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Why You May Be Seeing Repeating 2s 222

Are you seeing the number 222 everywhere? Are you wondering what does this mean? In this post, discover why you may be seen repeating 2s, 222 and what meaning it has for you.

We can find the number two around us everywhere signified in Duality: hot-cold, wet-dry, yin-yang, male-female, day-night, black-white, and positive and negative. 222 consists of the number two and 22 or the number 22 and two.

The Master Number 22

The number 22 is one of three Master numbers: 11, 22, and 33. Master numbers hold powerful energy. The number 22 is a number of power and accomplishment, encouraging you to work on your spiritual path and life purpose.

Message from Angel Number 222

Angel number 222 encourages you to take a balanced and harmonious approach to life. The message is is to keep the faith and stand strong in your personal truths. Angel number 222 is reminding you to keep up the good work. Your manifestations are coming to fruition.

Seeing 222, Reminder all is well

When you see the number 222 during a moment of conflict, take it as a sign to step back and handle the situation calmly. Avoid reacting impulsively, and trust that everything will align for the highest good of everyone involved. This is the time to stay composed and take positive action.

If needed, step away and focus on a different activity. Engage in something else to redirect your energy, allowing the situation to settle naturally. Harmony will return, and your relationships will likely grow stronger as a result.

Seeing the number 222 serves as a reminder that things will turn out for the best. Resist falling into negativity and believe that spirit is actively working to resolve everything for the highest good of all involved.

Getting to know your intuition better

Angel number 222 adds up to the number six. When we break it down—two plus two plus two, we get three twos. This also equals three plus three, creating a perfect balance. The number six is associated with love, passion, and nurturing your home life, enhancing the environment around you.

222 message: You are in the right place at the right time

When you see 222, know that you’re in the right place at the right time.

Call upon the energy of 222 for balance

When needed know that you can always call upon the vibrational energy of number two for balance, harmony and fulfillment.

The energy of number two can be called upon as well if you’re feeling lonely know that you are never truly alone.

222 is connected to archangel Uriel

As we know, every number holds a specific vibration, which can be connected to archangels. Each archangel governs the vibrational frequencies of specific numbers.

For the number two, we have the archangel Uriel. Uriel helps us manage feelings of loneliness we sometimes experience, encouraging us to appreciate our own company and love ourselves.

If you’re Seeing Repeating 2s 222, it could be a gentle reminder from Archangel Uriel to embrace self-love and appreciate your own company during moments of loneliness.

If you find yourself feeling sad or alone or know somebody else that is experiencing those feelings, call upon Archangel Uriel for guidance, and this Archangel will help you remind you of how special you truly are and know that the treasure is within you.

Sending you so much love. Feel free to download my Raise Your Vibration Guidebook to help you keep your vibrations high. Ciao.

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Discover Why You Keep Seeing 1212 Mon, 26 Sep 2022 20:59:26 +0000 The post Discover Why You Keep Seeing 1212 appeared first on High Vibe Biz & Life.


Discover why you keep seeing 1212

Are you seeing the number 12 12 everywhere and you are wondering what is going on? In this post, discover reasons why you keep seeing the number 1212 and what message it has for you.

You may be seeing 1212 on a clock, up in the right-hand corner of your computer, it may be popping up in odometers, or basically anywhere you see numbers. You may be coming across 1212 and you’re wondering why am I continuing to see 1212.

1212, a powerful number

The number 1212 carries a vibration of joy, contentment, and prosperity in your life. Its presence signifies that you are blessed. This is a message from your angels, Spirit guides, and loved ones who have passed on, encouraging you to stay focused on your highest expectations. They are working behind the scenes to help you manifest your desires into your present reality.

1212, a powerful sign

1212 is a powerful sign for you to step out of your comfort zone and to follow those passions, dreams and desires that you’ve had that you haven’t acted upon. It’s time to clear out the fear and the apprehension that is blocking you from starting those projects. Know that you are fully supported to go in that direction of your dreams.

Believe in yourself

When you see 1212 believe in yourself, in your natural skills and talents. Discover how you can use your natural skills, gifts and talents to their utmost potential in service of yourself and of those around you.

1212, manifestation message

1212 is a message for you to discover how to use positive affirmations and visualizations consistently to help you manifest the desired outcomes into your present reality.

Like attracts like. Where your focus goes, grows.

The more you focus on your desired end results, the faster that they can pop into your present moment.

Trust all is well

The number 1212 adds up to six, which is equally balanced. The number six in Tarot is the lovers card. It’s time for you to follow your passions without fear and apprehension.

Know that you are supported and that this is your time to take that next step. 

Are you getting in your own way?

When you see 1212, it may be a message that you are on the steps to manifesting your desires, to creating your personal desired reality but there is something that’s stopping the progression.

The number 1212, consists of one, two repeated twice. It’s constantly repeating one two, one two and not moving on to the progressive step number sequence of one two three four.

This may be a sign that you have some resistance to that next step, whether it’s fear, apprehension, or fear of change. 1212 is a sign to let you know to discover ways to clear that energetic blockage that’s stopping you from going forward.

Message of two twelves

1212 is the number 12 repeated twice. Number 12 encourages us to let go of the old habits holding us back and look with optimism to the new. It’s time to change those patterns that prevent progress. Believe that your new opportunities will bring positive changes. Freely replace the old with new and better possibilities.

