What Are Energy Vampires and How to Deal with Them

Have you ever found yourself completely drained after talking with somebody to the point of almost being physically ill? Doesn’t matter if you talk to them on the phone or in person? It sounds like you may have an energy vampire on your hands. In this post, I’m going to talk about what are energy vampires and how you can deal with them.

What are energy vampires?

Today we’re taking a little bit to the dark side and talking about energy vampires.  Energy vampires are people that suck your energy dry. Just like a vampire sucks blood, energy vampires know exactly where to go to, who they can feed off of and get energy from somebody else because they’re unable to generate energy themselves.

They have very, very, very low life force so they search out people typically who have a very high life force, a very high vibrational energy and they suck the energy out just like a real vampire sucks blood.

How do you know if you have an energy vampire on your hands?

Some of the symptoms that you would feel after talking with them is extremely tired, like you just want to go to bed and nothing else.

You may actually have stomach issues after talking with this person.

What is not an energy vampire?

An energy vampire is NOT your friend that’s searching out some help in a specific amount of time. Maybe you have a friend that is going through a difficult time and they are coming to you for some compassion and some help.

This is not an energy vampire.

Energy Vampires are Drama Queens!

An energy vampire is somebody who is constantly finding themselves in drama and they’re constantly inviting you into their drama. They constantly are coming to you for help with their drama.

Energy Vampires LOVE to play the victim.

Energy vampires typically have a victim mentality and don’t take charge of creating their own energy. This is why they search it out from other people. They know exactly who can they feed off of and who they cannot. Some energy vampires are aware of what they’re doing and some are not.

How to deal with energy vampires?

The best solution is to completely detox your life from energy vampires; however,  I know that is not always possible.

If you’re not able to detox your energy vampires out of your life completely read on to know what to do.

You may find that after you implement these tips, your energy vampires may just naturally fall away because they’re not able to feed off of you anymore and that’s exactly what we want.

1. Limit Contact

Spend only 15 minutes with your energy vampire and no more. Talk with them, say “You know what? After 15 minutes, I have to run. I can spend these 15 minutes with you today or these 15 minutes with you on Friday but that’s all the time I have.”

Put a border around your time so you have an escape plan. Always have a getaway strategy after 15 minutes. Perhaps you have to run to an appointment or you have something going on. You take the time to meet them before a certain event.

2. Protect Yourself

Always protect yourself with an energetic shield before you talk to your energetic vampire. Before you see them or talk to them on the phone, quickly put yourself an energetic shield.

There’s a lot of different shields you can use but I’m just going to give you two examples for you to choose from.

Energetic Shield Meditation

  1. Connect to the light from above. Feel the light come in through your head and flow to your heart.
  2. Connect to the light from below, from the middle of the earth and also let it flow to your heart, so you’re connected from above and from below.
  3. Radiate out this gorgeous energy .
  4. Put yourself in this wonderful radiant bubble.  You’ll feel it immediately, like once you do that ,you’ll just feel so much love and light.
  5. What we want on the outside of this bubble, is a beautiful robin blue eggshell.
  6. Complete this before talking or seeing your energy vampire.

Disco Ball Shield

The disco ball shield is my favorite because it is super fast and super effective. Climb yourself right into a disco ball. All the mirrors all around reflect back the energy that is projected at you. So when this person, your energy vampire is talking to you, they’re actually being reflected back their own energy.

They’re not getting in contact with your energy. Your energy is completely safe from this beautiful little disco ball and they’re not able to feed off of you.

Now you have two different types of shields you can use before you even talk with the person but do make sure you do it before you talk with them or before you meet with them.

3. Do Not Repeat!

Do not repeat what your energy vampire tells you. Whatever they tell you in that conversation, don’t even repeat it with anybody, okay?

Just seal it up in a little box or an envelope and just send it away and that’s it. It’s done. That energy is not getting repeated and you’re not polluting the energy around you, the atmosphere around you with that energy.

Send it away.

4. Grounding

Ground yourself before you talk with an energy vampire, while you’re talking with them, after you get off the phone with them or after the meeting. Feel yourself grounded to the earth. Feel your feet, the center of your feet grounded to the center of the earth. Embody this beautiful grounding energy at all times.

Keep your your energy maintained and grounded and rooted into the earth.

After your meeting with them, you can do a little detox grounding by having your hands on the earth and your feet on the earth at the same time and just feel the negative energy go to the earth and then come the positive energy come back into you.

5. Detox Your Energy

Detox your energy after you spend time with an energy vampire immediately after being or talking with them.

  1. Detox with water. Take showers with himalayan salts, baths with epsom salts. You can take a swim if possible.
  2. Apply Frankincense. Take frankincense and rub it in a circular motion on your third eye and also on the crown of your head with the intent of cleansing negative energy. Frankincense is a very very old oil that has been used for thousands of years of clearing out negative energy.
  3. Citrus! Citrus oils are really great. You can put them in the diffuser, put them in your hands, smell the citrus oils, you can eat a mandarin and just the smell of citrus helps to clear up negative energy as well.
  4. Sage! You can burn sage in the room that you talked with this person. Even if you talk with them on the phone, get the sage out and burn in that area so you just really clear out the energy.

5. Let go with love

When we keep energy vampires in our lives and continue to allow them to feed off of us, we’re actually enabling them. The best thing to do, is to let them go. Love your energetic vampire from a distance by putting them in this beautiful ball of light and wish them love, happiness and health. Send that energy ball into the light.

Share in the comments below what you implemented from this post and what results you found.

If you like this post, you may also like, Take Charge Using the Law of Vibration, where I talk about the law of vibration and what you can do to raise your vibration.

Sending tons of love and high vibes! Ciao.

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