Be Selfish – Make Time for You

Do you feel you never have enough time for your favorite activities? Do you feel that time is just not on your side? What if I told you this is all a self-sabotaging lie.

In this post, discover how to make time work for you and clear your limiting beliefs stopping you from believing that you have more than enough time.

What don’t you have time for?

First, think about what exactly you do not have the time for. If you fill in the blank for this sentence: I never have enough time for…What pops in your mind?

I never have enough time for…

and let’s do another one. I wish I had more time so I can…

what popped in your mind? Share in the comments below. I’d love to hear.

Now I want you to think about what is exactly stopping you from doing those activities. Why are you not allowing yourself to do what you never have time for?

For example, let’s say you want to exercise but you just don’t have enough time in the day to exercise.

Your excuse may be, “Oh I don’t have a membership at the gym. I don’t have exercise clothes.”

What are your excuses from doing what you want to do?

Another popular one is, “If I had more time I would read more.”

What is stopping you from doing that now?

Do you feel you have to finish something else in order to give yourself that gift of time to do what you want to do?

Make, making time for you, your priority

You have your daily tasks. You may believe that you are unable to have time to do what you love because you have more work than what you have time for. You feel that you have to finish something before you allow yourself to have time for your activities.

What happens is days go by, years go by and you never get to what you really want to have time for.

First, give yourself the gift of courage. Think about a lion. Visualize a lion. Give yourself the courage to give yourself the gift of time.

Whatever those excuses are that are stopping you is probably keeping you in a little bit of a comfort zone possibly there’s something you don’t want to address if you allow yourself the time to do that activity. Perhaps it takes a little bit of courage. Perhaps it takes a lot of inertia but you can do it. Just do it.

You are enough. You have enough and that includes time.

Starting now, give yourself the gift of time of at least 15 minutes a day doing that specific activity you think that you never have time for. ❤️ 💗 💘

Share in the comments below what you are going to do. What have you decided your 15 minutes is going to be today?

High Vibe Activities

These activities that light us up, that we typically don’t have the time for, actually help us raise our vibration. They’re what I call high vibe activities.

High vibe activities can be reading that book, doing yoga, exercising, swimming, meditating, practicing your art, drawing, playing an instrument, riding your bike, tapping into the fullness of you, that’s a high vibe activity.

When we do those high vibe activities and if we do them on a daily basis, we start to raise our vibrational frequency. Why is it so important to raise our vibrational frequency? So we feel better, so we feel lighter, so we can help more people.

Prioritize Yourself

You know what? You don’t have to do something else first so that you’re deserving to give yourself that gift of time. You are enough right now to give yourself that gift of time now to do what you want to do.

You no longer need to play the victim or the martyr.

Do you know why? Because it doesn’t work. Perhaps you feel like you have to serve others before you can do something for yourself. Some people find it easier to serve others than to give themselves that gift of time.

What it comes down to is choice.

What are you choosing to do? Where are you choosing to spend your time?

Be selfish! If you fill yourself up first, you will be able to serve others better and longer. Be full of yourself. Fill yourself up with your high vibe activities and what you love.

Put yourself first and you will have so much more energy to give to others.

Stand in the power of you.

Stand in the power of the fullness and the wholeness of you. If you truly want to have the energy to serve others, serve yourself first. Get that massage. Go to the sauna, exercise, practice your art.

Make time work for you

Perhaps you’re one of those people that has a to-do list that’s higher than Mount Everest. When you just look at that to-do list or you think about that things-to-do list, you just put yourself into a feeling and state of overwhelm.

I actually call this phenomenon frozen-whelm and it’s a lot easier to check out, get yourself on the divan with a glass of wine and watch Netflix for hours upon hours than to actually take the first step to do the list.

This is why you have such a huge list is because it’s just a trigger for you to check out. Researchers Robert e Goodin say,

“Those who are overworked, those who have the least free time, largely do it to themselves.”

Prioritize and Streamline

Take out a piece of paper and create three columns. The first column is your brain dump column. Write down everything that you feel like you have to do.

In the second column, only select three high-priority tasks from first column. These are your tasks for today. You don’t have to finish them, you just have to start them or at least take the first step.

Your third column is what you’re going to give to the Universe to do.

You assign yourself three things and the rest is for the Universe.

You may be thinking, Okay how’s that going to really work Heather?”

Well, it works you know why? Because it gets you started on something and it’s allowing the Universe, your angels your spirit guides, your abundance team to work on those things behind the scenes and they will naturally and effortlessly occur and happen.

If not, they’ll fall off the list.

Do that every single day and you’ll be surprised at how things can happen. Things that you feel like are just impossible, that you just don’t even know where to start, or that you just don’t have the information of what to do, you have no idea how to even do it, you’ll find that person is going to pop into your life that may have the answer for you.

You’ll find a YouTube video with an answer for you and slowly you’ll be able to accomplish those things on your list while inflow instead of living in a state of anxiety and overwhelm.

Be grateful for time

Be so thankful and grateful that you have all the time in the world to get what you think you need to have done done. Think to yourself multiple times a day, “I am so grateful and thankful that I have all the time in the world to accomplish what I need to do.”

Remember when you have more, you can give more. When you believe that you have time, you’re going to be able to give more of yourself to others.

Take control of your life. Believe you have time and you will have time.

Give yourself that gift of time with a 15-minute high vibe activity. What are you going to be doing today?

If you love this video, I’m sure you’re going to love my post, 10 Tips to Creating More Time in Your Day.

See you there.

Take care and I’ll see you in the next post. Ciao.

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