A sign to beautify

You can start to generate twelve energy by looking around you in your environment. How can you beautify your environment? How can you beautify your home? Discover why you keep seeing 1212 and let it guide you to invite flowers and nature into your immediate surroundings to move this energy along. Number 12 is also a sign for you to remember to put out positivity around you. Have fun getting out of your comfort zone!

For help on how to raise your vibration making the process easier by following the path of least resistance, you can check out my Raise Your Vibration Guide where you’ll find tips on how you can increase your vibrational frequency to easily attract in the desires you want to see in your life.

Happy aligning.

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333 Popping Up Everywhere? Mon, 15 Aug 2022 09:44:52 +0000 

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333 Popping Up Everywhere?

Are you seeing the number 333 popping up everywhere? In this post, discover the vibrational message 333 holds and the meaning it may have for you.

Each number holds a specific vibrational energy. Single digit number three is connected to creativity, abundance, and fertility. Plato saw three as being symbolic of the triangle. The simplest spatial shape.

3’s in music

The vibrational frequency of 333 matches up to the pitch E, but it is a little bit sharp from the traditional E pitch. Of course, this depends on how you’ve tuned your A—whether it’s set to 432 Hz, 440 Hz, or another tuning system. But technically, the frequency of 333 is just a little bit sharp of what we know as the pitch E. This subtle difference in pitch may be part of the reason why 333 is popping up everywhere, as it resonates on a frequency that subtly influences our perception of harmony and balance in both music and life.

333’s Message

333 is associated with ascended masters. When you see 333, know that supportive and loving energy surrounds you. It’s a great time to believe that your prayers have been heard and are being answered.

333 may be a sign to stay positive and be kind to yourself. Your positivity and your personal vibrational frequency benefit not only you but also others around you. If you keep your vibrational frequency high, others will feel that wonderful energy, helping raise their vibrational frequency too. This helps manifest love, peace, and harmony.

What to do when seeing 333

The number 333 may encourage you to explore how you express creativity in your life and, if you’re not doing so, how you can express it through music, art, singing, or speaking with others.

How are you using your personal talents, skills, and gifts not only to help others but to raise your personal vibrational frequency with high vibe activities? Are you taking that time out of your day to express yourself creatively?

Number 333 may be a reminder for you to live your personal truths, be impeccable with your words, and shine your light. Take note of when you feel your brightest and do more of those activities that light you up.

You may even see 333 when you are on your way to spend time with friends or to have an appointment to express your creativity. I remember the first time 333 caught my eye, right after I was seeing 11:11, and I was on my way to play a gig with one of my favorite cellists. Just playing with him lit me up, and that’s when I started seeing and taking notice of 333—it was actually when I was on my way to an activity that I really loved expressing myself creatively with another person.

If you have found that the numbers are really popping up for you and you want to have more in-depth training on how to understand the number messages that you’re receiving, you’ll love my course Your Vibrational Code Deciphered. Know Your Numbers, Heal Your Life. We go deep into your personal vibrational frequency, the numbers that you’re seeing, the messages that you’re receiving and how to decipher them for you.

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5 reasons why you keep seeing repeating numbers Mon, 08 Aug 2022 12:53:15 +0000 The post 5 reasons why you keep seeing repeating numbers appeared first on High Vibe Biz & Life.


5 reasons why you keep seeing repeating numbers

Do you keep seeing repeating numbers and wonder why? What is going on?

Have you found that you’re more aware of number patterns around you? You start to see some uncanny coincidences and synchronicities with numbers appearing on the odometer, the microwave clock, on the clock in your car, on signs, mileage markers, license plates, when you check out at the store, and in other random places.

In this post, discover five reasons why you keep seeing repeating number messages.

How Do You Know There’s a Message for You?

When you keep seeing repeating number patterns, they may appear anywhere and everywhere but how do you know that there is a message for you?

When the same number combination appears in many different places one right after the other. For example, you may have two cars speeding by you and they both have nines and fours on their license plates and then after that, you look down at your odometer and it’s a nine and a four. Then throughout the day you just seeing these repeating combinations of fours and nines. That’s one example. It could be any number and any number combination.

Recognizing Repeating Number Patterns

When you keep seeing repeating number patterns, they may appear anywhere and everywhere but how do you know that there is a message for you?

When the same number combination appears in many different places one right after the other. For example, you may have two cars speeding by you and they both have nines and fours on their license plates and then after that, you look down at your odometer and it’s a nine and a four. Then throughout the day you just seeing these repeating combinations of fours and nines. That’s one example. It could be any number and any number combination.


The first reason you keep seeing repeating numbers is a sign of Awakening to who you truly are. A sign of remembering. It’s the first step in connection to your inner divine.

A Call to Strengthen Your Intuition

Reason number two, seeing repeating numbers maybe a call to strengthen your intuition. Once you start seeing the numbers you think what is going on and you start to research this phenomenon and learn more about receiving messages.

Discover the Energy of Numbers

Number three a call to learn the energy of numbers. To discover that each number has a vibration which may lead you to reason number four.

Learn the Law of Vibration

The beginning of understanding the law of vibration. That everything has a vibrational frequency including you 🙂 To learn more, check out my post Transmute Negative Emotions and Raise Your Vibration.

