Where Your Focus Goes, Grows: What Are You Focusing On in Life?

Where Your Focus Goes, Grows
What are you focusing on in life? There are things we can change and things we cannot. If our attention is stuck in the past or focused on something from the past, it takes away from our present moment. This is especially true when it comes to the energy we direct and the way we shape our lives. Where your focus goes, grows. Focusing on negative thoughts or unresolved issues can keep us stuck in the past, taking away from our ability to create and manifest in the present.

The Importance of Letting Go of Mistakes
As a performing musician, one of the key lessons I’ve learned and often discuss with my students is that when you make a mistake, if you keep thinking about it or dwelling on it while moving forward, it will affect your current performance. Once a mistake happens, you have to let it go, or your mind will get fixated on it, taking away from the moment you are in. Your energy and focus will shift away from the present, disrupting your flow. Where your focus goes, grows, so release the mistake and move forward.

The Direction of Your Focus Determines Your Energy
Hi, I’m Heather Kaye, a violinist and Vibrational Attunement facilitator. I help people align with the life they want to create. The same rule applies to life: where your focus goes, grows. The direction of your focus determines where your energy flows. But what does that mean in practice? You may be familiar with Tony Robbins’ phrase, “Your energy flows in the direction of your focus.” Essentially, the more attention and effort you dedicate to something, the more it grows in your life.

Each morning, ask yourself: are you actively shaping your day, or are you letting circumstances dictate it for you? Are you intentionally cultivating positivity, or are you caught in a cycle of negative thoughts, attracting even more negativity? The direction of your focus determines not just your thoughts but the vibrational energy you emit, which influences the energy you draw in. Where your focus goes, grows.

The Law of Vibration
This ties back to the fundamental truth: where your focus goes, grows. The energy you emit resonates with the world around you, and in return, you attract similar vibrations. This is the essence of the universal law of vibration. Everything in the universe is energy, and it’s constantly moving. By aligning your energy with the right focus, you can start to change your life by raising your vibration.

Focus on Positivity to Attract More Good
If your attention is fixed on negativity, you’ll naturally attract more of it into your life. But when you focus on the beauty around you, the wonder of simply being alive, and the gift of each breath, you create space for even more positivity. The same applies to gratitude—it draws in more of what you appreciate. That’s why it’s essential to direct your focus toward your goals, rather than the fears that hold you back. Where your focus goes, grows, and focusing on positivity will bring more positive experiences into your life.

The Influence of People Around You
Let’s look at this from another angle: the people and situations in your life can influence your vibrational frequency. Jim Rohn famously said, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” Those individuals play a major role in shaping your success. Do they uplift and support you? Do they celebrate your wins? Or are they subtly draining your energy and holding you back?

As a vibrational being, whether you’re aware of it or not, you are constantly picking up on the vibrational frequencies around you. For instance, you’ve probably walked into a room and felt a heavy energy lingering in the space. This is a clear sign that you are attuned to the energies in your environment. The more open you are to these vibrations, the more sensitive you become. Therefore, it’s crucial to be selective about the people you allow into your life and the ones you spend the most time with. Where your focus goes, grows, and the energy of the people you surround yourself with will have a significant impact on your own energy.

Aligning with High Vibrations in Your Environment
This principle applies not just in the physical world, but also in the online world. Think about who you’re following. Choose to follow individuals who radiate high vibrational frequencies so you can absorb their positive energy and feel their uplifting vibes.

Harnessing the Law of Vibration for Your Benefit
How can you harness the law of vibration – where your focus goes, your energy follows – for your benefit? One way is by focusing on beauty. Surround yourself with environments that elevate your vibrational frequency. Engage in activities that bring joy to your heart. I like to think of the word “enjoy” as being “in joy.” So, what brings you joy? Choose those activities that make you feel “in joy” and direct your focus to them.

