Why You Keep Seeing 123: 4 Powerful Messages for Your Journey

Seeing the Numbers 123 Repeatedly? Here’s What It Means

In this video, discover four reasons why you may be seeing this number combination. Hi, I’m Heather Kaye, a high-vibe Biz and life coach, here to guide you in creating a high-vibe business and life of your design. Let’s break down these numbers individually.

Number One: 123 as a Sign of New Beginnings and Creative Momentum

When you see these numbers together, it’s a sign of momentum. In fact, they carry the energetic vibration of momentum. You might be wondering, “Okay, that’s great, but what does this mean for me? Why am I seeing these numbers repeatedly?” Well, I’m going to give you four reasons why this could be happening.

Reason One: 123 as a Sign of Progress on Your Path

First, seeing 123 is a sign that you are on the right path. Think of these numbers like pebbles and rocks in a river, each representing one step after another. This is a positive sign. However, this brings us to the next reason.

Reason Two: 123 as a Sign of Blockages on Your Journey

If you’re seeing 123 repeatedly, it might indicate that the fourth step is not being taken. You may have something blocking your progress. So, ask yourself, “What is stopping me from reaching that next level? What is preventing me from finishing that project?”

Reason Three: Clearing the Blockages to Unlock Your Momentum

Now, it’s time to clear whatever is holding you back. Affirm to yourself, “It’s easy, safe, right, and good for me to take that next step. I am protected.” Remember, everything you desire is on the other side of fear and anxiety. So, ask yourself, “What would it take for me to clear what’s stopping me from taking that next step?”

Reason Four: 123 Represents a Time of Moving Forward with Momentum

Lastly, 123 carries the frequency of momentum. This means it’s a perfect time to take that next step, move forward, and continue with your projects.

Bonus: Seeing 1234? Here’s What It Means

If you’re seeing 1234, make sure to check out my video on the reasons why you’re seeing 1234.

Recap: 123 and the Steps on Your Path

To summarize, 123 signifies the steps on your path, which is an excellent sign! But, ask yourself what might be blocking you from moving forward. Then, discover how to clear that blockage. Deep down, you already know what’s stopping you. So, ask, “What would it take for me to clear that blockage?” Take the time to meditate and listen for the answer, knowing that you are protected and ready to move forward.

Have Fun Taking That Next Step!


Intuition: A soft, still voice

The gentle voice of your intuition has the power to stretch you beyond your comfort zone, but never more than you are capable of. It will challenge you, but also support you. It always has your best interests at heart, at every level: physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually.

Just like when you start seeing repeating numbers like 222, your intuition might nudge you in directions that feel a little scary but offer unimaginable rewards. In the same way, it will also guide you when it’s time to stop or turn around, offering the wisdom to help you make empowered decisions.

Want to understand more about the meaning of 222 and how it connects with your path? Click here to read more about why you might be seeing repeating numbers like 222.

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