Receiving Messages

Number five the reason you may be seeing repeating numbers is to receive messages from your Spirit guides, from loved ones that have passed on that want to let you know you’re not alone.

You are being supported and guided through perhaps some difficult transformational times in your life and this is just the beginning of receiving messages.

Be very mindful of your own energetic vibration. Discover when your personal vibration starts to fall low and what tools that you can use to help raise your vibration. Journal what lights you up and take part in those activities every day.

If you are serious about learning more about the vibration of numbers enroll in “Your Vibrational Code Deciphered” online course. Understand more fully number messages, your personal number code and the codes of those around you.

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Are you seeing 11 with other numbers Mon, 01 Aug 2022 13:10:35 +0000 The post Are you seeing 11 with other numbers appeared first on High Vibe Biz & Life.


Are you seeing 11 with other numbers

Are you seeing 11 with other numbers everywhere 211, 311, 411, 511, 611, 711, 811, or 911. In this post, discover a brief overview of 11 with other numbers and perhaps their meaning for you.

Like everything around us, numbers hold energy and each number holds a specific vibration. Let’s first talk about the meaning of number 11. Master number 11 holds the energy of number one twice. The number one symbolizes unity and the origin of all things. A call to shine your light brightly.

When seeing 11 with other numbers for example; 511, the vibration of that first number, in this case, five, is blended through the vibration of master number eleven. You can think of this as light blending through a prism. The energy of five is blended through eleven.

Keep in mind, how you perceive your number messages is truly unique to you.

The following seeing 11 with other numbers message definitions can be seen as a springboard or a foundation for your own personal message. So let’s get started…


211 holds a vibration of new beginnings and new awarenesses connected with somebody on your path.

Look at the changes that are taking place in your life with optimism and not with fear. Only focus on positive outcomes and release negativity to your angels or guides to be transmuted.

If you have a pet, a dog or a cat, go ahead and give them tons of love. They absorb negative energy and transmute it to positive.

211 is a call to listen to your intuition and your inner wisdom. Silence the mind to hear. Take time out to meditate so you can clear the space of new information to come in.


Abundance. Creativity. You are an abundant being at your core. You’re an infinite being in a body with limitless potential.

It’s just a matter of remembering who you are and releasing anything stopping you from doing so. Your thoughts are manifesting rapidly so stay focused on your happy end results.

The number three is connected with creation. At this time you are on fertile soil. Ask yourself what garden are you creating with your beliefs and your actions.

311 is a call to creativity. Discover ways to express yourself through art and music. Imagine believe create. Never underestimate the power of creation. You are a master creator.


411 the master builder. Have faith that every step you take will reap rewards in the future. You deserve the very best. Keep building and growing.

Don’t allow yourself to stay confined within a box. Take your solid foundation and shine.

You are blessed by the angels. Believe and ask for the answers that you’re needing and you will receive them in divine timing. Expect miracles.


Change brings about transformation. When you see 511 repeatedly, it may be a sign to be flexible in all situations.

Your angels and guides are supporting you with love and healing. You may be in a time of transition and this number is letting you know that you are being supported.

Remain courageous and positive and know that the changes taking place will always have your best interest at heart.

This is a sign that it’s time to foster a good sense of humor, to remain positive and courageous. Allow any old negative belief patterns to be released and it’s time to program yourself with some new better-operating programs.

Let go, relax and go with the flow.


When you see 611, it may be a sign to take time out for your creative projects. Have fun redesigning a space in your home. Learn how to create a supportive environment that will be supporting you and your needs.

Make positive changes in your environment to help you raise your vibration and all those that are around you. Express love freely. With that in mind, I love you and appreciate you. Namaste.


When you’re saying 711, it may be a call for you to start to develop your intuition and find ways to make it even stronger.

This may be a sign for you to know that you are on a new spiritual path and that it will have lots of benefits for you and for those around you.

When you see 711, it’s a sign that you’ll be receiving information on what detailed steps you need to take on your path.

Prepare yourself to receive the information through meditation just to clear your mind so you can create that space to allow your intuition to come forth.

It is imperative when you see this number to operate at a high vibrational frequency and to take time out in your day for energetic hygiene. Think about it as energetic showers.

Just like you physically take a shower every day, it’s good to clear out your vibrational energy as well with an energetic shower.

It’s a great practice to have a daily energetic hygiene practice and if you’re looking for information on how to exactly do that and what guidelines or what is the structure of a daily energetic hygiene practice, you may enjoy my Powerfully Aligned Daily Manifestation and Energetic Hygiene Manual.

711 may be a sign for you that it’s time to put your psychic abilities to use and help others in need. Positive information is on its way.


Eight is one of my favorite numbers, if not my absolute favorite number. If you’re seeing 811 repeatedly, it may be a sign that positive changes will be taking place in your business.

Abundance is imminent. You are on the right path for the results that you desire.

In your business, you have made wise choices that have brought you to this point today. You will have more than enough to help others around you with ease and grace. 811 is a sign for you to live your life on your own terms.

You are a leader of your life and you know deep down what is best for you to operate on all cylinders. You are the boss of you. Remember to look within for answers and to practice healthy assertiveness.

Lead by example.