Shift Your Perspective on Time and Joy
What stories or excuses are you telling yourself that are keeping you from experiencing that joy? Perhaps you think, “I don’t have enough time to do this or to fit it into my day.” In that case, make it a priority — treat that activity as a non-negotiable, non-optional one, and complete it before noon. I go into more detail about this in my Daily Mindset Tips video, which I’ll link in the upper right-hand corner, so feel free to check it out.

Before going to sleep, remind yourself of the feeling you have when engaging in activities that bring you joy, so you’ll be inspired to fill your next day with those moments of happiness. Find the joy in every moment, and actively seek it out. Shift your perspective: instead of thinking, “Oh, I have to go to work or I have to do this,” focus on what you can highlight that will bring you joy.

Make Your Vibrational Energy a Priority
Think to yourself, “I enjoy working with my clients; it’s like having a coffee with a friend.” Focus on bringing more joy into your life. Make your vibrational energy a priority. Where your focus goes, grows. When you keep your vibration high, it will become more effortless. Your vibrational frequency is your most important asset.

Aligning with Your Higher Self
A great exercise is to write down what you envision your life to look like. Picture yourself living through the perspective of your higher self. What does that life look like? Journal your thoughts so that every day, you can align with that vibrational frequency.

I like to think of this as aligning with your higher self, aligning with your true essence. It’s impossible to align with something that you don’t know, so focus on feeling the emotions of what you believe you’ll experience in the future and bring them into your present. This creates a drag-and-drop effect, allowing things to manifest in your life when you practice the exercise of aligning with your true self.

Tuning Your Energy to Attract What You Desire
Let go of anything or anyone that prevents you from staying aligned. Think of it as tuning your energy. If you aren’t living the life you desire, it’s because you aren’t tuned to it. Imagine tuning a violin’s A string to a specific frequency; just like that, you’re living at a particular vibrational frequency, and this is why you’re attracting the things you’re experiencing. To make change effortless, align with the vibrational frequency of what you want to attract. Don’t stress about how it will happen or whether it seems impossible.

Focus on What You Want, Not What You Don’t Want
If you focus on what you want, you’ll attract more of it. However, if you focus on what you don’t want, you’ll attract more of that instead. So, instead of staying stuck in the negative energy of “this isn’t working,” switch to the energy of “this is working.” Naturally, if that relationship or situation is meant to grow, it will; if not, it won’t. But we also need to be willing to release what no longer serves us or what can’t match our higher vibrational frequency.

Maintain Your Vibration with Positive Affirmations
Each morning, take a moment to remind yourself of the life you desire to live, so you can stay in tune with that vibrational frequency. The morning is a powerful time to do this because it sets the tone for your day. Don’t be hard on yourself if you’re not where you want to be yet. Hold faith, and maintain that vibrational frequency as if you are already living that desired life. That’s your only job—holding that frequency.

Use Visualization to Manifest Your Desired Life
So, how can we maintain that vibrational frequency throughout our days? One effective way is by using positive affirmations and visualization to manifest the life you want. You can create personal affirmations that align with your desires, or you can start with basic affirmations to keep yourself in a higher vibrational state.

Focus on Positives to Manifest Quickly
The more you focus on the positives, the quicker they will manifest into your reality. Think of it as your responsibility to be happy, to focus on the good, and to find happiness in every moment. Stay focused on your highest expectations, and the universe will support you. This is the natural law of vibration and the law of attraction at work. You are the magnet for everything you see in your life. What are you choosing to attract?

Learn More About Raising Your Vibration
If you’d like more guidance on how to raise your vibrational frequency, I’ll leave a link in the description below where you can download my Raise Your Vibration Guidebook. It offers deeper insights on how to raise your vibrational frequency every day, and I look forward to seeing you there. Ciao!

Intuition: A soft, still voice

The Power of Your Intuition

The gentle voice of your intuition has the power to stretch you beyond your comfort zone, but never more than you are capable of. It will challenge you, but also support you. It always has your best interests at heart, at every level: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

Guiding You to New Heights

Your intuition will not only gently nudge you in scary directions which will yield huge and unimaginable rewards, but it will also gently nudge you when it’s time to stop or turn around.

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