we can help kind of tune ourselves up. Just like the strings on an instrument, we need to tune ourselves up. So one of them can get out of tune, we just need to tune it up. If you think of it like the moment you dip down into the fear, shame, guilt, energy, it’s just like one of your strings just got a little out of tune and we all we need to do is just tune it up and how we do that is actually involving ourselves in high vibe activity.

Harnessing the Power of Gratitude to Shift Your Frequency

The fastest way to tune up your personal vibrational frequency is gratitude. Any moment that you dip down into these lower feelings, is to be grateful. For example, say you’re going for a drive and the car breaks down. Be grateful that the car broke down because maybe, one, you need a new car and that’s just the Universe saying “hey, you know it’s really time to get that new car.” Two it could be because there’s an accident ahead or something happens ahead and so this is just stalling you from experiencing something even worse.

Be grateful for even the negative situations in your life and how they can be used for a positive. Every negative situation has a seed for positive.

Transforming Negative Situations Into Positive Energy

Just like a string on the instrument, if it gets out of tune you now know how to tune it up by high vibe activities, using gratitude, going for a swim, going for a walk in nature, hugging your pet. These ways you can start to just get yourself out of that negative emotion, that low vibe and get back up into the higher vibe.

If you want to fast track your vibrational energy as an alignment to your higher self, discover my vibrational attunement/wellness studio package here.

When you do dip down into the lower vibrations, don’t beat yourself up for it. It’s okay. We are all human. It is completely natural to dip down but we hold the power to come right back up. Now that you are starting to understand the law of vibration, you can help yourself out by doing just that, by raising your vibration and I am here to help you every Wednesday at 8AM CST, I will be posting videos on my youtube channel tips and tools on how you can raise your vibration. SUBSCRIBE HERE.

Sending tons of love, magic gratitude, and peace your way. 

The post Transmute Negative Emotions and Raise Your Vibration appeared first on High Vibe Biz & Life.

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