911 may be a sign for you to step into a healing role in your life to help others. You may have natural healing abilities. Take the knowledge that you have from within and be the beacon to those around you.

A new door may be opening as a result of completion of a previous project. This is a good time to declutter anything that is not serving your highest good.

I would love to hear from you. Let me know in the comments if you have been seeing 11 with other numbers and what message have you received.

Happy Aligning,

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Why You May Be Seeing Your Birthday Numbers Repeatedly Mon, 25 Jul 2022 13:17:41 +0000 The post Why You May Be Seeing Your Birthday Numbers Repeatedly appeared first on High Vibe Biz & Life.


Why You May Be Seeing Your Birthday Numbers Repeatedly

Are you seeing your birthday numbers repeatedly? For example, if your birthday is September 30th you’re seeing 9 30. In this post, discover seven reasons why you may be seeing your birthday numbers repeatedly.

1. A Call to Receive Number Messages
If you’ve been noticing your birthday numbers repeatedly, one possible reason is that it could be a call to receive messages through numbers. These numbers are not just random occurrences; they are signs from spirit guides, angels, or even family members who have passed on. When you see repeated numbers like 1111, 444, or 333, it’s often an indication that a message is being sent to you. Therefore, it’s important to pause and pay attention when you notice these repeating numbers, as they are communicating with you.
In addition, these numbers can help you open up to receiving valuable insights from the spiritual realm. So, when these numbers appear, embrace them as a divine message meant to guide you.

2. A Sign You Are Aligning with Your Higher Self
Another reason for repeatedly seeing your birthday numbers is that they are a sign you are aligning with your higher self. If you’ve been noticing these numbers for some time, it’s likely that you’re on a path of personal development and spiritual awakening. In fact, seeing your birthday numbers frequently is a reminder that you are heading in the right direction. You are reconnecting with your true nature, aligning with your higher purpose, and stepping into your authentic self.
Moreover, this alignment is not just about external achievements; it’s about reconnecting with who you truly are. You are becoming more attuned to your soul’s calling and divine purpose, which is incredibly empowering. So, embrace this process of transformation and stay true to yourself as you continue on your spiritual journey.

3. A Call to Explore the Energy of Numbers
Seeing your birthday numbers repeatedly could also be signaling that it’s time to explore the deeper energy of numbers. Numbers carry a unique vibration that can reveal insights about your life and purpose. For example, learning about your life path number, which is derived from your birth date, can provide profound understanding of your soul’s journey.
In addition, understanding the meanings behind the numbers you see can help you connect the dots between your life experiences and the messages being sent to you by the universe. Consequently, this is an excellent opportunity to explore numerology and discover how the energy of numbers is guiding you. You might even want to schedule a numerology reading to get deeper insights into how these numbers relate to your life path.

4. A Call to Connect with Your Inner Child
Another possible reason you may be seeing your birthday numbers repeatedly is that the universe is encouraging you to reconnect with your inner child. The inner child represents the part of you that is pure, joyful, and untainted by the experiences of the world. Reconnecting with this part of yourself can be incredibly healing and transformative.
When you reflect on your childhood, you might recall the excitement and joy you felt during birthday celebrations. These numbers can be a reminder to embrace that joy and innocence once again. By doing so, you reconnect with your creativity and the lightheartedness that often gets lost in the adult world. Every time you see your birthday numbers, take a moment to celebrate who you are at your core and invite that joy back into your life.

5. A Call for Self-Love and Exploration
A fifth reason you may be seeing your birthday numbers frequently is a call for self-love and self-exploration. If you’ve been focusing too much on external obligations and neglecting your own needs, these numbers may be reminding you to take care of yourself. It’s time to stop putting yourself last and prioritize activities that bring you happiness and fulfillment.
Whether it’s taking time for a favorite hobby, practicing mindfulness, or simply resting, make time for what nourishes your soul. You deserve this. Furthermore, engaging in self-love helps you recharge and better show up for others in your life. Every time you see your birthday numbers, think of it as a gentle nudge from the universe to focus on your well-being. Embrace the importance of taking care of yourself first, as it will enable you to live a fuller, more balanced life.

6. A Cycle or Phase Is Coming to Completion
Another possible reason for repeatedly seeing your birthday numbers is that a cycle or phase in your life is coming to completion. You may be nearing the end of a project, relationship, or even a long-standing goal, and these numbers act as markers for the transition. As one chapter closes, another opens.
Moreover, seeing your birthday numbers during this time serves as a reminder that you are completing something significant and stepping into a new phase of growth. This could mean a career change, a shift in personal life, or even a geographical move. Therefore, seeing these numbers is not only a sign of completion but also of new beginnings. Trust that these transitions are part of your soul’s evolution and embrace the opportunities that come with them.

7. A Call for Gratitude
Finally, seeing your birthday numbers repeatedly could be a call for gratitude. These numbers are gently nudging you to reflect on the blessings in your life, both big and small. Expressing gratitude shifts your energy toward positivity and abundance, which in turn attracts more blessings into your life.
Whenever you see your birthday numbers, take a moment to pause and reflect on what you are grateful for—your health, your loved ones, the beauty of the world around you, and the opportunities you have. The simple act of gratitude can raise your vibration and create more harmony in your life. As you do this, you’ll feel more connected to the world around you and more at peace with yourself.

