8 Ways to Declutter your Online Biz

Finding yourself sifting through outdated files and wasting time searching for one file when you have tons of other files that are just in the way? In this post, discover 8 Ways to Declutter your Online Biz.

Why decluttering is important?

In a nutshell, added clutter weighs down your personal energy. If you’re carrying around extra baggage it is time to get that cleared out. You will feel lighter and allows you to fly higher. It helps the energy, helps your personal energy Vibe higher. It keeps the flow of chi going without being stuck with all this extra clutter around you.

Every article has a specific energy. Every piece of clutter or unecessary file has a vibrational frequency. IF this article, file or thought is not serving your highest good it is time to get rid of it.

Keep reading to discover 8 Ways to Declutter your Online Biz.

Finding Treasures

In the process of decluttering, you never know what you’re going to find. You may find an old opt-in that you can turn into a product. You may find an old course or product that you made years ago and you’d never took the time to Market it.

Decluttering is a great way to help sustain what you have going on right now in a very easy way, without having to make more products or take more time to create something new.

You probably have a treasure Trove of products that you can use just hanging out in your files. In the process of decluttering, you may be inspired with new ideas as well.

Creating a consistent declutter strategy

If you haven’t decluttered your business for a while, you probably have some hours of work to do which can be overwhelming just in and of itself.


Create a weekly decluttering strategy!

Time blocking with a timer is an incredible way to keep you focused and consistent. Declare your declutter day of the week…or if you want to set this a daily non-negotiable too that would help you declutter even faster.

Declare your decluttering place!

If the weather is great, take yourself outside. Use the energy of nature to help you enjoy your decluttering process.

Bad weather? Treat yourself to your favorite hot beverage at a coffee shop.

Love working with others? Join an online decluttering party. If you’re interested in joining my decluttering group, head on over to my high Vibe solopreneur Facebook group and you’ll be notified within the group when I have my decluttering time and we can declutter together so you don’t feel so alone in the process. Makes it a little bit more enjoyable.

  • Step 1: Declare day, time, length and location.
  • Step 2: Put it in your calendar.
  • Step 3: Declare what area you’re choosing to declutter.
  • Step 4: Keep track of your declutter progress to feel you have accomplished something. A way to help you feel productive while you’re doing this is to write down the number of files you have decluttered.

For example: if you know your emails before you start and then write down where you ended up so you can see how much you’ve deleted. This keeps you encouraged with a sense of productivity within a specific time frame.

How often to declutter?

Tons of clutter?

Daily in small bits to tame the files.

Not so much? 

You could probably get by with weekly.

Feel you have got your clutter tamed?

Maintain with monthly sessions.

8 Ways to Declutter your Online Biz

These eight areas I’m going to give you are going to help you inspire you what you need to do in your business. I specifically chose these eight areas because they are my hot cluttered places.

1. Google Suite

Do you use Google Suite? Let me know in the comments below.

I use Google Suite for Google Docs, Slides for presentations, and sheets for organization.

I’ve been using Google Docs for years for my students. The declutter process is simple. Go to your drive and start deleting files you no longer need. Click the three little dots in the upper right corner of the file and then click delete.

In the process of decluttering, you may easily organize any files that you will not be deleting.

2. Dropbox

If you use Dropbox, you most likely have a lot of files that can be deleted or organized. I use Dropbox with my students, courses, marketing files, images, stock photos etc. Basically, all files from my online biz that need to be stored. For me, everything is in Dropbox!

These files can also be a Treasure Trove of things that need to be decluttered and at the same time products that could be finished or repurposed.

Don’t have Dropbox? Get it here!  (if you enroll with this link, they give me a bit more storage space.)

Spending a bit of decluttering time in your Dropbox account allows you to reacquaint yourself with your files, and delete all unnecessary or outdated files.

3. eMails

This place gets filled up quick! I don’t know about you, but I think right now I have over 20, 000 emails in one email account alone. EEK!!!

The strategy I use to speed up this process is to click on an email you will delete, copy and paste who it’s from, and put it in the search bar. All the emails from that specific person will then appear. Click the box to select all the emails and you may be able to delete hundreds of emails very quickly in that fashion.


The next place is Canva/PicMonkey. These are the two platforms I use to create images for my online presence.

Don’t have Canva? Get it here!

Canva and Picmonkey fill up fast if you delete files on a regular basis. Any images you don’t want to delete, create folders for them and get them organized.

5. Smartphone

The next place to go to is on your phone. You may find, have tons of images or videos on your phone that you could easily download. If you want to keep them or delete so they’re not taking up space on your phone as well you can put them on a hard drive or put them in a Dropbox.

If you’re like me I use my phone for videos. I use my phone for images and it gets pretty full so that’s a great place to clear out and that’s something that you can do if you have your phone with you everywhere, so if you’re sitting in the car waiting for somebody. If you’re on the bus or if you’re waiting for a plane, whatever it is, you can take out your phone and just start deleting pictures that you don’t want anymore or start filing them away.

6. Trello

The next place to go to to clear out could be if you use Trello or Asana.

Don’t have Trello? Get it Here!

You may have some old Trello boards that you’re not even using anymore. To declutter simply to go in your account and take out what you need from those Trello boards then click delete.

Take the time to reorganize what you do have so you keep everything really Slim lined.

7. Social Media

This is a really big topic you may want to break it down even smaller. So depending you know if you’re using Instagram a lot or Facebook or YouTube you probably have a lot of things in there that you can clean out.

Maybe even friends and followers on Facebook, you can clean out your playlists on YouTube.

Reorganize what you have that you’ve saved. Pinterest is another place. Social media is a must for constant maintenance. You may find at least 20 minutes of social media clean out on a weekly basis is necessary.

8. Websites

If you maintain your own website, head on over to the back end of your website and start the decluttering process with your Pages first. Clear out any pages that are not being used on your website anymore.

You can filter by date created and start with the oldest content if you desire. If you realize that you didn’t want to delete something, you can just pop into your trash and retrieve it if you need to.

Let me know in the comments below what are you going to choose to spring clean in your business and don’t forget if you want to have some company in doing so, check out my Facebook group High Vibe solopreneurs and we can Spring Clean together. I’ll see you there. Caio.

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