The next time you encounter your birthday numbers, ask yourself which of these seven reasons resonates with you. Reflect on the messages these numbers are sending and allow them to guide you. Embrace the journey and the growth that comes with each step.

For more information on the topic, check out this article: 5 Reasons Why You Keep Seeing Repeating Numbers.

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Why You May Be Seeing Repeating 4s, 444 Sun, 03 Jul 2022 12:00:33 +0000 The post Why You May Be Seeing Repeating 4s, 444 appeared first on High Vibe Biz & Life.


Why You May Be Seeing Repeating 4s, 444

Are you seeing repeating 4s, 444, 44 on clocks, odometers, speedometers, on your phone, on license plates and/or when you look up on the corner of your computer?

In this post, discover the message behind 444 and what may be the message that is wanting to come through to you.

Most likely 4 44 is not your first repeating number sequence that you’re seeing but it may be the first one that’s guided you to research what exactly is this phenomenon of seeing repeating numbers.

Repeating Numbers

Repeating numbers hold the energy of messages. You might just get a little nudge to look at the clock at a specific time or you might just get a little nudge to research why are you seeing 444 and you come across this blog post.

When you start seeing repeating numbers in random places there is definitely a message for you. All numbers have a specific vibrational frequency and in numerology, it is believed that numbers are the carriers of pure and divine energy.

Characteristic traits of the number 4

So let’s get into the number four. Where do we see fours? We see fours on four wheels of a car. We see fours, four strings on a violin, four legs on a table, four legs on a chair.

Where do we hear 444?  444 is believed to be the frequency of angels. Click on the video to the right to take a listen to 444.

Characteristic traits of the number 4

The number four is a number that represents the four elements that we have air, fire, earth and water.

The number four also represents the four seasons, so we have winter, spring, summer, and fall.

We have the number four in the four directions North, South, East and West. It shows up quite a bit, the number four.

Meaning of Number 4

The number four symbolizes equality, bearing of weight, stability, security, foundation, traditional values, system and order. In numerology the number four is the ability to focus in on a project.

So if you’re working on something and you’re having a difficult time, just invite in the energy of number four to help you out.

Seeing 444

Seeing 444 is when we actually see three fours in a row. When we see repeating numbers, that number is magnified because we’re seeing it more than once. 444 magnifies the energy of the number four at least three times.

444 is connected with the frequency, the vibrational frequency of angels. When you see 444, you’re surrounded by the energy of angels or loved ones that have passed on. They are encouraging you to stay on your path, keep it up, keep up the great work. Great job!

Take note when you are seeing the number 444 of what exactly you are doing. Seeing Repeating 444 is a great time to take a breath, be thankful, and invite in the energy of intuition.

Clear your mind, clear the clutter, and get focused. I also love this exercise of taking a breath with four pulses in and four pulses out so as soon as you see 444, clear your mind and breathe in positive energy with four pulses on one long breath, followed by breathing out the negativity four pulses in one long breath.

What to do when seeing 444

So what to do when you see 44? Gratitude amplifies the magnitude, so be thankful for seeing 444.

When seeing repeating 444, connect to your intuition and clear out that negative energy that you may be harboring.

Know that you’re being supported, loved, and cheered on the steps that you’re taking in that positive direction of aligning yourself to your true intentions.

Believe that everything that you have done in the past, everything in the present moment, and everything that you are preparing to do is safe and well and in alignment to your dreams.

Seeing 444 is a message that you have nothing to fear. All is well. Just ask and receive.

Think, let it go, be in flow, ask and you shall receive.

Seeing 444 while feeling down?

So what if by chance you see the number 444 but you’re really not in a good place? You might be in a lower vibrational energy and kind of bummed out.

When we have worrisome thoughts, that actually repels the abundance that 444 is bringing. So if you do have those worrisome thoughts when you see repeating 444, it’s a sign to change your thinking and to get on track.

Number 444 is letting you know you have a divine connection with the angels and with loved ones that have passed on. It is basically an angel hug!

You’re supported and loved.

Over time, as you tune in more and more, you’ll find you suffer less and less with worry or anxiety. You’ll trust all will work out well, and often you’ll find it works out better than you could ever have imagined!

All is Well

In October 2021, 444 was following me around. It was right before I took a jaunt to Portugal for three months and on the same day I woke up at 4:44 in the morning. I received a package in the mail stamped 4:44. I had a client of mine who asked me what time is it there in Bulgaria and I said 4:44. It was 4:44 when the question was asked.

Seeing 444 right before my trip to Portugal was a great sign for me to know that my trip to Portugal was definitely at the right time and that I had nothing to fear and to keep on going.

 Be thankful that your vibrational frequency is at that point where you start to see numbers and waking up to the alignment of your true nature.

Seeing repeating numbers is a door opening for you to receive new information and new perspectives on who you truly are.

You may really enjoy my course on your vibrational code deciphered. Discover what is your vibrational code that you came to this earth with, how to work with that code and how to use that information in your relationships with others and with your family.

Happy aligning.

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Seeing 11:11? What to Do? Sat, 20 Feb 2021 19:48:34 +0000 The post Seeing 11:11? What to Do? appeared first on High Vibe Biz & Life.

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Seeing 11:11? What to Do?

Are you seeing 11:11, 1:11, 10:10, 414, 555? Repeating numbers? Perhaps you’re actually waking up at the same time every single night. Do you feel that these numbers are haunting you? Well, let’s get into this and talk about what exactly is this phenomenon. Let me know in the comments below if you’re actually seeing 11:11 at this time of your life or have in the past.

You’re probably thinking what the heck? These numbers are following me around. What is going on? In this post, I’m going to talk about what is the 11:11 phenomenon, why is it happening, what does it mean and what should you do.

What is the 1111 Phenomenon?

The phenomenon of seeing 11:11 is obviously when you see 11:11 everywhere. You see it on the clock, you see it on your phone, you see it on the end of a youtube video, you see it on license plates.

I first started seeing 11:11 January 1st 2011. I sent an email out to my colleague exactly at 1:11 on January 1st, 2011. 

Seeing other repeating numbers

You may not just be seeing 11 or 11:11 or 1:11, you may actually be seeing other patterns of numbers. Perhaps 414 or 555 or 222.

What does this mean when you start to see repeating numbers? This is the first step in the process of awakening. It is an energetic door that is opening up. 

Make a wish

You may have heard well, “Make a wish. When you see 11:11.” The reason for that is because at that moment you see 11:11, your thoughts are super, super powerful.

If you understand the law of attraction and manifesting, 11:11 is like your sign to check in with your thoughts. Are you thinking positive thoughts because your thoughts create your reality. 

Your thoughts create your reality

The reality that you’re living at this moment, you created with your thoughts of the past. If you’re not liking your reality, you are the creator of that reality. You can change it by changing your thoughts.

Your thoughts are energy. They’re like bullets of energy to create your reality so if you’re not thinking high vibes thoughts, you may find that around you is not so high vibe.

Seeing 1111 is your calling to your higher self

11-11 is a calling from Universe, from Source, from God, whatever word you want to put on the higher being. This is the calling for you to step into your new reality.

Seeing 1111 is a calling for you to learn something new. As a result, you’re not going to be the same person you were before you started seeing 1111. Things are going to start to shift and to change and you’ll start to evolve more and more and more as a vibrational being.

You see you are an infinite vibrational being in a body and you’re experiencing the human experience. 

11 is a master number

11 in numerology is a master number which signifies insight, intuition and enlightenment. When you see 11:11 on the clock, you’re seeing four numbers that are the same. Unless you live in Europe or you are using a military time clock, the only other number that you’ll see the same will be 22:22. 22 is another master number.

My Seaside flat is 22.

A master number holds a lot of energy. 

Everything is energy.

You are energy and numbers hold energy. Pythagoras says that every number has a different vibrational property. He also said that God is a mathematician and he communicates with us via numbers.

Numbers are the universal language. Seeing 11:11 is your contact from the Universe. The Universe is contacting you through 1111 to see if you’re noticing see if you’re starting to wake up from what you perceive as your reality. Your energetic doorway is being opened. 

When you see 1111 you’re developing a greater awareness to vibration, to spirituality, to law of attraction, to manifestation.

You are starting to wake up to who you really are and the first step is to understand that you are vibration. 

You are vibration

You are a vibrational being. Everything around us is energy and you are energy. Your thoughts, your emotions your physical makeup, the food you eat, everything that you are in a physical form is vibration.

As a result, you are walking music.

What composition are you creating? 

Staying high vibe

It is essential that you stay super high vibe. 1111 is your calling to stay high vibe and keep high vibe thoughts.

To help you out, I put together a free guidebook for you on how to raise your vibration.

For a limited time get my Raise Your Vibration Guide to help you and help all of us on this planet to raise our vibration.

Why is it important to stay high vibe? Your vibration helps you manifest the reality that you desire to have.

You are the master creator in your life and you are a co-creator with your higher self. Your higher self is aligning you to a higher vibrational energy.

1111 is your call to enlightenment

Seeing 1111 is the start of your awakening process. This is only the beginning. That doorway is starting to open up.

You’re going to start to see other patterns and synchronicities come into your life in the form of numbers.

Once Source knows that you’re seeing 1111, you’ll start getting flooded with other number messages.

Why are you seeing 1111? Because you’re being called. It is the time for you to step into your higher self and to raise the vibration of the world at this moment.

Your vibration contributes to the vibration of the planet

Every single step that you take into a higher vibration, helps the vibration on this planet. All the good deeds you do is a ripple effect and it becomes bigger and bigger and bigger like a wave of goodness.

Each thought you think is vibrational energy so keep that in mind.

You want to always choose a higher vibrational thought. When you see 1111, take note of your thoughts, what are you thinking? Are you thinking positive or not.

Seeing 11:11 is your reminder to step into wholeness. This is your time.

We are all one

The number one is one, we are all one. You are coming into your own oneness, oneness with your higher self and eliminating duality.

Hopefully, after reading this post, you realize that you don’t need to freak out. Seeing 11:11 is a fun phenomenon calling you to your personal enlightenment.

What do you need to do when you see 1111?

Be open to learning.

Now is a great time to start a meditation practice, if you don’t meditate already. Go within to hear those answers that are being given to you. Your intuition is going to be strengthened.

After this moment of seeing 1111, you may also start seeing other signs that pop into your life, not just numbers.

Perhaps you start taking note of a sound of an owl. You may see repeatedly falcons flying in the sky letting you know that there is a bigger picture. No need to get stuck in the smallness of things.

Spend more time in nature and really take that opportunity to go within. As a result, you will raise your vibration. This is your calling. This is your time to go into awareness in the present moment.

Most importantly, observe and accept that this is going on you’ll start seeing other numbers like 12:34, 123 345, 456.

These are signs that you’re on the steps of ascension, you’re on the right track.

What to expect next?

More numbers! After you start seeing the numbers, they’re not going to stop. You’ll just start seeing different number patterns.

When the Universe starts to see that you’re understanding the language of numbers, you will start to see even more complicated number patterns. Maybe you’ll start seeing fives and threes together or ones and sevens. You will start seeing these number combinations repeatedly and you’ll know that that is a specific message from the Universe.

While I was preparing for this video, I saw on the clock 11:22. Two master numbers one right after the other. As I finished filming the video, I saw 12:03.

Whenever you have a zero with other numbers, that is an energy amplifier and it amplifies every number around it. 

Learn how to understand your number messages, navigate your life & biz on the fast-track to success and discover a life of opportunity lived in tune with your numbers.

Discover my Numerology for Beginners Online Course here.

Stay High Vibe and I’ll see you in the next post. Ciao.

The post Seeing 11:11? What to Do? appeared first on High Vibe Biz & Life.

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Seeing 11:11, What it Means and What Comes Next Sun, 24 Jan 2021 19:27:49 +0000 The post Seeing 11:11, What it Means and What Comes Next appeared first on High Vibe Biz & Life.

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Seeing 11:11? What it Means and What Comes Next.

Seeing 1111?

Seeing 11:11, 1:11, 2:22, 3:33, repeating number patterns and you are wondering what the heck is going on?

In this post, I am going to talk about this phenomenon and 10 tips on how you can harness the power.

If you are new here, I’m Heather Kaye, High Vibe Biz and Life Coach where I give creative entrepreneurs the steps to build their desired life.

New videos every Wednesday at 8AM CST. Subscribe to my youtube channel and receive weekly tips on how you can raise your vibration in biz and life to effortlessly attract a life you love.

Don’t want to read? Watch the video here.

Numbers hold vibration

Every single number has a vibrational frequency. Just like everything on this earth. You have a vibrational frequency. I have a vibrational frequency. The room you are in, the chair you are sitting on, the desk, your computer all have a vibrational frequency.  Everything is made up of energy and has a vibrational frequency and numbers are not to be excluded.

The number one has a vibrational frequency of new beginnings, of a new start, something fresh, something different.

10 tips on how you can harness the power of seeing 1111

Seeing 11:11 is a calling out to get your attention to say, “Hey, you know what you are not alone and this is the beginning of your awakening.” A door is being opened up to something different than what you were experiencing before you started seeing 11:11. It’s a calling and it is getting your attention. Which obviously it did, right? You are watching this video.

Seeing 1111 is a fun phenomenon

When I started seeing 11:11 back in January of 2011, I thought wow, this is kind of a fun phenomenon. Then when I started waking up at 3:14 every night for months, I knew there was something going on and I was starting to freak out a little bit. I didn’t have somebody to say, “Heather, hey this is what’s going on. It is pretty exciting.” Because of this, I actually did a lot of searching on my own. At the same time, I started to receive downloads.

Be open to receiving information.

1. Embrace the moment of seeing 1111

First off, embrace the phenomenon of seeing 1111. Love yourself and the 1111 journey. Be excited and grateful that you are seeing 1111. This is actually a very cool thing.

Know that there are millions of other people on this earth that are seeing those numbers too. There is absolutely nothing to be afraid of seeing 11:11 or repeating numbers.

2. Understand 1111

Start to understand the seeing 1111 phenomenon. When you see 1111, a door is opening to your ascension. You are starting your awakening, or ascension, your progression.

Seeing 11:11 is just a sign, a start of something new and beautiful. A beautiful journey where you will start to remember who you truly are and what you came on this Earth to do.

3. Turn on your awareness

Take note when you are seeing 1111. When you see that 11:11 on the clock or on a license plate or on a video, check in with yourself.

Every time you see 1111, you may think of that as a crack in the matrix or a sign that you are on the right path. You may find that time kind of stands still for a second.  It may seem the numbers take forever to change to 11:12. Is it really possible that those numbers on the clock actually are longer than a second or a minute?

Take the time to detach, disconnect and meditate. Now it’s not like you have to meditate for 15 minutes. You can easily connect to Source in under 3 seconds. Just take that time to go deeper to take a breath and relax.

4. Enjoy seeing 1111 with gratitude

Enjoy the moment of seeing 1111. Be grateful. Increase your personal vibrational frequency with gratitude that you are seeing 1111 and receiving messages.

You may find that those numbers are even illuminated or they are blinking at you.

Enjoy it. Have fun with it.

5. Be the yes

New opportunities will be presented to you. Take them. Search out activities that will help you to connect within. A yoga class, meditation, learn about affirmations.

Subscribe to my youtube channel and get high vibe videos every Wednesday at 8AM CST.

Start to take the time to learn something that has been intriguing to you. Start to learn about the law of vibration. Head on over to my blog post Transmute Negative Emotions with the Law of Vibration.

6. Study energy

Start to learn about chakras and energetic healing. At this time it is really important to open up your heart chakra.

Allow yourself to be open. Think of yourself as a vessel and you want to be open to new ideas and connections.

7. Be open to receiving messages

Since you are seeing 1111, you may start to receive and see other symbols in your life. Some specific shapes may start to pop out at you. Perhaps a specific symbol that you have been attracted to for a long time and it is starting to reappear, even animals.

You may find that you start to hear an owl. Different animals will be repeating their images to you whether it’s on TV, whether it’s in a book, whether it’s on the computer. You will start to be drawn to the energy of and vibrational frequency energy of specific animals and they also have a message for you.

The number patterns and number sequences that you see after you have started to see 11:11 may get more complicated. You may see fives and eights together and sevens and ones.

Whatever it is, just have fun learning about the vibrational frequency of numbers because each specific number has a different vibrational frequency and a different message.

This is the time to start learning a little bit about numerology, which is basically understanding the vibration of numbers.

Enroll in my Numerology for Beginners Course here!

8. Let Go

If you are ready to speed up the process imagine yourself being put in the refining fire. Think about the phoenix, the rising of the phoenix. You want to let go of anything that is not serving you. That’s the first place to start.

Declutter. Clean up the energy of the space that you are living in. Only hold on to things that are high vibe energy. What do I mean by high vibe? That they have a positive meaning to you and not one that is keeping you stuck in the past.

This is the time for you to have a rebirth. Redefine who you are. In this present moment you have been molded into what you think is you. This is the time to let things fall away and chip away, get really deep to discover who you are, who you truly are and your limitless potential. All the hurt, all the pain has accumulated on top of you and we need to start to comb that out and let it go.

9. Detox

Start to clear your energy. There are so many different ways we can clear our energy. One of them, besides decluttering the space around you is start to detox your diet. Start to drink more water and eat more vegetables. I know it sounds pretty cliche but it is so true. Fruits and vegetables hold the highest vibration when they are ripe and without pesticides.

Think about different ways you can have fun detoxing your life. If you have a chance to sit in a sauna, use infrared light, to exercise, move, to go take a walk in the park.

Go deep, very deep and discover what your values are at the core, and focus on the truth of who you are.

10. Find Your Triggers

Start to see what triggers you. You know we all have those moments where we can just snap, right? and we dip down from perhaps a higher vibration to a lower vibration and there is something that happened right before that dip. That is a very good sign for you to understand what you need to clear. Study your triggers. Study yourself. You can do this by journalling and when you find out what’s triggered you or that emotion and clear what is triggering you to go into that lower vibration.

Emotional Freedom Technique is a great way start to clear those limiting belief patterns. Even though I get triggered, I deeply and completely love and accept myself. Even though I freak out sometimes, I get scared, I deeply and completely love and accept myself. Even though I am not perfect, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.  That is a quick example of what EFT is  Emotional Freedom Technique. 

Start to learn about these things about how you can clear limiting beliefs. I have a great Facebook group, High Vibe Biz and Life. You can join me there for free monthly energetic learings. If we can clear out the gunk we can fly a lot higher.

You Are a Warrior

If you are seeing 11:11, you chose to come to the Earth at this specific time. You have a warrior spirit and a warrior energy and in this time you chose to come to the earth, you are not fighting a physical war, you are fighting a vibrational war. Think about that every day when you wake up.

Your vibration is number one. Your vibration is the first place to start. Your vibration is the foundation of your life. If your vibration is low, your life is not going to be flowing the way you want to and it is not all about you, it is truly about the collective consciousness of humanity on this earth at this time.

You see, my vibrational frequency, your vibrational frequency, your family’s vibrational frequency, people around you, their vibrational frequency, everybody’s vibrational frequency on this earth is combined into a collective, a collective vibrational frequency on this earth. So we may have some people that are super, super low on their vibrational frequency but we also have people on this earth right now that have super high vibrational frequency and this balances out.

The more we have people raising their vibration, the more you raise you vibration, the more I raise my vibration, the vibrational frequency of the collective consciousness of the whole on this earth is raising and as that happens, as we raise our vibrational frequency, personally things that are not serving us will fall away.

So instead of focusing on those things we want to change and on how bad it is and how horrible it is and just really have that focus on the negative, we want to have the focus on the positive, focusing on the vibrational frequency, focusing on our thoughts to help raise our vibration and the collective consciousness on the earth and on this planet. What will happen, just naturally, without force, those negative things will start to fall away.

Where Are Focus Goes, Grows

Where our focus goes grows and always keep that in mind. Where our focus goes grows. So, if you want more positivity in your life, focus on what is most beautiful and positive in your life.

Cultivate beauty. Cultivate gorgeousness. Cultivate you into who you prefer to be. You are the change that you want to see in the world. Start inside and 11:11 is your calling to do so.

I also have something very special for you. If you want help in raising your vibration, I have an incredible little guide to get you going. It’s called, Raise Your Vibration guidebook and you can get it free by registering below and you will get it in your inbox on very simple daily tips and techniques to raise your vibration.

It’s not easy, I know, it’s not easy but we are here to help each other and I’m here for you. Sending tons of love, light and high vibes your way.

The post Seeing 11:11, What it Means and What Comes Next appeared first on High Vibe Biz & Life.

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